Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

ticles furnished to each, a large amount of the provisions raised on the plantation, which under the old plan had vanished, remained on hand. "Every year," says he, "for six years past this great plantation has bought several hundred bushels of corn, and was scanty in all ground

■ provisions, our own provisions always falling short; this year, (1790,) since the establishment of the copy holders, though several less acres were planted last year in Guinea corn than usual,

■ yet we have been able to sell several hundred - bushels at a high price, and still have a great stock on hand." The profits derived from the planta- tion, upon the improved plan of operations, are stated at three times the former amount.

From the account of the experience of Joshua - Steele, given by W. Dickson in his Mitigation of Slavery, it is manifest that much of the evil usually attendant on slavery was remedied without actual emancipation. If the laborers did not receive the rewards for their services which justice demands, they were at least partially remunerated, and an interest in their work was excited, which is unknown under the usual procedure.

From what I have been able to learn, I appre. hend that upon the decease of Joshua Steele, his farms and his slaves fell into the hands of men

who were wedded to the old barbarous system. Professor Dew indeed asserts on the testimony of one of his neighbors, evidently opposed to the plan, that the negroes were glad to be released from the copy hold system. But the testimony of Joshua Steele himself appears incompatible with that of the Professor's informant with regard to the success of the experiment while conducted by himself.

If slavery must continue to disgrace our boasted republic, it is greatly to be desired that some plan

for its mitigation and gradual extinction should be brought into operation. The principle adopted by Joshua Steele, was evidently judicious as far as it went. By giving his slaves an interest in their labor, and rendering their compensation dependent upon the service performed, habits of industry and economy were inculcated. Being in some measure taught the duties and responsibilities of freemen they were so far prepared for the enjoyment of freedom.

If the holders, of slaves in our country would adopt a system based on this principle, they would no doubt promote their own interest, and at the same time pave the way for the peaceful extinction of a great and acknowledged evil.

* By ground provisions he means provisions raised on their own ground, not articles subjected to the operation of grinding.

DIED. On the 9th of 7th mo. last, at the resi

dence of her son, Jonathan Doan, Morgan Co., Ind., after a short illness, RACHEL DOAN, an esteemed member of West Union Monthly Meeting, in the 84th year of her age.

Through the course of her life she was closely attached to the doctrines and testimonies of our

religious Society.

She bore her sufferings with Christian patience and resignation; expressing her belief that there was nothing in her way, and quietly breathing her last without a sigh or struggle, leaving to her survivors the comfortable assurance that her end was peace.

Co. New Jersey, on 2d day the 14th of the 8th -, At his residence in Tuckerton, Burlington month, TIMOTHY PHARO, in the sixty-second year of his age.

He was fully impressed, during his severe and riches of this world, and often expressed this protracted illness, with the nothingness of the conviction to his children, warning them, "that there was little worth living for in this world, and that they should commence early to lay up their treasures in Heaven." When requested by his family to have additional medical advice, he said, "do as you think best, my children, but I feel that there is but one Physician that can do me any good. The Physician of souls."

He was a member of Little Egg Harbor Monthly Meeting, and his residence being convenient to the meeting house, he took great pleasure in having all travelling ministers and Friends to put fortable during their sojourn; up there, and spared no pains to make them comand although active

ly engaged in a multifarious business till within two or three years past, he was always ready to devote a portion of his time to meeting business, and to those things which he believed would conduce to the interest or advancement of the principles or doctrines of Friends. And he was himself a consistent and steadfast supporter of those


And by his perfect resignation to the will of the Father, and his calm state of mind during his last severe illness, have we not reason to hope nal gain? that the loss to his family and friends is his eter

Our friends who furnish obituaries for insertion in the Review, will please to remember, that the Monthly Meeting of which the deceased was a member is always required. Notices, if deficient in this particular, are necessarily omitted.


The Winter Term will commence on the second

Fourth-day of the Tenth month next. Application may be made to JONATHAN RICHARDS, Superintendent, at the school, in person or by letter addressed to West Haverford, Delaware County, Pennsylvania, by whom all the information required will be given. When more convenient to do so, parties applying may register the names of applicants with the undersigned.

THE SEMI ANNUAL EXAMINATION will commence ou Second-day, 9th mo. 11th, and close on the morning of Fourth-day following. The presence

of parents and others interested in the subject of Education is respectfully invited.

Copies of the Order of Examination may be obtained at the office of Friends Review.

Secretary Board of Managers,

such a system in the slaveholding States, and especially when coupled with Colonization. If our Northern brethren were to refrain from advocating the doctrines looking to a forcible emancipation of slaves, and admitting that the sub

No. 39 Market st., Philadelphia. ject of emancipation belongs exclusively to the


To the editor of the N. Y. Tribune:

SIR: 1 am a citizen of a slave-holding State, and the owner of a family of slaves, consisting of a grand-mother, children, and grand-children, who I intend shall never serve another master. I am firmly convinced of the evils and injustice of our system of Slavery. And, like thousands of others in our State, for years, have been looking anxiously for some practical plan by which Slavery may be eradicated. Although the evil is manifest, and the requirements of justice clear, yet, the question remains to be decided, what measures are best calculated to extirpate the evil, and restore to freedom the colored race, who were originally wrongfully torn from their native country, and, in violation of every principle of justice, sold into a state of bondage.

The ardent Anti-Slavery men of the non-slaveholding States will doubtless say: "Men who are admitted to be wrongfully held in Slavery, ought to be immediately emancipated." Well, if this be admitted, the question still remains, how shall we convince the numerous owners of slaves, that it is their duty, and that justice demands of them, an immediate and instantaneous emancipation of all their slaves? I will not remark upon the difficulties and evils which would arise from such a sudden and universal emancipation of the colored race. It is sufficient to say, that a universal and firm conviction pervades the entire community of the slave-holding States, that a general and sudden emancipation of all our slaves, would be attended with the most enormous evils both to the white and colored population. Whether this opinion is well or ill founded can make no difference. For, so long as that opinion exists, it is impossible that a universal, voluntary emancipation can take place. And that forcible emancipation cannot take place in the slave-holding States, is equally clear.

States in which the institution exists-should treat the subject temperately, using only such moral influence as would be calculated to prepare the public mind for a system of gradual emancipation, they would do far more toward eradicating Slavery than they can reasonably hope to accomplish by a contrary course.

It may be thought by some that the process of gradual emancipation is too slow in accomplishing the desired object. But such a system may be adopted in each of the several States in which Slavery exists, as the public mind is prepared for it, and, wherever adopted, will entirely accomplish the object desired, in a reasonable time. Such a system may be in progress in one, two or more States, at the same time. The example of such States will have a powerful influence upon others, and in time all will come into the system, and all will ultimately be relieved from the evils of slavery. But if force is to be relied upon, the object cannot be attained, if at all, but by wars, revolutions and the most horrid convulsions, which will result in a severance of our happy Union, and the entailment upon the disrupted parts of perpetual war. These evils may all be avoided by the resort to the rational means suggested above.

Voluntary emancipation is gradually becoming more and more common. This has already had a considerable effect upon the relative increase of free white persons and slaves. As the com merce and wealth of the nation increases even more rapidly than its white population, the relative ability of the country to colonize free persons of color is constantly increasing, and leaves no room to doubt of our ability to colonize the whole of our colored population, if the slaveholding States should choose to couple with their system of gradual emancipation the condition of colonization in Liberia.

Such colonization would powerfully encourage and induce voluntary emancipation; especially if the system of emancipation should apply only to those hereafter born, as humane masters would generally emancipate the parents of children who had become free, under the system of gradual emancipation.

As you have strongly and justly remarked, in your reply to Mr. Goodell, that non-slaveholding States "have exactly the same rightful power over Slavery in Virginia or Alabama that we have over slavery in Cuba or Brazil-not one The strong argument with Southern slaveparticle more." The power of moral influence holders against even gradual emancipation is, belongs equally to all parts of the Union, to the that it would be interfering with vested rights; citizens of the non-slaveholding States. To give but there cannot be a vested right in a child w effect to moral influence, the subject should be born. Consequently, objectors would be shorn so treated as to convince the judgments and not of this argument by making the system apply to excite the passions and prejudices of the slave- only to children thereafter born. If any object holding community in the South. A system of to this, because such discrimination would be gradual emancipation is the only one which is unjust, I reply, -better take the system thus repracticable. There are numerous advocates of stricted than not at all. As gradual emancipa

tion can only prevail with the assent of the peo- | be obeyed; and any one who don't obey me and ple of the slaveholding States, policy and wisdom behave himself will have to leave." require that it should be so modified as to secure Now, we feel confident that a slaveholder who regard nations as parts of a great common body, and national differences as necessary to a common humanity.

the popular support.

As all strong excitement, on the subject of Slavery, has a tendency to check the progress of public opinion in favor of gradual emancipation, it is greatly to be regretted that the present Congress should have deemed it necessary to repeal the Missouri Compromise. That Compromise had, in a great degree, given peace to the country on the subject of slavery for more than thirty years. The repeal has thrown the whole subject open again. The only remedy for the mischief, thus done, is to elect Members and Senators, who will stand pledged to re-enact that Compromise. I fully agree with you, that that object should be kept in view at every election, until the voice of the nation shall emphatically decide that the wrong done shall be repaired. Let this be accomplished, and no Douglas or Dixon will ever again dare to propose to annul the solemn compact. The reinstatement of the Missouri Compromise may not accomplish all that some of the abolitionists of the North desire; but if a measure secures in part what they wish, reason dictates that they should heartly support it. The accomplishment of a partial good will not prevent them from urging additional measures, on a future occasion, which they may deem just and proper. But they should always recollect that they are not to be the exclusive judges of what measures are best calculated to relieve the country from an acknowledged evil.

A FRIEND OF GRADUAL EMANCIPATION. Mason County, Kentucky, July 13, 1854.


It seems to us that a conscientious man convinced of the wrong of slaveholding should begin the work of redressing that wrong at once. And if we were in our correspondent's place, and the laws of that State forbade emancipation on her soil, and the teaching of slaves, we should remove with them at once to some convenient locality where no such tyrannical statutes existed. Then (or on our old plantation if the laws did not forbid) we should say to those slaves, "You are free, and may leave if you choose; but I advise you to stay with me till I shall have taught you how to use and enjoy your freedom. I will either myself teach you two hours daily or I will employ some competent persons to do so; and I will share fairly with you the proceeds of my land and your labor. At the year's end, I will settle fairly with you, and any one who chooses may take his portion and leave, while I with those who remain will endeavor to raise a better crop next year. I think you can all learn more, live better, and save more, by staying with me, than by going off; if you don't think so, go; or, if you stay now, go whenever you shall have come to think so. But while you stay here, I must

should adopt this course and firmly pursue it would soon have the finest plantation and the best crops in his county-keeping all his good blacks and getting rid of the bad ones, and with all his laborers working under the stimulus of personal interest, and impelled by pride to make as good a show as possible in the settlement at the end of the year. We believe the great majority of any planter's slaves might thus be quietly educated into fitness for freedom and self-direction, as well as into a competent knowledge of letters and the elemental arts, while the planter would find himself, at ten years' end, not only wiser but actually richer than if he had continued to hold his laborers in hopeless Slavery. Rely on it, friend! it can never be dangerous nor impolitic to do right! and what Washington, John Randolph and many other eminent Southerns saw fit to do on their death-beds you may safely and wisely do while you live.

We will not remark further on our correspondent's suggestions, except to say that, while we believe in the Colonization of Western Africa by civilized and Christianized blacks, we have no idea that the Negro race will ever quit this country entirely, whether from choice or compulsion. We believe the South could not afford to spare them, and do not see how they could well be got away. Were Slavery abolished, the South would not wish to be rid of her black laborers, any more than they would wish to go. Freedom reconciles where Slavery antagonizes. Blessed be Liberty !-N. Y. Tribune.


I have been now, in all, about a month in this gay and flowery city, seeing the French people, not in hotels and cafes, but in the seclusion of domestic life; received, when introduced, not with ceremonious distance as a stranger, but with confidence and affection as a friend.

Though, according to the showing of my friends, Paris is empty of many of her most brilliant ornaments, yet I have been so fortunate as to make the acquaintance of many noble and justly celebrated people, and to feel as if I had gained a real insight into the French heart.

I liked the English and the Scotch as well as I could like anything. And now I equally like the French. Exact opposites, you will say. For that reason all the more charming. The goodness and beauty of the Divine mind is no less shown in the traits of different races than of different tribes of fruits and flowers. And because things are exact opposites, is no reason why we should not like both. The eye is not like the hand, nor the ear like the foot; yet who condemns any of them for the difference? So I

I thought, when in English society, that it was as perfect and delightful as it could be. There was worth of character, strength of principle, true sincerity and friendship, charmingly expressed. I have found all these, too, among

shade of Lafayette, it would seem, might rise and say, 'Et tu, Brute!""

It is true, it is a sarcasm of Voltaire's; but Voltaire, though born a Frenchman, neither embodied nor was capable of understanding the true French ideal. The French head he had, but not the French heart. And from his biter judgment we might appeal to a thousand noble Sully, and Bayard, the knight sans peur et sans the French, and of a kind wholly different from reproche were these half tiger and half monkey? any I have ever had an experience of before. Were John Calvin and Fenelon half tiger and There is an Iris-like variety and versatility of half monkey? Laplace, Geoffrey, St. Hilaire, nature, a quickness in catching and reflecting Cuvier, Des Cartes, Malebranche, Arago-what the various shades of emotion or fancy, a readi- were they? The tree of history is enriched ness in seizing upon one's own half expressed with no nobler and fairer boughs and blossoms

the French, and, besides them, something which names. The generous Henry IV., the noble

charms me the more, because it is peculiar to

thoughts, and running them out in a thousand graceful little tendrils, which is very captivating.

than have grown from the French stock.

It seems a most mysterious Providence that some nations, without being wickeder than others, should have a more unfortunate and disastrous

I know a general prejudice has gone forth that the French are all mere outside, without history. The woes of France have sprung from the fact any deep reflection or emotion. This may be that a Jezebel de Medici succeeded in extermitrue of many. No doubt that the strength of nating from the nation that portion of the peothat outward life, that acuteness of the mere ple corresponding to the Puritans of Scotland, perceptive organization, and that tendency to England, and Germany. The series of persecusocial exhiliration, which prevail, will incline to tions which culminated in the Massacre of St. such a fault in many cases. An English reserve Bartholomew and ended with the dragonades uninclines to moroseness, and Scotch perseverance der Louis XIV., drained France of her life-blood. to obstinacy : so this ærial French nature may Other nations have profited by the treasures then become levity and insincerity; but then it is cast out of her, and she has remained poor neither the sullen Englishman, the dogged Scotchman, nor the shallow Frenchman, that we are to take as the nation's ideal. In each country we are to take the very best as the specimen.

for want of them. Some of the best blood in America is of the old Huguenot stock. Huguenots carried arts and manufactures into England. An expelled French refugee became the theological leader of Puritanism in England, Scotland, and America; and wherever John Calvin's system of theology has gone, civil liberty has gone with it; so we might almost say of France, as the Apostle said of Israel, "If the fall of them be the riches of the world, and the diminishing of them be the riches of the Gentiles, how much

more their fulness!"

When the English and Americans sneer at the instability, turbulence, and convulsions of the French nation for the last century, let us ask

Now, it is true that, here in France, one can find people as judicious, quiet, discreet, and religious, as anywhere in the world; with views of life as serious, and as earnest, not living for pretence or show, but for the most rational and religious ends, Now, when all this goodness is silvered over, as it were, reflecting, like mothero'-pearl, or opal, a thousand fanciful shades and changes, is not the result beautiful? Some families into which I have entered, some persons with whom I have talked, have left a most delightful impression upon my mind; and I have ourselves what our history would have been, had talked, by means of imperfect English, French, the "Gunpowder Plot" succeeded, and the whole and interpretations, with a good many. They element of the Reformation been exterminated. have made my heart bleed over the history of It is true, vitality and reactive energy might this beautiful country. It is truly mournful have survived such a process; but that vitality that a people with so many fine impulses, so would have shown itself just as it has in France much genius, appreciation, and effective power, -in struggles and convulsions. The frequent should, by the influence of historical events quite revolutions of France are not a thing to be beyond the control of the masses, so often have sneered at; they are not evidences of fickleness, been thrown into a false position before the but of constancy; they are, in fact, a prolonged world, and been subjected to such a series of struggle for liberty, in which there occur periods

agonizing revulsions and revolutions.

"Oh, the French are half tiger, half monkey!" said a cultivated American to me, the other day. Such remarks cut me to the heart, as if they had been spoken of a brother. And when they come from the mouth of an American, the very

of defeat, but in which, after every interval of repose, the strife is renewed. Their great difficulty has been, that the destruction of the Reformed Church in France, took out of the country entirely that element of religious rationalism which is at once conservative and progressive.

Decision of A. D. Smith, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of Wisconsin, in relation to the Fugitive Slave Law.

(Concluded from page 794.)

I ought not to dismiss the consideration of this question without particularly adverting to the case of Prigg vs. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 16 Peters' Rep. 540. The opinions in the other cases cited are so conflicting, casual or incidental as to be of no force; and of the case of Prigg vs. Penn., it may be justly remkared that the discrepancy of opinion among the members of the Court was so wide and fundamental as greatly to impair the authority of that decision. It affirms the constitutionality of the act of 1793 upon contemporaneous exposition in one respect and expressly defies the same rule in another, for it pronounces the act constitutional in part, and unconstitutional in another part. Whatever of authority may attach to it in consequence of the character and eminence of the men who passed it, and of him who signed it, is effectually counteracted by the decision of the Court that in one part of it at least the Constitution was violated. Cotemporaneous construction confers the power of legis.

lation and execution upon the States as well as Congress; for long before Congress assumed to

act upon the subject, the State Legislatures had

passed laws in fidelity to the compact, in most of which some of the framers of the Constitution had seats, and all of the slave States, and all or

nearly all the free States, continued to exercise

the power up to a very recent period.

islature of Ohio. So also, about the same time, in regard to Indiana, and I believe Illinois. Up to 1837, the States esteemed it their duty, and slave States demanded its performance, to provide by law for the execution and faithful observance of this compact. All seemed to regard it as a compact and nothing else; binding, it is true, and operative as law equally upon all, but still a compact, and a compact only.

Again, it is respectfully suggested that the whole argument of Mr. Justice Story is based upon what is sometimes called the petitio principii. He assumes that the Constitution makes it the duty of the Federal Government to enforce the right of the owner secured by the compact, and then infers that it must necessarily have the power; and then, if Congress has it, the States

cannot have it.


All admit that there is no express power in the Constitution to legislate upon this subject, but it is claimed to be necessarily implied, as incidental to the grant of judicial power. The reclamation of a fugitive is first decided to be a "case" arising under the Constitution of the United States, and hence within the judicial power. But this mode of implying powers can never be sustained. The judicial power is extended in several respects beyond the legislative power. The judicial power has jurisdiction in

cases arising between the citizens of different States. A citizen of New York may sue a citizen of Wisconsin upon a promissory note, bill of

exchange, covenants in a deed, in partition of

real estate, or even in ejectment for the possession or title to lands. If a power of legislation may, therefore, be grafted by implication upon a judicial power, Congress may assume the whole power of legislation over these subjects in the respective States, and necessarily exclude State legislation, and accomplish at a blow, the complete prostration and overthrow of the State sovereignty.

Cotemporaneous history, cotemporaneous exposition, early and long-continued acquiescence, all go to show the interpretation given to this provision of the Constitution by the States and the people. The slave States passed acts to execute the compact. The free States did the same. The action of the several States, or many of them, shows conclusively that they interpreted the provision as a compact merely addressed to the good faith of the States. The slave States appealed to the free States for legislative action to carry into effect this provision of the Federal at common law within the meaning of the Con

Constitution, and demanded of the latter the stern exercise of a power which it is now sought to wrest from them. In 1826, the State of Maryland appointed Commissioners to attend upon the session of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, and induce the latter to pass an act to

Again, this case explicitly decides the claim of the owner to a fugitive slave to be a "case" within the meaning of the Constitution. Hence it is a suit not in admiralty or equity, and hence

stitution. It also decides the determination of the claim to be a judicial proceeding, and bases the power of the Federal Government in the premises upon the grant of judicial power, and the power of legislation assumed to be incidental to that. All these points, which are held to be res

facilitate the reclamation of fugitive slaves. adjucata, strike at the very vitality of the act of Their mission was successful. Pennsylvania 1850, which attempts to confer such judicial yielded to the solicitations of Maryland's Com- power upon Commissioners. Time will not permissioners, and passed the act of 1826, which mit a further review of this case. In my judgwas afterward declared void by the Supreme ment, the opinion of the Chief Justice completely Court of the United States in Prigg vs. Pennsyl- overthrows that of the Court, and, so far as he

attempts to argue his points, beyond doubt or controversy establishes the doctrine here contended for.

vania. In 1836 or 1837, similar Commissioners were appointed by the State of Kentucky to the State of Ohio, whose mission resulted in the passage of a most stringent fugitive act by the Leg-1 In view of the dissentient opinions of the

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