Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

DIED,-At his residence, in the township of Fen-, elon, Peterboro' county, Canada West, the 23d of Second month, 1854, THOMAS BOWERMAN, aged 35 years. His disease was pleurisy, with which he suffered severely five weeks, yet he was enabled to bear his illness with Christian patience. He expressed no desire to live, except for his family, to which he was ardently attached; but often, from the commencement of his sickness, he expressed his entire resignation to the divine will, saying he had not a doubt of his acceptance with see him, were brief, yet they were so filled with love, and so expressive of real solicitude for their eternal welfare, that many a thoughtless person

the Father. His remarks to those who called to

left his bedside bathed in tears.


turn the children to their parents. It is with feelings of sorrow we advert to this afflicting visi tation, during which, not only a considerable number of the natives were taken off by death, but our valued friend, Susanna L. Wood, was likewise removed after a short illness. She was a faithful and efficient helper in the important service entrusted to us by the Yearly Meeting; and while we deeply feel her loss, we are com forted in believing, that having been earnestly engaged in doing her work in the day time, she has been mercifully gathered among those who rest from their labors, and whose works do follow


Our friend, Mary Elkinton, whose continued interest in the cause, which has so long engaged her attention, and whose experience so well qualIn preceding numbers a brief outline, taken ified her for the service, having kindly offered from memory, of the proceedings of this body, her assistance in preparing for an increase of was presented to our readers; but the printed ex-ed with the prevailing fever. After several boarders, was there at this time, and was attacktracts from the Minutes having since come to weeks' illness she so far recovered as to be rehand, containing interesting information more in moved to her own home; and the health of the detail than our preceding notice, a portion of neighborhood being restored, at a suitable time that information is offered to the readers of the the school was again opened under the care of a Friend, who offered to take charge of it tempora rily, which was very acceptable to the Commit


Report on the Indian concern.

The Committee for the Gradual Civilization and Improvement of the Indian Natives, Report, That at the time of presenting the last account of our proceedings to the Yearly Meeting, the farm and school at Tunessassah were under the care and direction of our friends, John and Susanna L. Wood, who were assisted by Rebecca Cope.


The number of scholars has been gradually in creasing, and at the last account the list included thirty pupils, ten of whom resided in the fami ly, viz. six girls and four boys; but in consequence of the difficulty of crossing the Alleghany river during the winter season, the number in attendance has not averaged more than fifteen. It is proper to remark that most of these children At that time a day school had been opened, have had very little opportunity of obtaining and a few girls from a distance admitted into the school instruction, and they have therefore chieffamily as boarders. As the house was not adapt-ly been engaged in acquiring a knowledge of the ed for a large family, it soon became apparent that more room would be required for the comfortable accommodation of the proposed boardingschool. The Committee, in anticipation of this, had made some preparation for the enlargement of the building; and during the past year, a new wing has been erected on the west side of the house, twenty feet by twenty-five, the first floor to be used as a collectiug-room, and the second as a lodging-room for the girls.

The east wing, thirty feet by twenty-one, formerly used as an out-kitchen and wood-house, has been raised so as to correspond in height with the west wing. The kitchen has been enlarged and entirely refitted, and a lodging-room for the boys finished over it, making ample room for more boarders than have yet been admitted. The dining-room has also been enlarged, and other improvements were completed last fall, and a few additional children were received.

But the school had not been long in operation, when it pleased Him, whose ways are inscruta ble, to visit the neighborhood with sickness; and it was thought best to close the school, and re

rudiments of education. Three read in the New Testament, study geography, and are pretty well advanced in arithmetic; three read in the Select Reader, No. 1, are exercised in writing, and have made some progress in arithmetic; nine read in Easy Lessons, spell, and have commenced the study of arithmetic. The conduct and advancement of the children have been mostly satisfactory. In the evenings the girls are instructed in sewing or knitting, of which they have done a good deal during the winter; and they are also employed in some parts of the house-work, so as to train them to usefulness in this important department of domestic economy, Religious meetings have been held on Fifth-days in the school-house, and on the First days at the dwel ling, the children generally sitting quietly, and in a manner becoming the occasion.

Although it is cause of much satisfaction, that the school is again in successful operation, yet it will be remembered that the present is only a temporary arrangement, and that the Committee are very desirous of obtaining the services of a suitable person to take charge of it; and also of

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a Friend and his wife to aid in the management, of the farm and of the domestic concerns; and will be glad to receive early application for those stations from such as may feel drawn to engage in this useful and benevolent work.

Rebecca Cope, who was an acceptable assistant in the concern, requesting to be released, left the settlement last summer, and Sarah Eastlack expressing a willingness to return, is now usefully engaged there.

promote vital religion, and well adapted for circulation among all Christian professors.

In the gratuitous distribution, supplies of books and pamphlets have been furnished as follows, viz. to eight libraries, belonging to, or under the care of Preparative Meetings in this Yearly Meeting-to West-Town Boarding School; Moorestown Library, under care of an association of Friends; the Hospital for Lunatics, at Utica, New York, for the use of the officers, attendants, &c.; to the Library of the Colored Institute; to a First day School Library; to a School Library, in Jamaica, West Indies; to the Philadelphia Library; to persons in St. Louis, Missouri; and to some inquiring individuals in Virginia. Gratuitous distribution has also been made to persons resident in the western parts of Pennsylvania, in Maryland, Michigan, Ohio, Washington, D. C., Mississippi, California, Canada East, and Newfoundland. Books and pamphlets in German have been presented to persons reading that language, residing in different parts of this and adjoining States. Ten copies of "Barclay's Apology" have also been furnished to individuals occupying the station of ministers in other reli

During part of the past year a school was kept at Horse Shoe Bend for the children of that vicinity, but it has been discontinued for the present, and some of the children received as boarding scholars into the family at Tunessassah. The amount of farming among the natives during the past season was greater than usual, and their crops were good, so that they have been enabled to get through the winter comfortably. The continued resolution of many of them against the use of spirituous liquors, and their improvement in habits of industry, afford encouragement to persevere in the benevolent work of meliorating the condition of this deeply injured people, especially as they are at this time greatly exposed to temptation by the introduction into their neigh-gious societies. borhood of men of loose morals, engaged in con- The books and pamphlets thus distributed have structing a railroad through their reservation. been widely disseminated, and beside the interFrom the Report of the Committee, who ex-est and inquiry awakened by them in the minds amined the account of our Treasurer, it appears that on the 8th instant, there was in his hands a cash balance of $137.50, and securities amounting to 12,938 dollars.

Signed on behalf and by direction of the Committee. THOMAS EVANS, Clerk.

of those who received them, there is reason to believe they will serve to spread among others a knowledge of the doctrines and testimonies of the gospel, as held by Friends.

The establishment of libraries within the limits of Preparative or Monthly Meetings, alluded to in our last report, has, we are glad to find, received attention in several neighborhoods, and

Philad., Fourth mo. 13th, 1854.
On the subject of books, the following minute we do not doubt a benefit will be derived there-


The meeting taking into consideration the importance of spreading the approved writings of Friends, for the information of others, by which our principles and testimonies may be more extensively diffused, directs that an abstract of the Report of the Book Committee on that subject, may be placed in the Extracts; and it is the desire of this meeting that Friends may seek out suitable persons in their neighborhoods, to whom they can advantageously hand those works, as well as to encourage the reading of them in their own families.

The abstract of the Report is as follows: During the year ending Fourth month, 1st, 1854, there were sold from the book store seven hundred and ninety-eight books, and thirteen hundred and sixty pamphlets, and gratuitously distributed, five hundred and eleven books, and five hundred and thirty-two pamphlets.

In this year, "No Cross, No Crown," by William Penn, has been stereotyped, and will form a valuable addition to our stock of stereotype plates, it being a work eminently calculated to

from, corresponding with the efforts to spread of Friends among the members, and others in and promote the reading of the approved writings their immediate vicinity. It is greatly to be desired, that those of our members who have engaged in this good work will be encouraged to perput their hands thereto, will feel its importance, severe in it, and that others who have not yet and no longer manifest a lack of that lively zeal in the furtherance of it, which, if awakened,

would ensure success.

fits derived from the establishment and continuEvery year accumulates evidence of the beneance of the Book Store, as a place to which resort may at all times be had, by our own members and others, to procure the writings of Friends approved by the Society. There are many belonging to other denominations, who, dissatisfied with their formality, and anxious for a more spiritual religion, are desirous to acquaint themselves with the views of Friends, and willing to read such works as may come into their hands for that purpose. It is of great importance there should be a place of ready access for such as these, where they can be supplied with works

calculated to give them correct information respecting our principles and testimonies; and that our own members should have the opportunity to procure readily for themselves and families, those valuable works at a comparatively small ex


The continued increase in the distribution of books and pamphlets from the Depository, by sale or otherwise, which has occurred from year to year, indicates a growing relish for the kind of reading which they afford, and while it gives ground for encouragement, in the belief that the concern of the Yearly Meeting is being measurably answered, it likewise shows the necessity for keeping up a stock sufficient to supply all the demands that may be made upon it


he returned to the spot, bearing a pretty large and heavy piece of dry oak in his mouth; and thus burdened, and as it would seem for the purpose of testing his vaulting powers, he renewed his leaps on to the stump. After a time, how ever and when he found that, weighted as he was, he could make the ascent with facility, he desisted from further efforts, dropped the piece of wood, and coiling himself upon the stump, remained motionless as if dead. At the approach of evening, an old sow and her progeny, or six in number, issued from a neighboring thicket, and pursuing their usual track, passed near to the stump in question. Two of her sucklings followed somewhat behind the rest, and just as they neared his ambush, Michel, with the rapidity of thought, darted down from his perch upon one of them, and in the twinkling of an eye it in triumph on to the fastness he had so proWe often find the reasoning of man contrasted vidently prepared beforehand. Confounded at with the instincts of brutes, in a manner indicat-in fury to the spot, and until late in the night, the shrieks of her offspring, the old sow returned ing a belief that the reasoning faculty is peculiar to our race. Pope seems to have thought he was conceding their full claims to the sagacity of the animal creation, when he allotted half reasoning powers to the elephant; yet even the grovelling, creature which he places at the lower end of the scale, sometimes manifests a species of sagacity, more easily explained by assigning to it a portion of the comparing power, than in any other manner.


A careful observation of the actions of the inferior races, would probably lead to the conviction, that few, if any of them, are destitute of the reasoning faculty. The objects to which their reasonings extend, being much fewer than those which engage the human intellect, their range of ratiocination is much more limited; hence, the conclusions to which their reasoning leads, are probably less frequently incorrect than ours. The complicated character, and ample range of our ratiocintions, no doubt, often involve us in error, from which the simple and direct argumentation of brutes is free. Hence, the apparently superior accuracy of instinct to reason. It is well known that the animals, which are not too powerful or fierce to be domesticated, are susceptible of instruction; hence, it is clear that their acts are not all instinctive.

A certain Jagare, who was one morning keeping watch in the forest, observed a fox cautiously making his approach towards the stump of an old tree. When sufficiently near, he took a high and determined jump on the top of it; and after looking around awhile, hopped to the ground again. After Reynard had repeated this knightly exercise several times, he went his way; but presently


made repeated desperate attempts to storm the murderer's stronghold; but the fox took the matter very coolly, and devoured the pig under with the greatest reluctance, and without being the very nose of its mother; which at length, able to revenge herself on her crafty adversary, was forced to beat a retreat.-Lloyd's Scandina vian Adventures.

TRAITS AND STORIES OF THE HUGUENOTS. (Concluded from page 543.)

At first the rigorous decrees of the Revocation were principally enforced against the ministers of religion. They were all required to leave Paris at forty-eight hours' notice, under severe penalties for disobedience. Some of the most dis tinguished among them were ignominiously forced to leave the country; but the expulsion of these ministers was followed by the emigration of the more faithful this was especially the case; whole congregations among the people. In Languedoc followed their pastors; and France was being ra pidly drained of the more thoughtful and intelligent of the Huguenots, (who, as a people, had distinguished themselves in manufacture and alarm, and prohibited emigration, under pain of commerce,) when the king's minister took the imprisonment for life; imprisonment for life, including abandonment to the tender mercies of the priests.


A Huguenot couple determined to emigrate. They could disguise themselves; but their baby? If they were seen passing through the gates the town in which they lived, with a child, they would instantly be arrested, suspected Huguenots as they were. Their expedient was to wrap the baby into a formless bundle; to one end of which was attached a string; and then, taking advantage of the deep gutter which runs in the centre of so many old streets in French towns, they placed

the baby in this hollow, close to one of the gates after dusk. The gend'arme came out to open the gate to them. They were suddenly summoned to see a sick relation, they said; they were known to have an infant child, which no Huguenot mother would willingly leave behind to be brought up by Papists. So the sentinel concluded that they were not going to emigrate, at least at this time; and locking the great town gates behind them, he re-entered his little guard-room. "Now, quick! quick! the string under the gate! Catch it with your hook stick. There in the shadow. There! Thank God! the baby is safe; it has not cried! Pray God the sleeping-draught be not too !strong!" It was not too strong: father, mother and babe escaped to England, and their descendants may be reading this very paper.

England, Holland, and the Protestant states of Germany were the places of refuge for the Norman and Breton Protestants. From the south of France escape was more difficult. Algerine pirates infested the Mediterranean, and the small vessels in which many of the Huguenots embarked from the southern ports were an easy prey. There were Huguenot slaves in Algiers and Tripoli for years after the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes. Most Catholic Spain caught some of the fugitives, who were welcomed by the Spanish Inquisition with a different kind of greeting from that which the wise, far-seeing William the Third of England bestowed on such of them as sought English shelter after his accession. We will return to the condition of the Huguenots presently. First, let us follow the fortunes of those French Protestants who sent a letter to the State of Massachusetts (among whose historical papers it is still extant) giving an account of the persecutions to which they were exposed and the distress they were undergoing, stating the wish of many of them to emigrate to America, and asking how far they might have privileges allowed them for following out their pursuit of agriculture. What answer was returned may be guessed from the fact that a tract of land comprising about eleven thousand acres at Oxford, near the present town of Worcester, Massachusetts, was granted to the thirty Huguenots, who were invited to come and settle there. The invitation came like a sudden summons to a land of hope across the Atlantic. There was no time for preparations; these might excite suspicion; they left the "pot boiling on the fire" (to use the expression of one of their descendants), and carried no clothes with them but what they wore. The New Englanders had too lately escaped from religious persecution themselves, not to welcome, and shelter and clothe these poor refugees when they once arrived at Boston. The little French colony at Oxford was called a plantation; and Gabriel Bernon, a descendant of a knightly name in Froissart, a Protestant merchant of Rochelle, was appointed undertaker of this settlement. They sent for a French Protestant minister, and

assigned to him a salary of forty pounds a year. They bent themselves assiduously to the task of cultivating the half-cleared land, on the borders of which lay the dark forest, among which the Indians prowled and lurked, ready to spring upon the unguarded households.

Gabriel Bernon lived to a patriarchal age, in spite of his early sufferings in France and the wild Indian cries of revenge around his home in Massachusetts. He died rich and prosperous. He had become intimate with some of the English nobility, such as Lord Archdale, the Quaker Governor of Carolina, who had lands and governments in the American States. The descendants of the Huguenot refugees repaid in part their debt of gratitude to Massachusetts in various ways during the war of Independence. Indeed, three of the nine Presidents of the old Congress were descendants of the French Protestant refugees. General Frances Marion, was of Huguenot descent. In fact, both in England and France, the Huguenot refugees showed themselves temperate, industrious, thoughtful, and intelligent people, full of good principle and strength of character. But all this is implied in the one circumstance that they suffered and emigrated to secure the rights of conscience.

In the State of New York they fondly called their plantation or settlement by the name of the precious city which had been their stronghold, and where they had suffered so much. New Rochelle was built on the shore of Long Island Sound, twenty-three miles from New York.

Nor were Oxford and New Rochelle the only settlements of the Huguenots in the United States. Farther south again they were welcomed, and found resting-places in Virginia and South Carolina.

I now return to the Huguenots in England. Even during James the Second's reign, collections were made for the refugees; and, in the reign of his successor, fifteen thousand pounds were voted by Parliament "to be distributed among persons of quality, and all such as by age or infirmity were unable to support themselves." There are still, or were not many years ago, a few survivors of the old Huguenot stock, who go on quarter-day to claim their small benefit from this fund at the Treasury; and doubtless at the time it was granted there were many friendless and helpless to whom the little pensions were inestimable boons. But the greater part were active, strong men, full of good sense and practical talent; and they preferred taking advantage of the national good-will in a more independent form. Their descendants bear honored names among us. Sir Samuel Romilly, Mrs. Austin, and Miss Harriet Martineau, are three of those that come most prominently before me as I write; but each of these names is suggestive of others in the same families worthy of note. Sir Samuel Romilly's ancestors came from the south of France, where the paternal estate fell to a

distant relation rather than to the son, because the former was a Catholic, while the latter had preferred a foreign country with "freedom to worship God."


annuity for clothes, &c., and sits and has meals in a public dining-room. As a little amusing mark of deference to the land of their fathers, I may mention that a Mrs. Stephens, who was admitted within the last thirty years, became Madame St. Etienne as soon as she entered the hospital.-Household Words.


From the "Home Companion," Feb. 4, 1854.

"List, ye landsmen, all to me."

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French was the language still spoken among themselves sixty and seventy years after their ancestors had quitted France. In the Romilly family, the father established it as a rule, that French should be always spoken on a Sunday." DEAD RECKONING.”— Forty years later, the lady to whom I have so often alluded, was living an orphan child, with two maiden aunts, in the heart of London city. They always spoke French. English was the foreign. language; and a certain pride was cultivated in When one hears of the "Marco Polo" clipthe little damsel's mind by the fact of her being per ship putting a girdle round the earth twice reminded every now and then that she was a within twelve months-of the "Great Britain," little French girl; bound to be polite, gentle and of 3000 tons, being driven by her " screw attentive in manners; to stand till her elders twelve knots an hour against a head wind-of gave her leave to sit down. There were still return tickets to the Antipodes-of yachters hereditary schools in the neighborhood, kept by taking a summer cruise to the Cape Sydney, and descendants of the first refugees who established New Zealand, dropping in at the islands in the them, and to which the Huguenot families still Pacific, and "rounding the Horn" on their resent their children. A kind of correspondence turn home, we feel disposed to look upon a voywas occasionally kept up with the unseen and age to any part of the world as a mighty pleas distant relations in France; third or fourth ant sort of pastime. We imagine a trip to Melcousins it might be. As was to be expected, bourne, Port Phillip, or New York, a sort of fessuch correspondence languished and died by slow tivity passed in floating taverns, in which the degrees. Though far away from France, though lucky passengers go simmering along with "the cast off by her a hundred years before, the gentle blue above and the blue below," and expect to old ladies, who had lived all their lives in Lon- be landed within a day, at least, of the time spedon, considered France as their country and Eng-cified. And indeed, such is the marvellous preland as a strange land. At any rate, there cer- cision with which the British Mail Packets make tainly was a little colony in the heart of the city, the voyage out and home between Liverpool and at the end of the last century, who took pride in New York, that punctuality to an hour is oftener their descent from the suffering Huguenots, who the rule than the exception. mustered up relics of the old homes and the old times in Normandy and Languedoc. Some of the very ornaments sold at the famous curiosity-shop at Warwick for ladies to hang at their chatelaines, within this last two years, were brought over by the flying Huguenots. And there were Bibles secured by silver clasps and corners; strangely-wrought silver spoons, the handle of which enclosed the bowl; a travelling case, containing a gold knife, spoon and fork, and a crystal goblet, on which the coat-of-arms was engraved in gold; all these, and many other relics, tell of the affluence and refinement the refugees left behind for the sake of their religion.

There is yet an hospital (or rather great almshouse) for aged people of French descent somewhere near the City Road, which is supported by the proceeds of land bequeathed (I believe) by some of the first refugees, who were prosperous in trade after settling in England. But it has lost much of its distinctive national character. Fifty or sixty years ago, a visitor might have heard the inmates of the hospital chattering away in antiquated French; now they speak English, for the majority of their ancestors in four generations have been English, and probably some of them do not know a word of French. Each inmate has a comfortable bedroom, a small

This is, doubtless, very satisfactory. There is, however, another side to this picture, and rather a dark one too, which ought to be examined before we congratulate ourselves that we have shaken the trident out of the grasp of Father Nepiune. We have won victory in some parts of his domain-let us now show where we have been defeated; and while we admit that it is customa ry for a well-found ship to weather almost any tempest, yet a "return" of the vessels lost at sea is, notwithstanding the vast improvements which have taken place in naval science, a terrible document. Patent capstains, anchors and cables— fixed and revolving lights-the law of stormsbuoys, beacons, temperance ships-the compass, the sextant, copper bottoms, and chronomoters, have not yet reduced travelling over the sea to the same degree of security as over the land.

A catalogue of our maritime disasters may not at first appear to be an interesting document, yet it will be found to possess, in addition to its sta tistical importance, that melancholy but fascinating charm which unavailing but courageous efforts always inspire in generous minds. people like the English have always exhibited great interest in maritime affairs, and have read with peculiar avidity all narratives of losses of ships at sea, from the period when Defoe, with a

An insular

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