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(Continued from

675 )

While still in Virginia, the following passage

occurs :


No. 44.

seeing the tavern-keeper using my whip upon the back of his negro boy. I stepped to him as quickly as I could, and got it from him, assuring him it was not accustomed to such business, and he should have known better than to take it for that purpose. At another time, my eye caught the sight of a poor negro's back, who was rowing us over a ferry, (his shirt being a mere bunch of rags,) and it appeared like a piece of raw flesh from the severe flogging he had received. It was a most painful, sickening sight, and affected me very much; the more so, as he was toiling for our accommodation, for which, however, we paid him, in addition to what was demanded by Friends, for a colored man who attended at anoppressor-a practice, I believe, common with other ferry, told us he was always glad to see the I had meetings at Mount Pleasant and Crooked Quakers come, for then he had something given run; at the latter of which I was led to expose him. It was also our practice to pay those who the iniquity of the slave trade, and the practice took care of our horses, not always with money, of holding the African race in bondage. This but sometimes with food, for which they appeared was much to the relief of my own mind, which thankful, and sometimes manifested surprise at was often deeply oppressed with grief, at seeing the attention shown them. It was a general the sufferings endured by the poor slaves. Their practice for the waiters at public houses to re-allowance was one peck of corn for a week, and ceive the scraps left by travellers eating at their this they were sometimes necessitated to pound masters' tables; and I was careful at such places in the night, when they should be asleep, to re- to leave a good portion of meat, &c., rememberfresh them for the next day's labor. To this I ing that they had appetities to satisfy as well as have often been a witness, when the noise of the myself. But after all the little I could do for pestle and mortar has aroused me; and soon after them, I had to mourn for them and their oppresI have been startled by the voice of the driver sors also, whose situation appeared far from a and the snapping of his whip, urging them to the desirable one. In many places they seemed to toils of the day, even before the light had fully be under great fear, being careful to secure their appeared. In addition to this, they had to en- lodging rooms with locks and bolts, and to have dure the broiling heat of the sun, bare-headed, their weapons of defence at hand, ready to be both males and females; the latter with only one seized at the slightest alarm. The influence of garment to cover them, and the cruel drivers fol- the parents' example, in exercising an arbitrary lowing them with a large wagon whip, in order and cruel power over the inmates of the house, to hasten their speed, using it freely upon those produced an evil effect on the children, whose who fell behind, when hoeing the corn or tobacco. countenances and conduct, marked with rage and At other times I have seen very aged men and pride, presented a very different appearance from women grubbing buses, so feeble and worn, that what they would, had they been taught to view their limbs trembled as they raised their heavy and to treat the colored people as the workmanmattocks; and others were carrying rails on their ship of the same Almighty hand as themselves, heads from a distant forest. Similar cruelties I and equally the objects of the Redeemer's mercy have seen exercised on the house slaves, upon and care, instead of being made to consider them whom the lash was often freely laid, while they as little or no better than the beasts of the field, were subject to the kicks and cuffs of the child- and not worthy of the notice which their dogs ren of the family. At one time, having laid my received. Many countenances which, but for the horse-whip upon a table in the bar-room of a passions depicted upon them, would have been tavern, I was suddenly raised from my seat by lovely and engaging, appeared spoiled and repul

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sive-many and great, indeed, are the evil conse-, quences of slavery, both to the oppressed and the


The following incident may afford a useful intimation to those who find themselves brought into collision with men whose opinions and practice are widely different from their own; as it presents a salutary caution to be careful not to permit their zeal, even in a just cause, to outrun their charity.

My companion and I, pursued our journey toward James' river, crossing the Blue mountain at a place called Kock-fish gap, where we lodged. A number of travellers and other persons had put up here, among whom were several rough and fierce looking men, in pursuit of a runaway slave, who after being once taken by them had again made his escape into the woods.

membering that William Savery had been cautioned to beware lest he should be popped off his horse, for having interfered and cut the rope with which a poor colored boy was tied, while receiv ing a severe flogging, for not having the cows in the yard at the usual time. The fear I endured was unusual for me, and I believe had I not raised my voice in behalf of the poor runaway, under feelings of such resentment as I did, (though I do not think I manifested any thing like wrath) I should not have been left under the power of fear, fully believing in the omnipotence of Him who limiteth the proud waves of the sea. I think the sense of the protecting power of the holy One of Israel was in great measure withdrawn, for in seasons of far greater apparent danger of losing my life, when my mind has been preserved in humility and calmness, I have felt no fear, but a cheerful resignation to the Lord's will.

The following case is rather out of the usual


We next had a meeting for the poor slaves, held in Goose-creek meeting-house, on first-day afternoon, with the consent of their masters and overscers, several of whom attended. The sight of so large a number together, as nearly to fill the house, was unusual to me, and their dejected countenances and ragged appearance affected my mind, and awakened tender sympathy for them, under which I expressed my desires for their everlasting welfare--endeavoring, in simple language, to impress on them the necessity of avoiding every evil practice, in order that the great God, whose compassions are toward people of all colors and nations, might bless them, and give them patience to endure affliction in this world, and prepare them for that better world which is to come, where they would be freed from servitude and suffering. The poor creatures paid great attention, and sat with unusual quietude.

As we sat around the supper table, they were relating the circumstances of his capture and escape, loading the poor slave with hard names, and drawing from their fellow slaveholders the conclusion, that, should they take him again, the most cruel and severe punishments they could inflict would not be too bad for him. I was grieved at such conversation, and feeling my spirit stirred against their conduct, could not forbear advocating the exertions of the poor runaway to obtain his liberty-calling upon them to make his case their own, and think whether there was one among them all, who, if placed in his situation, would not use the same means to escape slavery and punishment. I was soon convinced of the propriety of the caution given by Christ, "Cast not your pearls before swine, lest they turn again and rend you :" their anger was raised, and manifested toward me by furious and wrathful words, and they were so unreasonable in their conduct, that I concluded it best to say nothing more to them. The house was in a very solitary place, In the morning we crossed Kentucky river at and the inmates alike hostile to us, they being Boonsborough, the place where the first white also slaveholders, and from their conduct after settler pitched his tent. A few miles north of we rose from the supper table, we were not with- the river we came to the house of Judge Clark, out apprehensions of personal danger. When of Clark county, who being related to two of our we were shown our chamber, we found there was company, received us very cordially, and paid no fastening on the door, but we placed a chest great attention to spread notice of a meeting to against it, which braced against the foot of our be held the day following in the Baptist meeting bed, concluding they should not come upon us house. A large number of people assembled, by surprise. We got but little sleep, our appre- and their minister among the rest, who in a hensions being increased by hearing several per- hasty manner objected to the doctrines delivered, sons come up the stairs directly to the door of as soon as I took my seat, charging me with disour room, where they stood whispering to each carding the doctrines of Jesus Christ; a charge other for several minutes-they then went down which he fell far short of substantiating, even in stairs, and soon after came and placed themselves the opinion of his own hearers. When speakin the same situation again, without speaking to ing upon the doctrine of baptism, I had confined us or offering to come into the room. These cir- myself to giving the reasons which occurred to cumstances, added to the noise and confusion my remembrance, why the Society of Friends which continued below stairs most of the night, does not use water baptism; and several of his caused us to sleep but little. We did not feel hearers expressed their dissatisfaction with his quite released from apprehensions of danger, un-interrupting the quiet of the meeting, in which til we had rode some miles from the place, re- they had been edified with what they heard. One

of them added, that he could perceive no need of urging those into the water who did not see the necessity of it, but who were pressing after the baptism of the one eternal spirit. On our way back to the house of Judge Clark, his wife remarked to me, that she hoped now to be released from that distress of mind she had been under, respecting this subject, for some time past, and which at times was so great, that she feared she should lose her reason; for she could not see her way to be baptized with water, and the preacher was continually urging on her the necessity of it or she would be eternally lost; but now, said she, I am satisfied, and hope I shall no more be troubled about it.

power continue to be with me, and afford me strength to move forward in his fear, for hitherto he hath helped me in this untrodden land, where I have been earnestly desirous not to move too fast, or in any way contrary to his holy will, so that I have at times been unable to sleep or take my natural food. But feeling my confidence in my holy Helper renewed at this season, I once more surrender myself into his blessed keeping. Thou knowest, O Lord, I am willing to follow thee whithersoever thou art pleased to lead me. Be thou with my dear family and keep us all in thy fear.

(To be continued.)


The following passage will probably remind some of the forcible language of the prophet Malachi, "Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings."

Ninth mo. 19th. "Two robbers having been taken up in the neighborhood, an inquiry occurred-how much better am I than they, who am guilty before God of having too frequently withheld my heart from the Proprietor of heaven and earth; who hath said, My son give me thy heart.'

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The application of the offense against man, as a test of our own standing in the sight of our Divine Lord and Master, will probably occur but to few of those who sit in judgment against evil doings, but it may be profitable to reflect more often than is the case with many, upon what has preserved them from falling, and to remember where much is given, much will be required in the day of final account."

In the evening we had a meeting at the Judge's house, where this preacher again attended, but he made no further opposition. Many persons were present, and it was truly a solid season, in which Gospel truths were freely opened, and reasons given for the simplicity of our profession and practices-particularly our not singing in the customary and formal manner of most other professors, &c. The necessity of seeking after weightiness of spirit in our devotions, was set forth; that as God is a Spirit, they who perform the solemn act of devotion aright, must worship him in spirit and in truth. We had a pressing invitation to have a meeting next day at the house of a person who lived nearly tén miles off, and who was at our morning meeting. I accordingly accepted it, and Judge Clark, his wife and daughters, accompanied us thither. We were favored with the fresh extendings of Divine love, for which humble thanksgivings were offered unto Him, who is forever worthy. This interesting family continued with us next day, attended a meeting held in the court-house in Winchester, where many Gospel truths opened Ninth mo. 28th. "Every offering exhibited on my mind, and were delivered with clearness- either internally or ministerially is to be seasoned ability being graciously afforded, beyond what I with the salt of the everlasting covenant. But as ever experienced before, to contend for them, in ministerial administrations offered in weakness opposition to the superficial notions of formal pro- and child-like simplicity may possibly be more fessors When the meeting closed, the people acceptable in the sight of Him who seeth not as appeared unwilling to leave the house, and much man seeth, than some which may more nearly brokenness of spirit and weeping were manifest, resemble the life and wisdom of truth, we ought particularly among those who had become most to be very jealous over ourselves and our offeracquainted with us. The wife of Judge Clark ings, and as cautious and tender in the judging remarked, that she hoped the Lord would enable of others, or what may be offered by them; as her to be resigned to the reproach that might be it is written, Judge nothing before the time, cast upon her, for ceasing to depend upon her until the Lord come who will bring to life the former teachers, as she was now desirous to be hidden things of darkness and will make maniinwardly attentive to the Teacher that could not fest the counsels of the heart; and then shall be removed into a corner. Others assenting to every man have praise of God.' When George the doctrines they had heard, joined in the ex- Fox was sent forth to preach the everlasting gospression of desires and prayers, that God would pel and to turn men from darkness to light, many bless and preserve us in his work, among whom illiterate persons, both men, women, and chil were some of the first characters in the country. dren, were also sent forth with him to labor in He who knoweth all hearts, knows that I do the Lord's harvest field, in which there were supnot pen these things in a boasting way, but do posed to be many laborers, under various charascribe all praise to him; for had he not vouch-acters, abundantly superior to them, not only in safed his help, I should not have dared to labor human wisdom and acquirements, and the knowas I did, neither could I. May his preserving ledge of the holy Scriptures, but likewise in deep

nothing to trust to but unmerited mercy."Finding him brought down as from "the clefts of the rocks and the height of the hills into the valley of deep humiliation," his brother rejoiced in spirit and spake comfortably to him. Expressing the deeply humiliating views he frequently had of his own state, J. Scott replied, "O! if it is so with thee, how must it be with me who have been the chief of sinners?" The insufficiency of self righteousness being mentioned, Oh! said he with great earnestness, "Righteousness! I have no righteousness, nor any thing to trust to but the blessed Jesus and his merit." Pausing awhile he proceeded,

experience and heartfelt religion, who became | blessed Jesus, and that if I die, I do not die an jealous of them, whom they esteemed no people. unbeliever. If I die, I die a believer, and have Thus in various dispensations have the disciples of a crucified Saviour been esteemed as the offscouring of the people, and the doctrine of the cross foolishness; that by the things which are despised and are not, might be brought to nought the things which are," that no flesh should glory in his presence." In the exercise of a public ministry, even when there is a degree of rightness, and especially where those concerned may suppose themselves much behind hand in the work through past unfaithfulness, there are many rocks, shoals and quicksands, on which the rightly laden vessel may be shipwrecked and suffer loss; and indeed so weighty is the work and so diversified are the dangers, that there is abun-"There is something within me which keeps me dant cause for all, from the least child to the most experienced minister, to unite in a language formerly uttered, "and who is sufficient for these things?"

Twelfth mo. 10th. "By reason of a letter concerning the dangerous illness of my brother, John Scott, and his continued solicitude to see me, in great distress and anxiety of spirit excited by various considerations, I visited him at his house at Radcliff. To my great satisfaction I beheld in him the pride and glory of all flesh abased, and the Saviour, who was clothed in the seamless robe, whose hands and feet were pierced,' and whose head was crowned with thorns, exalted as the only rock in the valley of death. How wonderful are the works of Jehovah, "who maketh the city an heap, the defenced city a ruin,' the place of strangers to be no city,' and who causeth the branch of the terrible to be brought low.""

"On the 18th I attended the funeral of my brother at Radcliff. 'Gather up the fragments that remain that nothing be lost,' was the command of our great Master; consistent with which I esteem it my duty to preserve and make known to some the dying expressions of the deceased, as a testimony to the cause of Christianity and the power of Christ; being fully persuaded 'that there is no name under heaven or among men whereby we must be saved,' but the name of Jesus Christ; both as he was in the fulness of time manifested in the flesh, and as he is declared in power to be the Son of God, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead, and Christ within the hope of glory,' the Lord our righteousness.'

The following are extracts from the memoir, preserved and afterwards published, respecting

John Scott:


On his death bed, being very desirous to see his brother Samuel Scott, he was sent for. Being introduced to the bed side, John Scott spake with a voice full of power, "I wanted to see thee, to tell thee that I have nothing to trust to but the

from despairing-I dare not despair although I have as much reason to despair as any one, were it not for him who showed mercy to the thief upon the cross. The thief upon the cross, and Peter who denied his Master, are much before me." Being advised to trust in the Lord, he replied, "I have none else to trust in." "Oh! said he, the Saviour, he is the way and there is no other; I now see there is no other. Oh the Saviour! I have done too much against him; and if I live, I hope I shall be able to let the world know it, and that in many respects my mind is altered. But I dare not make resolutions."

In reply to a remark made, he said, "Oh! it is not a time to be solicitous about forms! Here is a scene indeed, enough to bring down the grandeur of many, if they could see it. I buoyed myself up with the hope of many days.”

His brother recommending him to the great object, Christ within the hope of glory, they took a solemn farewell of each other.

He continued about two days longer. About twelve hours before his decease, his speech faltered much, but it appeared that the religious concern of his mind remained to the end, when he departed without sigh or groan.

(To be continued.)


The Author's design in continuing these col lections, having already been discovered in his two former treatises upon this subject, to be no less than the promoting of piety, I hope I shall not need to recommend this third part of his so necessary, useful and commendable labors to thy serious perusal, especially in such an age as this, wherein impiety is so sensibly promoted, not only by the notoriously profane, but also by the presumptuously careless professors of Christianity.

How much conducing to obtain this excellent end, the dying words, even of the worst of men, and malefactors, have been esteemed, is evident by the practice of most governments in exposing them to public view, as a warning against vice,

and incentive to virtue. How much more shall, little regarded when death, the king of terrors, is we count the dying words of the righteous, whose in view, and the great Judge stands at the door, death is precious in the eyes of the Lord, likely who, without respect of persons, judgeth and to answer this end, and therefore worthy, with rewardeth according to every man's work. Now their lives and names, to be had in everlasting nothing will administer comfort but the inward remembrance. absolution of our holy high priest, the Lord Jesus Christ; nothing but the unction of the blessed spirit of intercession and adoption. Here those who have loved God above all, and their neighbors as themselves, are found to have the best religion, and to be the true believers in Christ, and witnesses of his redemption and salvation; and those to be the true and most honorable scholars, who have been taught by the grace of God, which brings salvation, and hath appeared unto all men, to deny ungodliness and the world's lusts, and to live soberly, righteously and godly in this present world.

Although the short reflections given upon the birth, conversion, labors, travels, conversation, and sufferings of many of these precious servants and handmaids of the Lord, are very inviting, as well as instructive, in showing forth that free and universal grace of God, whereby they came to be what they were, and that arm of power whereby they were upheld in, and delivered out of many tribulations; yet the main intention of the Author is, to send us to the house of mourning, which, saith Solomon, is better to go to than the house of rejoicing; that we may learn so to live, as to be prepared to die, and enter upon an eternal state.

There we may find the righteous, with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph, advising, encourIf death-beds were more frequented, and places aging and blessing their posterity; with Moses of recreation less, we might hope the advantage going up to the top of the mount, to take a view would make amends for that part of self-denial. of the good land, in retirement and solitariness There we may often hear a more reaching sermon with the Lord; with Joshua engaging others to in a few broken words, than the most elegant in fear and serve him alone, and to put away their the pulpit; but especially from two sorts of ex- strange gods; with Samuel, mourning and prayperienced teachers, namely, sinners repenting, ing for those who have forsaken the Lord; with and saints triumphing: there we may hear all David, expressing their faith in his promises conagreeing in one common prayer, viz: Oh! let me cerning their house, and their religious concern die the death of the righteous, and let my latter for their building of his; recommending truth, end be like his. There we may hear men dis-justice and mercy to succeeding generations; covering what they really believe, often very differently from what they formerly professed; and many with the repenting thief, come to have a better religion upon their death-bed, than all their life-long before. There we may hear those who have been eagerly pleading for sin, now crying out against it as the sting of death. Those who have exclaimed against good works, as dangerous to their faith, now wishing that all their time had been spent in going about doing good. Those who have charged God foolishly with an absolute reprobation, now trusting in, and begging his universal mercy. Those who have To such an house of mourning, or shall I say known Christ after the flesh only, now desiring rejoicing, the Author of these collections kindly to feel him within, as the hope of glory. Those invites thee, Christian reader; where, by hearing who have grieved, resisted and mocked at the the dying sayings of the ransomed and redeemed, Holy Spirit, now seeking for strength and com- who knew in whom they had believed, thou fort from it. Those who have opposed the light mayest also come to know and believe in that of Christ, now gladly embracing it in the dark great and true light, which enlightens every valley of the shadow of death. Those who have man coming into the world; for it was by the lived upon outward observations, and been feed-inshining thereof, that the feet of these blessed ing upon husks with the prodigal, now looking towards their Father's house for the substance, the water of regeneration, the bread of life, and the new wine of the kingdom.

There we may hear teachers, tutors, confessors and such like, who have had people's faith and conscience at their command, often exclaimed against, if not as bad examples, yet as miserable comforters, and physicians of no value. Now names, notions, creeds, traditions, controversies, honors, riches, compliments, pastimes, &c., are

with Hezekiah appealing to God about their sincerity. In short, with Job, Simeon, Stephen, Paul, and others of the faithful servants and followers of Christ, embracing death, hastening to meet it, longing to be dissolved and to be with him, their captain, fore-runner and rewarder. Thus preaching and praying, and praising the Lord freely and fervently, boldly and experimentally, and all without book, as the Holy Spirit gives utterance, has upon a death-bed often proved an affecting, tendering and converting season to many bearers.

ones, now at rest with the Lord, as of all the righteous in ages past, were guided into the way of truth and peace.

This opened their states, tried their reins, sifted their words, weighed their actions, stayed their minds, changed their hearts, condemned disobedience, justified faithfulness, counselled in difficulties, discovered the enemy, unveiled the painted harlot, the world, and the false church, and gave them the light of the knowledge of the glory of God, in the face of Jesus Christ, for

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