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permitted to see his face, and live in his presence. But to think of being shut out from his kingdom! I dare not look that way, my poor heart would break. No, no! He will not cast me out; His promises are yea and amen for ever."

work for his unworthy servant to do, both as respects her own everlasting peace, and also some duties to perform to a few individuals? If I know my heart at all, I believe there is nothing, short of holding communion with my God, that can afford me equal satisfaction to that of relieving the distressed, or comforting the household of faith."

1841. " Early in the Third month I awoke with the words, I thought, sounding in my ears, -Thou shalt be visited with some severe afflicShe continued to a very advanced tion.' I earnestly prayed that I might be prein the age served humble under the affliction, whatever it enjoyment of her faculties, and with as little inmight be, whether of body or mind; and that it terruption to health as could be expected. She might be, if not averted, so mixed with mercy, derived much pleasure from the society of her that I should receive the chastening as from the friends, often acknowledging with thankfulness hand of a tender Father. I was very soon laid her many mercies and blessings, and expressing on a bed of sickness, and my affliction was heavy; her hope that, through a Saviour's blood, her sins but I was enabled to bear it, I trust, without a were blotted out. Towards the end of the year murmur. I was cast down, but not forsaken. I 1852, it was evident that her powers of body and never doubted that my Heavenly Father would mind were failing; yet, though reduced to a raise me up again, and that a portion of bodily state of great weakness, she lingered on until 6th strength would be afforded me. O that I could day, the 25th of Third month, 1853, when she feel more sensible of the value of this little time, gently passed away, leaving to survivors the conthat has been so mercifully granted me, and be soli g belief that she had entered upon a glorimore entirely devoted to my God and Saviour!ous immortality.-Ann. Monitor. I want to be more entirely what I ought to be."

She had now to endure the trial of being be- « DEAD RECKONING."—A LEAF FROM "LLOYD'S reaved of her beloved husband; and in reference

to this event she remarks," My dear husband


was taken speechless in the morning of Twelfth From the "Home Companion," Feb. 4, 1854.

"List, ye landsmen, all to me."

[Concluded from page 559.]

month 31st, 1841, and on the 2d of First month, 1842, expired, about nine o'clock in the morning. I humbly trust my loss has been his eternal gain; One consoling fact is, that but few accidents but still I mourn the loss of my dearest earthly have occurred to ships ably manned and comcomfort. May the whole business of my few re-manded; out of the 12,000 and odd casualities, maining days, be endeavoring to prepare to meet my God, fully relying on the merciful mediation of Him who died for sinners ;-having an almost abiding confidence that my sins are cast as into the bottom of the sea, and will be remembered no more. Although I am the least and meanest of all who have dared to hope, yet a sweet hope cheers me, and my poor heart is revived. There is one above all, who knows my deep repentance, and sees my frequent tears for every evil thought, word, or deed. He will never say, 'seek my face in vain.' He will not break the bruised


Eighth month, 1843. "In little less than a month, if spared so long, I shall be eighty-three years old. Blessed Lord God Almighty! I see and feel indeed that thou hast not forsaken me. My adorable Advocate has interceded for me, and sometimes I think all my sins are blotted out by his precious blood, which cleanseth from all iniquity, and that even I, the very least and weakest of thy servants, shall at last be accepted, and clothed in the white robes of my Saviour's righteousness, and be permitted to join the blessed assembly above."

only 64 are recorded against ships of 700 tens and upwards. This is not merely in consequence of their size, but simply because, in most large vessels, greater care is shown in the selection of a crew, and in the appointment of a competent commander. Nearly all the losses have been sustained by vessels ranging from 90 to 500 tons, because these are thé description of craft most likely to be sailed economically!—are often weakhanded, and liable to be commanded by men. possessing few recommendations for filling the office of captain, except being part owner. Such a union of evils affords but a sorry chance of a successful voyage, and we find the consequences of such an alliance in "Lloyd's List."

The following analysis of the casualties to ships of 700 tons and upwards during the four years before-mentioned, would seem to prove that well-found ships perform distant voyages with comparative security:

Driven ashore, but got off again, 25; Total Wrecks, 12; Collision, 7; Dismasted, 5; Abandoned at sea, 4; Burnt, 4; Condemned, 1; Sailed, and never heard of again, 1; Picked up at sea abandoned, 1; Abandoned at sea on fire, 1; Partially burnt, 1; Damaged by ice and leaky,

1845. "O that I may increasingly remember the long sparing mercy of the Lord my God! | 2; Total, 64.

Many thousands have been cut off before they But, independent of the care bestowed in manarrived at half the number of my days. May I ning and commanding large vessels, they possess not hope that my Heavenly Father has more a decided advantage in speed over smaller craft.

This has been recently exemplified in the remarkable trade which has sprung up between England and her Australian colonies. Before 1851, the total number of ships dispatched from all parts of the kingdom to Australia was 271, and they were known amongst seamen, as "good monthly ships," few passages being made by them in less than 120 days. But when the discovery of gold added its allurements to the other advantages offered to emigrants, better and larger ships were required for the increased number of emigrants, and the Australian trade now boasts of the finest, fleetest and largest ships in the world.

Such was the impetus given to Australian shipping, that it doubled itself in the following year, 1852, and 501 vessels were dispatched that year. These ships were much larger, and the average passage in the Liverpool ships was reduced from 120 days in 1851, to 110 in 1852; the shortest passage being made by "The Marco Polo," in 75 days.

scale of manning merchant vessels, four men and a boy being given to every 100 tons, it would seem that the annual loss of life by casualties at sea, reported to "Lloyd's," averages about 1250, the gross number for the four years being 4298. These, however, are conjectural quantities, and must be received with caution.

More certainty is shewn in the statistics of ships destroyed by fire; and considering the inflammable nature of the materials of which ships and their cargoes are often composed, the number annually destroyed is less than might have been supposed. Of those vessels which were burnt in consequence of the cargo igniting, the majority were laden with coals; and of the thirteen blown up, seven of the accidents are attributed to coal-dust, four to gas, one to spontaneous combustion, and only one to powder.

But admitting that a great numerical superiority exists on the side of sailing vessels, still the casualties reported against steamers appear In 1853 the statistics of Australian navigation very trifling. It seems that the greatest number are known up to the 30th September last, and of fatal accidents that happen to steamers arise there seems to be every reason for supposing that from the foundering. Thirty of such events octhe trade will again double itself, for 804 ships curred, while only seventeen were wrecked. In had been dispatched in the first nine months of canvas ships, the average appears to be that three the year. This gives an excess of about 67,000 vessels are totally wrecked where one founders, tons on the whole of the trade of the year 1852.but in steamers this is reversed; for if these Accounts have already been received of 234 of these last vessels, and the average passages were about 1054 days, being a clear gain of five days upon the average passages of the preceding year. The Liverpool ships have beaten the London ships in this extraordinary race to the Antipodes, by 20 days upon the whole average, and the shortest passages were again made from Liverpool, by the celebrated "Marco Polo," and her sister ship, "The Indian Queen," the first in 78 days, and the last in 82 days, and it is supposed that when the returns for the whole year (1853) are completed, the average passage of the Liver-er than when under canvas, and, paradoxical as pool ships will be less than 100 days.

By a comparison of the tonnage and duration of the voyage, it is seen that as the tonnage increases the average duration of the passage to Australia decreases; the 600 ton ships having an advantage, on the average of 24 days over those of 200 tons, and the 1200 ton ships having an advantage of 22 days over those of 600 tons. Of the 204 ships which have never been heard of since sailing, the tonnage of only fifty-nine is known. Of these 59, no fewer than 41 were under 300 tons, and only one was of 700 tons. The loss of life in the four years can only be guessed at, as it often happens that the number of the ship's company is not known. The only means of approximating to the truth is to allow a certain number of hands to a certain tonnage; and by this process a tolerably near guess may be made. According, then, to a certain known

statistics can be relied on, two steamers founder for every one that is wrecked. This is, perhaps, owing to the lumbering weight of the machinery, which, in a disabled steamer, must act very detrimentally in a gale of wind.

It does not appear that a steamer blew up during the period of four years, and that only eight were totally destroyed by fire, and seven partially burnt. During the same period, there were 116 sailing vessels burnt and blown up; and these singular statistics would seem to indicate that there is less chance of being blown up in a steam

it may appear, that there is more to fear from coal-dust than powder. These remarks, however, must be received with caution, for the list of "casualties" is incomplete, and only contains those reported to "Lloyd's," and can only be accepted as a rough guess at the losses sustained by Great Britain and a few other maritime states.

These losses, however, must be tremendous; for if we compute the number of wrecks at 1000 per annum, this gives 4000 for the four yearsan amount not over the mark. But as the tonage is not set down against every ship, it is impossible to get at the dimensions of the vessels wrecked, abandoned, foundered, burnt, blown up, or otherwise destroyed, consequently the money value of the lost ships cannot be known. Conjectural quantities must therefore be taken. Let us say, then, that these vessels averaged 250 tons each, which is perhaps a medium figure; yet this would give the astonishing number of 1,000,000 tons of shipping lost in four years; and if we estimate the cost of building ships at £10 per ton,

the sum required for their construction would be £10,000,000-an amount that seems to warrant that they could not all have been insured; particularly if to this great sum be added the loss of their cargoes-the sum total of which we leave to more daring arithmeticians to determine.

And yet there is every reason to suppose that this enormous loss goes on year after year; and this country, to which the greater number of the wrecked vessels appear to belong, not only sustains it with impunity, but if we may believe statistics, is thriving beyond any kingdom upon the face of the earth.


net income of the fund for general purposes was $749.25, making together the sum of $18,863.55; and leaving a deficiency on these accounts of $1460.41. During the first six months of the last fiscal year, (that is, to Fourth month, 1853,) the farm was rented under the former lease, and yielded $780.75; for the remaining portion of that year, (viz., to Tenth month, 1853,) it was managed under the new arrangement for the benefit of the school, and the balance to the credit of the account is $1569.14, making the total credits for the year $2299.89. Deducting from this the year's taxes, amounting to $206.14, it leaves a balance of $2093.75, which, if added to the appropriation made by the Yearly Meeting, will cover the loss on the board and tuition account

The following is taken from the Minutes of and leave a surplus of $1433.34. our last Yearly Meeting.

To the Yearly Meeting.

The Committee charged with the superintendence of the Boarding-School at West-Town, report:

That during the year ending Tenth month 16th, 1853, the admissions were 152, of whom 68 were boys, and 84 girls: the average number of pupils during the same period was 108 boys and 105 girls, making 213, and exceeding the previous year by 33. General good health has prevailed throughout the family, and very few cases of serious sickness have occurred.

The usual semi-annual examinations have been attended by part of the Committee, and several intermediate visits made; the improvement of the scholars in their studies, the industry, attention and care of the Teachers, and the general good order and harmony preserved in the family, have been satisfactory. No material change has been made in the course of study; and while desiring to avoid whatever is designed as mere accomplishment, it is the endeavor of the Committee to afford the facilities of acquiring a solid and useful education; and for the attainment of this object, we believe the advantages offered by this seminary are not surpassed.

Meetings for Divine worship have been held as usual on First and Fifth days; and care has been taken to instruct the children in a knowledge of our Christian principles and testimonies, by lessons in the Holy Scriptures and Barclay's Catechism, and the use of other approved works; and we believe the benefits which many of them derive from this portion of their studies will be long felt.

The disbursements on account of family expenses during the year, were $10,823.42; for incidentals $143.11; for salaries and wages $8,269.36, and for repairs and improvements $788,07, making a total of $20,323.96.

In the same period, the charges for board and tuition were $17,083.48; the rent of tenements and the saw and grist mills, and the profits on merchandize sold, amount to $1030.82; and the

The receipts for lands sold in Susquehanna county have been $779.69; which, as well as the sums heretofore received from the same source, except $168.21, has been invested, and forms part of the fund for general purposes, the object for which the lands were devised.

The balance of floating debt due by the Institution on the 16th of Tenth month last, was $3107.63, besides $7,750 borrowed to stock the farm, &c., on which no interest is to be paid by the school. Of this sum, $1750 is to be repaid in the spring of 1856; and should the school continue as large as it has been during the past year, and the appropriation of the Yearly Meeting also be paid, there is reason to hope the debt may gradually be extinguished.

Considerable inconvenience and loss arise from a want of care on the part of those who send children to the Institution, to comply with the terms of admission; which require the payment in advance of one-half the charge for board and tuition, and the remainder at the middle of the session. As the charge is very low, compared with the advantages offered, it is hoped that parents, and others concerned, will punctually comply with this regulation.

The imperfect manner in which the schoolrooms and other parts of the house have heretofore been lighted; and the risk attendant on the use of inflammable fluids for that purpose, have long been sources of concern, and the Committee, at different times, for several years past, has had its attention directed to procuring suitable apparatus for lighting the building with gas. The great obstacle has been the want of the adequate funds; but this having been overcome by the liberality of a number of Friends, who felt an interest in the welfare of the school, arrangements are now making for erecting gas-fixtures adequate to the full supply of the premises. From the same generous contributions, the Committee have also been furnished with the means for providing twenty bath-rooms for the use of the boys, to be supplied with hot and cold water; of erecting new water-works and laying a three inch pipe, in place of the old one, which is much rusted and

found to be of insufficient bore; thus securing | often requiring considerable time to complete an abundant supply of water for all parts of the them; and the present period of the vacation is house, lessening the labor in some of the depart- found to be too short for the purpose, and for the ments of housekeeping, and affording increased necessary cleansing of the house. The Supersecurity against fire. These important and very intendent and his wife are generally so closely desirable improvements, so conducive to the confined during this period, as to have little or health, comfort and safety of the household, are no time for relaxation from their arduous charge; now in progress; and it is hoped, will be com- and it is believed that while a longer time of repleted in the course of the summer. creation would benefit the health of the teachers and other caretakers, it would also be of advantage to the pupils; giving them more time to be with their parents and families; especially such as reside at a considerable distance, and for preparing the necessary clothing for the succeeding session, and that they would make quite as much

The building heretofore used as a milk-house being in a dilapidated condition, and the spring from which the water was conveyed into it, having failed to give a sufficient supply, and the water not being cold enough to answer the intended purpose; it has been deemed necessary to erect a building over the spring between the farm-advancement in their studies as they do at prehouse and the school; and to finish it with rooms in the second story to accommodate a family to have charge of the dairy. A contract has accordingly been made and the house is expected to be completed early in the coming season.

sent. It is therefore agreed to propose for the approval of the Yearly Meeting, that the vacations shall be extended to four weeks each, to commence at the close of the ensuing summer


The new barn was put up in time to admit of The Committee are sensible of the importance storing last year's crops of grain and hay; and of preserving this valuable institution on the ori its ample size and convenient arrangement great-ginal ground of its establishment; and while ly facilitate the operations of the farmer. The cost of the improvement, including the removal of the grain house to the north-west side of the barn-yard, and fitting it up, taking down the old barn and clearing up and leveling the ground, &c., is $3953.58; which added to the cost of the farm-house and improvements around it, makes a total of $12, 128.56, all of which, excepting $217, has been paid by the voluntary contributions of Friends.

So far as the present mode of managing the farm has been tried, it appears likely to answer, both as respects the amount of income derived from it, and the improvement of the land. The capital required to carry it on, will not be less than $8500, and by an estimate of the stock, &c. on hand, on the 16th of the Tenth month last, after deducting 5 per cent. from the furniture and 10 per cent. from the farming utensils for depreciation, the value was $8313.15.

A large portion of the corn crop was cut off by a severe storm of hail during the summer, and considerable increased expenditure has been incurred in consequence, as well as for the renewal of the fences, draining the meadow, and for manures; which will absorb much of the apparent profits; yet it is believed the advantage derived from these expenditures will more than compensate for the outlay. It is not to be expected, therefore, that the profit for the remainder of the farming year (ending Fourth month 1st,) will be nearly so great as during the first six months; yet the Committee believe that it will yield as large an income as under the former system; and that the fertility of the soil, and the condition of the farm in other respects, will be greatly improved.

At the close of nearly every session, it is necessary to make some repairs to the building;

making improvements designed to promote the
comfort and convenience of the family, and to
increase the facilities for useful instruction, they
desire constantly to keep in view, that it was in-
tended for the religious, guarded education of our
youth, consistently with our Christian principles
and testimonies; and that it is to the Divine
blessing on the faithful labors of those entrusted
with its management, that we are to look for
the continuance of its usefulness to our religious

Signed on behalf and by direction of the Com-
Phila. Fourth mo. 7th, 1854.


Dr. Irving, a missionary to Africa, has written the annexed remarks. The letter is published in the proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society.

"In December, 1853, I was ordered on service to Abbeokuta, with Commander Foote, then senior officer. There I was much struck with the superior appearance of the people and their great capabilities, the productiveness of the soil, the variety of objects which might lead to an extensive and lucrative commerce with England, more especially that of cotton, which is indigenous, and carefully cultivated by the Yarubas. These comprise a population of nearly three million souls, clothed entirely in cloths manufactured by themselves. return to England, I represented these things to the Church Missionary Society, and many of the samples of African productions I brought home excited great attention among manufacturers and others. The cotton proved to be of

On my

the very quality required for the purpose of quests, not by the voluntary association of the manufacture. Among them was also an entirely component parts, and those components were new kind of silk, respecting which several emi-kept in such union as they had, by the force or nent merchants in London are very anxious for terror of arms. But the thirteen colonies which further information. I volunteered to go out composed the original United States, though first and examine the country between the Niger, driven together by the force of circumstances, Bight of Benin and Lander's route, between were afterwards held together and consolidated Badagry and Boussa, a country, excepting at one or two points where our missionaries had into a more perfect whole, by voluntary associabeen the pioneers, never yet visited by white tion. The original boundaries have, we know, men. My offer was accepted, and I started as been greatly enlarged, and the number of conagent for Yoruba with the sanction of Sir James federated States more than doubled, chiefly by Graham and Lord Clarendon. The necessary means widely different from the usual career of instruments for making observations have been conquerors. forwarded to me."- Colonization Herald.



It will doubtless be a satisfaction to many of our

readers to be informed, that the steamer Atlantic, which left New York on the 15th ult., and in which our beloved friends Josiah Forster, John Candler, and William Holmes were passengers, arrived at Liverpool, on or about the 28th of last month.

Now, whatever we may attribute to human agency, the humble Christian, who beholds or believes in an overruling hand, which, amidst the conflicting passions of men, guides the destinies of nations, will readily admit that we are incomparably more indebted to divine beneficence, than to the policy or sagacity of statesmen, for the favorable position in regard to the maintenance of peace, in which we find ourselves placed. To no other people, scattered over such an extent of country, have the elements of permanent peace been so freely offered. On no other people is conferred, in an equal degree, as on the United States of America, the power and consequently the duty, of promoting the peace of the world. By preserving peace and union among ourselves, we secure the peace of nearly all North America. But let us remember that peace and union can be permanently maintained only by extending to all the rights with which they are divinely endowed. Injustice and oppression, however sustained by power, contain within themselves the elements

of discord and contention.

The resolutions of a meeting of the citizens of Chester County, in relation to the Kansas-Nebraska bill, which are copied into this week's number, are not introduced with a view of entering into the arena of political disputation, from which the Editor has studiously kept this paper free; but as a means, to a limited extent, of directing the attention of our readers to the unavoidable consequences which such measures as the repeal of the Missouri Compromise must produce. Every citizen of the United States, whatever his profession or station in life, who desires the peace While then the general government is so adand prosperity of his country, must feel an inter-ministered as to promote the great objects for est in the preservation of the Union, as long as it which it was formed, "to establish justice, ensure contributes to the peace and happiness of the domestic tranquillity, provide for the common depeople, and to the maintenance of justice. fence, promote the general welfare, and secure It is, indeed, a remarkable circumstance that the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our postersuch a number of essentially independent govern-ity," the Union will deserve, and doubtless rements, as now compose the States of the Union,ceive, the attachment and support of the great formed under such various circumstances, and composed of such heterogeneous materials, should be brought together to constitute a federal whole. When the formation of a Congress, composed of the thirteen colonies, for the purpose of resisting the encroachments of the British parliament, was first proposed in the Legislative Assembly of South Carolina, the suggestion was held up to ridicule, under the character of a salmagundi, composed of the various productions of those several colonies. The interests and prejudices of the people appear to have been regarded as too various and opposite, to admit of a cordial union. The great empires of the ancient world were formed by con- to our foreign relations.

mass of the people. But whenever the power of the Union becomes perverted to purposes incompatible with its original design, and instead of establishing justice and securing the blessings of liberty to those within its jurisdiction, it becomes an instrument of injustice and oppression, it must cease to deserve, and cannot long retain, the attachment of the people. In the farewell address of our first President, the strict maintenance of national credit is laid down as an essential means of preserving peace with foreign nations; and this punctilious regard to national faith is certainly no less needful in respect to our domestic than

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