Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση


can ladies. These ladies were born and raised, no title to virtue, though thou art free of other in the same. neighborhood, on the island of Martinique, one of the West Indies. They were of French origin, and companions and intimate friends in childhood and youth. They were Josephine de Tascher and a Miss S.

The history of Josephine is generally known. She went to France, and was married to M. de Beauharnais, by whom she had one son, Eugene, and a daughter, Hortense. Some time after the death of Beauharnais, Josephine was married to Napoleon Bonaparte, and became Empress of France. Her daughter Hortense, was married to Louis Bonaparte, then King of Holland, and the present Emperor of France is her son by that marriage.

Miss S. quitted the island of Martinque some time before her friend. But the vessel that was carrying her to France was attacked and taken by the Algerine Corsairs, and the crew and passengers made prisoners. But this Corsair ship was in turn attacked and pillaged by Tunis pirates, and Miss S. was carried by them to Constantinople, and offered for sale as a slave. Her extraordinary beauty and accomplishments found her a purchaser in the Sultan himself; and she soon became the chief lady of the Seraglio and Sultaness of Turkey. Mahmoud II. was her son, and the present Sultan, Abdul Medjid, is the son of Mahmoud.

Thus the two sovereigns who now occupy so large a space in the world's eye are grandsons of two American creole girls who were playmates in their youth; and were as remarkable for their beauty and excellent dispositions, as for their varied and singular fortunes.

Both these women, in the height of their power, remembered all the friends of their youth, and provided munificently for their welfare. Many of the relatives of this Sultaness left the island of Martinique, and settled at Constantinople, where their descendants still reside, and enjoy the favor of the Sultan.

The Sultaness died in 1811, the Empress Josephine in 1814, and their grandsons now rule over two wide and powerful empires; and are entering, as friends and allies, upon one of the most momentous and sanguinary struggles in which Europe was ever involved.-Pittsburg



Content not thyself that thou art virtuous in the general; for one link being wanting, the chain is defective.

For a covetous man to inveigh against prodigality, an atheist against idolatry, a tyrant against rebellion, or a liar against forgery, and a drunkard against intemperance, is vice reproving viciousness.

Such a reproof would have but little success, because it would carry but little authority with it.

If thou wouldst conquer thy weakness, thou must never gratify it.

No man is compelled to evil; his consent only makes it his.

It is no sin to be tempted, but to be overcome. W. Penn.

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Where the midnight of folly sends reason away,. Where the mind draws its sorrows, its pleasures from thence,

And the heart pants alone for the raptures of sense.

But O, enter thou not where Devotion has trod,
To beguile the poor soul from its duty to God:
For the well-springs of life, and the bread of the day,
It is thine not to give, but to barter away.
Then may each son of folly, each daughter of care,
Hear the whisper that bids them reflect and beware;
And ere sin shall seduce them from peace and from

Perhaps thou art rather innocent than virtuous, Fly the arrow whose point would envenom their owest more to thy constitution than to thy religion.

To be innocent is to be not guilty; but to be virtuous is to overcome our evil inclinations.

If thou hast not conquered thyself in that which is thy own particular weakness, thou hast


For whilst sin, open sin, leads its thousands astray, T'ens of thousands are borne by false pleasures away; Let the Christian in heart, then, redeemed and set free,

Never dare to return, O vain Music, to thee.

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FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE.-The steamship Arctic arrived at New York on the 7th, and the Pacific on the 11th inst., bringing Liverpool dates respecfively to the 28th and 31st ult.

Complete accord of the Four Powers is now said to exist, and a protocol to maintain the integrity of Turkey has been signed by them. Austria and Prussia will now demand the evacuation by Russia, of the Turkish territory. A joint declaration of Austria and Prussia, announcing the cordiality of the Four Powers, and declaring that a prolongation of the struggle between Russia and Turkey, was fraught with danger to Germany, was presented to the Germanic Diet The smaller German Powers have since given in their adhesion to the treaty. Naples has declared its intention to remain neutral. Russia has concluded a treaty with Khiva.

It is said that Sweden will declare war against Russia, preparatory to which, an allied force of 17,000 men will be landed in Sweden. Two Rus sian war vessels have been presented by Russia

to the Greek Government.

Sir Charles Napier appears to be carrying on the war with vigor. He had destroyed the Castle of Gustafshaven, at the entrance of the Gulf of Fin land, taking 1500 Russian prisoners. A large number of Russian vessels have also been captured. Gustasvarnas was bombarded on the 22d, without effect. The attack would be renewed on the 29th.

retake Shanghai, but without success.
The rev-
olutionists were steadily advancing toward Pekin.

CALIFORNIA. The steamers Star of the West, from San Juan, and George Law, from Aspinwall arrived at New York on the 8th inst., bringing California dates to the 19th inst.

The Legislature of California adjourned on the 15th ult. The Senatorial Election bill and the Water Front Extension bill were lost. The gold mines were yielding rich returns, and the weather had been remarkably fine since the sailing of the last steamers. Walker's band had surrendered and had arrived at San Francisco in custody of the United States officers, where they had been released on parole. The French consul had been arrested on a charge of violating the neutrality laws, and held in $10,000 bail.

Accounts from the Isthmus state that the Mayor of San Juan has resigned, and the city govern

ment been dissolved.

The dates from Carthagena are to the 20th ult. Gen. Herrera and Mosquero had advanced to within a few miles of Bogota, with an army of 15,000 men and were about to attack Gen. Melco.

SWITZERLAND.-The elections for 'the Grand Council of the canton of Berne, has resulted in the choice of 21 radical representatives, and 17 con


CONGRESS.-Ten Senators were in their place on the 5th inst. They adjourned to the 8th. On the 8th, a memorial from the Earl of Selkirk was presented, praying for a patent for lands in Minnesota, granted to one of his ancestors by Charles II. of England. A bill was reported increasing the number of wreck stations on the coast of Long Island and New Jersey, and the Senate adjourned to the 12th.

In the House of Representatives, no quorum being present on the 5th, the House adjourned. On the 6th, an attempt was made to proceed to bu siness, but no quorum being present, an adjourn ment again took place. On the 7th, the House went into committee on the Pacific Railroad bill, several speeches were made on several subjects. but no business done. Again no quorum.

The Neva was free from ice on the 2d ult., and had risen so high that an inundation was feared. Much apprehension is felt at Petersburg, of an attack on that place by the allies, and the Emperor was adopting the most vigorous measures for its defense. Fifteen stone bridges crossing the Neva were to be broken down and the remainder mounted with heavy cannon. Troops were crowding into the city and quartered on the inhabitants, and 1,500 Cossacks were approaching the Capital. Many of the nobility and leading families were retiring into the interior, carrying with them their plate, jewelry and other portable property of value, and the foreign residents were quitting in such No business was transacted on the 8th and 9th. numbers, that means of conveyance could with On the 10th, in Committee of the Whole on the great difficulty be procured. Every means was Pacific Railroad bill a speech was made by Chasadopted to strengthen the fortifications of Cronstadt, tain to the effect that the time has come when the the Emperor hin self visiting the place, twice or United States should obtain possession of Cubathree times a week to hasten the operations of the peaceably if she can, forcibly if she must. "We workmen. A large portion of the merchant should take measures for the acquisition without quarter at Rigar has been demolished by the mili- delay, and call onSpain to name her terms. If tary authorities in preparing defenses for the town. she would not do so, he would go for an undisOn the Black Sea, the allied fleets were blockad-guised, open,war, to take Cuba by force of arms!” ing Sebastopol. The Turkish fleet had arrived off Are the people of the North prepared to give their Varna, on its way to the Circassian coast. On the aid to the perpetration of this outrage? 26th ult., Silistria still held out against the Russians, who had been driven back four times by the besieged, with considerable loss. The Russians had lost 1500 men in the attack of the fortress Abdul Medjid. The Circassians have decided to The examination of the parties arrested in Bosform an independent provisional government. All the positions formerly occupied by the Ruston for the attempt to rescue Burns from the hands sians on the shores of Circassia have been abandoned.

CHINA. The dates from China on the 4th mo. 10th. The Imperialists had made an attempt to

DOMESTIC.-The election for the officers of the Consolidated City of Philadelphia, resulted in the election of Robert T. Conrad for Mayor, by a majority of 8,428.

of the slave-hunters, resulted in the commtment of four persons, Stowell, Biship, Jackson, Morrison, for the murder of the Deputy Marshal Betchelder. Three others were held to bail in $3,000 each on a charge of riot.






No. 41.

kind,—which, if duly considered, might operate to arouse the careless professors to greater diliPUBLISHED WEEKLY BY SAMUEL RHOADS, prevails in some places, famine and the suffergence in the work of salvation. While pestilence

No. 50 North Fourth Street,

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Postage on this paper, when paid quarterly or yearly in advance, 13 cents per annum in Pennsylvania and 26 cents per annum in other States.


Continued from page 627.

In the year 1793, I travelled some short journeys within the compass of our Monthly Meeting, which then included the members living at Hudson, Klinakill, Coeymans, &c.; and also accompanied Hannah Bernard to some of the adjacent towns in Connecticut. She had passed through much exercise of mind to prepare for the work of the ministry, and evinced much love and zeal for the cause of religion. Although she lived forty miles distant from where our Monthly meeting was held, yet she often attended it, and travelled some long journeys in the work of the Gospel.

ings attendant on war afflict others, the nations of Europe being generally engaged in a destructive war, and confusion and bloodshed prevailing in some of the islands by fire and sword, in the hands of the blacks.

28th. The cares of this life engaged my attention this day, yet not so, but that through marvellous condescension, I had a sweet time in spiritual communion with Him, who is the Alpha and Omega-the praise is due to him. In this time of heavenly favor, I asked for strength to walk more uprightly than I had heretofore done, that so I might enjoy these favors more frequently.

Ninth month 18th. Received the affecting intelligence of the death of that dear and eminent servant of Christ, Daniel Offley, who died in Philadelphia of the malignant fever raging there. The remembrance of him is precious to me, his ministry having been instrumental in turning me into the paths of obedience.

21st. Received accounts of the death of two more ministers in Pennsylvania, and that two hundred persons were buried in the city in one day-my mind much affected under the considBut after all her dedication to the Lord's cause, eration. A merchant of that city writes thus to she fell away and caused Friends much trouble, his friend in New York, viz: "Scenes like the imbibing and promulgating principles inconsist-present, destroy our relish for earthly enjoyments ent with what she had once so zealously propagated, denying the literal accuracy of some parts of the Holy Scriptures, and rejecting the atonement of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, for which she was disowned from society.

and the pursuit of wealth, in which I fear we have both been too much engaged. I feel very sensible of its having been the case with me, and I do not look back with comfort and satisfaction on my employment for some years back. No. earthly good is equivalent to the loss or diminu-tion of that peace and calmness, which flow from a faithful and upright attention to religious. duties."

Being a woman of high mind, and her gift procuring her much respect and attention where she travelled, she was weak enough to be carried away by vain imaginations and carnal reasoning -slighting the advice of her friends who loved 27th. O Lord! I have need of thy help to bear her and saw the danger she was in. Several up my soul and keep me from sinking, the heavi years before she quite fell away, I had fears on ness of my heart is so great. And why it is so, I her account, having frequently been in her com- know not. If it be for my further refinement, pany, and had an opportunity of seeing the temp-good is thy will, O Lord! I am thankful that tation to which she was exposed. "Let him that thinketh he standeth, take heed lest he fall."

Seventh month 15th. Had the company of Richard Titus, a minister from Long Island, whose awakening testimony brought me into serious reflection upon the present situation of man

thou art mindful of me.

Have mercy upon me,

I pray thee, and set me in a place where I may praise thee. I am willing to leave all, and follow thee in the way of thy requirings. Although the cross has been in my way, so that I have not at all times given up, thou knowest I have not with

held through wilful disobedience. I know myself, to be a poor, weak creature, a mere worm in comparison to many of thy servants, whom thou sendest forth on thy errands. O, be pleased to forgive all my short comings, purify me in what ever way thou, in thy wisdom, seest fit, that I may be received into thy favor, and be qualified to serve thee, who art forever worthy.

death for an atrocious crime. He appeared very penitent, and remarked, that he believed it must have been the Lord who put it into our hearts to visit such an abject creature as he was; expressing his sense, that the Lord's goodness was great; and my desires for him were that he might experience forgiveness.

Crossing the Kennebeck river, we had a good meeting at Winthrop, where a stream of heaven

Sixth month, 1794. In the morning meeting I had to controvert an opinion that was spread-ly love flowed through me to the people. After ing through these parts, that atonement being made for the sins of mankind, through the one great offering, viz: the sufferings and death of Christ on the cross, it was impossible for any to miss of heaven and happiness. The danger of this doctrine, and the nature of true faith in Christ, were clearly set forth, and the people invited to submit to him in his spiritual appearance, so as not only to believe in his outward coming, in the prepared body, in which he came to do his Father's will, but also to know him, as the apostles and primitive believers did, to be "Christ in them the hope of glory." Many not of our Society being present, and feeling love to flow in my heart toward them, at the close of the meeting, I expressed my satisfaction in having their company, and requested them to attend in the afternoon, and to invite their neighbors. We accordingly had a very large company, many of whom it was said had never before been at a Friends' meeting; and although the subjects of ministerial communication were doctrinal, there appeared no dissatisfaction, the meeting ending under a precious solemnity, an evidence of the love of the heavenly Father, vouchsafed to us.

meeting, I incautiously laid down upon a bed, where a current of air blew upon me, by which I contracted a cold, with severe pain in my head and bones, which made riding difficult. We however got to Green, and put up at a house built of logs and covered with stripes of bark, which did not look a very commodious place to be sick at. I however got to bed, pensive and low in mind, and to add to my affliction, a violent gale of wind arose in a few minutes after, and blew off a part of the roof, while the rain descended in torrents. My fever was very high and my anxiety of mind considerable; but through the merciful interposition of Him who for the relief of his poor disciples formerly arose and rebuked the winds and waves, saying, "Peace-be still," all my fears were dissipated, and my mind became as quiet and resigned, as though I had been in my own house, surrounded by my family. I passed the night pretty comfortably, and the day following attended their meeting held in Cyrus Dean's house. He and his wife were young Friends, who with a few others, newly convinced, keep up the meeting. One of them was a woman of color, the first of the African race I had taken by the hand as a member of our Society.

A meeting having been appointed for next day, feeble as I was, we attended it; and I felt the goodness of the holy Helper of his people; standing up with these words, "It is a common saying, that the world is full of fashion, and preaching and praying have become very fashionable in our day; although it is not my intention to rank them with the vain and foolish fashions of the world, yet there is reason to fear, some enter upon these engagements without a valid commission for so doing." I then proceeded to set forth the difference, between those who were really called by Christ to the solemn work of the ministry, and such as have never known either the preparation or the call. Whatever the effect may be, I believe the opening was in Divine wisdom, and the help dispensed to me, from heaven, for I had words given me to my humble admiration. At the close of the meeting I was scarcely able to stand, and could not for some time get away from the people, who seemed much affected with tenderness of spirit. My fever now increased, and my appetite for food fail

We had also a large meeting at the house of Richard Dame, where we sat nearly an hour in silence; the expectations of the people were great, for word had gone abroad that a boy was to preach, and I was sensible my friends were looking too much for my appearing, as very many not of our Society were present. I was reminded of the time when the host was encamped against Israel; and there seemed an anxiety in the minds of some of my friends, comparable to what there was when David was about to engage the champion of the Philistines, and Saul clothed him with his own armour. I felt as if this was put on me, but like David, I found it would not do. My spirit was mercifully brought into a holy calm, and I was willing to be a spectacle to the people, and my mind at length became invested with a concern, which produced a willingness to appear as David did, with the sling and the stone. Forever blessed be the name of Israel's Helper, he was with us, and the spirits of Goliahs were measurably humbled; and there seemed a union of heart among the different professors, to offer up praises and thanksgiving, to the Lord Almighty, and to crave the continuance of his reing, and my dear friends Jeremiah Hacker and gard towards us.

On our way to Vassalborough, we stopped at the jail to see a criminal who was condemned to

wife being about to leave me, I was brought very low-many discouragements presenting, with the probability that I might lay my bones

in this country, never more to see my tender connexions. But, blessed be the name of the Lord, who is a place of sure defence, and as the shadow of a mighty rock in a weary land, he graciously supported me, and the language of my spirit was, "Good is thy will-if thou secst meet that my labors should now terminate, thou knowest what is best for me." In a few hours my fever left me, and next day we rode to Falmouth, and the following day being their Monthly Meeting, I sat during the time of worship, but my fever coming on again I was obliged to return to our lodgings, at our kind friends John and Lydia Winslow's. I was now compelled to relinquish travelling, and was brought very low in body, but was tenderly cared for by my host and hostess. Having at length recovered my strength, so as to be able, I attended Falmouth meeting, where my impressions were not of a very pleasant character. I have, however, a comfortable evidence, that I have endeavored not to give any just occasion of offence in the testimonies I have had publicly to bear, being desirous to conduct myself as a servant of Christ, not seeking to embellish my ministry with the enticing words of man's wisdom, and to deliver my message to the people respectfully, they being my brethren. My dear friend Jeremiah Hacker, came to see me while confined here. He had been very kind - in accompanying me through the wilderness journey in the eastern part of Maine, evincing a commendable zeal for spreading the principles of Truth. His company was particularly agreeable to me, a young traveller, and his conversation on religious subjects instructive.

One Friend, at whose house we were, entertained us with a great deal of conversation about the disputes he had had with priests and professors, and the victories he had obtained over them in argument; which to me was very unpleasant, as I saw the man valued himself on his supposed abilities to foil his opponents; whilst he was unwilling to come under the government of the Prince of peace. I left the company and sought retirement, looking toward home with strong desires to proceed thither by the nearest route, and leave the rest of the meetings which I had had in prospect. But strong as these desires were, the love of my heavenly Father was stronger, filling my heart, and turning it toward Gilmanton, to which I gave up and concluded to proceed that way. Next day attended Sandwich meeting, where many Gospel truths were declared in the hearing of the people. At the close, a Baptist minister cavilled at what I said, and went into a train of reasoning to prove water baptism an ordinance of Christ, demanding my assent to his positions, without giving me, or any other Friend, an opportunity to reply to him. I turned to the Friend who was to accompany me, and enquired the route we were to go; upon which the preacher stopped. I then turned to him, and observed I had no inclination to dispute with him,

for two reasons; the first was, that I had a considerable distance to ride that evening; and the other was, that I had met with persons who had a peculiar way of darkening counsel by words without true knowledge; to dispute with whom, was to little or no advantage; and I apprehended it would be the case now. I afterward understood the man was of a contentious disposition. To be ready at all times to give the sincere inquirers a reason for the hope that is in us, is necessary and proper; but it is also a part of true wisdom, to guard against controversy with contentious persons.

[To be continued.]


When I came home from this voyage, which was the 30th of the second month, 1734, I met with the sorrowful news of the death of my only son, George, a dear youth, who was but ten years and seven days old when he died, and as he was much beloved for the sweetness of his nature and disposition, so he was greatly lamented by many who were acquainted with him. I have this account to leave concerning him, not so much that he was my son, as to excite other youths to serve and fear the Lord, and to love him above all, and that they may remember their Creator in their youthful days, that it may be well with them in this world, and when time here to them shall be no more.

He was a lad much inclined to read the holy Scriptures, and other good books, especially religious ones; and was always obliging, obedient and loving to his parents, and ready and willing to do any service he could do his friends; any little services in his power he cheerfully performed, and took delight in; he was very diligent and ready to go to religious meetings, and an entire lover of religious people. In his sickness he behaved himself more like a wise man, than a youth of that age, bearing his pain and sickness with a great deal of patience. I being in another part of the world, he would gladly have seen me, but said he should never see me any more, and therefore desired his mother to remember his dear love to his father, and tell him he was gone to his heavenly Father. He was very fervent in prayer in the time of his sickness, and prayed that God would preserve his people all the world over. One time, when in great misery and pain, he prayed to Christ, saying, Sweet Jesus! blessed Jesus! give me patience to bear my misery and pain, for my misery is greater than I can well bear! Oh! come, sweet Jesus, why art thou so long coming? I had rather be with thee than in the finest place in all the world. Many other religious expressions he spoke on his death bed, greatly to the satisfaction and melting of his friends and relations who came to see him. One day he said, My misery and pain is very great, but what would it be if the wrath of God

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