Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

remove the sacred landmark, and open the vast | domain to Slavery. To you is committed this great prerogative. Our fathers on the eve of the Revolution, set forth in burning words, among their grievances, that George III., "in order to keep open a market where men should be bought and sold, had prostituted his negative for suppressing every legislative attempt to prohibit or restrain this execrable commerce.' Like the English monarch, you may now prostitute your power to this same purpose. But you cannot escape the judgment of the world nor the doom of history.

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formed that human anomaly-a Northern man
with Southern principles.
Such men cannot
speak for the North.

Mr. President, this bill is proposed as a measure of peace. In this way you vainly think to withdraw the subject of slavery from National politics. This is a mistake. Peace depends on mutual confidence. It can never rest secure on broken faith and injustice. And, permit me to say, frankly, sincerely and earnestly, that the subject of slavery can never be withdrawn from the National politics, until we return once more to the original policy of our fathers, at the first organization of the Government, under Washington, when the National ensign nowhere on the National territory covered a single slave.

It will be in vain that, while doing this thing, you plead, in apology, the principle of self government, which you profess to recognize in the Territories. This very principle, when truly ad- Slavery, which our fathers branded as an ministered, secures equal rights to all, without "evil," a "curse," an "enormity," "a nefarious distinction of color or race, and makes Slavery institution," is condemned at the North by the impossible. By no rule of justice, and by no strongest convictions of the reason and the best subtlety of political metaphysics, can the right to sentiments of the heart. It is the only subject hold a fellow man in bondage be regarded as es- within the field of National politics which excites sential to self government. The inconsistency is any real interest. It belongs to all times and to too flagrant. It is apparent on the bare state-all countries. Though long kept in check, it now, ment. In the name of Liberty you open the door to Slavery. With professions of equal rights on the lips, you trample on the rights of human nature. With a kiss upon the brow of that fair Territory, you betray it to wretchedness and sorrow. Well did the ancient exclaim in bitter words, wrung out by bitter experience: "Oh Liberty! what crimes are done in thy name!"

by your introduction, confronts the people demanding to be heard. To every man in the land it says, with clear penetrating voice, "Are you for Freedom or are you for Slavery?" And every man in the land must answer this question when he votes.

Pass this bill and it will be in vain that you say the Slavery question is settled. Nothing can be settled which is not right. Nothing can be settled, which is adverse to Freedom. God, nature and, above all, the holy sentiments of the heart, repudiate any such false seeming sentiments.

In vain you will plead that this measure proceeds from the North, as has been suggested by the Senator from Kentucky. Even if this were so, it would be no apology. But precipitated as this bill has been upon the Senate, at a moment of general calm, and in the absence of controlling It is not uncommon to hear persons declare exigency, and then hurried to a vote in advance that they are against Slavery, and are willing to of the public voice, as if fearful of arrest, it can- unite in any practical efforts to make this opponot be justly said to be the offspring of any popu- sition felt. At the same time they pharisaically lar sentiment. In this respect it differs widely visit with condemnation, with reproach or confrom the Missouri Compact, which, after solemn tempt, the earnest souls who for years have striven debate, extending through two sessions of Con- in this struggle. To such I would say-could I gress, and ample discussions before the people, reach them now with my voice-if you are sinwas adopted. Certainly there is, as yet, no evi- cere in what you declare; if your words are not dence that this measure, though supported by merely lip service; if in your hearts you are enNorthern men, proceeds from the Northern sen- tirely willing to join in any practical efforts timent which is to be found strong and fresh in against Slavery then by your lives, by your conthe schools, the churches and homes of the peo-versation, by your influence, by your votes-disple. Could this proposition be now submitted to the millions of the North for their decision, it would be rejected by an overwhelming voice.

It is one of the melancholy tokens of the power of Slavery, under our political system, and especially through the operations of the National Government, that it loosens and destroys the character of Northern men, even at a distance. Those principles, which constitute the individuality of the Northern character, which render it staunch, strong and seaworthy, which bind it together as with iron, are drawn out, one by one, and from the miserable loosened fragments is

regarding "the ancient forms of party strife"seek to carry the principles of freedom into the National Government, where its jurisdiction is acknowledged, and its power can be felt. Thus, without any interference with the States which are beyond this jurisdiction, may you help to erase the blot of slavery from our national brow.

Do this and you will most truly promote the harmony which you so much desire. You will establish tranquillity throughout the country. Then, at last, the Slavery question will be settled. Banished from its usurped foothold under the National Government, Slavery will no longer



enter, with distracting force, into the National ing and satisfactory. The report of the commit politics-making and unmaking laws, making tee on Indian concerns was also read, from which and unmaking Presidents. Confined to the States it appears that the small boarding school opened where it was left by the Constitution, it will take on the farm at Tunessassa, was necessarily sus its place as a local institution, if, alas! continue it pended during a part of last year, in consequence must, for which we are in no sense responsible, of an epidemic which prevailed in the neighborand against which we cannot justly exert any po- hood, and proved fatal to a number of the natives. We shall be relieved from our present painful and irritating connection with it. The committee have been deprived of the valuaThe existing antagonism between the North and ble services of Susanna L. Wood, the efficient South will be softened; crimination and recrim- female head of the family to which the charge of ination will cease; the wishes of the fathers will this Seminary was entrusted; she being removed be fulfilled, and the great evil be left to the kind- by death in the month last. Since the rely influences of morals and religion, and the storation of the health of the neighborhood, the great laws of social economy. school has been resumed, and the native children appear to be making satisfactory progress in their learning.



In our last number, the proceedings of this body were given no further than the evening of

the 17th inst.


The report on the subject of distilled spirituous liquors, informs us that within eight of the quarters, it was ascertained that fifty-four of our members had, to some extent, used this pernicious article as a drink; and four others had given it for that purpose to their workmen. In two of the quarters no cases of the kind have been discovered. The subject was again recommended to the serious attention of Quarterly and Monthly Meetings.

On Third day, the 18th, the meeting proceeded, according to the usual course, to the reading and consideration of the queries, with the answers thereto from the constituent Quarterly Meetings. A number of communications in relation to the By the report on education, it appears that we various important testimonies which the Society have within the limits of our Yearly Meeting 1440 of Friends has long professed to support, were children of suitable ages to attend school, nearly offered to the consideration of the assembly. all of whom are in the way of receiving literary Among these subjects, the needless expense fre- instruction, either at West-town, in family schools, quently incurred in the interment of the dead, in seminaries under the control of Friends, or in and the incongruity of a vain ostentation with the public district schools of their respective the solemnity which ought to accompany the neighborhoods. Meetings are requested to furperformance of this last act of duty to relatives nish accounts next year of the number of children and friends, being particularly adverted to, a of ages suitable to attend schools, and of the mansmall committee was verbally appointed to pre-ner in which they are disposed of. pare a suitable minute of admonition and advice On Fifth day, meetings for worship being held to our members and subordinate meetings, inciting to a due regard to the plainness and simplicity, in this respect, which becomes our religious profession, and to the advice heretofore given. At a subsequent period the same committee was charged with the preparation of a minute impressing upon our members the importance of our testimony in support of a free gospel ministry, in the maintenance of which our primitive Friends so deeply yet courageously suffered. On a later day this committee presented to the meeting a minute on each of these subjects, which were adopted and directed to be printed for distributioned among our members.

in the morning, the report of the committee charged with the oversight of the boarding school at West-town was read in the afternoon, exhibiting a satisfactory and encouraging account of the condition and prospects of that interesting institution. The committee proposed the extension of the vacation, both in the spring and autumn, to four weeks, which was agreed to by the Yearly Meeting, the change to take place at the close of the summer session.

A memorial of Evesham Monthly Meeting respecting Hinchman Hains, was read, and directto be recorded.

On Sixth day, epistles in return to those which were read on Second day, being produced by the committee appointed for that service, were read and adopted. After which the Meeting came to a comfortable close between one and two o'clock. The meeting of women Friends concluded near

On Fourth day, the minutes of the Meeting for Sufferings were read, and their proceedings approved. The prompt attention of that body to the movement in Congress, in relation to the proposed admission of Slavery into the territory west of Missouri, appeared to be particularly interest-the same time.

MARRIED,-On the 13th inst., at Friends' Meeting, at Plainfield, Hendricks county, Indiana, ELIJAH MENDENHALL, of Thornton, Ind., to ELIZABETH HARVEY, of the former place.

On the 6th inst., at Friends' Meeting, Rush Creek, Park county, Ind., NATHAN LINDLEY to SUSANNAH HARVEY, daughter of Levi Harvey, deceased, both of Rush Creek Monthly Meeting.

On the 13th ult., at Friends' Meeting House, Richland, Keokuk county, Iowa, Moses MENDENHALL, of Spring Creek, Mahaska county, Iowa, to NETA HADLEY, of Richland.

DIED,-At his residence, in Fountain county, Indiana, on the 19th of Third month last, JOHN LINDLEY, in the 75th year of his age; a member of Rush Creek Monthly Meeting of Friends.

Suddenly, at the residence of Isaac H. Towel, Parke county, Indiana, on the 16th of Twelfth month last, JESSE LINDLEY, son of the above named John Lindley, aged about 50 years; a member of Rush Creek Monthly Meeting.

On the 8th inst., at her residence, in Weare, N. H., MARY BUXTON, in the 69th year of her age; a worthy elder of Weare Monthly Meeting of Friends. In life humble and unassuming, at the approach of death quiet and happy.

[blocks in formation]

(Located at old Westgrove Meeting-house, Chester Co.)
This School will be opened on the 1st of Fifth
month next, and continue in session 20 weeks.
It is designed to furnish an opportunity to young
women for acquiring economically a competent
English education. Attention will be given to the
preservation of health, the general cultivation and
discipline of mind, and a concern exercised to
inculcate principles and habits in accordance
with the views of the Society of Friends.
formation, apply to
For particulars containing other necessary in-
Westgrove P. O., Chester county, Pa.
Fourth mo. 29th, 1854.

HAVERFORD SCHOOL ASSOCIATION. The Stated Annual Meeting of the Haverford In this city, on the 11th inst., after an ill-School Association will be held at the Committee ness of one week, in the 75th year of his age, Room, Arch street Meeting House, on Second JOSEPH HOWELL, a much beloved Friend, and mem- day, at 4 o'clock, P. M., Fifth month 8th, 1854. ber of the Southern District Monthly Meeting. CHARLES ELLIS, Secretary.

At her residence, in Farnham, Canada East, on the 7th inst., in the 43d year of her age, RACHEL H., wife of Henry Jewell, and daughter of Nathan C. Hoag; a member of Farnham Monthly Meeting.

4th mo. 29th, tf.


THE SUMMER TERM will commence on Fourth day the 10th of Fifth month next. Applications for admission may be addressed to Jonathan Richards, Superintendent, at the School, or to


Secretary of the Board of Managers, 3d mo. 25-tf. 39 Market. St. Philadelphia


The committee having charge of Friends' Es

This dear friend endured the pains and sufferings of a protracted and very trying illness with instructive patience and resignation to the divine will. Her affections being much separated from the things of earth and placed on things above, she was favored to feel a soul-sustaining evidence, that through the merits of her adorable Redeemer, a rich inheritance of immortal life would be abundantly granted her. In early child-tablishment among the Shawnee Indians, are dehood she gave evidence of religious thoughtfulness, and being of an amiable and affectionate disposition, she was a comfort to her parents by her filial attachment and dutiful attention to their counsels and instruction. Possessing an active and vigorous mind and very benevolent disposition, she was greatly endeared to her family and friends, by whom the bereavement is deeply felt.

At his residence, near Glen's Falls, in Queensbury, Warren county, N. Y., on the 10th of Third month last, ROGER HAVILAND, aged 89 years; a member of Queensbury Monthly Meeting. During a painful illness he manifested much patience and resignation to the divine will, imparting much good counsel and advice to those around him, entreating them to be faithful in the attendance of Meetings, and to live closely to the law and the testimony, and through abundant mercy he was enabled to testify that he saw nothing in his way.

sirous of employing two young men to labor on the farm, (practical farmers are desirable.)They also want to engage a teacher in the School, and a female to assist in the family; a middle aged man and his wife for teacher and assistant in the family would be preferable. Application to be made to Simon Hadley, or John Hadley, Jr., Sligo, Clinton County, Ohio, who will give any information necessary. Friends of good character, and of religious experience are desirable.

EDWARD DAVIS, THE SALT WATER FUGITIVE. A circumstance has recently transpired which presents the fugitive slave law of 1850 in a light particularly odious.

We are informed that the steamer Keystone State, which trades between this city and Savannah, in Georgia, on her return from the latter place about the middle of last month, was discovOn the 5th ult., ANNA, wife of John How. ered, nearly twenty four hours after leaving the ard, in the 37th year of her age; an elder of Rich-port, to contain, in a very dangerous and exposed land Monthly Meeting, Iowa. situation, a black man who had concealed

himself there for the purpose of effecting a pas-, advice, who advised that the prisoner should be sage to a free State. The commander of the set at liberty. The second affidavit was then steamer, Captain Hardie, put into New Castle, brought forward, accompanied with a threat, that Delaware, and lodged the poor man in jail, either in case Davis was discharged a warrant for his with a view of carrying him back to Georgia, or arrest would be procured from another magistrate; to await the demand of his supposed but unknown under these circumstances the poor man was again remanded to prison.


On the 15th inst., the case was brought before

Dean of Georgia having put in his claim to Davis, not as a fugitive from justice, the ostensible plea for his detention in prison, but as his fugitive slave, the claimant being represented by G. B. Rodney; and J. C. Groom of Elkton, and John Wales of Wilmington, appearing on behalf of the

entitled to his freedom on a proper trial;" but his client could not be exposed to the hardship of coming eight hundred miles to vindicate his title to his property, or answer the objections to the previous title.

The name of this singular adventurer it appears is Edward Davis, a native of this city, about thir-Commissioner Guthrie of New Castle, William ty-seven years of age. The account given is that in the autumn of 1851 he left Philadelphia for the interior of the State, but in the course of his peregrinations, arrived at Havre de Grace, which lies a short distance south of Mason and Dixon's line, and there engaged as a jobber with a man who kept a grocery store. While thus employ-prisoner. ed he was arrested by a constable, and charged The claim being made and supported by such with a breach of the law which prohibits free co- evidence as could be produced, the counsel for lored persons from coming into the State. For the defence clearly demonstrated the irregularity this imputed offence he was fined twenty dollars, of the proceedings on which the claim of ownerand being unable to pay the fine, was imprisoned ship was founded, and showed that Davis could until the cost of fine and fees amounted to fifty not be a slave in Georgia as a penalty for breakdollars. He was ordered to be sold for the paying a law of Maryland. According to the pubment of this fine; but instead of being sold lished account it appears that Rodney admitted for a limited time, as the law seems to contem- that the proceedings were apparently very irregu plate, he was sold at the jail door, without being lar, " so much so, that probably Ned would be produced, and an inhabitant of Louisiana became the purchaser. He was taken out of jail during the night and transferred to Campbell's slave pen in Baltimore, where he was employed several months, being told that he was working out his fine and jail fees. After about six months detention there, he was taken handcuffed to Washington, and eventually shipped off and sold to William A. Dean, of Macon, Georgia. During the time he remained in Georgia, he seems to have been very severely tasked, so that he was more than once nearly broken down. While working on a rail road he was allowed a peck of Indian meal, four pounds of bacon, and one quart of molasses a week; being obliged at night to cook his provision for the ensuing day. On the 12th of last month he eloped from Macon and made his way to Savannah, and in the evening concealed himself under the wheel house of the steamer. On the 21st of last month, Davis' case was brought before John Bradford, Justice of Peace, at New Castle, when several witnesses from Philadelphia were present, and their testimony conclusively proved the freedom of the prisoner.

This argument, if argument it can be called, implies that a man of property in Georgia, claiming the bones and sinews of a man, then in New Castle, though that claim is clearly destitute of legal foundation, must not be subjected to the trouble of vindicating his confessedly unfounded demand here where the intended victim of his avarice can enjoy the advantage of witnesses competent to prove his freedom; but the poor trembling creature must be sent those eight hundred miles, a distance quite as great for Edward Davis as for William Dean to traverse, to vindicate his claim to the possession of himself, in a State where his color is presumptive evidence of slavery; and where his witnesses cannot accompany him without incurring an expense which he is in no condition to meet.

After perusing the preceding statements, the reader will no doubt expect to learn that Davis One witness had known him from the time he was was triumphantly declared free; but, alas! the two years old; another had known him for eleven Commissioner appears to have felt himself bound or twelve years; and another had been acquaint- by the law of 1850- -a law emanating from a ed with him at least nine years. These witnesses government avowedly instituted to establish juswere all white persons. On this testimony the tice, promote the general welfare, and secure the magistrate discharged him. But the arrival of blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity Captain Hardie before Davis left the office, to adopt a different conclusion. He decided changed the face of affairs. He appears to have made two affidavits; one expressing his belief, not his knowledge, that Davis was a fugitive slave; and the other that he believed him to be a fugi tive from justice. Upon the first affidavit the magistrate applied to Chief Justice Booth for his

that he had no right to go behind the record as it came from Georgia. This decision was doubtless founded on the 10th section, which is in the following words:

"That when any person held to service or labor in any State or Territory, or in the District

true or false, must be paramount. This law, if that is its meaning, is unquestionably unconstitutional. The convention of 1787 never intended to grant any such authority to the possessors or claimants of slaves. Nor did the convention that formed the constitution, or the States that ratified it, grant such authority. The article on which this fugitive law is ostensibly founded, is rather negative than affirmative in its provisions. The States were prohibited from enacting any law which shall give freedom to a slave, legally held as such, escaping into their jurisdiction; but there is nothing therein, which requires the surrender of an alleged fugitive, until conclusive proof has been produced that the person claimed, does actually owe service or labor to the claimant, under the laws of the State from which he or she escaped. And this proof must be exhibited where the person claimed is found.


E. L.

of Columbia, shall escape therefrom, the party to whom such service or labor shall be due, his, her, or their agent or attorney, may apply to any court of record therein, or judge thereof in vacation, and make satisfactory proof to such court, or judge in vacation, of the escape aforesaid, and that the person escaping owed service or labor to such party. Whereupon, the court shall cause a record to be made of the matters so proved, and also a general description of the person so escaping, with such convenient certainty as may be; and a transcript of such record, authenticated by the attestation of the clerk and of the seal of the said court, being produced in any other State, Territory, or District, in which the person so escaping may be found, and being exhibited to any judge, commissioner, or other officer authorized by the law of the United States to cause persons escaping from service or labor to be delivered up, shall be held and taken to be full and conclusive evidence of the fact of escape, and that the service or labor of the person escaping is due to the party in such record mentioned. And upon the production by the said party of A slight consideration of the subject must other and further evidence, if necessary, either satisfy every mind, that in order to rid the counoral or by affidavit, in addition to what is con- try of this formidable power, which continually tained in the said record, of the identity of the endangers its peace, and constitutes the only experson escaping, he or she shall be delivered up isting drawback upon its prosperity, it is necesto the claimant. And the said court, commissary to confine it within certain assigned boundsioner, judge, or other person authorized by this act to grant certificates to claimants of fugitives, shall, upon the production of the record and other evidences aforesaid, grant to such claimant a certificate of his right to take any such person identified and proved to be owing service or labor as aforesaid, which certificate shall authorize such claimant to seize or arrest and transport such person to the State or Territory from which he By thus limiting the sphere of its operation, a escaped; Provided, That nothing herein con- fatal blow will be given to slavery. In competained shall be construed as requiring the pro-tition with the industry and labor of the free duction of a transcript of such record as evidence States, it can exist only by extension. as aforesaid. But in its absence, the claim shall be heard and determined upon other satisfactory proofs, competent in law."

If this is the necessary construction of this law, nothing more would appear necessary to authorize the seizure and delivery to a Southern claimant, in any free state, of any colored person there, than to procure a record from a Southern Court, or judge in vacation, stating that proof had been made that a certain described person owed service or labor to the claimant, and had escaped therefrom, the proof of owing such service and the escape therefrom, being founded on the oath of the claimant; and then to produce evidence before a Commissioner of the United States where the intended victim may be found, that he or she is the fugitive described in the record. If the Commissioner cannot go behind the record, the falsehood or perjury by which that record may be procured cannot be inquired into, neither can any proof of the freedom of the alleged fugitive be available. The record whether

aries-and as Congress has no right to interfere with any institution sanctioned by State authority, those boundaries cannot be less extensive than the States where slavery already prevails. But to those States it may be confined. The compromise of 1820 being repealed, the North ought to insist that no slave shall tread the soil of any territory where Congress has control.

It is to be observed, that the institution is not to be abolished, by enterprises from without, but by influences operating at home, and affecting private interest and public opinion.

The principles of religion, humanity and morality can do little to ameliorate the condition of the slave, or advance the work of emancipation. Every sentiment natural to the human bosom is modified by the institution. Religion compromises with it, and its narcotic power puts conscience to sleep.

Morality is relaxed by it, and tolerates all its corruptions.

Humanity, enured to it by repeated outrages, loses its sensibility, and forgets that men and women, with black skins, have either nerves or souls.

Its influences pervert the judgment, blunt the feelings, and harden the heart.

It creates an atmosphere that blights and withers all that is sweet in life, and all that is lovely in character.

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