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lic as a wise enactment.

If the prohibitory law will do it, let us have the prohibitory law, and without any proviso requiring the vote of the people. If the experiment, after fair trial, does not succeed, we can try something else.-Led-ing, forgery, or any other crime. They have ar

it no longer necessary to waste words on the sophistries of their antagonists. They might as well indulge in rhetorical displays and flights of fancy in behalf of the laws which inhibit steal



The following is cut from the New York AntiSlavery Standard:

We have never heard an argument against the legal prohibition of the traffic in intoxicating drinks that was not equally good against laws prohibiting any other crime. Indeed we do not see how it is possible to set aside the arguments in favor of such prohibition, except upon the ground of Christian non-resistance, viz. the denial that it is right to put down any iniquitous practice by force. If the advocates and apologists of dramselling would propose to abolish the whole penal code and trust to moral power alone for the prevention of crime, we should have some respect for them; but while they strenuously insist upon punishing murder, stealing, arson, &c., by the strong arm, and clamor for impunity only to a traffic which is the prolific source of all these crimes, they will continue to excite in us disgust rather than sympathy. Independently of the question whether governments of violence are right or wrong, we confess that we watch with no little interest the efforts now being made to put the ban of legal prohibition upon the liquor traffic, regarding them as an important step in the progressive department of the human race. If, as we, individually, believe, the element of violence is not, in the long run, adapted to the end for which it is employed by governments, nothing could be better calculated to bring that truth home to the convictions of the people than an experiment which shall test its effects in a case wherein their moral feelings are deeply excited. Viewing the subject in this light, we have endeavored to keep our readers informed, from time to time, of the progress of the Prohibitory movement; and we now copy the following article from the Tribune, because it contains, in a brief space, the facts which show the present state of that movement.

gued their case before the high court of the Sovereign People, and there obtained a decision in their favor. Henceforth they have but to enforce the judgment, and serve the execution.

It is now nearly three years since the model act of Prohibition-the glorious Maine Lawwas adopted. Since then, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota have each passed acts contemplating the same end, while New York has chosen a Legislature expressly to follow their beneficent example. The act of Minnesota was submitted to the people, by them approved, and for that reason pronounced invalid by the Territorial judge sent thither from Washington. In Rhode Island the act, after a years' trial, was submitted to the people, and by them upheld by a decisive majority; but the same election gave a triumph to the party which, by a prior secret understanding with the liquor interest, filled all Executive and Judicial offices with the creatures of that interest, and thus rendered the enforcement of the law temporarily impracticable. This is a game that can be played but once, and the people are now preparing to beat it in their April election. In Vermont a desperate attempt was made last fall to repeal the law, but it was baffled, and only succeeded in somewhat impairing the stringency of the enactment. But Vermont's main annoyance grows out of the fact, that she has had bad neighbours. New York, Canada, and New Hampshire on three sides of her, persist in poisoning her more ignorant and weak-minded inhabitants with liquor, and it is very hard to keep it out so long as they cherish and legally protect it. We trust this will not be much longer.

New Hampshire and Connecticut have each elected a Maine Law House, but with a Governor and Senate adverse to any act of Prohibition, nothing has yet been accomplished. We trust the obstacles thus interposed are on the eve of disappearing. Baltimore has likewise chosen a full Maine Law ticket, a premonitory, we trust, of the triumph of Prohibition in Maryland, The Test of Experience.-The more popular though to that end another struggle is requisite. branch of the Massachusetts Legislature, on Pennsylvania, Ohio, and New Jersey have made Thursday, refused to take any step toward re- some efforts in the right direction, but as yet pealing, or essentially modifying the Prohibitory with limited success. The friends of prohibition Liquor Law of that State, by a vote of more than are not discouraged, but will try again and again two to one--by far the largest majority ever given until their efforts shall be crowned with success. in that House, or by the State in any way, on the Indiana and Illinois will be powerfully agitated side of prohibition. The vote was a test one, by Maine Law efforts at their next elections. Wistaken on the heel of a long speech from the lead-consin having had the question submitted by the ing advocate of the liquor interest, to which no one thought proper to reply otherwise than by calling for the yeas and nays. The triumph of Temperance in the Legislature of Massachusetts has become a fixed fact, and its champions deem

legislature to the people, emphatically answered, Yes; but the Legislature seems surprisingly deaf, and talks of passing a prohibitory act and submitting that to the people, to make sure that they meant what they said last fall. This is a

party device to gain time, and it will gain nothing else. Ultimately, the will of the majority must prevail.

The present state of the question, therefore, may be summed up thus:

1. Less than three years have transpired since the first act of absolute Prohibition and Contraband Liquor Destruction was passed in any State, and within this time five States and one Territory have affirmed the principle of prohibition, while another State, and the greatest of all, has chosen a legislature to do likewise, and a seventh (Wisconsin) has instructed its legislature to follow in their footsteps.

2. Not one State that ever adopted a Law of Prohibition has repealed it; and in no one instance have the people, when appealed to, failed to sustain the principle of prohibition by a decisive majority.

3. The cry for repeal grows everywhere weaker with each year's experience of the workings of prohibition. When the act of Maine first took effect, the lovers of liquor, or of the profits made by selling it, were confident that they should be able to repeal it; but now they have no longer a hope of this, and their force in the Legislature has dwindled to a handful.

In each state where it has been tried, prohibition has steadily gained ground. Boston has been the stronghold of opposition in New England, as it is the focus of the rum traffic; yet Boston has at length chosen a Maine Law Mayor, and commenced the prosecution of law-breakers. All through Massachusetts, the law is better enforced at this moment, than it was at any time prior to the present year; and in most localities liquor-selling is either extinct, or as stealthy and secret as any other violation of law. It is becoming more and more disreputable to sell, and the business falls constantly into lower and meaner hands where it is not utterly abandoned.


I understand perfectly well that you do not ask at my hands any proof that it is incumbent upon us to employ all our time to good purpose; grace has long since convinced you of this. It is a pleasant thing to come in contact with those who can meet us half way; but, notwithstanding this, much remains to be done, and there is a wonderful distance between the conviction of the intellect, even combined with the good intention of the heart, and a faithful and exact obedience.

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but the maxim that governs every moment, is, that there should be none useless; that they should all enter into the order and sequence of our salvation; that they are all accompanied by duties which God has allotted with his own hand, and of which He will demand an account. We misemploy our time, not only when we do wrong or do nothing, but also when we do something else than what was incumbent on us at the moment, even though it may be the means of good. We are strangely ingenious in perpetually seeking our own interest; and what the world does nakedly and without shame, those who desire to be devoted to God do also, but in a refined manner, under favor of some pretext which serves as a veil to hide from them the deformity of their conduct.

The best general means to ensure the profitable employment of our time, is to accustom ourselves to living in continual dependence upon the Spirit of God and his law, receiving, every instant, whatever He is pleased to bestow; consulting him in every emergency requiring instant action, and having recourse to Him in our weaker moments, when virtue seems to fail; invoking his aid, and raising our hearts to Him whenever we are solicited by sensible objects, and find ourselves surprised and estranged from God, and far from the true road.

Happy is the soul that commits itself, by a sincere self-abandonment, into the hands of its Creator, ready to do all his will, and continually crying, "Lord, what would'st Thou have me to do? Teach me to do thy will, for Thou art my God." (Acts, ix. 6; Psalm cxliii. 10.)

During our necessary occupations, we need only pay a simple attention to the leadings of Divine Providence. As they are all prepared for us, and presented by Him, our only care should be to receive them with childlike spirit, and submit everything absolutely to Him; our temper, our own will, our scruples, our restlessness, our self-reflections, our overflowing emotions of hurry, vain joy, or other passions which assault us according as we are pleased or displeased with the different events of the day. Let us be careful, however, not to suffer ourselves to be overwhelmed by the multiplicity of our exterior occupations, be they what they may.

Let us endeavor to commence every enterprise with a pure view to the glory of God, continue it without distraction, and finish it without impatience.

The intervals of relaxation and amusement are the most dangerous seasons for us, and perhaps the most useful for others; we must, then, be on our guard, that we be as faithful as possible to the presence of God. We must make use of all that Christian vigilance so much recommended by our Lord; raise our hearts to God in the simple view of faith, and dwell in sweet and peaceful dependence upon the Spirit of grace, as the only means of our safety and strength. This

is especially necessary for such as are looked up to as in authority, and whose words may be the cause of so much good or evil.

Our leisure hours are ordinarily the sweetest and pleasantest for ourselves; we can never employ them better than in refreshing our spiritual strength, by a secret and intimate communion with God. Prayer is so necessary, and the source of so many blessings, that he who has discovered the treasure cannot be prevented from having recourse to it, whenever he has an opportunity.

I could add much more concerning these matters, and I may perhaps do so, if my present views do not escape me; but, if they do, it is of little consequence. God gives others when He pleases; if He does not, it is a proof that they are not necessary; and if so, we should be well sstisfied with their loss.-Extract from Fenelon and Guyon.


The overpowering weight of the evidence of prophecy, and the moral grandeur with which it attests the inspiration of God, and the Messiahship of Christ, can only be appreciated by a full view of the immense scheme, and the vast extent of the prophecies in the Bible. Their record occupies a large portion of the Scriptures. In the third Chapter of the Bible, it begins; in the last it ends. Its spirit arose with the fall of man in Eden; its predictions will only end with his perfect recovery in Heaven. During the progress of more than four thousand years, the scheme of prophecy was continually opening; its predictions were continually multiplying; its grand object and purpose were continually becoming more distinct and luminous. The spirit of prophecy first uttered its voice, when as yet our fallen parents had not been expelled the garden of innocence. Cain heard in it the warning of his punishment. Enoch continued its declarations. Noah transmitted its strain. Abraham's whole life was guided and encouraged by its inspirations. Isaac was the child, as well as the instrument of prophetic communication. Jacob with his last breath foretold the future history of his twelve sons in their generations, and the reign of a law-giver in Judah till Shiloh should come. The harp of prophecy remained in silence while the posterity of Jacob remained in Egyptian bondage; but no sooner was Israel free, than the spirit again breathed upon its strings, and in the hand of Moses it spoke of the great Prophet who was to come to the church, and sketched the Jewish history with wonderful minuteness, down even to the present, and far future times.



the elevated and sublime poetry of David. advanced with the stern ministry of honored Elijah. As he went up in the flaming chariot, translated to heaven, his mantle descended upon the "man of God," Elisha. Among the minor prophets who carried on the spirit of this age of seers, were Hosea, Amos, and Micah. followed Isaiah, as full of the spirit of the Gospel, as of the spirit of Prophecy; and Jeremiah, overflowing as well with tender lamentation for the affliction of Israel, as with the sublimest predictions of the days when the Lord would heal and comfort them; then Ezekiel, with as many visions of the future, as the eyes in his mysterious wheels, prophesying, "in the midst of the valley which was filled with bones." Ezekiel connected in his person the age of prophecy with that of the captivity of Judah. Daniel succeeded him, and beside the prophetic interpretation of the hand-writing on the wall, foretold the succession of the four powerful monarchies, and the feeble rising and ultimate dominion of the fifth, and determined the time when the daily sacrifice would cease, and Messiah be cut off-not for himself. Haggai and Zechariah continued the prophetic strain, after the return of Judah from captivity. Malachi terminated the line of Old Testament prophets, and the canon of Old Testament scriptures, with the sublime annunciation of one who was to come, in the spirit and power of Elijah, to prepare the way of the Lord. Again the harp of prophecy was silent as during the bondage of Egypt, until "that Prophet" like unto, but infinitely greater than Moses arose. Jesus, the great object of prophecy from the beginning-Himself "the spirit of Prophecy," foretold, besides his own death and resurrection, the calamities that should befall Jerusalem, as well as the utter destruction of the Jewish state. Paul followed his master's steps, as well in the walks of prophecy, as of martyrdom, forewarning the church of that man of sin, the son of perdition, whose coming is after the working of satan, with all power, and signs, and lying wonders.

Thus have we a train of holy men, reaching from the earliest ages of mankind, through a period of more than four thousand years ;Princes, Patriarchs, Priests, Legislators, Shepherds, Fishermen.

Exceedingly various in natural qualifications ; in education, habits, and employments; they wrote in various styles, but each as he was moved by the Holy Ghost. CHARLES P. M'ILVAINE.

In order to the right conduct of our lives, we must remember that we are not born to please ourselves. The Adventurer.

Between Moses and David, lived Samuel a A sensible and feeling mind must view the prophet of the Lord. Immediately after him, moral defects of his fellow creatures with the began what may be styled, with emphatic distinc-same regret that he observes their physical intion, "the age of prophecy." It opened with firmities.



FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE.-By the arrival of the steamship America at Halifax, on the 14th and of the Arctic at New York, on the 16th inst., Liverpool advices have been received respectively to the 1st and 5th inst. The English papers contain the formal declaration of war against Russia.

By the treaty between Turkey, England and France, the two latter Powers bind themselves to support the former by force of arms until the conclusion of a peace which shall secure the independence and integrity of Turkey, and also, to

evacuate the Turkish territories at the end of the war. Turkey guarantees perfect equality before the law, to all her subjects, without distinction of creed, and engages not to conclude a peace without the consent of the allies. The treaty is to remain open for the adhesion of the other European


The news from the seat of war inform us, that on the 25th ult., General Gortschakoff endeavored to take possession of an island in the Danube opposite to Turhekai, and his troops already occupied a bridge which they had just built, when the fire of the Turks destroyed the bridge, which, with all that were upon it, was carried away by the current. The loss of the Russians is estimated at 2000 men. The Russians, however, afterwards succeeded in effecting the passage of the Danube at three different points. Later accounts also announce the capture of Hirsova and of the strong position of Babadagh by the Russians, who have thus rendered themselves masters of the Upper Dabruja, the country lying between the Danube and the Black Sea.

sels shall be exempt from seizure except articles contraband of war. The bill to double the income tax has passed the House of Commons. The have been stricken from the roll of the navy, they names of Sir John Franklin and his companions being now given up for dead. Breadstuffs had advanced in price-cotton, remained the same as at previous advices.

FRANCE. It is said that the Emperor of France has written a letter to the Austrian Emperor reminding him of his promise that he would regard the passing of the Danube by the Russians as a

casus belli.

The subscription to the French loan amounts to 467,000,000 francs.

Ten millions have been loaned to Turkey. ITALY.-The Duke of Parma has been assassin

ated. The Duchess will act as Regent during the minority of her son.

AUSTRIA. A despatch from Vienna has been received stating that Austria will shortly issue a manifesto declaring her intention to remain neutral, with the rest of Germany, in the coming contest.

SPAIN.-The Spanish Queen has granted an amnesty to all the prisoners implicated in the Lopez Čuban expedition.

INDIA AND CHINA.-The Great Ganges canal, the most important work yet executed in India, was to be opened on the 10th inst. The aspect of affairs in India was unsatisfactory. which have heretofore been peaceful were unquiet.


Negotiations had been opened for the surrender of Shanghai to the Imperialists, but without any It is also reported that Isaktchi has been cap-result. The relative positions of the parties was tured by the Russians, and that five steamers have unchanged. The Northern army of the insurgents left Sebastopol, with 4000 troops, to aid Gortschawas intrenched for the winter near Tientsin. This koff in his operations beyond the Danube. Varna, place had not been captured by them, as before on the Black Sea, would probably be the next reported. point attacked. The Turks were throwing reinAUSTRALIA. The Constitution of New South forcements into that place and the allied fleets were cruising off the coast with the view of inter-Wales had been read a third time in the Council, with some amendments assimilating it more cepting the Russians. closely to that of Great Britain.

On the receipt of the intelligence of the passage of the Danube by the Russians, Omer Pasha immediately sent reinforcements to the troops posted at Trajan's Wall, between Chernavoda and Kostendje. Mustapha Pasha had retreated upon Matschin, and afterwards upon Babadagh. Advices from Trebizonde report that the Russians were concentrating forces at Askalziek, and that operations are to be commenced against the Kars.

Sir Charles Napier, with a fleet of 22 vessels, had catered the Baltic and was anchored off Moen Islar. The Russians, expecting that the Island of Cesel will be the first place attacked, have placed there a garrison of 30,000 men. A portion of the Russian fleet is frozen in at Revel.

The most energetic preparations for the war continue to be made by England and France. The latter has already shipped 20,000 men and the former 10,000. Fifteen packet ships are fitting out at Liverpool for the conveyance of troops. A new levy of 80,000 men has been ordered in France.

It is reported that the war is very unpopular among the mercantile classes in Russia.

MEXICO. It appears probable that the Acapulco rebellion will lead to a general revolution in Mexi Emissaries have sent to the Governors of co. a number of the States, who are said to be ready to join the insurgents.

VENEZUELA.-At the suggestion of President Monagas, the Congress of Venezuela has passed a bill for the abolition of Slavery in that Republic. By this measure, about sixteen thousand slaves are emancipated.

DOMESTIC-CONGRESS.-In the Senate, on the 11th inst., a number of petitions were presented in favor of securing to Americans abroad the right of religious worship. On the 12th, a memorial was presented from persons engaged in the importation of diamonds and other precious stones, asking Congress to abolish the duties on these articles to enable the petitioners to compete with smugglers.

PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE.-The bill for the sale of the main line of the public works after several days discussion in the Senate, finally passed on the 14th. The minimum price was fixed at $10,000,000. The purchasers are authorized to construct a railroad from Columbia to the

ENGLAND.-The Queen has announced, that she will not, at present, issue letters of marque, and that property of belligerents on board neutral ves-Ohio river.





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The religious Society of Friends was, at that time, a laborious, and in England, a very suffering body; many of the letters in the present collection are addressed to Friends under persecution. These letters are remarkable for their high tone of Christian feeling. The sympathy of the writer towards the sufferers is, if possible, exceeded by his meekness towards the oppressors; and every feeling is subordinate to that of spreading the knowledge of the Truth, in the service of which he counted not his life dear. After urging upon some of his suffering friends the steady support of their Christian principles, he says: "I desire, however, that you walk wisely, gently, lovingly, meekly and soberly to the magistrates and to all people, that they may have no occasion in any thing against you; for the good must overcome the bad, as the apostle says, Overcome evil with good;' and dwell in that love that can bear all things, and endure all things."-p. 276.

The letters from which this Selection is made, were originally published with a Preface by George Whitehead, one of the earliest and most esteemed coadjutors of the writer. In this preface he notices some misrepresentations of his opinions, and gives some explanations of terms frequently used by George Fox, which claim a place in this Introduction.

"I am concerned," says he, "to recommend the serious reading and perusal of the ensuing collection, unto all who sincerely desire the promotion of Christ's kingdom, and prosperity of his Church, in true love, union, and order, in and by Christ Jesus himself, the Head and Foundation thereof.

No. 33.

"In many of the ensuing Epistles, he [G. Fox] often mentions the Seed, the Life, the Power of God, and the like; whereby he intends no other than what the Holy Scriptures testify of Christ; which, we know, he truly loved and esteemed, and was often conversant in reading them, and had an excellent memory and spiritual sense therof given him of the Lord. By the pure holy Seed, he meant and declared Christ, the promised Seed; wherein all the mises of God are yea and amen. And as Christ is the Word of Life, the Word of Faith, He is that immortal and incorruptible Seed, of which all true and spiritual believers and children of the light are begotten to God, and born again; and which Seed, or Word of eternal life, abideth in him that is born of God, and he sinneth not because thereof.-1 John iii.


"This our deceased friend and servant of Jesus Christ truly testified of Him in all respects, both as come in the flesh and in the spirit, both as Christ was and is our only Mediator and Advocate, and as He was and is God over all, blessed for ever; whom he so dearly loved and honored, that he often offered up his life, and deeply suffered for Him; and that in dear and constant love to his seed, a holy generation might be raised, strengthened, and increased in the earth among the children of men. And his knowledge and ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ, being after the Spirit in life and power, did no ways imply any lessening of the dignity or glory of Christ, nor any defect of faith or love to Christ, as He came and suffered in the flesh for mankind; as some adversaries have injuriously misrepresented and aspersed him; for he highly esteemed Christ's sufferings, death, resurrection and glory; and powerfully testified of the virtue, power, blessed and spiritual design, fruit and effects thereof, as revealed and witnessed by his Holy Spirit.'

"Christ Jesus being our spiritual Rock, Foundation, and Head, He is truly precious to us and all true believers, in all states and conditions, both of his humiliation, glory, and dominion; his great grace and goodness appearing in those precious ministerial gifts given by Him (when he ascended up on high) for his ministry and church.

"And it is very observable, that though, to express Christ's lowly condition and appearance

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