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fair, that Spain will pay back the $6000 and realso promises to reform the regulations to meet buke the port authorities at Havana, and that she the wants of American commerce.

DOMESTIC.-A terrible casualty occurred at Wil

FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE.-The steamship Asia, arrived at New York on the 1st inst., bringing Liverpool dates to the 20th ult. The steamer Arctic, which had been some days due, struck a rock in the Irish Channel, and was obliged to re-mington, Del., on the morning of the 31st ult. turn to Liverpool. The damage was slight, and it was supposed that she would be ready to sail again in a week.

A report prevailed that Sebastopol, the Russian stronghold on the Black Sea, had been bombarded for four days by the allied fleet. The English war steamer, Tiger, had been stranded close to Odessa and obliged to surrender to the Russians. Twenty-two Russian merchant ships had been captured since the bombardment of Odessa.

The Turkish fleet had entered the Black Sea. The fleet numbered 24 sail, carrying 1030 guns, and was intended to destroy all the Russian positions on the Circassian coast and to disembark a land force who were to effect a junction with the


It is reported that the plan of the allies is to carry the war into the heart of Russia, to seize Crimea, and attack Sebastopol by land, while the fleets attack it by sea.

It is stated that the Vienna Conference is to be renewed on the basis of the Austro-Prussian and Anglo-French alliance; also, that the French government had received from Prussia a note of ex

planation, which had given great satisfaction, but its exact tenor had not become public. The overtures of Russia for a commercial alliance with Prussia had failed. Hanover, Wurtemberg and Bavaria, have sent in their adherence to the Austro-Prussian treaty.

In consequence of the great concentration of Russian troops on the eastern and north-eastern frontiers of Austria 5,000 additional troops are to be raised, and an, der has been signed for the occupation of the Galician frontier by two army


Three wagons, containing four hundred and fifty kegs, or about five tons, of powder, from Dupont's Mills, were on their way to the wharf for shipment, when near the corner of Fourteenth and Orange streets, from some unknown cause, the powder exploded, causing a most melancholy loss of life and destruction of property. The wagons were splintered to atoms, the horses blown to pieces, and the three drivers instantly killed and horribly mutilated. All the houses in the immediate vicinity of the explosion were much injured, The trees along the streets and in the gardens in several of them being completely demolished. the vicinity were stripped of their limbs, and a number torn up by the roots or shivered to pieces. A large portion of the windows in the city were the walls and the buildings otherwise damaged. broken, and in many places the plaster torn from Two persons besides the drivers are known to have been killed, and several others seriously injured.

CONGRESS-In Senate, on the 29th ult, the Nebraska bill, as signed by the Speaker of the House, was signed by the President of the Senate. Several small amendments to the Indian bill were adopted and the bill was passed. The Deficiency bill was received from the House. The Senate insisted on its amendments, and a Committee of Conference was appointed. On the 30th, a resolution was adopted providing for an adjournment from the 3d of 7th month until the 1st of the 10th month. A report was received from the Committee of Conference on the disagreeing amendments to the Deficiency bill,d was agreed to, the Sethe 31st the Senate ado ed a resolution directing nate receding from near all its amendments. On Several unimportant engagements are reported an inquiry as to the propriety of granting a pento have taken place on the Danube, in which the sion to the widow of Batchelder, killed in Boston Turks have been vetors. Omer Pasha was conwhile preventing the rescue of Burns, claimed as centrating his forcist Shumla. The Russians a fugitive slave. On the 1st, eleven Senators only were forming considerable depots and canton-being present, the Senate adjourned to the 5th. ments on the line of the Sereth, thus making In the House of Representatives, on the 29th Moldavia the base of their operations. An army ult., the Pacific Railroad bill was taken up and thus placed can advance into Gallicia by the discussed in the Committee of the Whole. It pronorth, or into Wallachia by the south, as circum-vides for two roads, one south of 37 deg. latitude, stances may render expedient. This movement and one from Lake Superior, or the Mississippi, in has induced the Austrian Cabinet to take imme- Minnesota. A Conference Committee on the Dediate measures for the effectual defence of Galli- ficiency bill was appointed. On the 30th, a resocia. Gen. Schlick, one of the ablest of the Aus- [lution was adopted instructing the Committee on trian officers, has been appointed to take com-Commerce to inquire as to what measures are nemand in that province.

The combined fleets, under Sir Charles Napier, lay 25 miles from Cronstadt with the design of intercepting the Russian fleet which has left Helsingfors to join the division lying at Cronstadt.

cessary for facilitating the preservation of life and property in the case of shipwreck on the coast of New Jersey. The House went into Committee on the Pacific Railroad bill. Gerrit Smith addressed the House in opposition to the bill, after which the Committee rose and the House adjourned. On the 31st, a bill providing for the survey and sale of the public lands in Kansas was referred to the com

The latest accounts from Greece state that the insurgents continue to lose ground, and a large number of villages had sent in their submission.mittee on Public Lands. The Pacific railroad bill SPAIN. The Spanish Government had sent in an was taken up in Committee, and a long discussion answer to the American Minister, who despatch- ensued between northern and southern members ed it by a special messenger to the United States. relative to the address of some of the New York Six thousand men were to embark immediately members to their constituents. A message was for Porto Rico to be drafted for service when need-received from the President stating that he had ed. It is said in relation to the Black Warrior af- signed the Nebraska bill.






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Continued from page 611.

No. 40.

lightning. I sat down under it in silent meditation on the power of the electric fluid, thinking it but a common accident from natural causes, and that it was well I was not there at the time the tree was struck. As I thus sat, all my thoughts were stayed and brought into subjection, and an awful silence prevailing in my soul, a language intelligible to my mind, proclaimed within me, "Thou seest how awfully powerful the lightning is,—thus, as in the twinkling of an eye, I could deprive thee of thy existence." I was struck with amazement, and as I walked home, pondered what I had heard; and believing it was the voice of the Almighty, I felt a degree of reverence spring in my heart, as also of gladness, in In consequence of indulging my natural re-thinking I was not wholly cast off. I was led to luctance to stand as a spectacle in our meetings, I was left for a time in a beclouded state, and lost all enjoyment of heavenly good, as well as the confidence in Divine power, with which I had been favored; yet not without intervals of sensibility, like the breaking forth of the sun at times during a cloudy day. I was at these seasons made sensible of the offers of pardon, on condition of future obedience. But I reasoned against light and conviction, slighting the favors of which I had partaken, until I came to the miserable conclusion that religion was a cheat, something invented by designing men to captivate the simple. I read the Scriptures in a disposition to ridicule them, and sought to get rid of all my whims, as I was willing to call them; but, blessed be the name of Israel's Shepherd, I was followed with the reproofs of instruction; and the remembrance of my past enjoyment in the assemblies of the Lord's people, now in the days of my rebellion and poverty, caused me to feel the chas tisements more keenly.

My life became a burden to me, and I was at times afraid to be alone, lest I might do myself some mischief; at other seasons I spent great part of the night alone, meditating on my past condition and present forlorn state. It was during some of these solitary hours, that I was again made sensible of the renewings of Divine visitation, by which my hard heart was broken and I wept much. By little and little, I recovered that confidence I had lost in Divine power and the superintending care of the Most High, over man. On one occasion, as I was walking over a hill covered with trees, I saw a large one that had been struck by

contemplate my past religious experience, and was strengthened to forsake my foolish consultations with flesh and blood; and feeling myself to be a poor creature, I resolved to seek afresh the favor of Him who is infinite in power and goodness. In our religious meetings, my mind was now sensible of receiving instruction from Him who is the Teacher of his people, and the Teacher of teachers, qualifying servants and hand-maidens to serve him in the ministry of the Gospel. In this weighty work I again engaged, about two years after my first appearance, and having now fully given up to it, I appeared pretty often in our meeting at the Creek, in Nine Partners. The meeting-house was large and frequently crowded, and though I often felt much reluctance at standing up, yet I considered that the intent of speaking was to be heard, and therefore en- ́ deavored to speak so plainly and audibly as to be heard by all. Now I again became a happy partaker of sweet peace and satisfaction in the Lord's work, yet not without interruption; as the following extracts from my diary will evince, viz:

Twelfth month 14th, 1788. Confined at home by indisposition, and have felt but little of the Father's love. Having heard of a public appearance in our meeting, but little expected, my own situation has been feelingly brought to my view, with fervent desires that the Lord will not forsake me. Some suppose that I have forsaken him, but the Lord sees not as man sees, he looks at the heart and knows that my desires are unto him, and that without his favor I cannot enjoy any real satisfaction, even in the midst of temporal blessings. Awake, O, my soul, unto righte

were few happier men than myself; but my happiness did not continue as it might have done, if I had not launched out into greater business.

1790. O Lord God of heaven and earth, I pray thee, in the riches of thy mercy, be pleased to look upon me from heaven, thy holy habitation, for I am a poor unstable man, tossed about with prospects pleasing to my natural inclination, and which keep me from surrendering myself wholly unto Thee. Cast me not off, I pray thee, O thou holy One, but enable me to dedicate my all unto Thee and thy service. Condescend to baptize me, and re-baptize me, that I may be prepared to serve thee acceptably, for thou art

ousness and sin no more, that with the saints,
thou mayest feed on the bread of life. Thus be-
ing clothed in the robe of righteousness, the
beautiful garment, and walking in newness of life
thou mayest worship the Lord in Spirit and in
Truth. "Wisdom is justified of her children."
But who are her children? Surely they only,
who are endeavoring to do justly, to love mercy,
and to walk humbly with God. Great and mar-
vellous are the works of the infinite and incom-
prehensible Creator; great are his mercies to the
intelligent part of his creation, and manifold the
blessings bestowed upon them by him. How pre-
sumptuous is that man who can partake of these,
and forget the gracious Giver! May the incon-worthy-Amen.
siderate be awakened to think of these things, and
no longer be living carelessly.

Second month 17th, 1789. In looking over our religious Society, there appears an encourag ing prospect, notwithstanding the backsliding of some. Many are awakened both in Europe and America; some in Germany, and even in France, that dark land, where the craft of man has so long held the people in bondage. When I contemplate these encouraging prospects, and the examples of the obedient servants, I do not forget myself, who am wading along in a path where there are many hindering things. But I have a hope that the Lord will yet favor me with a more willing mind, and suffer nothing to prevent me from obeying his holy commands; for truly, I love the ways of the Lord, better than I do the ways "I had rather be a door-keeper in the house of the Lord than to dwell in the tents of wickedness."

of man.

Ninth month 5th. "Lord, what is man, that thou art mindful of him, or the son of man that thou visitest him!" I am not worthy of the notice of the Most High, yet such is his condescension, that I have a little confidence given me to look up unto Him, and ask for his help to enable me to persevere in the way that is well pleasing unto him, and not to run in the ways of my own choosing. May all that is in me be so humbled and reduced, as that I can truly say, in addressing the holy One, "Thy will, not mine, be done."

Sixth month 11th, 1791. Although I have often testified of the goodness of God, yet I am also bound to declare, that it is dangerous to tamper with his mercies, by living in idleness, unmindful of how much we love him. We have need to watch daily and endeavor to keep the fire kindled in our hearts, that we may manifest a holy zeal for the Lord and his cause; and there is also a care to be maintained that we do not compass ourselves with sparks of our own kindling. I had rather be a poor but diligent waiter in the house of my God, than attempt to advance by my own strength.

22d. Ö Thou, who regardest the poor and the afflicted, be pleased to remember the poor Africans, whom professing Christians are holding in slavery.

About this time I was deprived of the society of Stephen Hoag, a young man whom I highly esteemed. He was received into our Society by convincement, and had appeared as a minister several times in our meetings; and being generally beloved his death had an awakening effect upon many, and on me in a particular manner. I saw that my day's work was behind hand, and earnest were my desires to have it accomplished. I had many temporal blessings bestowed upon Tenth month 15th. Received afflicting intelme, particularly a precious wife, with whom I ligence of great mortality in the city of New was now settled in a neat, though small house, York, and of an insurrection of the colored peoand we spent our time very pleasantly together. ple in one of the West India Islands, where sevShe was of a pious turn of mind, and our enjoy-eral members of our Society are detained to asments were increased by the opportunity of reading religious books, the tendency of which, was to animate us to follow the footsteps of the righteous. Her father was for many years a constant attender of the meetings for discipline, at Nine Partners, and we often had his company; and still more frequently that of my father, who was a truly valuable man, though naturally diffident and backward in compa y. My business was small, but I was contented. In the season of fulling, I was employed in my shop, and in the summer, in my garden; and with my small stock, consisting of one cow, a pig and some fowls, I envied not the rich nor the great. I believe there

sist in the defence of the town. I feel for them and their families; but have they not contributed to the calamity by encouraging the trade to those islands, which has been the inducement to the whites to increase the number of their slaves. Lord, have mercy upon the blacks and whites!— How great are the cruelties practised amongst mankind, and to what a pitch have they reached! I long to have my mind more and more redeemed from the world, that I may leave it cheerfully if called away therefrom; yet I think I am also willing to live and suffer, if thereby I may be useful to my fellow-mortals.

The beginning of the year 1792, was to me a

good time. I had an opportunity of accompanying a Friend who was visiting families in our part, and was also favored with the company of many other precious Friends who were laboring in the Lord's vineyard. I frequently attended the meeting held at Little Nine Partners, where many who were not members of our Society gave us their company, for whom I felt strong desires that they might be wisely directed to choose the path of pure and undefiled religion. Several of them afterwards became useful members of our Society.

[To be continued.]

Memoir of ANN LUCAS, a minister of Hitchin, England, who died on the 27th of 2nd month, 1853, aged 83 years.

The daughter of Samuel and Hester Bowley, was born on the 8th of Ninth month, 1769, at Cirencester, in Gloucestershire, where her family had lived for several generations. In the early days of our religious Society, John Roberts records, that Richard Bowley, her direct ancestor, was fined £20 for preaching, and £20 for attending a meeting in Friends' Meeting House in that place. Her father was actively engaged in business, which took him a great deal from his family; but under the care of a religiously concerned, judicious, and tender mother, Ann, who in early life was very delicate, but possessed a mind of no ordinary strength, grew up a serious and thoughtful child; desiring, at times, above all things, to serve God, and to be useful to her fellow creatures.



succeeded one of clearer perception, and more
simplicity and faithfulness in following the lead-
ings of the Good Shepherd; and she became in-
creasingly qualified for the work of her Lord and
Master, whom she had so anxiously desired to
serve. She was acknowledged a minister in the
of her age.

About three years previous to this period, she undertook, under a sense of duty, the care of a day school for Friends' children, which was about to be relinquished, in her native town; and this service was marked by the judicious treatment of her pupils, and her solicitude for their best welfare.

the time of her marriage with William Lucas, In this engagement she continued till near of Hitchin, which took place on the 15th of

Eleventh month, 1798. Her husband was a man little known beyond the immediate circle of his friends, but within that circle he was greatly esteemed and beloved. With a cultivated mind, and good literary taste, strongly attached to country pursuits, fond of natural history, of a generous disposition, a lover of peace, an humble Christian, and a consistent Friend,— he lived to a good old age, and his memory is precious.

Thus united, these beloved friends, in their circumspect walk through the varied scenes of life, in a course of active usefulness, were living witnesses to the reality of religion, and proved, what our early Friends were concerned to testify, that Christianity is not a mere barren theory or speculative system, but a vital principle, purifying the heart by faith, and leading into all righteous

Her return from school was marked by increas-ness. ed submission to the power of religion, and she Ann Lucas was not called upon to travel much became more qualified for usefulness in her fam- as a minister, but was long known for her serily, and amongst her numerous acquaintance and vice in our religious Society. Her diligence in friends, to whom she was a bright example of her own meeting and neighborhood in the exerdedication to what she believed to be her duty. cise of her gift, her concern for the right mainIn a memorandum found after her decease, tenance of our discipline, and her readiness to "In a religious opportunity in a friend's sympathise with the afflicted and assist those family, when I was about 18, under the ministry who in any way needed her help, were conspicuof a Friend, a strong impression took hold of my ous traits in her character. The clearness of mind, which I hardly know how to describe,- her judgment, for which she was always remarkthe subject being unexpected, and not alluded to able, rendered her a truly valuable counsellor, in what was expressed by the minister;-it was, and many brought to her their cares and sorrows, that I should be sometime required to yield to a as to a bosom friend in whom they could entiresimilar service. I well remember the force with ly confide, and who would give them such counwhich it was presented, and the effect it had to sel as was best suited to their need. She had bring me under great conflict of mind. There clear views of Christian doctrine, and an unvarywas a desire to be faithful, if such were my lineing attachment to our peculiar testimonies, and of duty; yet there was also a disposition to shrink was enabled to serve the church on various critifrom the exposure, and an unwillingness to surrender the will; neither was there, I apprehended, a preparation of heart for such an engagement. Therefore much tossing succeeded, and continued for seven years, before I gave up to it; although I had, during that interval, been sometimes on the very point of giving up, and condemnation and sorrow were the consequences of disobedience." But to this period of trial

cal occasions.

She was several times clerk to the women's Yearly Meeting, and a regular attender of it for many years. She had often, on these occasions a conspicuous part to take; not by the expres sion of many words, but by the few fitly spoken, under the influence of the Holy Anointing, and with a judgment and tact as to time and place, almost peculiar to herself; which increased her

influence, and contributed much to the edifica- | to be attained by close attention to the teachings

tion of the church. At the same time, her whole bearing gave the impression to those who knew her, that the experience of every year was deepening her in true Christian humility.

Ninth month, 1839, she writes: "My seventieth birthday. Is there oil in the vessel with the lamp? If not, it is not a time to slumber or sleep, but earnestly to seek for it where it can alone be had."

of the Spirit of Christ in the heart, bearing in mind that memorable reply to the inquiry, And what shall this man do?'-'What is that to thee? Follow thou me.'"

She continued gradually declining, till the 25th of Second month, 1853, when a slight cold suddenly prostrated all her bodily powers. With her usual clearness of discernment, she perceived that her end was near, but was not able to converse much. To one of her grandchildren, she said,-" Thou art the eldest of the family; there is a great deal in that. I know I have not held my place as I should. I hope you will not depart from the testimonies and practices of Friends: I have never seen occasion in my long life, to deviate from them; I believe the New Testament sets forth our views very clearly." At another time she remarked,-"Nothing can exceed the awful

It was evident that she was accustomed to examine herself by a high and holy standard, and that close was her self-scrutiny and watchfulness, whilst very fearful of transgressing the law of love and charity in her judgment of others. Yet, in watching over others for good, she was faithful and honest towards them; and her tenderness in administering reproof was such that she seldom gave offence, but often produced grateful feelings in those to whom she felt boundness of an unseen world; I have but one hope. to hand a word of admonition.

She was ready to unite with her neighbors in many objects of general utility, and diligent, when her health permitted, in visiting the poor, more particularly those who were suffering from illness. The wants of these she supplied with a liberal hand.

that set before us in the gospel."

She spoke of her love to her friends being undiminished, saying, "I have been very much fa vored to receive great love and kindness." She referred her children to the passage, in Isaiah "In returning and rest ye shall be saved; in quies ness and in confidence shall be your strength," In 1846, she was deprived by death of her be- and made some appropriate remarks to other loved husband. For about twelve months he had who were present, indicative of her affectionate been the object of her tenderest care, and she deep-interest in their welfare. Her beautiful consider ly mourned her loss. From that time, though dili-ation for others appeared to the last, and she was gent in the attendance of her own meeting, she anxious that the convenience of Friends should withdrew from the more extended sphere in which she had been occupied. But her faculties continued unimpaired, her interest in her friends undiminished; her spiritual life seemed vigorous as ever, and brighter and clearer was her vision in things pertaining to salvation. In humble submission to the Divine will, she endeavored in faith and patience to support the increasing weight of infirmity, which as she advanced in years, at times almost bore down the enfeebled frame. She suffered much from want of sleep, though her wakeful hours were often seasons of peace and comfort.

be consulted in reference to her funeral. Afte expressing something of this sort, she sunk int a quiet slumber, and, while all her children wer surrounding her bed, she peacefully expired.

Deeply as a large circle of children and grand children mourn the loss of a tenderly intereste parent, sorrowfully as the church regards the vacant place, once filled by a firm and uprigh pillar, there is abundant consolation, in the be lief, that her day's work was done; that as good and faithful servant, yet, having her so dependence placed on redeeming mercy, she ha entered into the joy of her Lord. And loud the call on survivors, when another prophet thus removed from the church militant, to b prepared to receive the mantle so quietly an peacefully laid down, to seek for a large measur of that Spirit which qualified her, and man others, for the service of their day; that, throug individual faithfulness, "our cords may be length ened, and our stakes strengthened, that the plac of our tent may yet be enlarged.”— Annual Mos

In 1849 appears the following memorandum: "On looking back to some omission of apprehended duty in early life, I have seen, and much regretted, that my mind had not been more clearly directed to the constraining love of Christ, as the only sufficient motive for obedience to his requisitions. And I am glad to believe that of later time the youth of our Society are better instructed on this important point, and that it will assist them to prove that declaration of an apos-itor. tle- We have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Chrst.'

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The following remark is without date: "True simplicity is indeed beautiful; but by looking for examples of it in our fellow-creatures, and measuring ourselves by them, we are in danger of falling short of the right standard. It is only


The country life is to be preferred, for ther we see the works of God; but in cities, little els but the works of men; and the one makes better subject for our contemplation than th other.-W. Penn.

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