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money will not be needed till the machinery is ready for delivery, which will not probably be sooner than two months after an order shall be given for it. Address, Geo. W. Taylor, Box 777 Post Office, Philadelphia.

Signed on behalf of the Board of Managers. SAMUEL RHOADS, Sec'y.

Philadelphia, 4mo. 18th, 1854.

Report of the Select Committee of the House of Representatives of Pennsylvania, on the Subject of Colonization.

Mr. Hunsecker, from the select committee to whom was referred the resolution to inquire into the expediency of reporting a bill providing for an appropriation to the Pennsylvania Coloniza tion Society, to be expended in the removal of free colored persons from Pennsylvania to the colony of Liberia, in Africa, submitted the following report:

Your committee have had the subject under consideration, and in view of its great importance to the happiness of the colored population of this Commonwealth, have given it more than ordinary attention.

It is of the first importance to know what inducements Liberia presents to the statesman and philanthropist, to aid and urge the colored people among us to emigrate thither, to enjoy civil and social liberty and equality. Liberia does not consist, as some suppose, of arid plains and burning sands, but of hills and valleys covered with the verdure of perpetual spring, presenting to the eye of the observer, as viewed from the highest points of land in the vicinity of the ocean, the appearance of a deep unbroken forest, with hilltop rising above hill-top towards the vast interior. The country is well watered by many beautiful streams, the banks of some of which present encouraging scenes of agricultural industry.

The soil of Liberia, like that of other countries, varies in appearance, quality and productiveness. There is, however, no poor land in Liberia, and most of it is very rich, not surpassed perhaps by any other country in the world.

Among the numerous agricultural products of the colony, we may specify as exportable articles, rice, coffee, cotton, sugar, arrow-root, ginger, pepper, all of which can be raised in quantity and quality, not surpassed by similar products in any other country. Indian corn, or maize, grows very well on some lands, not so well, however, as in some parts of the United States. A great

and in any required number, may be raised with much less trouble and expense than in this country, such as beeves or bullocks, cows, sheep, goats, swine, geese, turkeys, ducks and chickens; besides, numerous kinds of wild game, including deer of several varieties, are very plentiful; also, a variety of excellent fish abounds in the rivers; so that no industrious man need apprehend any difficulty in gathering enough animal as well as vegetable food. To the industrious agriculturist, therefore, Liberia offers an inviting home-a home in which all the necessaries, and many of the luxuries of life, may be produced with much less labor than in this country.

The climate of Liberia is, on the whole, healthful, pleasant, and well adapted to the constitution of the negro. The extremes of the thermometrical state of the atmosphere may be set down at sixty-five and ninety degrees. The average height of the mercury during the rainy season, is about seventy-six, and during the dry season about eighty-four degrees. The mean temperature for the year is about eighty degrees. The only recognised division of the year into seasons is the wet or rainy, and the dry season. During the half of the year commencing with May, much more rain falls than during the other half, commencing with November. As a general rule, however, it may be stated that some rain falls during every month in the year, and in every month there is some fine, clear, pleasant weather.

Liberia is the land of promise to the black man. During the last thirty three-years many negroes have emigrated to Africa from all parts of this country, and have enjoyed a remarkable exemption from sickness and death; their aggregate mortality per annum for the whole length of time being only about five per centum, and for the last ten years less than four per centum, at once demonstrating their entire adaptedness to that region and work.

Manufactures in Africa, according to modern improvements, are yet in their infancy. Yet it is astonishing what a degree of ingenuity the natives display in their numerous manufactured articles such a knowledge of mechanies as to agreeably surprise all who have heard of, or been privileged to behold their handiwork. Iron ore is found in Africa in immense quantities, and from it are made, by the untaught natives, various ornamental and useful articles, such as spears, arrows, knives, armlets, bracelets, &c. They are exceedingly skilful in the tanning and manufacture of leather. Their mats for table use, bags for carrying various materials, and baskets

variety of fruits grow luxuriantly and plenti- of all sizes and descriptions, are wrought with fully, some of which are the pine-apple, lime, great symmetry and beauty from sea-grass and orange, papaw, coacoa-nut, tamarind, the plan- the leaves of their innumerable and useful trees tain and the banana, the former of which is one and plants; the palm tree, says a traveller, is of the most luscious and wholesome fruits in the applied by them to three hundred and sixty-five vegetable kingdom, easily cultivated, and afford-uses. Huts are thatched with palm leaves, its ing an excellent and nutritious article of food. fibres are used for fishing tackle, a rough cloth is Domesticated animals of every necessary kind, made from the inner bark, the fruit is roasted and is excellent, the oil serves for butter, the | the foundation of this independent nation of copalm wine is a favorite drink.

lored freemen among their own race of one hundred and sixty millions of people.

The face of the country of Liberia, her soil, natural fertility, rivers, natural scenery, climate, civil and social institutions, manufactures, and commercial advantages, are such, that your committee have no hesitancy in recommending the young Republic to the favorable consideration of the people of Pennsylvania.

Your committee regret that they have not been able to lay their hands upon any late statistics, showing the aggregate value of the commerce of Liberia. There arrived from June 20th to September 30th, 1851, at the port of Monrovia, twenty-five ships, brigs, schooners, steam vessels, &c.; and departed sixteen. The principal exports consist of palm oil, camwood, ivory, and Malagetta pepper. The young Republic, though weak and feeble as it now is, will hereafter direct and control, to a vast extent, the commerce of 1st. To practically demonstrate the capacity the Western coast of Africa; the rich products of the colored man for self-government, and for of that immense tract of country lying interior of independent, civil nationality. This has been

Liberia, will find their way out through her ports, and as the natives rise in the scale of being, and begin to appreciate the blessings and feel the wants consequent on civilization, they will through s some channel obtain the products and manufactures of other countries. Her position on the coast, and her relation to foreign nations necessarily confer upon her this advantage. What a market is here opened for the sale of our manufactures? Who can rightly calculate the amount of employment it would afford the operatives and workmen of our own land to clothe Africa's 160,000,000 of inhabitants, and the enormous trade which it could afford us in the luxuries, and what we consider the necessaries of life, from its prolific tropical soil? Commerce is the great agent upon which all colonization must depend. It is the civilizer of mankind; emigration is one of its collaterals, not

its principal object.

The Republic of Liberia now extends from Shebar or Sherbeo river on the north west, lati

tude 7 degrees 24 minutes north, longitude 12 degrees 40 minutes west, to Grand Sestees, lati. tude 4 degrees 41 minutes north, longitude 8 degrees 8 minutes west in a direct line. In a direct line its length of sea-coast is nearly four hundred miles, and its extent inland about fifty miles on an average. The Maryland colony at Cape Palmas is not at this moment a part of the Liberian Republic, but soon will be, when the continuous coast under the control of the Ame rican colored emigrants will extend about five hundred and twenty miles. There are twelve millions of acres in the Liberian territory, much of which is very fertile and most is susceptible of profitable cultivation. It has been ascertained that the produce of a cultivated acre is more than enough to support a man.

The Objects of Colonization.

realized by the establishment and prosperity of the Republic of Liberia in Western Africa.

2d. To fully break up and destroy the African slave trade. This, to a great extent, has been done, and is still being done, by planting and extending social, civil and Christian colonies of free colored people, from this country, on the Western coast of Africa.

3d. To introduce civilization and Christianity into Africa, and thereby promote the redemption of that vast continent and long and deeply degraded race, by the instrumentality of her own exiled children, going there from this country. This missionary work of African colonization has been most efficient and successful.

4th. To secure a home for the free colored

people of the United States, where they may profess and enjoy undisturbed peace and freedom,

in the highest sense. This has been accomplished; and, perhaps, there is no place on earth to-day where the colored man, in so high and rich a degree, possesses and enjoys liberty and social prosperity, as in the Republic of Liberia.

5th. To present a social, civil and moral argument-toinduce voluntary emancipation of slaves, and secure their freedom and happiness in a safe and prosperous country of their own. And this is being most effectually realized by the reflex influence of the Republic of Liberia on the humane, benevolent and Christian masters of slaves at the South, in disposing them to educate and free their people, in view of their emigration and citizenship in that Republic.

Its Fruits.

1st. Between six and eight hundred miles of sea coast of Western Africa have been secured to the Republic from the native tribes, and this territory extending interior from fifty to one hundred miles.

2d. Many of the native population have taken the oath of fealty to the government, while many tens of thousands have bound themselves, by treaty, wholly to abandon the slave trade and hu

The population of the African Commonwealth, including natives, is about two hundred thousand souls. There it stands, a monument of the wisdom of its pioneer friends in America, populated and governed by blacks, from its chief magistrate down to the humblest officer, with churches, schools, good laws, the press, and all the blessings man sacrifice, and thus are brought in contact of civilization. There are few events, in this with and under the influence of a civilized governstirring age, more full of absorbing interest than 'ment and people.


3d. The slave trade has been permanently.ex-compulsive, is one which it may be fairly tirpated from at least three thousand miles of the hoped the enlightened citizens of Pennsylvania Western African coast; from about eight hun- will never countenance or adopt. A little time dred miles by purchase and social redemption, only has yet passed since an effort was made, in

and from over two thousand miles by treaty stipulations; and all of this, directly or indirectly, by the existence and influence of the Republic

of Liberia.

Conclusion next week.

No prophet is accepted in his own country; among strangers a man is esteemed according to his talents and virtues; his ancestry and kindred are matters of no moment, it is even a degree of merit to have emerged from obscurity; but at home, among kindred and acquaintance, eminent qualities are regarded with a jealous eye. The reputation of ability, wisdom, and exalted goodness is considered by the less deserving as a reproach to themselves. What is every day within our reach, we every day neglect. What costs us little, we lightly esteem; difficulty and danger and distance enhance the value of every object of pursuit.-Hunter.



The report of the Committee of the Pennsylvania Legislature on the subject of an appropriation to aid in the colonization of colored citizens of this State in the newly established government of Liberia, is offered this week to the readers of the Review, because this may possibly turn out to be the commencement of a series of measures, in relation to the colored race, to which Pennsylvania has been hitherto a stranger.

As an asylum for such slaves of the South as must either emigrate to what is often termed the fatherland of the colored race, or spend their lives in slavery, and as an engine for the extirpation of the African slave trade, the Editor can freely accord to the settlement of Liberia his cordial wish for its success and prosperity. It is said that among the inmates of the Colored House of Refuge there are frequent cases of pulmonary disease; the result, no doubt, of previous exposure, to whom a more genial climate than ours would probably afford a hopeful prospect of recovery. If the civilization of Africa can be promoted, or the condition of any portion of our colored population essentially improved by a voluntary emigration to that continent, the colonization scheme, directed and confined to those objects, may be worthy of the patronage of the State. The plan, however, which has been advocated in some States a little further south, of procuring the emigration of the free colored inhabitants, by compulsion, or by measures essentially

our Legislature, to introduce a law, similar in principle to acts adopted in some of the neighboring States, prohibiting, under penalties, the immigration of colored persons, or the employment of such as might come into this State from any others. This measure, if adopted, would probably have been made preliminary to some enactment for the exclusion of those already here. Against any procedure calculated or designed to issue in the exclusion or involuntary emigration of any class or description, on account of color or parentage, the Editor would seriously protest.

If the civilization of Africa is to be effected by the establishment of colonies on its coast, composed of those who have had the advantage of an education in Europe or the United States, experience seems to have proved that those colonists must be either wholly or partly of African blood. The climate of those parts of the continent which constitute the seat of the slave trade, appears to interdict their occupancy by the white race. The effect of the climate upon the mixed races, in contradistinction to those of pure African descent, has, probably, not yet been conclusively ascertained. But reasoning from analogy, in the absence of clearly ascertained facts, we should infer, that to those in whom the European blood predominates, the climate of the United States would be more congenial than the African.

If we say, as is sometimes said, that Africa is the fatherland of the negro, it can hardly be asserted of the mulatto, or the quadroon, or of those numerous grades which are scarcely distinguishable from pure Anglo-Saxon or other European races. If, then, the fatherland ought to be the permanent residence of the negro race, those less dipped than the mulattoes must find their place of repose somewhere else than on the south of the Mediterranean.



In the National Era of the 27th ult., we find an account of the cost of transporting the mail, and the amount of postage collected in the several States, in the year ending in the middle of 1851, which like almost every other comparison between the free and the slave States, exhibits the superiority of the former. In the sixteen free States, we find the cost of transporting the mail stated at $1,433,572, while the amount of postage collected was $4,606,837, or something more than three times the expense of transporting the mail. In the fifteen slave States, though the white popu

lation there, to which the correspondence is doubtless chiefly confined, is less than half what it is in the free, the cost of transporting the mail

is $1,477,543, or $43,971 more than the former; while the amount of postage collected in these States is $1,714,159, leaving an excess over the cost of transportation of only $236,616. Hence we find the postage collected in the States, leaving the territories out of the calculation, exceeds the cost of transporting the mail nearly three and a half millions of dollars, thirteen-fourteenths of which excess are furnished by the free States. Why then should the postage on letters be enhanced?

MARRIED, On the 22d of 3d mo. 'last, at Friends' Meeting House, Hopewell, Henry Co., Indiana, CHRISTOPHER MORRIS, of Milford Monthly Meeting, to MARGARET, daughter of Thomas Bell, of the former place.

-, On the 20th ult., at Friends' Meeting House, West Union, Morgan County, Indiana, EDWIN JOHNSON, son of Ashley Johnson, to ASENATH, daughter of Lot M. Hadley, all of that place. At Friends' Meeting House, Freeport, Harrison Co., Ohio, on the 21st ult., ELLWOOD - SPENCER, of Mahaska Co., Iowa, to ANNA RIDGWAY, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Ridgway, of the former place.


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[blocks in formation]

The committee having charge of Friends' Establishment among the Shawnee Indians, are desirous of employing two young men to labor on the farm, (practical farmers are desirable.)They also want to engage a teacher in the School, and a female to assist in the family; a middle aged man and his wife for teacher and assistant in the family would be preferable. Application to be made to Simon Hadley, or John Hadley, Jr., Sligo, Clinton County, Ohio, who will give any information necessary. Friends of good character, and of religious experience are desirable.


The Managers present the following Report, viz.:

There were on hand, Third mo. 1st.,
1853, Tracts,

And there have been printed since,


182,831 98,120


Of these there have been distributed, 96,710

Leaving on hand on the 1st instant, - 184,241

Of the number distributed, there was taken by one Auxiliary, 367; for the inmates of Moyamensing Prison, and others in the lower parts of Philadelphia, 1,774; for the Eastern State Penitentiary, Almhouses and House of Refuge, 531; for First-day schools, the Borough of Germantown, and other places within the County of Philadelphia, 1,851; among Universalists, Infidels, and Profane Swearers, 2,207; in colored schools and among colored people, 667; at souphouses, 350. 200 were taken by two Presbyterian Clergymen; 720 by the Young Men's Home Missionary Society; 300 were placed in public schools; and 100 were given to boys col

lected at the corners of streets. 800 were distributed in Hotels, and 435 in private families; 300 on ships and Ocean steamers; 200 were

granted for the use of the Arctic Expedition; The expenditures for printing, paper,
and there were taken for general distribution,
principally in the vicinity of Philadelphia,
19,658. 190 were for West-town Boarding
School; 601 were for Libraries among Friends
at Westchester, Plymouth, Moorestown and
Woodbury. For the supply of schools and other
purposes in Chester, Delaware, Bucks, Susque-
hanna, and other counties in the State of Penn-
sylvania, 3,402; at Cape Island, and other places
on the sea-shore, in the Pines, and elsewhere in
New Jersey, 3,638; among passengers on steam-
boats and railroad cars in different States, 754;
for New England, without designating particular
States, 785.

binding, &c., including a balance due

the Treasurer of $5 24, have been, 988 59 And there was a balance in his hands due the Association, on the 1st instant, of,

401 were taken by a Peace Society in Boston; 342 were for the State of Maine; 375 for Vermont and Canada West; for New York City and

State, 3,855; State of Delaware, 730; District of Columbia, 170; for First-day schools, &c. in Virginia, 556; 1,751 in Maryland; 1,000 in North Carolina; 2,115 in Ohio; Indiana, 1,040; Iowa, 500; and for the Western country, including Missouri, 376.

20,616 were taken for distribution by the Central Book Committee of Indiana Yearly Meeting; and 300 were for a school in the Island of Jamaica.

17,270 were sold; and of the destination of 1,659 no record has been made.

One new Tract, entitled, "A Proper use of Riches, exemplified in the life of Richard Reynolds," has been added to the series since last report.

96 37

$1084 96

Since the close of our fiscal year, the Treasurer has received the sum of $500, a legacy from our late friend Margaret Sheppard, which we have directed to be invested on behalf of the Association.

Although we have not often the opportunity of knowing the effect produced on the minds of individuals by the perusal of our publications, we are nevertheless encouraged to persevere in their circulation, believing they have been of real

advantage to many.

Board of Managers,

Signed by direction, and on behalf of the

Philadelphia, Third mo. 15, 1854.


The period has again arrived when it becomes the duty of the Superintendent, in compliance with the rules of the Institution, to present to the Managers his Annual Report.

On the 1st of Third month, 1853, there were fifty-six patients remaining in the Asylumn; since which time forty have been received-making

Nearly the whole of the edition of 7,575 Moral Almanacs printed for the present year has ninety-six in all, who have been under care du been disposed of, there remaining on hand but ring the past twelve months. The largest num125 on the 1st instant. The inmates of the ber on the list at any time was sixty-two; the Eastern State Penitentiary, Moyamensing Prison, lowest fifty-two; and the monthly average was and the scholars attending the evening schools fifty-eight and four-twelfths. There has been for adult colored persons in this city, were gra- but a small portion of the time throughout the tuitously supplied with copies of our Almanac. year, that one or both sides of the House hare And 855 of the surplus stock of previous years, not been as fully occupied, as was consistent with

have been distributed as Tracts.

the comfort of the inmates. During the past

1,063 Select Readers, Nos. 1, 2, and 3, and three months, every room in the female wards 1,979 of our Series of Juvenile Books, comprising has been constantly occupied, and a number 19 varieties, have been disposed of; leaving on have also been furnished with comfortable temhand of the former, 1,147, and 16,098 of the porary accommodations elsewhere.

latter ready for sale.


The number of patients who have received Matter for one other small book, composed of the benefits of the Asylum since the date of the Short Biographical Sketches, has been prepared. last. Annual Report, is greater by sixtore than The Managers have also been engaged in pre-one previouse Rathe proportion of

small recent cases received into our

paring publication, in the form of a
book, a condensed account of the life and reli-

Hospitals), have duration. Of

gious services of that eminent minister of the been cases of less than one year's durat seeing a

Gospel, the late Sarah Lynes Grubb.
Our Treasurer has received donations

large proportion leave the Institution, restored full possession of their menntal faculties. and subscriptions to the amount of $540 62 Among the patients who have long been afflicted

From sales books, &c.,

544 34 with Insanity, well as those of


more recent

date, we have had a number of cases of much in

$1084 96 terest, to whom the benefits of the Institution have been strikingly apparent; tw of whom,

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