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extracted from the Patent Office reports with all their errors, and appear under the caption of "agriculture." As an instance of the absurdity of this table, a return is given of seven million, seven hundred and ninety-three thousand pounds of flax, for the state of Kentucky alone, which appear to produce only seventy-five thousand bushels of seed; while Ohio is reported as producing only four hundred and forty-seven thousand pounds of flax, and one hundred and eightynine thousand bushels of seed. By this it would appear that Kentucky produces less than one bushel of seed to every hundred pounds of flax, and Ohio furnishes one bushel of seed to every two and a half pounds of flax; each result being incorrect. The truth is that the hemp returns from Kentucky have been confused with the flax; and the flax returns from Ohio are very imperfect.

Under these circumstances the only course by which to arrive at any proximate estimate of the real extent of the flax crop in the United States, has been by personal investigation and correspondence with well informed parties, in the districts where flax is mostly

[blocks in formation]

The straw is generally esteemed of little value and is frequently either thrown on the manure heap, or burned like brush to rid the farmer of its incumbrance. In other places rude attempts are made to convert it into a fibre suitable for market; and in a few districts these endeavors have been attended with tolerable success, and a fair article of flax fibre is sent forward to the Eastern cities for disposal. But by far the greater part of the flax straw is entirely wasted; and can be bought at a merely nominal price; the seed paying the profit of the crop.

The flax being sown loosely for the seed; and little attention being paid to the proper preparation of the ground for its reception, or to weeding and cleaning it in its early growth, the amount of straw produced to an acre is comparatively small, not averaging over one or one and a quarter tons, while in Belgium and Ireland two and a quarter and two and a-half tons are realized per acre. Each ton of straw produces about 300 pounds of flax fibre suitable for heckling, so that an acre of ground in this country would average about 300 to 375 pounds product of flax fibre with proper preparation, while in Belgium or Ireland it will

yield an average of 675 to 750 pounds; and with extraordinary care and cultivation it may be made to produce much more than this. The value of the flax fibre depends altogether upon the quality of the article, as determined by the seed, the care in its cultivation, and above all the manner in which it has been prepared. The average market value of Western flax, as at present prepared, is about 10 cts. per pound, the poorest being worth about 6 cents, and that prepared in Wisconsin and some parts of New York State having been sold as high as 16 cents per pound. On the whole perhaps $200 per ton might be taken as a fair average market price for the flax which reaches the eastern cities from the West. The Riga flax laid down in an American port, with freight and duties may be estimated at present to be worth from $250 to $350 per ton, according to the quality. Irish flax would cost from $350 to $700; Belgium from $300 to $1000; and at Courtrai, and in the environs of Tournay, Belgium, a very fine species of flax is produced for the celebrated Brussels lace, which readily commands $1700 a ton, and could not be laid down in this country with charges under $2250. This is grown with great care, the stalk being supported with branches of wood, from whence it derives its name (Lin Ramé-sticked flax), and the subsequent manipulations are conducted with extraordinary nicety. It is estimated that one ton of this flax, when manufactured into Brussels lace, is worth $300,000.

Having thus hastily reviewed the present position of our country with regard to the production of flax, which will be alluded to more carefully in a subsequent part of this article, let us glance at our position in reference to the consumption of the products of flax.

By reference to the Treasury reports, Bureau of Commerce and Navigation, for the year 1850, a tolerable approximation be arrived at on this point. It appears by these tables that we imported in that year


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at the lowest possible point in order to diminish | for the attention of American farmers and manuthe per centage of taxation. In many cases such facturers. The incubus of hand labor which has goods are entered by their agents at the mere so long hung over the whole subject, and which cost of labor and material." discouraged the prosperous yeomanry of our new country from attempting to compete with the over grown and down trodden peasantry of the old world, is now removed forever; and the power spindle and power loom have placed, even in Ireland and Belgium, the spinning wheel and the hand shuttle on the high shelf of traditionary history.

It is believed that this system is carried out more extensively with linen fabrics than with almost any other article of import, owing to the difficulty of detecting the differences of quality. And there is abundant reason to believe that the item quoted at $7,748,623 (bleached and unbleached linens,) would be more nearly approximated by the figures of $10,000,000.

But assume the statistics of the table. It thus appears that the value of the goods in bond $11,034,765 00


Add for duties, freight, insurance, charges and commissions, 50 per cent.,

5,517,382 00

$16,552,147 00

And we have as the wholesale market value, exclusive of profit to the dealer, the total sum of sixteen millions five hundred and fifty thousand


With the moderate profit of 10 per cent to the jobber it is found that in the year 1850 the wholesale dealers purchased in the eastern cities for domostic consumption over eighteen millions of dollars value of an article which we throw away at home. The price of linens from 1848 to 1850 was unusually depressed, and the importation lessened by that depression. It is believed that they average at the present time over 20 per cent. higher than they did three years ago; and

that also from the natural increase of consumption, the extraordinary impulse given to trade by the unprecedented prosperity of the country, and the increased inducement to send linen goods over in consequence of the rapid and steady advance in price, the imports this year will be nearly twenty-five per cent. greater than in 1850. These calculations are founded on careful examination of the subject, and will be approximately borne out by the census returns of 1853, when pub


Should this be the case, the declared value of linen goods the present year will be found to be in the neighborhood of eleven millions of dollars; and the real wholesale value of linen fabrics, imported thread, linseed oil, flaxseed and other products of flax will be not far from twenty-five million dollars.

This sum might just as well be paid to remunerate our own industry as that of Great Britain and Europe. There is no possible difficulty at present in any part of the process of the growth or manufacture of flax, which unfits it

In 1850, nearly all the foreign linens were consigned to this country to regular agents. This year, owing to the demand for linens, they have nearly all been bought up directly by importers.-See London Times, Sept. 7th, 1853.

The pulling and mowing machines of recent discovery, render it as practicable to gather the product of a prairie field of 1000 acres, as it used to be to secure by hand labor the product of one.

The scutching, breaking, and heckling machines now used in Great Britain perform their work more regularly and with far greater rapidity than was formerly done by hand. The recent discoveries of Watt and Professor Wilson, that the gummy substance around the fibres of the plant, which has hitherto been supposed to be capable of proper removal only by the slow and difficult process of fermentation, is soluble in water at certain temperatures, will, it is believed, effect an entire revolution in the old method of rotting flax, and even dispense with Schenck's more rapid system of hot water fermentation. The bleaching has been so greatly improved by chemical discovery, that very little grassing is required, and on common fabrics none at all. In short the whole process, from the field to the sive as the growth and manufacture of cottonwarehouse, is as simple and almost as inexpenwhile the average product is three times that of cotton goods.

Having thus given an outline of the general with statistics and figures, and to glance at the insubject, the writer proposes to dispense for a while in reference to the growth and manufacture of teresting historical accounts which are accessible, flax in other countries, from the earliest ages of this branch of the subject, it is his intention to the world. After devoting some attention to return to the details of modern science as applied to the various processes; and to attempt to prove, by undoubted authorities, the following propositions:

likely to be remunerative to the American farmer First, that there is no branch of industry more than the growth of flax.

Secondly, that there is no manufacture on the same scale in the world which is more steadily profitable in all its departments than the linen


the prospect of establishing in the flax culture a And thirdly, that no difficulty whatever exists in great northern staple, which may ultimately rival our southern cotton in its cheapness, its usefulness, and its extent for home consumption and for exportation. ALPHA.

(To be continue 1.)


quantity of cloud visible, and the direction of its motion, was also to be the subject of daily observation.

For some years past, the United States government, following the example set by the The arrangements for deep-sea soundings were governments of Europe, have been carrying on of the most complete description. Instead of topographical, geological, astronomical, and ma- hempen line, 14,300 fathoms of iron-wire were rine surveys in and around their great country, provided, weighing 3025 pounds. Of this, 7000 the results of which have appeared in maps, fathoms were wound on an iron cylinder, fitted charts, and reports, highly creditable to all con- to a wooden framework, and having a fly-wheel cerned. The most important of all is perhaps and pinions, to facilitate the labor of hauling up. the "coast survey;" for without an accurate With this apparatus, a sounding was taken in knowledge of the sea-board, the dangers of navi- lat. 31-59 north, long. 58-34 west, in which the gation are greatly multiplied. In the progress weight descended to 5700 fathoms-equal to of the work, it was found desirable to extend the 34,200 feet, or more than six miles; the time soundings to a greater distance from the shore occupied in the descent being one hour and a than had at first been contemplated; and as in- half. The circumstances were eminently favorcreased knowledge brought wider views, the able-the sea perfectly calm; and as there had sanction of Congress was obtained for a project been no interruption in the sinking of the lead for running a line of soundings all across the when the wire broke, it was believed that even Atlantic, by which, among other results, it was then the greatest depth had not been reached. thought an idea would be gained of the form of "There was no change of position during the the great ocean basin. The schooner Taney, sounding, as proved by the observations: the with competent officers and crew, was according- great weight and extent of the wire penetrating ly despatched on this novel service, the instruc- to such profound depths, seemed to serve as an tions being to ascertain "the force and direction anchor to keep the little schooner steady." In of the wind, the hourly state of the weather, and this sort of work, it would appear that the rise all the meteorological conditions connected there- and fall of the ship is the great difficulty: even with, as thermal, dynamical, barometrical, and with a gentle heave the sounding-line is exthe like the force and set of currents, their tremely liable to be broken, generally when bedepth and width, their temperature, and the tween 1000 and 2000 fathoms have run out. position of their edges or limits: hourly observa- This is one of the deepest soundings on record. tions upon the temperature of the surface-water: That obtained by Sir James Ross in 1843, befrequent observations upon the temperature of tween Rio Janeiro and Ascension, when returnthe occan at various depths: deep-sea soundings: ing from his antarctic expedition, was 27,600 feet. vigias, (shoals), and all dangers about which But both are exceeded by that of Captain Denthere are doubts either as to existence or posi- ham, taken in October, 1852, when, between Rio tion: transparency and saltness, or the specific and the Cape of Good Hope, more than eight gravity of sea-water in the different parts of the miles of line were carried off the reel. The true set of currents was to be as- The observations made upon under-currents certained by determining the variation of the have led to the conclusion, that they are stronger compass three times a day; and during calms, than those of the surface; as only on two occacurrents were to be tried for by lowering boats sions were they found to be of less velocity than and sinking weights; and under-currents to be those flowing in a different direction above them. detected by sounding every thirty miles with 100 To test these currents, a large "chip log" leaded fathoms of line; and the "limits and set" of so as to swim in a perpendicular position, was such currents, when discovered, were to be de- sunk to 126 fathoms, and the attached line made fined as accurately as possible. In the belt of fast to a "barrega," (a small cask) to serve as a calms known as the "horse latitudes," the baro- float; and by the movement of the latter, the dimetrical observations were to be multiplied, and rection and rate of the underlying current could very particularly recorded, so as to test the value be seen. "It was wonderful, indeed," says the of the supposition which gives an increased at- commander of the Taney, "to see this barrega mospheric pressure to those regions as one of the move off against wind and sea and surface-curconsequences of the trade-winds. The search rent, at the rate of over one knot an hour, as was for supposed shoals and dangers was not the least generally the case, and on one occasion as much important part of the service, since, if only as one and three-quarter knots. The men in the imaginary, their presence on the charts is a se- boats could not repress exclamations of surprise, rious and positive inconvenience, causing the for it really appeared as if some monster of the courses of vessels to be unnecessarily altered. Of deep had hold of the weight below, and was such objects, eight were to be specially searched walking off with it." The detection and meafor, among them the "False Bermudas ;" and it surement of these submarine streams will do may be stated here, that not one of them was much towards adding to our knowledge of occan found, although deep soundings were taken in phenomena. They appear to lie at depths varythe localities assigned to them. And last, the ing from 50 to 100 fathoms; and it has been


found possible, by careful contrivance, to measure their depth, independently of the water above and below them. What a view these facts open of a vast circulatory system in the sea! During the cruise, the Taney more than once crossed that part of the Atlantic known as the Mar de Sargasso ever since the days of Columbus, and occupied by immense beds of floating weed; but though a diligent look-out was kept, the beds were not to be seen, nothing more being visible than long lines of the weed lying parallel in the direction of the wind. 66 My frequent examinations of this weed," observes the commander, "satisfy me that, wherever it may originally come from, it feeds and grows upon the waters of the sea, which is certainly not more strange than the plant which feeds upon the air."

Besides the observations above mentioned, the specific gravity of the water was noted at regular periods; and in the trials as to its transparency, seventeen fathoms were found to be the limit, the observers "being able to see a large lead, painted white, at that depth." The soundings were taken every 200 miles, on a line from New York to the Canaries and Cape de Verds, both going and returning; and some interesting results were expected from an examination of the bottom over the volcanic region off Cape St. Roque, and from thence to the mouth of the Amazon. But the Taney proved too small and unseaworthy for the service in which she was employed; and after a cruise of nine months, it was found necessary to put back to New York in June, 1850. Since that time, the Dolphin, a larger and more efficient vessel, has been sent out; and on her return, we shall probably learn some definite particulars respecting the form of the basin in which rolls the mighty Atlantic.

documents. By this means, information is obtained from the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans; these being as yet the principal objects of investigation, from which wind, current, and track charts are constructed and published for the use of mariners. Another series denotes the trade-wind regions, including the calms and the monsoons. The "tracks" have already been found eminently useful, vessels provided with them having left the Atlantic ports and made the voyage to San Francisco in a shorter time than ever before. The results shewed that, while American ships averaged 122 days, English ships took 167 days, French 182, and Dutch 190facts which account for the eagerness manifested by practical navigators to obtain possession of the track-charts.

In the construction of the various charts, each five degrees of ocean are represented by engraved squares on the paper, within which concentric circles show the direction of the wind; so that the direction in any part of the ocean for any month may be seen without difficulty. The number of times that the wind has varied and blown from any one of sixteen points of the compass, and the number of calms, are also indicated. "The object has been," to quote the Observatory Report, "to get at least one hundred observations for each month in every square of the ocean, which would require for the three great oceans 1,669,200 observations upon the direction of the winds alone." For some regions, the observations are very numerous; in others, not one has been recorded, "so limited and marked are the commercial paths over the ocean, according to the seasons. Between the route to and fro around Cape Horn, and the routes around the Cape of Good Hope, there is a part of the ocean of immense extent that is seldom traversed by any vessel." Such regions can hardly be explored without despatching vessels for the special purpose. The charts already published, embrace the usual route from America. to Europe, and down south as far as the parallel of Rio; and it appears that ordinary navigators, by studying them, may become as expert as the most experienced "packet captains."

In investigations of this nature, the more numerous the observations, the more trustworthy will be the data founded on them; and to make the inquiry as complete as possible, the ships of the United States navy are each supplied with from 15,000 to 20,000 fathoms of line, all carefully measured and marked, so that deep-sea soundings may be taken on all favorable occasions. A thirty-two pound shot is used as a Apart from the immediate practical interest sinking-weight; and whenever the trouble of haul-attaching to these returns, they have a high phi

ing up would be too great, the orders are to cut the line after noting the quantity which has run off the reel. Besides these, more than 1000 vessels of the mercantile marine, acting under instructions from the Washington Observatory, are, while prosecuting their voyages, keeping a record, three times a day, of winds, currents, calms, rains, storms, thunder and lightning, fog, cloud, and drift, temperature of air and water, and all other noteworthy natural phenomena. As soon as any one of these vessels returns from her voyage, the log, or a copy, is sent to the Observatory, by assistants appointed at several of the principal ports of the United States to collect the

losophical value in their promise of clearing up what has so long been a profound subject of speculation and inquiry-the mystery of the deep. And now that our own government are about to unite with the Americans in promoting the great systematic survey, we may believe that the combined energies and resources of the two nations will, ere long, bring to light many new facts to help on their work.-Chambers' Edin. Jour.

We must not be concerned above the value of the thing that engages us; nor raised above reason, in maintaining what we think reasonable.


Dr. Castle, of this city, communicates to the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, the following ingenious method, devised by him, for extracting a young lady's finger from a ring which was too small for her. We give his story in his own language:


"An interesting young lady about seventeen years of age had presented to her a gold ring, which she forced over the joints of her middle finger. After a few minutes the finger commenced swelling, and the ring could not be removed. The family physician, Dr. sent for, but could do nothing. The family, and the young lady especially, were now in the greatest consternation. A jeweller was sent for. After many futile attempts to cut the ring with cutting nippers, and to saw it apart with a fine saw, and bruising and lacerating the flesh, warm fomentations and leeches were applied, but all without affording the slightest benefit. Dr. requested my presence, with the compliment that perhaps my mechanical ingenuity might suggest something.' I at once proceeded to the house of the patient, and found the young lady in a most deplorable state of mental agony, the doctor embarrassed, and the family in high state of excitement. I procured some prepared chalk, and applied it between the ridges of the swollen flesh, and all around the finger, and succeeded in drying the oozing and abraded flesh; then, with

be three hundred years old, known by naturalists as the "Arbor Vitæ." This portion of the bark, Calaveras county, head of the St. Antonio, is no which was brought by Mr. Alvin Adams, from less than eighteen inches thick, its entire circumference being originally ninety-six feet. The entire height of this king of the forest, which was felled in consequence of the ground being in litigation, was near three hundred feet, and its thickness thirty-two feet. Remaining parts of the bark will be brought and combined in sections sufficiently large to form a circle of thirtycumference. This novel spectacle will be exhione feet in diameter and ninety-one feet in cirform, probably, one of the most noteworthy artibited in the Crystal Palace, New York, and will cles to be seen in that great fair of the world.—

Baltimore Times.

In the 49th number of our last volume, a letter was introduced, containing a more particular. description of this gigantic tree. This description, it will be observed, does not essentially dif fer from that above given. The tree, however, appears to have been standing when the observations were made on which the former description was based; whereas it is now said to be felled. It would be interesting to be informed by what process such a tree was prostrated.

Genesis iv. 9, 10.

a narrow piece of soft linen, I succeeded in FORTY LINES ON FORTY THOUSAND EVILS. polishing the ring, by drawing it gently round the ring between the swollen parts. I then applied quick-silver to the surface of the ring. less than three minutes the ring was broken (by pressing it together) in four pieces, to the great relief of all parties.


"In a similar manner-without the chalk-I some time since extracted a small brass ring from the car of a child, who, child-like, had inserted it into the cavity of its ear. The operation was more painful and tedious-but was equally successful.

"The modus operandi. The quicksilver at once permeates the metals, if clean, (with the exception of iron, steel, platina, and one or two others) and amalgamates with them. It immediately crystallizes and renders the metal as hard and as brittle as glass. Hence the ease with which metals amalgamated with quicksilver can be broken."


Those who wish to get an inkling of the mammoth, cloud-capped trees of California, will do well to call at Adams & Co.'s Express establishment, beneath the office of the Times, and glance at the huge mass of bark taken from one of these wonders of the forest, a cedar, supposed to

Am I my brother's keeper?" dost thou say, With forty thousand wretched ones around; And in thy country's proud and boasting day, For scarce a tithe a fitting refuge found!

"Am I my brother's keeper?" Yes, thou art: And canst thou doubt it, with such scenes in view? If thou hast God's love burning in thy heart, Thou wilt not ask the question, but wilt do. Am I my brother's keeper?" cries the man "In purple cloth'd," and with "fine linen" gay, Spending on selfish ease whate'er he can,

And faring sumptuously from day to day. "Thou art thy brother's keeper”—Truth replies, Though faintly sounds her voice where lust hath power;

"I would have been," will Conscience, in the skies,

All trembling answer, at the judgment hour. "Am I my brother's keeper ?" lisps the fair, Who decks her English form in robes of France, And wastes her gold on jewels for her hair, Outlandish music and the foreign dance. Thou art thy brother's keeper, and yet more, Thy sister's also, desolate and sad: Thine be the task to give them of thy store, And kindly speak, and bid their hearts be glad. "Am I my brother's keeper ?" proudly asks The man of science poring o'er his books, While wrapt in study, musing o'er his tasks, Dep into all things but himself he looks!

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