Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

old government, in which, I think, they And yet, I dare say, that Mr. George are deceived. The first consequence of the Chalmers would undertake to set up an death of Napoleon would, in all human affected horse-laugh at any one who should probability, be a state bordering upon say, that the paper was depreciated!anarchy; but, the republic would revive. Here is a clear depreciation of more than The republicans would again bear sway; 30 per centum. Nobody but Mr. Chalmers and, if we had good memories, we should or somebody in pay will deny this. And be very well assured, that much was not this is the grand object to keep one's eye to be gotten by the change. If our sto- upon. At this rate about 65 or 66 LIGHT mach for fight did not get the better of our guineas are worth a hundred pounds in Bank recollection, we should not be exceedingly of England paper. Nay, though there is glad to see a new race of Jourdains and a law against selling full-weight guineas Pichegrus and Brunes come forth against for Bank of England paper, there is no us. The people of Europe would see law against selling them for country bank such a change with feelings that I need not paper; so that people may, and they do, describe; and their sovereigns would, in sell them daily and hourly, and the last my opinion, have more ground for appre- stragglers are now going out of the country. hension than they now have. Therefore, -I have 64 guineas; I want to sell it appears to me possible, to say the least them; I sell them for £100. in country of it, that the death of Napoleon is what bank notes. That done I go to the country no high-flying royalist ought to wish for; bank and make them change their notes or, at least, that, if he should hear of into London Bank notes; and thus is my that death, he ought to moderate his joy. operation as complete as if I had sold them -I have, however, I must confess, at once for Bank of England Notes.—I another principle according to which I know, that there are people who laugh at judge of the good or evil of Napoleon's this, and say that all will come about again. death. I see all the hireling news-writers That it certainly will; but, it must all unexpressing their anxiety to hear of his dergo the proper process. Things are not death; I perceive that his death is wished restored without a process. The paper is for by all those whom I know to be the going down. It must go lower yet; and, country's worst enemies; by all those who afterwards, things will, in one shape of hate every thing like freedom in the coun- another, take a new turn.I know of a try, by all the sons and all the daughters REMEDY. I have said so before. But, of corruption. And, as I cannot refrain I will not tell the remedy. I have as much from believing, that they wish him dead right to keep my secret to myself as any because they think that his death will be other possessor of valuable secrets. I would good for them, and, as I am convinced rather tell it to Mr. Vansittart than to such that whatever is for their good must be in- a man as Perceval; but, I will not tell it jurious to the country, I conclude that the yet. When the pinch comes I will make death of Napoleon would be injurious to it known.-Suffice it, for the present, England, and, thereupon, I make up my to say, that I have never yet seen my remind to wish that he may live.I know medy so much as hinted at in print. My that I shall be abused for this; but I com- remedy is a strong one; but, if ever apfort myself with the reflection, that to re-plied, it will be efficacious, I'll warrant vile is not to refute. I have given my it. Whenever the proper time comes, opinion very frankly, and shall not be will make a fair bargain with the public: offended with any one who may differ from no cure, no pay. But, perhaps, it may I do not wish for the death of Na-be thought " base lucre" in me to sell my poleon. That I say distinctly.


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remedy. Very well, then, shall I say, I'll keep my remedy to myself, and keep you your disease. You cannot get my remedy out of me, if you were to rip me up.

-People may laugh at these pretensions of mine; but they will, if we live but a little longer, see that these pretensions have some foundation. I say I could tell the ministers how to cure the depreciation; I say I could tell them how to set all to rights again. I say I will not tell them how to do it; and if they laugh at me,


can laugh at them. Let them go on with war and subsidies, and they will soon come to my shop I warrant them.Others have written upon this subject, and many have well written; but the first man to say, in print, in England, that Bank Notes were depreciated, was


Botley, 9th September, 1812.


AMERICAN STATES.-Instructions for the Privateer Armed Vessels of the United States.

1. The tenour of your commission, under the Act of Congress, entitled, "An Act concerning Letters of Marque, Prizes, and Prize Goods," a copy of which is hereto annexed, will be constantly in your view. The high seas referred to in your Commission, you will understand generally to extend to low water mark, but with the exception of the space, neither one league nor three miles from the shore of countries at peace both with Great Britain and the United States; you may, nevertheless, execute your commission, rather than detain the shore of a nation at war with Great Britain, and even on the waters within the jurisdiction of such nation, if permitted so to do. 2. You are to pay the strictest regard to the rights of neutral powers, and usages of civilized nations; and in all your proceedings towards neutral vessels, you are to give them as little molestation or interruption, as will consist with the right of ascertaining their neutral character, and of detaining and bringing them under regular adjudication, in proper cases. You are particularly to avoid even the appearance of using force or seduction, with a view to deprive such vessels of their crews and of their passengers, other than persons in the military service of their country.- 3. Towards every vessel, and their crews, you are to proceed in exercising the rights of war with all the justice and humanity which characterizes the nation of which you are a member.-4. The Master, and one or more of the principal persons belonging to a captured vessel, are to be sent, soon after the capture, to the Judge or Judges of the proper Courts of the United States, to be examined on oath touching the interests or property of the captured vessel and her lading; and, at the same time, are to be delivered to the Judge, or Judges, all passes,

charter-party, bills of loading, invoices, letters, and other documents and writings, found on board; the said papers to be provided by the affidavit of the Commander of the captured vessel, or some of the persons present at the capture, to be produced as they are received, without fraud, addition, subduction, or embezzlement.By the command of the President of the United States,

JAMES MONROE, Secretary of State.

An Act to prohibit American Vessels from proceeding to or trading with the Enemies of the United States, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That no ship or vessel, owned in whole or in part by a citizen or citizens of the United States, shall be permitted to clear out or depart from any port or place within the limits of the United States, or territories thereof, to any foreign port, or place, till the owner, agent, factor, freighter, master, or commander shall have given bond, with sufficient security, in the amount of such ship or vessel, and cargo, not to proceed to or trade with the enemies of the United States. And if any ship or vessel, owned as aforesaid, shall depart from any port or place within the limits of the United States, or territories thereof, for any foreign port or place, without giving bond with security aforesaid, such ship or vessel, and cargo, shall be forfeited to the use of the United States; and the owner or owners, freighter, factor, or agent, master, or commander, shall severally forfeit and pay a sum equal to the value of such ship or vessel, and cargo; and the said master or commander, if privy thereto, and being thereof convicted, shall be liable to a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars, and imprisoned for a term not exceeding twelve months, in the discretion of the Court. Sect. 2. And be it further enacted, That if any citizen or citizens of the United States, or person inhabiting the same, shall transport or attempt to transport, overland or otherwise, in any waggon, cart, sleigh, boat, or otherwise, naval or military stores, arms, or the munitions of war, or any article of provi sion, from any place of the United States, to any place in Upper or Lower Canada, Nova Scotia, or New Brunswick, the waggon, cart, sleigh, boat, or the thing by which the said naval or military stores,

vessel with dispatches destined for the United States, and which shall have departed from any port or place in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland or its dependencies, on or before the 1st day of September next, shall not be liable to be captured or condemned, but the same shall be permitted to enter and depart from any port or place in the United States; provided, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to affect any cartel or vessel with a flag of truce.-Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That the President of the United States be, and he is hereby authorized to give, at any time within six months after the passage of this act, passports for the safe transportation of any ship or other property, belonging to the British subjects, and which is now within the limits of the United States.- -Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That every person, being a citizen of the United States, or residing therein, who shall receive, accept, or obtain a license from the Government of Great Britain, or any officer thereof, for leave to carry any merchandise, or send any vessel in any port or place within the dominions of Great Britain, or to trade with any such port or place, shall, on conviction for every such offence, forfeit á sun equal to twice the value of such ship, merchandise, or articles of trade, and shall moreover be deemed guilty of a misdemea nour, and be liable to be imprisoned not exceeding twelve months, and to be fined not exceeding one thousand dollars.

arms, or munitions of war, or articles of provisions, are transported or attempted to be transported, together with such naval or military stores, arms, or munitions of war or provisions, shall be forfeited to the use of the United States, and the person or persons aiding or privy to the same, shall severally forfeit and pay to the use of the United States, a sum equal in value to the waggon, cart, sleigh, boat, or thing, by which the said naval or military stores, arms, or munitions of war, or articles of provision are transported, or are attempted to be transported; and shall moreover be considered as guilty of a misdemeanour, and be liable to be fined in a sum not exceeding 500 dollars, and be imprisoned for a term not exceeding six months, in the discretion of the Court: provided that nothing herein contained shall extend to any transportation for the use or on account of the United States, or the supply of its troops or armed force.- Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the Collectors of the several ports of the United States be, and the same are hereby authorized to seize and stop naval and military stores, arms, or the munitions of war, or any articles of provision, and ship or vessel, waggon, cart, sleigh, boat, or thing by which any article prohibited as aforesaid is shipped or transported, or attempted to be shipped or transported, contrary to this act.— -Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That no ship or vessel belonging to any citizen or citizens, subject or subjects of any state or kingdom in amity with the United States, except such as at the passing of this act shall belong to the citizen or citizens, subject or subjects, or such a state or kingdom, or which shall hereafter be built in the limits of a state or kingdom in amity with the United States, or purchased by a citizen or July 6, 1812. citizens, subject or subjects of a state or kingdom in amity with the United States aforesaid, from a citizen or citizens of the United States, shall be admitted into any port or place of the United States, unless forced by a stress of weather, or for necessary repairs; and any ship or vessel belongBARCELONA, Aug. 1.-On the 27th of ing to a citizen or citizens, subject or sub-July, at three o'clock in the morning, an jects any state or kingdom in amity with the United States aforesaid, except such ships and vessels as are above excepted, which shall, from and after the first day of November next, enter or attempt to enter, any port or place aforesaid, the same, with her cargo, shall be forfeited to the use of the United States.- -Sect. 5. And be it further enacted, That any British packet or


Speaker of the House of Representatives.
President of the Senate, pro tempore.


French account of the Ballles of Salamanca

and Castella.

expedition, consisting of the brigades Lamarque, Devaux, and Clement, marched from this, and arrived in the evening at Martorell. Orders were then given to the troops to march all night, and to attack Monserrat at the break of day. Some musket shots discharged by the sentinels of the insurgent army apprized the enemy of our approach, and at day-light we found our

enemy was disconcerted by so unexpected an attack, and consented to capitulate. By the capitulation, which was signed by the Adjutant Commandant Ordouneau, Chief of the Staff, and the English Colonel Green, the garrison were to be prisoners of war, and to be conducted to Barcelona.

-The loss of the enemy has been very' considerable, as well at the attack of Casa Masana as at that of the fort of Dimas, of Colbato, and Menistrol. These actions will have the most fortunate results; they have been extremely brilliant for all the troops, which clambered up, under the enemy's fire, those rocks which appeared to be inaccessible. The 29th and 30th were employed in destroying and blowing up the fort, the works of the enemy, and a part of the Convent. Thus the insurgents, who had prepared one of the finest religious edifices in christendom, by transforming it into a fortress, and in making it an arsenal and a depot for all articles necessary for war, are alone to blame for the destruction of this celebrated monument, the object of the ancient veneration of the people.We have brought to Barcelona the English Colonel Green, one Lieutenant-Colonel, 15 officers, and 260 non-commissioned officers and privates of the Anglo-Catalan force, which were formed, paid, and commanded by the English. This was the basis of that corps on which the authors of the Catalonian insurrection founded their great

selves in front of the entrenched position of Casa Masana, where the corps of Manso was drawn up in order of battle. Dispositions were instantly made to carry the entrenchments. The enemy was overthrown and pursued to the gates of Manresa. Our troops then moved rapidly upon the convent, the approaches to which had been recently strengthened with works. The road is commanded by a fort which the English had caused to be constructed at the hermitage of St. Dimas, higher up than the convent, in a position almost inaccessible. Our troops passed under the fort, notwithstanding the multitude of balls, stones, and fragments of rocks which the Anglo-Catalan regiment stationed there showered down upon them. M. Lafaille, Chief of the battalion of Engineers, entered the convent with the foremost of the troops; but they were continually under the fire and the projectiles from the fort of St. Dimas. The column of the Chief of Battalion Sarrere, advancing by Colbato, drove away every enemy that opposed it, and arrived on one of the points of the mountain in front of the fort, from which it greatly annoyed the garrison by a well-supported fire of musketry.The Adjutant Commandant, Ordonneau, and M. Lafaille, Chief of the battalion of Engineers, with a detachment of the Voltigeurs of the 111th regiment of the line, clambered up to the gate of the fort, by steps cut nearly perpendicularly in the rock, and in which a few re-est hopes. solute men would have easily arrested the progress of the strongest columns. The enemy called in their outer posts, and destroyed the bridge which led to the fort across a precipice. Major Chevalier, of the 11th of the line, then advanced upon the summits of the rocks situated in front of the fort, and summoned the English Commander to surrender; but received an answer in the negative. General Clement then directed Lafaille, Commandant of Engineers, to reconnoitre the position in which our two pieces of mountain cannon would be placed with advantage. These guns had been brought by 150 men of the third light regiment, of the 11th and 115th, and arrived at the position at two in the morning on the 29th. The remainder of the night was employed in the construction of batte-naced by a small body of troops. His Exries, which began to play at day-break. They were placed within less than musketshot from the fort. Our voltigeurs, stationed in the highest points of the rocks, kept up a continual fire on the works, and favoured the action of the artillery. The


VALENCIA, July 20.-For a considerable time past, a combined attack upon the army of Arragon, and a descent upon the coasts either of Catalonia or Valencia, has been contemplated at Majorca and Alicant. the 10th, the Marshal Duke d'Albufera had an interview at Reus with the Commander in Chief Decaen. The junction of their columns upon the coast drove Lacy off, and frustrated the expedition from Majorca. A part of the fleet was separated from the whole. On his return to Valencia, on the 12th, the Marshal found Villacampa at the gates of Lina, with 1,000 men; while Passecour, at the head of 1,500, was employed in the attack of Cossentes and Reguena; and Ouda and, Segorba were me

cellency ordered General La Fosse to march with the 121st, the 8th Neapolitan, and some cuirassiers; at the head of these he routed the enemy. In the mean time the army of Murcia, which had effected a junction, and had been reinforced, seemed dis

the fort, and proceeds immediately to the field of battle, while General Harispe is calling in, from Alcoy, the reserve of the artillery and the cuirassiers, and the flank companies of the 116th.- -Gen. O'Donnel had made a brisk attack. General Delort, who had taken up an advantageous position, kept up a heavy and severe fire with his artillery. The 24th dragoons, when they arrived on the right, hung upon the left wing of the enemy, who were much harassed in consequence, and brought up two field-pieces against the cavalry as they marched. In the mean time, Colonel Mesilop having arrived on the left, General Delort did not think proper to delay any longer. The troops expected this time with confidence, and on the signal being given, as fiery as they had before been cool, they rushed upon the enemy on all sides, the cavalry and artillery in a trot, and the infantry making a running charge. Colonel Bubessi leads the dragoons straight forward against the battery which was playing on them with grape. It is carried in an instant, the artillerymen are put to the sword, a brigade of infantry, who support

posed to attack in front of Xucar. On the 21st, an English fleet of ten sail, of which four were ships of the line and four frigates, and the remainder sloops and transports, appeared before Valencia, and having the wind in their favour, passed rapidly on from Denia to Cullera, between the mouths of the Xucar and the Albufera, seeming as if they were just about to land, and keeping up a fire on the forts, which in return fired on them. The Marshal Duke of Albufera immediately adapted measures for their repulse. He recalled Gen. La Fosse from Reguena, and the 121st from Segorba. The 14th proceeded with all possible speed from Aleira to Cullera; and the 4th hussars, the artillery, and a part of the 1st light battalion, and the 114th, made a forced march in the night to the part of the coast which had been menaced.-Towards the evening, by good luck, quite un expected, the wind changed suddenly, and blew with such violence from the east, that the fleet, after having passed the night in vain efforts, was obliged to luff and bear away on the 22d. In the course of the night the Commander in Chief visited the coast, and made himself the various dispo-ed the guns, are attacked at the same onset, sitions of the troops.At the same time General Harispe, at the head of the 2d division, had advanced before Alcoy, in presence of the army of Murcia; the 1st brigade to Castella, under the orders of General Delort, and the second to Ibi, commanded by Colonel Mesilop. General Harispe, foreseeing the attack, had chosen a central position, where the troops were to rendezvous and receive it. From the former evening the movements of the enemy were known, and the necessary arrangements made. On the 21st, by day-break, the Commander in Chief, Joseph O'Donnel, at the head of four columns, attacked Delort, who, pursuant to his instructions, retired en echellon, and called in upon the point fixed upon the camps of Biar and Oiull. No sooner was the first shot fired than Colonel Mesilop, whose troops were ready, and under arms, marched to join General Delort, when he was himself attacked by a corps of 6,000 men, commanded by the English General Roche, who had come by Xixona. With the assistance of the guns in the little fort of Ibi, with the voltigeurs of the 44th, and a handful of cuirassiers, he stops the progress of the enemy as they are passing a ravine, and repulses them; but faithful to his orders, he leaves some companies to observe the motions of the enemy with the garrison of

broken, and made prisoners. The infantry and the cuirassiers at the same time make their way into Castella, carrying every thing before them. They complete the rout of the enemy's entire line, which flies on all sides. The streets of Castella are, strewed with dead bodies, and Reramber-, ger, the commandant of a battalion, compels 400 men, who have taken refuge in the citadel, to lay down their arms.-After this brilliant success, Colonel Mesilop hastily returns to Ibi with his columu. The enemy was in the village, he attacks and overthrows him, and drives him beyond the ravine, leaving behind him a great number of killed and prisoners; then assembling his forces, he pursues him from position to position across the rocks, till the reserve of the 116th appearing upon the mountains in his rear, complete his defeat.

-The loss of the enemy in this affair is supposed to be as much as 3,600 in killed, wounded, and prisoners. The Brigadier General Laban, and several officers of rank, are among the killed; among the prisoners are four Colonels, five Lieutenant-Colonels,, 125 officers of minor rank. We have not lost more than 233 killed and wounded.

-Colonel Mesilop, whose conduct during the whole action was highly praiseworthy, had his horse killed under him. nerals, officers, and soldiers, all performed


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