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Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

war, we could get little more than what my younger brother and I procured from the forest by our own labor; and not having been accustomed to the use of the axe, we made out but poorly. We struggled along through the winter, and constantly attended Friends' meeting at Peach Pond, which at that time was pretty large on first-days; and before spring my father pur. chased a farm and mills in the town now called Stanford, about forty-five miles from Ridgefield, to which we commenced our removal as soon as the roads became settled.

A few days before our family were ready to take their departure, the British troops landed and burnt the stores collected by the Americans at Danby, as well as the town, after which they proceeded up the country within a few miles of us, so that we were apprehensive of being prevented from following our goods, which had been sent forward to our new residence. We staid one day anxiously awaiting the approach of the army, whose progress was marked by rapine and bloodshed; but they took another road, and on the day following we arrived in safety at our proposed habitation. As this is a place in which I have seen much to admire, and passed through many scenes, of a pleasing as well as peculiary painful nature, I purpose to record some of these in my simple style, that such of my descendants as survive me, may know how marvellously the Lord hath dealt with me, both in mercy and in judgment.

is good reason to believe, that many of these persous were sincere-hearted, for some of them who were not then members of our Society, afterward joined in religious fellowship, and became united in bearing a Christian testimony against war, by patiently suffering the spoiling of their goods. When I consider that our meeting was then mostly held in silence, and look at the wide spreading of the Society in those parts and elsewhere, and the new meetings set up, I am bound to say surely it is the Lord's doings and marvellous indeed.


I frequently listened to the disputes I have mentioned and felt an interest in them, yet the impropriety of such engagements just before sitting down in meeting, appeared great; and although, through adorable mercy, all were not carried away from the fear of the Lord, yet there is reason to apprehend that many were hurt by them. It is but justice to the memory of my father to say, that I never knew him to be present at any of them: he was a man of sound discretion and exemplary in his conduct and conversation, even before he was evidently brought under the government of religious feeling.

About the sixteenth year of my age I was again favored with serious impressions. My father had come forth in the ministry, and we began to have the company of Friends who were travelling in the service of the Gospel; and beholding the seriousness of their demeanor and the sacrifices they made in these acts of dedication to the cause of religion, together with the great sufferings of Friends, by reason of rapacious men who distrained their property, because they would not

In the fourth month, 1777, I arrived with my father's family at Stanford. The country then presented a wild and uncultivated appearance, only a small part of the land in the neigh-violate their peaceable testimony, my heart was boorhod being cleared, and many of the fields enclosed with the logs which had been cut off of them. There were but two families of Friends near us, viz: Benjamin Hoag and Paul Hoag from New England, and most of the other inbabitants were of the rougher sort. A small meeting of Friends was held about four miles from us in a log house belonging to Paul Upton, who with his wife Phebe Upton have been valuable members of our Society from their first settlement here, and were truly as a nursing father and nursing mother to many who have been brought forth in religious services. I can bear testimony to their worth from the fresh remembrance of their pious and affectionate care over me, kindly, though prudently noticing me in my first coming forth in the ministry. The meeting was often attended by a number of raw, rustic looking people, most of whom were not Friends; and they would often gather together near the house, before the meeting time, and engage in disputes about the war, sometimes with high words In taking a retrospective view of my past life, and angry looks; but when the appointed hour I saw that I had lost ground, and bewailed mycame, Phebe Upton would come to the door and in- self as one astray in a waste howling wilderness form them; upon which all controversy would cease, I was afraid to be alone, or in the company of and the company sit down with apparent rever- good people, for I thought they could discern ence to wait upon the Father of mercies. There my situation and would reprove me; and indeed

deeply affected. I thought of what I had read when a child, of the sufferings of Friends in the beginning, and my judgment was convinced that those who stood faithful now, were upon the same foundation; and that wars and fightings were in opposition to the precepts of the Gospel, which teach us to do unto others as we would have others do to us. I now lost that martial spirit which had so much actuated me at the commencement of the war-my love for Friends increased, and I delighted to go to meetings. Several young Friends had lately come forth in the ministry in a lively manner, and others who were more experienced, travelling to and fro in that work-we often had their company at our meetings, and large numbers of people not of our Society attended them, and the work of Truth prospered. Some who had been oppressors of Friends, and others who had been of bad conduct, became serious, joined the Society and continued to be use ful members.

Memoir of MARY KNOTT, of Dublin, Ireland, who died on the 13th of Second month, 1853, aged 69 years.

"Paid seven

their very looks seemed to administer reproof to me. So sensible was I of the loss I had sustained, that I was ready to conclude I should never obtain forgiveness; but in process of time I felt (Concluded from page 581.) a secret hope raised in my soul, that, like the Twelfth month 26th, 1839. prodigal, I should be received into favor, for visits to-day, to the poor, sick, or afflicted; one which I was very thankful, and a belief arose in in particular, left a pleasing impression on my my heart, that one day I should bear a public mind. The exercise of the sympathies of our testimony to the goodness of Israel's Shepherd, nature brings a pure and unalloyed pleasure unwho careth for the lost sheep. My love to my known to those who float down the stream of friends increased greatly, and I delighted to be time, thoughtlessly indulging in selfish gratificain their company, although the natural diffidence tion, as though they were to live for themselves. of position prevented me from entering into con- Visiting the abodes of poverty is calculated to versation, and I rarely spoke, except to answer a raise feelings of gratitude to the Author of all question or to deliver a message; and I often ad- good, and ought to cause us to number our blessmire at the confidence of some of the young peo-ings. I desire in sincerity to exclaim, 'What ple, when I observe their forwardness and wish shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits?" to take the lead in conversation. My mind was First month 15th, 1848. "I desire that the often filled with the love of God, which over-ploughshare of affliction which, in mercy, has flowed toward my fellow creatures, so that it been sent to break up the fallow ground of my seemed as if I could lift up my voice like a trum- heart, may do its work, and bring me into more pet, to declare unto others the goodness of the resignation of mind to the dispensations of ProLord, and invite them to come and partake there-vidence who doth not willingly afflict the chilof. dren of men. He makes use of inward or outward trials, and at times both, to draw us from the things of time, and to prepare the mind for the reception of His Holy Spirit. O! for an increase of faith and patience!"

Whilst under the preparing hand for the ministry of the Gospel, I was preserved from running before I was sent, and from giving to others what was designed as food for my own soul to live upon, which it is to be feared some have done to their own great hurt, compassing themselves about with sparks of their own kindling, and in the end have had to lie down in sorrow. Such do not profit the people, but run into disorder and cause confusion. God is a God of order, and leads out of all confusion and mixture, into beautiful order and harmony, so that his church becomes "as a city set upon a hill, which cannot be hid." The revolutionary war continuing, the sufferings of Friends greatly increased. They were stripped of nearly all their personal property, and sometimes where they had large herds of cattle, the last cow was driven away. But even wicked men respect consistency; and those who suffered most were such as had indulged too freely in political disputes and conversation, while the oppressors were evidently more favorable toward those who meddled not with the prevailing contentions, but patiently and quietly suffered as the peaceable followers of Him, who said, "My kingdom is not of this world." The collectors would frequently go away without taking anything from such; and when compelled to distrain, they manifested much reluctance.

[To be continued.]

Industry is certainly very commendable, and supplies the want of parts.

Patience and diligence, like faith, remove mountains.

Never give out while there is hope; but hope not beyond reason; for that shows more desire than judgment.

First month 21st, 1849. "Yesterday forty years I became a wife; and now, in taking a view of my married life to the present time, have to acknowledge that I have largely partaken of the mercies of the Most High. He has seen meet also to administer the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, and I can experimentally acknowledge that all things here below bear the stamp of uncertainty. Even the fairest gourd may be blighted."

Eleventh month 7th, 1852. "This day sixty-nine years I became an inhabitant of this world, and the awful query arises, have I been living to myself, or to the glory of my great Creator: has every succeeding anniversary found me increasingly anxious about the things that belong to my salvation? Within the last year, two of my beloved sisters have been called from this world of shadows; and I undoubtedly believe their ransomed spirits are now, through redeeming love, enjoying the fruition of joy unspeakable and full of glory."

During the last year of her life, our dear friend was engaged, as far as her strength admitted, in making such arrangements, in regard to outward matters, as appeared likely to promote the accommodation and comfort of her dear husband, like a person preparing for a journey. The decease of two beloved sisters, of whom brief memorials appeared in the last Annual Monitor, had impressed her with the necessity of being also ready. Her accounts connected with benevolent objects, were all settled; and in connection with things of this kind, to which much of her time and talents had been

devoted, it may be stated, that in her intercourse with others, she was concerned always to uphold, in their integrity, the Christian principles and testimonies of our religious Society.

She never wholly recovered from the effects of the fall alluded to in the preceding memoranda and, during the last few years, her health gradually declined. She was able to attend meeting only two or three times in the course of the last summer; but whilst her soul was stayed on God her Saviour, she enjoyed the company of her friends, especially of those who, as ministers of the gospel, visited her at her own home. One of the last visits of this kind that she received, and gratefully records in her memoranda, was from a dear friend, Sybil Jones, from New England, and this appears to have been peculiarly blessed to her comfort and encouragement. As her end drew near, she seemed like a servant in waiting for the coming of her Lord; and during the last two days of her life, renewed and striking evidence was afforded that she knew Him in whom she had believed, and was graciously sustained by the faith and hope of the Gospel.

"A circumstance once occurred which brought me into deep mental conflict, in consequence of wishing to do what I believed was required of me, and the fear of involving in trouble some that I loved; I could have no peace unless I obeyed what I believed to be my Heavenly Father's will. Oh! the depth of mental conflict that I had to pass through in the struggle between duty and love; on bended knees I begged my Heavenly Father to help me out of the difficulty, and in his mercy he was pleased to hear me, and brought me through and spoke peace to my soul.

"O! the danger of circulating, or even repeating, anything that could injure the character of another. Our duty is first to mention it to the individual of whom it is spoken, and never afterwards to open our mouths on the subject to another.

"O! that the precept of our divine Redeemer, 'Whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so unto them,' were more thoroughly carried out by professing Christians, than I fear is the case.

"I am glad that my remaining strength allowed me to do this; it seems a relief to me. I do not seem now to have any duty unperformed, to keep me here. I have no objection to this appearing in the Annual Monitor, because it is a precept I wish to impress upon all; but I particularly desire that nothing may be inserted, but what might be useful to others! what may be deeply interesting to the relative circle, is not always instructive to the public."

In the morning she was very weak, and said, "If I am passing away, let me go quietly.Come, Lord Jesus, and receive my spirit, for thou hast redeemed me! I must wait my appointed time."

On the 12th of the Second month, 1853, she took an affectionate leave of her husband, and of two intimate friends, after which she was much exhausted, but said, "What matter! I seem now to have done with all, unless my brother or sister should come." The latter arrived about five o'clock, P. M., to whom she said, "I am glad thou art come to see how comfortable I am, neither pain of body or of mind, nor any suffering except my breathing." "What signifies any suffering with such a glorious prospect before me? The pearl-gate is open to receive my spirit. I see my Saviour's face, looking down upon me and saying, Thy sins are forgiven, thy iniquity is pardoned.' It is not for anything About nine o'clock, when the doctor came, that I have ever done; but for the sake of Je- she addressed him thus: "Doctor, I wished to sus: it is all of his free grace. Through life see thee once more before I enter into glory." my earnest prayer has been, that, if consistent After this, she expressed but little, and lay with the Almighty's will, I might not become mostly very still; her limbs had become cold, a burden to others, by out-living my faculties, and when the doctor came, about four o'clock, and this prayer has been fully answered; my she did not notice him; her pulse had nearly faculties are as clear and bright as ever they ceased, and those around did not expect to hear were. It is happy for those who have not the her voice again. To their surprise, when the burden of unfulfilled known duty; who feel love clock struck five, she asked, "Is that four or to all, and are at peace with the whole world; five? the last two hours have seemed very long; this makes a death-bed easy; it is my state. II do not feel as if I were going from you just yet.' am too weak to hear the Bible read, but it is not In the course of the evening, she said she should needful, so many precious passages are contin- like to see the servant, (a Roman Catholic,) if ually passing through my mind. Give my loveable, to take leave of her. She lay quiet for to all my friends,-to every one.' awhile, and about eight o'clock said she could now see Biddy, whom she addressed in the following manner :

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During the night, she had great difficulty of breathing for a short time; after reviving, she said, "It is a great favor to be relieved; I was going, but I have some muscular strength remaining; yet, from the state of my pulse, the end must be very near." After this, she dictated the following paragraph on the subject of detraction.

"Well, Biddy! I wished to see thee before I depart, to tell thee that during our short acquaintance I have felt a regard for thee. Thou hast been kind and attentive to me; and I have desired for thee that thou mayest acknowledge the Lord in all thy ways, and, in faith, yield obedi

ence to all His commandments. If thou dost so, He will guide thee by his counsel, and afterwards receive thee to glory.

"Dost thou think our Heavenly Father needs the aid of a sinful man to forward the work of salvation, which He has already finished in offering up his beloved Son, a propitiation for the sins of the whole world? And He hath also given us the invaluable records of the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make us wise unto salvation, through faith in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. They likewise tell us, that no man can save his brother, or give to God a ransom for his soul; and any one who says he can, is a blind leader of the blind, and awful will be his condemnation.

"Thou seest I have neither priest nor minister to prepare my soul to meet my Great Judge; but I have had the Minister of ministers with me, and now behold his glorious face looking down in love and unmerited mercy upon me, surrounded by his holy angels, waiting to convey me to the celestial city in his own good time.

"I wish thee, in all thy trials, on bended knees, and at any other opportunity through the day, during thy working hours, to lift up thy heart unto Him, that He may strengthen and enable thee to bear them, and to do thy duty; if thou dost, He will not forsake thee in the hour of extremity. Thou hast been very attentive to me, and I feel obliged to thee; and now bid thee farewell, and hope we shall meet in a better place."

in official stations. This necessarily involved much expense, which fell heavily on himself.

The pamphlet contains several cases, strikingly illustrative of the injurious effects produced on the minds of prisoners, by their being compelled either to admit their guilt, or to tell an untruth.

It is observed, "The most impressive sermons may be preached to them, they may acknowledge their guilt, and be melted to tears by a review of their past lives, and be almost persuaded to embrace the gospel; but all this is to no purpose, so long as they are determined to carry out their natural desire to escape conviction and avoid punishment, by availing themselves of the plea of not guilty.' They feel that they cannot be Christians in sincerity and truth, and yet deny their guilt. Alas! how serious a reflection is this on our administration of penal justice! that a confession of guilt should involve the criminal in danger, and prevent his availing himself of those privileges and chances which by a falsehood may be enjoyed. What discouragement to truth! What a premium to falsehood! The number of those pleading guilty is consequently small compared with those who pursue an opposite course; but yet in nearly all those instances in which this line is adopted, it will be found to be so taken by individuals of the better class of offenders, and those whose career of vice has so effaced all sense of propriety and honesty; so that the evils of the system effect chiefly those who recommend themselves rather to favor than otherwise.

"I have not only found it to impede my useAt ten o'clock, when arrangements were being fulness among prisoners-not only to prevent made for the night, she said, "I am as willing their enjoying that peace of mind which follows to remain as you are to keep me; if the Lord from a full confession of sin before God, and a has any more work for me to do, he can give me determination in his strength to avoid every strength." After taking a little water, and hav-transgression in future-not only to be the cause ing the pillow adjusted, she said, "I am very of much artifice among prisoners that have been accomplices in crime-not only to frustrate the real object of all punishments, the reformation of

comfortable." These were her last words: a

change of countenance was soon perceived, and it was evident, at half-past ten, that all was over. The dismissal of the freed spirit was so gentle, that those who watched beside the bed were not sensible of the moment when breathing ceased.

-Annual Monitor.

The Plea of "Not Guilty," or the evils arising from the present mode of arraigning pris


“Putting away lying, speak every man truta with his neighbor."

A few years since, a pamphlet bearing the above title, was published by W. C. Osborn, Chaplain of Bath Gaol. It is an earnest and luminous exposition of the inconsistency and immorality of the system, which are greater than could be imagined by those who have not given the subject much attention.

W. Osborn engaged in an extensive correspondence, and communicated with many persons

the criminal-but have known instances where

it has endangered the liberty and life of the innocent and ignorant. In the eyes of a large class of highly respectable persons it is considered to bring dishonor upon our judicial proceedings; it implies that verbal truth is of no consequence. This system debases the sacred and exalted character of the judge, at least among the lower classes of society; it stands opposed to all the wise and enlightened measures in our jurisprudence; and, moreover, it militates against the Divine injunction, which says, 'Let every man speak truth with his neighbor.""

W. Osborn, it seems, continues to take a deep interest in the subject, and watches favorable opportunities of introducing it to the notice of influential persons. There are many individuals capable of giving efficient assistance to this cause, in various ways, who, perhaps, only require to have their attention directed to it to induce them to do so.—N. London Friend.


The question is, whether the power over human life attaches to civil government as of natural right? It relates not so much to the right of man individually, as to the right of a regularly constituted government. Yet it is difficult to conceive how the legitimacy or illegitimacy of any prerogative exercised by the State can be proved, without investigating the rights of each member of the community. The State authority › can only be the aggregate of such right.

It may be assumed, as an indisputable proposition, that life is the gift of God. The fiat and power of the Almighty alone can lodge the rational and immortal spirit in the material organi

zation which is to be the instrument of its mani

festations under the present condition of being. It is this union of the spiritual and material that we mean by the term life. It is the authority violently to terminate this union of body and soul that we deny as a prerogative of man, in the sense of natural right.

It might appear to be almost a self-evident proposition, that that which God alone can give, he alone can have authority to take away, unless, by express permission, he delegate this power; it is then indeed, to all intents and purposes, himself, and not man who does it.

has done, save and except the single instance in which the Divine Ruler became the King of his people Israel.

of all prerogative and duty. Civil institutions Relationship, we have said, is the foundation originate in a conventional relation. The true theory of civil government is, we apprehend, that which represents it as an expedient upon which men agree for the promotion of the generelation of their representatives, and the execu ral welfare, by placing certain individuals in the tors of their will. It is the creature of common consent, originated for certain definite objects. It is to deal with the civil interests of a people, and these only. No combination of men can consign to it any more extended or superior ju risdiction. It embodies the aggregate of every individual's right and authority in civil matters, to protect and maintain them.

As originating in human authority and resting limitations, not only in the kind of jurisdiction upon it, civil government is subject to certain exercised, but also in regard to the sort of sanctions or penalties to be employed in the maintenance of order, and the administration of civil justice. It has derived all its functions from the combination of individual men. As sustaining many of the natural and moral relationships of human beings, its individual members and subre-jects may have certain kinds of authority, and certain rights and duties, which they cannot possibly transfer to their civil representatives and rulers. But the right and authority to take human life, they cannot consign to political gov ernments, simply because they do not possess it themselves. No individual man possesses the right over his own life; he cannot, therefore, resign it into the hands of society-nature does not give it. The suicide, by the act of selfdestruction, invades the sovereign rights of the Most High.

Every proper view of the constitution and lationships of man will, we think, show the power over life to be entirely unauthorized.

We have already, more than once, insisted upon the very strong presumptive proof that man does not, either individually or collectively, possess this power, to be found in the fact, that from the beginning the Divine Being had made it matter of express direction. If such a power had belonged to man, or to society, the Almighty would have left it unnoticed, like any other legistive regulation which it was lawful for man to institute, until the establishment of the Jewish government, over which he himself directly pre


Some theorists there are, who pretend to find a Divine authority for everything done by a government. These parties, however, involve themselves in great embarrassment, when required to reconcile the flagrant errors and outrages of legislation and government, with the ex-officio inspiration of legislators and magis


The mere circumstance of a number of men coming together, under a regular organization, for certain worldly objects cannot be considered to originate any prerogative which was not previously and naturally possessed by each one of them, if they could, separately, have enforced or exercised it. A derived authority, like that of government, cannot exceed that which resides in its original. If no man has power over his own life, how is it probable, that he can have it over that of another? and this, too, merely as a right The Divine right of governments is a thing of civil reprisal; for no other sort of jurisdiction which its advocates have never yet been able is it competent to man to delegate as a citizen, even to explain, much less to vindicate. The or to exercise as a ruler. For the citizen to deltheory is not intelligible to themselves; they cannot, therefore, define it to others. It is a mere fiction, invented, it is to be feared, for anything rather than the honor of God, or the interests of a people. Civil government, like every other prudential expedient for promoting the well-being of man, but not of immediate Divine institution, rests on human authority, and ever

egate even a moral authority over himself, not to speak of the right over his life, to the civil governor, would be futile and absurd-it is, in fact, impossible. But if it were even possible, it were, virtually and ostensibly, to attempt to withdraw himself from beneath the supreme and exclusive jurisdiction of the Moral Governor of the world, and, therefore, profane. For the

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