Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

ation, was approved, and directed down to our subordinate Meetings. It is as follows:

"The subject of Slavery engaged the weighty consideration of this Meeting, introduced by an inquiry brought up from one of the Quarterly Meetings, whether we are consistently maintaining our Christian testimony against this enormous evil, whilst we continue voluntarily contributing to its support by making free use of those articles produced by the slave's unrequited toil?

"The system of Slavery, with its concomitant evils, is totally at variance with the doctrine and precepts of Christ, our holy Redeemer; and alike opposed to the increase of his government and peace on earth;' and when we consider that this system is dependent for its support, on the consumer of the products of the labor of the slave, the question, in this point of view, assumes a serious aspect. We affectionately desire, that Friends every where may carefully examine this bearing of the subject, and cherish in their own minds, any tender scruple they may feel, against contributing to the support of a system fraught with iniquity, opposed to the doctrines of Christianity, and subversive of the peace and tranquillity of our beloved country.'"

The Committee to whom was referred the consideration of the subject of making provision for the guarded, literary education of Friends' children, offered the following report, viz:

"The Committee to whom the subject of Education was referred, Report that after a full deliberation upon the subject, they are unitedly of opinion, that the efficient carrying out of the long cherished concern of the Yearly Meeting, requires the establishment of a central School of a liberal character. But as a more careful examination into the subject of locality, means, and mode of procuring the funds will be necessary, the Committee propose, that the Yearly Meeting appoint a Committee of five Friends who may be willing to devote full time to the subject;-to examine the practical details involved, in all their bearings;-to solicit subscriptions, to ascertain what can probably be accomplished, and to take such action in the matter as circumstances may seem to require, and to report to our next Yearly Meeting, together with any further views upon the general subject which may result from their examination and inquiries.

"That in order more effectually to carry out the object of their appointment, the Committee be authorized to call in and employ such aid as they may think necessary.

"The Committee further propose, that the several Quarterly Meetings shall be requested to appoint, at their first session after the Yearly Meeting, a Committee of two judicious and competent Friends, on whom the Yearly Meeting's Committee may call for aid and advice within their respective Quarters-the names and address to be furnishsd as soon as possible to the Yearly Meeting Committee.

"The Committee are of opinion, that in view of the proposed action, the plan adopted two years ago, of raising a School Fund, should be suspended for one year."

The foregoing Report was fully approved by the Meeting, and, agreeably to the proposition therein submitted, five Friends were appointed for the service, as set forth in the Report.

With the exception of twelve dollars and sixty two cents, distrained for non-compliance with military requisitions, it is not known that there has been any suffering in support of our christian testimony against war.

It was under a humbling sense of our incapacity to perform the important service for which we had assembled, that we entered upon the affairs of the Church. We desire gratefully to acknowledge that through the goodness of our Heavenly Father, we have been enabled to transact the various concerns that have claimed our attention, in much brotherly condescension and harmony, and at seasons have been favored with a sense of his goodness still extended towards us, strengthening, as we hope, the bond of Christian fellowship; and the business of the present Yearly Meeting being brought to a close, Friends took an affectionate leave of each other, to meet again next year, at the usual time, if the Lord permit.



The printed minutes of this meeting were received after our 42nd number was put to press. By them it appears that the notice of the proceedings on the day the meeting convened, as given at page 651, was correct. Third day, the 13th of the month, the meeting was engaged during great part of the day in the reading of the queries and answers, and in the consideration of the state of Society, as exhibited in

those answers.


On these subjects the minutes

Faithful responses to these searching and important queries develope, as in former years, deficiencies in the support of some of our various testimonies, and a lively concern was manifest in the meeting on this account. All the different testimonies which our religious society has felt itself required to bear, we have no doubt are firmly based on Christian ground-and Friends were entreated not to shrink from a faithful sup port of them, although in so doing, in relation to some of them, we may be brought to appear peculiar and distinct from the world. The experience of this Society fully demonstrates that this very peculiarity has proved a hedge of safety about us, and that loss has been sustained by those who have disregarded it. Friends were exhorted to undiminished zeal in the observance

of those Christian practices which our Discipline enjoins-that the standard of truth may be still faithfully upheld by us before the world.

On the subject of spirituous liquors the following minute appears :

The extensive and thorough repairs which were put upon the building in 1852, have added very much to the convenience, pleasantness and usefulness of the school. It has been found necessary, however, to make some considerable alterations and improvements in the apparatus for cooking, in which at the time of the general re

A proposition from Salem Quarterly Meeting in relation to the issuing of advice by this meet-pair alluded to no alteration was made. ing with regard to obtaining minute information in respect to the observance of the fourth query, coming under consideration at this time, by reference from our minutes of last year, and the subject of it having claimed our serious attention by the reading of the answers now received to that query, in consequence of a want of sufficiently definite information in regard to the use of spirituous liquors, it is the desire of this meeting that our subordinate meetings should in future make, in their answers, a definite statement as to the number coming to their knowledge (should there unhappily be any within their limits) who use spirituous liquors, except for medicine, and Friends are requested to be faithful in the exercise of our Christian discipline on this subject; and in the answers to all our queries, our meetings are requested to make them as explicit as is practicable, and the clerk is directed to furnish our subordinate meetings with a copy of this minute.

A full supply of pure water in the institution is of great importance, and the attention of the committee has been given to this subject, and arrangements are made which it is hoped may secure this end.

Meetings for worship have been continued in the school on First day mornings. These meetings have been frequently attended by members of the committee. The deportment of the scholars on these occasions has been serious and becoming, and they have at times been seasons of much solemnity. On First day afternoons, and in the middle of the week, the family attend meeting in Providence. Harmony has, during the year, been preserved among the various branches of the family.

By a statement of the finanical accounts, it appears that the expenses during the past year have exceeded the income, $1,603.09, in consequence of which it has been judged necessary to

The following is an abstract of the report of enhance the terms of admission. the boarding school committee:

There were admitted for the Summer Term 114, and for the Winter Term 192 scholars 12 of the latter to supply the places of those who failed to come. Of those admitted, 106 in the Summer and 158 in the Winter Terms, tended the school.


Circumstances no doubt occur which necessarily prevent a scholar from coming to the school after applying for and obtaining admission, but we desire to impress upon the minds of Friends, the inconvenience and often the loss liable to be sustained, when scholars who apply for and obtain regular admission, and who are included in the number which the school can accommodate, fail to come, and their places remain vacant, to the exclusion of others who are desirous of filling them. Embarrassment has resulted from this cause during the last year, and we consider it quite important that Friends, in making their applications for admission of scholars, should bear these considerations in mind.

We believe that the system of teaching has been thorough, and the government of the school firm and at the same time kind and parental. The progress of the scholars in their various studies has been generally satisfactory, evincing care and industry in both scholars and teachers. Orderly deportment has generally been observed among the scholars, and a disposition cheerfully to submit to the rules of the school has been shown, with very few exceptions.

In conclusion, we believe there is cause for encouragement for Friends still to avail themselves of the means for improvement which the Institution presents, and to continue to watch over and endeavor to promote its interests.

Fourth day, 14th. The records of the Meeting for Sufferings for the past year were laid before us and read, and the proceedings of that meeting in relation to the various important concerns that have claimed its attention, were very interesting to us, and fully approved by this meeting. The address on peace, prepared by that meeting, having received our full consideration is cordially approved and adopted, and a committee was appointed to cause 10,000 copies of it, (or such number as they deem suitable,) to be printed for general circulation.

The committee on the concern of this meeting, which has long been felt for the improvement of the Penobscot Tribe of Indians, embracing of later years that of the Passammaquadda Tribe also, made the following report, viz:

To the Yearly Meeting now in Session: The Committee having in charge the concern of this meeting, for the improvement of the Penobscot and Passammaquadda Tribes of Indians, report, that their situation has from time to time claimed their serious and deliberate consideration, and our influence has in various ways been extended to promote their improvement. The School referred to in our last report, was

continued three months during the summer, and, enactments in relation to said trust property, it a portion of the past winter, under the super-is empowered to endeavor to obtain them on our vision of the superintending School Committee behalf and report to this meeting next year. of the town, and from the information received, the improvement therein made has been satisfactory and encouraging.

Unavoidable circumstances have prevented some of our number from visiting them, as they had contemplated, therefore, we are not able to furnish so definite an account of their situation as at some former periods.

On behalf of the Committee,


Newport, 6th month, 14th, 1854. -Which, with the verbal communications made by the Committee, was interesting and satisfactory to this meeting, showing an advancement in civilization and education, especially with the Penobscot Tribe. Our Committee is continued under appointment and encouraged to attend to the concern of this meeting as way opens for it-and the pecuniary appropriation made last year, not having been required by the Committee, they are at liberty to call upon our Treasurer for the same amount the present year, should they deem it proper to apply it.

Testimonies from Rhode Island monthly meeting respecting Elizabeth Wing and Hannah Dennis were read and approved.

Fifth day, 15th. The Committee appointed to consider the important subject of a change of place for holding this meeting made the following report, viz:

To the Yearly Meeting:

The Committee appointed to take the whole subject of the removal of this Yearly Meeting, with the facts presented by former committees, into consideration report, that they have taken the subject into their serious, solid and deliberate consideration, and after a free expression of feeling and sentiment in regard to this highly important question, characterized by Christian harmony and brotherly condescension, they were generally united in proposing, and the proposition was acquiesced in by all, that this Yearly Meeting be removed to Lynn, and that its first sitting there be held in the year 1857. On behalf and by direction of the Committee, WM. C. TABER, Clerk.

Newport, 6 mo. 15, 1854. -Which was satisfactory to Friends generally, but in consideration of the responsibility of this meeting in relation to the property held by it in trust for benevolent, charitable and religious purposes, and the question arising whether a change of place for holding this meeting may in anywise invalidate this trust, no positive decision as to a removal was made; but the meeting for sufferings was requested to make careful, legal inquiry upon the above question, and should it be necessary to procure any additional legislative

The Committee on the subject of Education report, That accounts have been received from all the Monthly Meetings, from which the following summary has been compiled, viz:

Number of children within the limits of the Yearly Meeting, between the ages of 4 and 16 years,

Do. do. 16 and 21 do.
Monthly Meeting School,
Preparative Meeting School,
Family Schools,
Friend's children attending Friend's
Schoools, exclusively as such,
First-Day Schools kept the past year
Do. attending mixed Schools,
under the care of Friends,
Average continuance of these Schools,

5 months.

Number of children attending the same,










A number of Schools wholly under the tuition and control of Friends are attended by the children of our Society in considerable numbers, who are doubtless receiving in a good degree the these schools are principally composed of these benefits of a guarded literary education, but as who are not in membership with us, the number of Friend's children placed there has been enumerated in the report with those who are in the attendance of Mixed Schools.

While the above account exhibits but slight addition to the number of our youth heretofore reported, who are obtaining an education in Select Schools, we have still reason to believe that the interest felt by Friends upon this very important subject is slowly but certainly increasing. The facilities now offered by the Boarding School, at Providence, are we trust, in a good degree appreciated by Friends, and we cherish the hope that they will continue to embrace, to their full extent, the advantages for the guarded education of their children which we believe it is calculated to afford. Three additional -Family Schools have also been established since last year, and we are desirous of encouraging Friends to embrace such opportunities as may be presented, of opening schools for young children in individual families, or by uniting the children of several families-which may be favorably loca ted for the purpose-into one school-and thus secure to their beloved offspring the means of acquiring the elements of a literary education, free from the injurious influences which associations in mixed schools, would, at this tender age, be likely to exert.

It also appears from the accounts received at this time, that the interest manifested by Friends upon the subject of First day schools, continues unabated, and an additional number of children are reported as having attended these schools during the past year.

We would respectfully urge upon rightly concerned Friends, the importance of their attendance at these schools as regularly as circumstances will permit, thereby manifesting to the children their interest in the cause they are endeavoring to promote, and at the same time, exhibiting a concern that the schools may be properly conducted, to the honor of truth.

We have at this time been afresh impressed with the importance of our children and young friends being more fully and faithfully instructed in the Scriptural foundation of the doctrines and distinguishing views and practices of Friends. Have we not reason to fear that a considerable proportion of our children are spending an important and most impressible period of their lives without obtaining a due knowledge of our Christian principles, and thus qualifying themselves to give with meekness, a reason for the faith that is in them. Timothy of old was commended in that from a child he had known the Holy Scriptures, in which he had been instructed by a pious mother, whose unfeigned faith is also the subject of commendation by the same Apostle. Might not the occasions which we trust that Friends frequently embrace for family reading and Scriptural instruction, be fit opportunities for showing to our children the entire accordance of our testimonies with the doctrines of the New Testament?

and fade as the tender grass of the field;"—and while the prospect of aiding these down trodden people appears discouraging, we hope the lively interest and concern on their behalf, kept up for many years past, will continue to rest with unabated weight and care for them in the future.

Which was interesting and acceptable to us, and in view of the present situation of those tribes, in consequence of the recent legislation of our General Government, the sympathy of this meeting for this oppressed class of our fellow men was fully expressed and with strong desires that we may be found faithful in embracing every opening, and in making every proper exertion for their protection and relief, we appoint a committee to attend to this concern, and they are authorized to consult with the Meeting for Sufferings, should they deem it useful to do so, and that meeting is requested to attend to the subject on our behalf.

This committee consists of thirteen Friends. Yearly Meetings of London, Ireland, New York, Essays of epistles to our brethren of the Baltimore, North Carolina, and Indiana, were presented by the Committee on Correspondence, and being read and approved the Clerk was directed to sign them on our behalf, and forward them to those meetings respectively.

An interesting and very acceptable epistle A Testimony from Vassalboro' Monthly Mect- from our dear brethren of the Yearly Meeting ing, approved by Vassalboro' Quarterly Meeting, of London, addressed to us and issued the preconcerning our late, ancient and beloved friend, sent year, was received at this stage of our meetStephen Nichols, was read-and is very accepting and read. able and satisfactory to us-and it is directed Having been favored satisfactorily to dispose that it be recorded-and with a view to extend of the various concerns that have claimed our to our members and others, the benefit to be de-attention, we are now about to separate for the rived from the perusal of the Memorials received at this time, with such as may have been heretofore received by this meeting, not yet published, the Meeting for Sufferings is requested to cause such number as it deems proper to be printed and distributed.

Sixth day, 16th. The Committee having charge of the concern of this Meeting for the Indians located west of the Mississippi river, report :That they have endeavored to give attention to the object of their appointment, feeling a lively interest in the best welfare of this poor, unfortunate portion of our fellow beings, and an earnest solicitude that some way might open to do them good. But nothing has appeared within the past year to warrant any active service on the part of the Committee for their assistance. It is feared, however, that measures are in progress to unsettle and finally to remove them still further, (to quote their own language used in one of their councils on a former occasion, with feelings of grief and dread,) "towards the setting sun and to the precipice, as the last foot of soil for the poor Indian to tread would be taken from them, so that they who were once like the sturdy trees of the forest, will be left to wither

present year, and we feel it right to record our grateful sense of the mercy that has been extended to us, during the various sessions of this meeting, preserving us in unity and love-and under feelings of thankfulness to our Heavenly Father, we now conclude, proposing to meet again on this Island, at the usual time, next year, if the Lord permit.


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FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE.-The Royal Mail Steamship Europa arrived at New York on the 30th ult., bringing Liverpool dates to the 17th.

transfer of American vessels intended for the slave trade. The Boston petition for the repeal of the Fugitive Slave Law, was debated. On the 27th, bills making Fronteras, in Texas, a port of entry, and creating a new collection district in The Russians had made another unsuccessful California, were passed. A bill to pay Maryland attack on Silistria on the 10th, in which Prince interest on money advanced by her to the United Paskiewitch was severely wounded. A Turkish States during the war of 1812, was passed. The attack on the island of Mokan, in the Danube, had House bill for changing the time of meeting of been repulsed. The Turks were concentrating a Congress, was debated and rejected. On the 28th., large body of troops at Rustchuk, intended to break the House bill to aid Minnesota in constructing a through the investing line of Russians at Turtukai, rail-road therein, was taken up and passed. and then to come to the succor of Silistria. Great The motion to refer the Boston petition for repealnumbers of Russian troops were crossing the Pruthing the Fugitive Slave Law, was agreed to, after into Moldavia. The allies were still being trans- an excited and personal debate, which turned ported to Varna. mainly upon Senator Sumner's assertion, on the preceding day, that he recognized no constitutional obligation to help in reducing a man to Slavery. On the 29th, two petitions for the repeal of the Fugitive Slave Law, one from upwards of 300 voters of the town of Milton, N. H., the birth-place of the President, the other from Pepperell, Mass., were presented and referred. A bill to establish a line of steamers between California and Shanghai, via Sandwich Islands and Japan, was taken up, and Senator Seward made a speech in explanation and advocacy of the measure. After some debate, the bill was ordered to a third reading. The bill appropriating $10,000,000 to carry out the Gadsden treaty with Mexico, was passed. No business of importance was transacted on the 30th.

Redschid Pasha has retired from the Turkish Foreign Ministry, and has been succeeded by Chekib Effendi. The Baltic fleets were at Boresund, on the south side of the Gulf of Finland, on the 11th, and it was expected that they would attack Sweaborg on the 13th. Sixteen Russian ships were at the latter place, and they had blockaded the harbor by sinking a ship loaded with rocks The ships, dockyards and stores at Brakestadt, in the northern part of the Gulf of Bothnia, were destroyed by three British steamers, 5th mo. 30th. The next day, they captured several vessels off Uleaborg, and on the 1st ult., four steamers destroyed the ships, dockyards and stores at Uleaborg.

ENGLAND.-The bill giving Canada an elective Senate, had passed a second reading in the House of Lords. The Europa, a cavalry transport ship, was burnt on her passage, to Gibraltar with troops, and twenty-one lives were lost. Sixty-three saved themselves in boats, and were picked up by other vessels.

FRANCE.-The weather had been so wet in France, as to excite fears for the crops.

MEXICO.-Santa Anna has issued a decree declaring all the departments, districts and towns, refusing obedience to the government, to be in a state of siege. He did not declare himself Emperor on his birth-day, as was expected.

DOMESTIC.-The Shawnee Indians in Kansas are said to be uneasy and restless in consequence of the passage of the territorial act, as many of them have been cherishing the hope that ere long they would be endowed with the rights of citizenship, and as they are civilized and pursue agriculture like the whites, they would undoubtedly make good citizens. They declare their determination not to sell their lands on any consideration what


The Senate of Connecticut has passed an act forbidding the use of the jails of the Commonwealth for the custody of fugitive slaves, and another act is before the same body, inflicting a fine of $5000 upon any person who shall fail to prove a valid title to any fugitive slave he may claim.

CONGRESS-In Senate, on the 26th ult., J. M. Clayton, from the Committee on Foreign Relations, reported a bill for the more effectual suppression of the slave trade in American built vessels. It makes void any sale of American vessels, in any foreign port in this hemisphere, or any islands near the coast of Africa, if the vessel makes the voyage to that coast before returning to the United States, and also inflicts severe penalties for the sale or

On the 1st. inst. Senator Sumter presented a memorial from, 684 men of Massachusetts, for the repeal of the Fugitive Slave Act. He gave notice that he would on the rd ask leave to introduce a bill to repeal that act. The Slave Trade bill was taken up, and after some debate, was postponed. A report from the Committee of Conference, in favor of an adjournment on the 4th of next month, was adopted The House bill to establish the offices of Surveyor General for New Mexico, Kansas, and Nebraska, and to grant donations of land to actual settlers therein, was passed.

In the House of Representatives, the 26th was chiefly spent in debating the bill appropriating ten millions to execute the Mexican treaty. The debate was continued the next day, and on the 28th, the bill passed, yeas 103, nays 62. A bill for the better preservation of life and property from shipwreck, was introduced and referred to the proper committee. The bill providing for a weekly mail between the Atlantic States and San Francisco was taken up, amended, and laid on the table. Oh the 29th, the bill to amend the Postage law, changing the rate to 5 cents under 3000 miles, and 10 cents over that distance, requiring prepayment in all cases, and fixing ocean postage to foreign countries at the same rate, where not otherwise adjusted by treaty or convention, was passed. On the 30th, the Committee on the Judiciary reported a bill authorizing the President to purchase a site for a prison, and procure an estimate of the cost of building the same, in New York. It is intended for Uuited States prisoners, and others held as witnesses, for persons detained under extradition treaties, fugitive slaves, &c. The bill was refered to the Committe of the Whole. On the 1st inst. the report of the Committee of Conference on the adjournment, was adopted.

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