Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

Georgia, contain, over twenty years of age, A reader of the usual share of intellect, but 1,251,785 whites, and 88,042 free colored, among almost, if not altogether, ignorant of mathemawhom are 232,806 of the former, and 46,426 of tics, may obtain from this volume a very satisthe latter who cannot read and write. Thus it ap-factory conception of the nature and application pears the uneducated are among the whites nearly one in 5.4, and among the free colored one in 1.9 or rather more than half. The white foreigners in these six States are 96,732.

The nine new slave States, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri, Mississippi, Florida and Texas contain 1,494,401 whites over twenty years; of whom 280,086, or one in 5.4 cannot read and write. The free colored over twenty, are 21,589, including 8,805 or one in 2.4, who cannot read and write. The white foreigners in those nine States are


of the mechanical forces, and of many of those truths which can be presented to the mind in their utmost fulness and force, only through the medium of mathematical demonstration.

The descriptions of the numerous machines which have been invented to facilitate the operations, and to lighten the labors of the practical farmer, must render this volume a valuable acquisition to those who are engaged in agricultural pursuits. Indeed, it may be said that no It hence appears that the whites over twenty practical farmer, who desires to understand the years of age in the free States, number 6,493,- nature of the business in which he is employed, 434, and in the slave States, 2,746,186, the for- and the best manner of effecting the operations mer exceeding double the latter by more than a million; yet in the free States the totally illite- which he is daily performing, ought to deny rate are 317,397, and in the slave States 512,- himself the privilege of studying the volume be892; or in the ratio of about three to five. Before us. The writer evidently possesses an acsides there are in the free States more than six curate and extensive acquaintance with his subtimes as many whites of foreign birth as there are in the slave States. ject.

In fine, the adult whites who cannot read and

The following is the introductory chapter write are, in the free States, nearly one in 20.5; which will furnish our readers with a specimen

but in the slave States nearly one in 5.4.

Who then are the friends of their country,
and especially of the rising generation, those
who are laboring to restrain the system of sla-
very within its present limits, and to promote its
peaceable extinction every where, or those who
are exerting their ingenuity and influence to ex-
tend its dominion over the virgin soil of the
E. L.

Farm Implements, and the Principles of their
Construction and Use, an Elementary and
Familiar Treatise on Mechanics and on

Natural Philosophy generally, as applied to
the ordinary practices of Agriculture. By


of the author's manner and style:

No farm, even of moderate size, can be well furnished without a large number of machines and implements. Scarcely any labor is performed without their assistance, from the simple operaations of hoeing and spading, to the more complex work of turning the sod and driving the thrashing-machine. It becomes, therefore, a matter of vital importance to the farmer to be able to construct the best, or to select the best

already constructed, and to apply the forces re

possible advantage.
quired for the use of such machines to the best

A great loss occurs frequently from the want of a correct knowledge of mechanical principles. The strength of laborers is often badly applied by the use of unsuitable tools, and that of teams is partly lost by being ill adjusted for the best The above is the title of a book of 267 pages, ment to the plow for forcing its wedge-like form line of draught; as, for example, by a bad attach12mo., which has just issued from the press of most effectively through the soil. We may perHarper & Brothers of New York. It may be haps see but few instances of so great a blunder fairly questioned whether any previous publication as the man committed who fastened his smaller contains in the same space an equal amount of horse to the shorter end of the whipple-tree, to information adapted to the wants and capacities the other man who, when riding on horseback balance the large horse at the longer end; or of of practical mechanics and agriculturists. to mill, atop his bag of grain, concluded to reThe elementary principles of natural philoso-lieve the animal by dismounting, shouldering phy, and the nature of mechanical forces, are laid down in such manner as to impress a conviction of the truth of his conclusions, though the mathematical demonstration, by which those conclusions are rigidly proved, are entirely omitted.

the bag himself, and then remounting; yet cases are not uncommon where other operations are performed to almost as great a disadvantage, and mechanics, would appear nearly as strange and which to a person well versed in the science of absurd.

The improvement of farm machines and tools, straw-cutter, a root-slicer, a farm wagon with within the last fifty years has probably enabled hay-rack, an ox-cart, a horse-cart, wheel-barrow, the farmer to effect twice as much work with sled, shovels, spades, hoes, hay-forks and manurethe same force of horses and men. Plows turn forks, hand-rakes and revolving rakes, scythes up the soil deeper, more evenly and perfectly, and grain-cradles, grain-shovel, maul and wedges, and with greater ease of draught; hoes and pick, axes, wood-saw, turnip-hook, hay-knife, spades have become lighter and more efficient; apple-ladders, and many other smaller convenigrain, instead of being beaten out by the slow ences. The capital for thus furnishing in the and laborious work of the flail, is now showered best manner all the farms in the Union has been in torrents from the thrashing-machine; horse computed to amount to five hundred millions of rakes accomplish singly the work of many men dollars, and as much more is estimated to be using the old hand rake; twelve to twenty acres yearly paid for the labor of men and horses of ripe grain are neatly cut in one day with a throughout the country at large. two-horse reaper; wheat drills, avoiding the tire- To increase the effective force of labor only some drudgery of sowing by hand, are materially one fifth would, therefore, add annually one increasing the amount of the wheat crop; while hundred millions in the aggregate to the profits a few farmers are making a large yearly saving of farming; while on the other hand, if we look by the application of horse-power to sawing wood, churning, driving washing-machines, and even to ditching. A celebrated English farmer has lately accomplished even more; for by means of a steam-engine of six-horse power, he drives a pair of mill-stones for grinding feed, thrashes and cleans grain, elevates and bags it, pumps water for cattle, cuts straw, turns the grindstone, and drives liquid manure through pipes for irrigating his fields; and the waste steam cooks the food for his cattle and swine-all this work being performed in a first rate manner.

Now these improvements were mainly effected through the knowledge of mechanical principles, and many of them would doubtless have been sooner achieved and better perfected if these principles had been well understood by farmers; for, constantly using the machines themselves, they could have perceived just what defects existed, and, by understanding the reasons of those defects, have been able to suggest the remedies in a better manner than the mere manufacturer. Moreover, as the introduction of what is new and valuable depends greatly upon the call for them, farmers would have been prepared to decide with more confidence and certainty upon their real merits, and thus to increase and cheapen the supply of the best, and to reject the worthless.

One great reason that farm implements are still so imperfect, is, that the farmers themselves do not fully understand what is needed, and how much may yet be accomplished. They have not enough knowledge of mechanics to qualify them for judging of the merits of new machines; and being afraid of imposition, often reject what is really valuable, or else, being pleased by a fine appearance, are easily deceived with empty pre


The implements and machines which every farmer must have who does his work well are numerous and often costly. A farm of one hundred acres requires the aid of nearly all of the following two good plows, a small plow, a subsoiler, a single and two-horse cultivator, a drillbarrow, a roller, a harrow, a fanning mill, a

back fifty years to the imperfect implements then in use, we may at once perceive the vast amount saved by the improvements since made; and when, especially, we notice the condition of barbarous nations, and contrast that condition with our own-the former thinly scattered in comfortless hovels through far-stretching and gloomy forests, subsisting mainly by hunting and fishing, and often suffering from hunger and cold; the latter blessed with smooth, cultivated fields, green meadows, and golden harvests, interpersed with comfortable farm-houses; with the hum of business through populous cities, and along far-reaching lines of canals and railroads, and ships for foreign commerce, freighted with the productions of the soil, threading every channel and whitening every sea-when we observe this contrast we cannot fail to be struck by the convincing proof that "knowledge is power," and of the loss sustained on the one hand from its absence, and the advantages on the other of availing ourselves of its accumulated stores.


[ocr errors]

One of the most creditable acts of the last Administration was, sending an expedition to Japan, to effect, if possible, an opening of its ports, and bring it into communication with the Christian world. So far as we can see, the instructions under which it proceeded were judicious, and the manner in which it was conducted by the commanding officer was, on the whole, discreet and praiseworthy. To us at this distance, and accustomed only to the matter-of-fact ways of a solid civilization,some of the movements of Commodore Perry among the Japanese may appear overstrained and vainglorious, but we must not forget that he had to deal with a people comparatively rude, and more accessible through their senses and imaginations, than an enlightened reason. At all events, the results of the expedition are better than we had reason to expect.

Intelligence has just reached this country from China, that the Russian Admiral has not been successful, while the American Commodore has;

that his negotiations have resulted in opening free intercourse between the two countries, to be carried on through two ports in Japan; in securing stipulations for a coal depot, and a regular supply of coal for the United States steamers, and also for kind treatment, and an abundant supply of water and provisions for all Americans who may visit any part of the Japanese coast. The Commodore showed his good sense by proposing an extension of these privileges to all other nations, but the Japanese Commissioners demurred, expressing, however, their willingness to make separate treaties on similar terms with any other nations that might seek them in a peaceful manner. It is added that Commodore Perry intends to remain two or three months on the Japanese coast, for the purpose, we presume, of seeing that there shall be no failure in the arrangement agreed upon.

On the whole, it would seem that Commodore Perry and his officers have been at least as profitably employed as if they had been engaged in catching runaway slaves on the Home Station, or in dancing attendance at the Courts of petty despotisms along the shores of the Mediterranean. There is no harm in giving our navy something respectable and useful to do, in the absence of any immediate necessity for a blockade of Cuba. -National Era.


(Concluded from page 679.)

at Watford, 8,000,000 per day might be derived from that locality.

Quantities so immense might be thought sufficient for ordinary purposes; but Mr. Prestwitch shows them to be trifling compared with the supplies to be obtained by going lower and piercing the Greensands. That such is not only possible, but actually the fact, will be seen on a little reflection. The area of the Greensands far exceeds that of the chalk; it reaches from Cambridgeshire in the north, to the sea in the south; from Devizes in the west, to Folkestone in the east; and wherever within this region the Greensands crop out on the surface, there the rain is greedily sucked in as it falls. It may surprise some readers to hear that places so distant should be regarded as sources for water-supply for London; such, however, is the fact, for as the water in sinking follows the dip of the strata, it gradually descends to the bottom of the basin, where it is most wanted. The Greensands thus serve the double purpose of filter and reservoir; and as they rest on a thick and impervious deposit of Weald and Kimmeridge clays, there can be no escape of water in a downward direction. There it remains stored up, a fountain of the great deep, until released by human enterprise and ingenuity.

The mean annual rainfall in England is from 26 to 28 inches, according to latitude, of which one-half, more or less, sinks into the ground; the greatest amount of filtration of course taking place in the rainiest months. Some deposits are much more permeable than others; but on com品 The chalk stratum extends from Kent and parison, the superiority of the Greensands in Surrey under the valley of the Thames to the this particular becomes strikingly manifest: Mr. Hills of Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire, Prestwitch estimates their steady undiminished and neighboring counties-an area of about 3800 yield at from 40,000,000 to 50,000,000 gallons square miles, on which the mean fall of rain is in the twenty-four hours. Such a quantity estimated at from 3800 to 3900 millions of gal-would constitute a valuable supplement to the lons every day-a quantity which may well be supply now furnished to London; the more so, exhaustless. The water finds its way down- because the water appears to be of excellent wards through the numerous fissures which quality. Judging from the wells sunk at a few abound in chalk, until it comes to the lower por- miles from the city, the water is remarkably tions of the stratum, where crevices are few, and pure, soft, and limpid; and the nature of the there it makes its way along the line of stratifi- Greensands is such as to insure a better quality cation, which is indicated by the imbedded of water from them than from some other strata. flints. Those who are experienced in such mat- We attach the more importance to this fact, reters, know that ample sources of water may al-membering that the Report of the Board of ways be looked for immediately beneath the Health, published in 1850, deprecates the drinkflint layers; it is into these that most of the ing of London well-water on account of the London wells are sunk; and the supply obtained" bad consequences" that follow its use, and the is said to be from 10,000,000 to 12,000,000 conclusive instances brought forward in proof of gallons daily-an amount perhaps somewhat over- the hygienic benefits resulting from the use of stated. Here, however, we see why such ama-soft water. zing supplies have been derived from the chalk. It is satisfactory to know, that the consideraIn the Tring cutting of the North-western Railway, the yield was 1,000,000 gallons per day; at Brighton, a well gives 231,840 gallons in twelve hours; 1,800,000 gallons per day were obtained from an experimental well sunk in the Bushy Meadows; and a calculation has been made, that, with efficient borings and drift-ways

tion here involved presents no difficulty; for chemical analysis has shown, that clay possesses a surprising power of absorbing soluble salts, and consequently, while the waters are traversing loose sandy strata mixed with clay, the filtration would appear to be perfect, as cleansing and absorption go on at the same time. "While

watery treasures, is at once apparent. Like the spring, too, though somewhat turbid on first bursting out, it in a short time flows perfectly pure, and at the same time its chemical character will be improved by the action of the ceaseless stream on the salts with which the strata may be impregnated. This is an important fact, for a well might be condemned when first sunk, which, a few minutes later, would yield most excellent water.

In France, where Artesian wells are compar atively numerous, the water is used for all domestic purposes, and as a "moving power for mills, factories, and hydraulic machines; for warming large buildings, for public wash-sheds, for irrigation on a large scale, for fish-ponds; in plantations of water-cress, paper-making, and the weathering of flax." For purposes in which a uniform temperature is required, the water is peculiarly serviceable.

it is considered," says Mr. Prestwitch, "that the waters have to pass through many miles of the Lower Greensand, in some places entirely silicious, and at other places partially argillaceous, it really becomes a question whether the water may not be, to a very great extent, freed from extraneous matter, and rendered by this means only, so far as regards the alkaline and earthy salts, comparatively soft and pure." This, however, is a question which actual experiment can only determine. We should be glad to see it tried for the reasons already stated, as well as others not less obvious. It might be well worth considering, whether to fetch water from a distance of many miles, or from 1000 feet beneath the surface, be the preferable method. In the one case, the water has fallen from the clouds, far away in the pleasant country, where no smoke and few atmospheric impurities are present to contaminate it, and makes its way underground, through a natural filter, to the great central reservoir; in the other, it must flow through pipes his case, and we regard his volume as a valuable or an uncovered channel. There is no risk of a aid towards that branch of progress which combarren result, for the quantity of water available every twenty-four hours would still be the same prises sanitation, with commercial, physical, and moral economy. as the above mentioned, even if no rain fell for fore them, no corporation or commission would a whole year. "Let it be borne in mind," be justified in deciding on a mode of water-suppursues Mr. Prestwitch, "that the effective per-ply without first giving them due consideration. meable beds of the Lower Greensand are 200 The question of cost may be simplified by refer feet thick-that they occupy an area above and below ground of 4600 square miles-that a mass for the Blackwall Railway cost £8000; another ring to what has already been done; the well of only one mile square and one foot thick will £4444, on the premises of Truman, Hanbury & hold more than 60,000,000 gallons of water Co., the brewers; and others for lower sums, and some idea may be then formed of the mag- down to £20; but it should be borne in mind, nitude of such an underground reservoir. A that a good part of the expense of the great fall of one foot in the water-level throughout London wells is for the machinery which must the whole area of outcrop, would give more than be always employed to pump up the water. This the quantity of water required for a year's con- would be entirely saved by boring down to the sumption of London." The temperature would Greensands, as the water would, as we have be, according to depth, from 63 to 70 degrees shown, rise of itself to more than 100 feet above


We think that Mr. Prestwitch has made out

With these facts and views be

the surface. Mr. Prestwitch estimates £1800 to £2500 as the cost of boring down to the upper Greensand; and to the Lower Greensand, £1000 more. When we remember that the

been flowing so abundantly for ages in the comparison. The wells of Solomon, which have parched Arabian desert, afford the most valuable and enduring evidence of the capabilities of Ar

tesian wells. Chambers' Journal.

Another consideration is, how deep must we go for these abundant supplies of water?-a point on which our knowledge of the chalk-formation enables us to speak with little chance of error; and on careful calculation, it appears that supply is perennial, the item of cost falls low in a boring 1040 feet deep would be necessary to pierce the Lower Greensands. Great as this depth may appear, it presents no difficulty insurmountable by mechanical genius. Then with respect to the height to which the water will rise, Mr. Prestwitch argues, that the conditions being nearly the same as those of the well of Grenelle, near Paris, the result will be similar; and he assumes that in a well sunk in London, the water would rise from the Greensands to a height of from 120 to 130 feet above the surface. This at once gives a distributing power independent of machinery, and would be sufficient for most practical purposes.

As none are too wise to learn, it is a proof of affection to communicate useful hints; and a high proof of wisdom to take and use them, from whatever quarter they come.—Hunter.

Many have given over the pursuit after fame, An Artesian well may be called a natural either from the disappointment they have met, spring artificially produced; its analogy to a or from their experience of the little pleasure spring, by which nature liberates her hidden that attends it.-Spectator.

The following is reported, in the New York Tribune, as the copy of an act which has recently passed the legislature of Connecticut. We are informed that in the House of Representatives the vote stood yeas 112, nays 85.


SECTION 1. Every person who shall falsely and maliciously declare, represent or pretend that any free person entitled to freedom is a slave, or owes service or labor to any person or persons, with intent to procure, or to aid or assist in procuring, the forcible removal of such free person from this State as a slave, shall pay a fine of $5,000, and be imprisoned five years in the Connecticut State prison.

SEC. 2. In all cases arising under this act, the truth of any declaration, representation or pretense that any person, being or having been in this State is a Slave, or owes or did owe service or labor to any other person, shall not be deemed proved except by the testimony of at least two credible witnesses testifying to facts directly tending to establish the truth of such declaration, pretense or representation, or by legal evidence equivalent thereto.

SEC. 3. Every person that shall wilfully and maliciously seize, or procure to be scized, any free person entitled to freedom with intent to have such free person sold into Slavery, shall pay a fine of $5,000, and be imprisoned five years in the Connecticut State Prison.

SEC. 4. Upon the trial of any prosecution arising under this act, no deposition shall be admitted as evidence of the truth of any statement in such deposition contained.

SEC. 5. Upon the trial of any prosecution arising under this act, any witness who shall, in behalf of the party accused, and intending to aid him in his defense, falsely and wilfully, in testifying, represent or pretend that any person is or ever was a slave, or does or ever did owe service or labor to any person or persons, such witness shall pay a fine of $5,000, and be imprisoned five years in the Connecticut State Prison.

SEC. 6. Whenever complaint or information shall be made against any person, for any offense described in any section of this act, and upon such complaint or information a warrant shall have been duly issued for the arrest of such per son, any person who shall hinder or obstruct a sheriff, deputy sheriff or constable in the service of such warrant, or shall aid such accused person in escaping from the pursuit of such officer, shall be imprisoned one year in the Connecticut State Prison.

SEC. 7. No declaration, pretense or representation that any person is, or was, an apprentice for a fixed term of years, or owes or did owe service merely as such an apprentice for such fixed term, shall be deemed prohibited by this act, and no

[blocks in formation]

'Tis gone, that bright and orbed blaze,
Fast fading from our wistful gaze :
Yon mantling cloud has hid from sight
The last faint pulse of quivering light.

In darkness and in weariness

The traveller on his way must press,
No gleam to watch on tree or tower,
Whiling away the lonesome hour.

Sun of my soul! Thou Saviour dear,
It is not night if Thou be near;
Oh! may no earth-born cloud arise
To hide Thee from Thy servant's eyes.
When round Thy wondrous works below
My searching rapturous glance I throw,
Tracing out Wisdom, Power, and Love,
In earth or sky, in stream or grove ;-

Or by the light Thy words disclose,
Watch Time's full river as it flows,
Scanning Thy gracious Providence,
When not too deep for mortal sense ;—

When with dear friends sweet talk I hold,
And all the flowers of life unfold;
Let not my heart within me burn,
Except in all I Thee discern.

When the soft dews of kindly sleep
My wearied eyelids gently steep,
Be my last thought, how sweet to rest
For ever on my Saviour's breast.
Abide with me from morn till eve,
For without Thee 1 cannot live;
Abide with me when night is nigh,
For without Thee I dare not die.
Thou Framer of the light and dark,
Steer through the tempest Thine own ark;
Amid the howling wintry sea
We are in port if we have Thee.

The Rulers of this Christian land,
"Twixt Thee and us ordained to stand,
Guide Thou their course, O Lord, aright,
Let all do all as in Thy sight.

Oh! by Thine own sad burthen, borne
So meekly up the hill of scorn,
Teach Thou thy Priests their daily cross
To bear as Thine, nor count it loss!
If some poor wandering child of Thine
Have spurned, to day, the voice divine,
Now, Lord, the gracious work begin :
Let him no more lie down in sin.
Watch by the sick; enrich the poor
With blessings from Thy boundless store;
Be every mourner's sleep to night
Like infants' slumbers, pure and light.
Come near and bless us when we wake,
Ere through the world our way we take;
Till in the ocean of Thy love,

We lose ourselves in Heaven above.

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