Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση
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Finance Report, 1871, as compared with Finance Report,

Finance Report, 1871, as compared with Finance Report,



Aggregated increase.


Aggregated decrease.

Where differences occur.

Tabulated statement Finance Report, 1869, page 320.

Tabulated statement Finance Report, 1871, page 366.



Exhibits of differences between Finance Reports of 1869 and 1871 in the Register's tabulated statements of EXPENDITURES for the fiscal years 1860 to 1870,


1860 Miscellaneous



$50 00

$50 00


5, 174, 342 17


56, 012 81

$20, 708, 183 43
16, 026, 574 79
5,939, 009 29
1, 339, 710 35
42, 674, 569 69
394, 368, 407 36

879, 583 23
2, 223, 402 27
14, 129, 771 52

1, 231, 413 06
63, 211, 105 27
599, 298, 600 83
3, 140, 194 44
1,076, 326 35
15, 671, 890 24
205, 816, 481 68

8,059, 177 23
1,290, 691 92
85,733, 292 77
690, 791, 842 97
4, 979, 633 17
2,538, 297 80
18, 155, 730 31
483, 882, 535 72

10,833, 944 87
1, 260, 818 08

122, 567, 776 12

$20, 708, 233 43
16, 026, 524 79
5,886, 615 07
1, 339, 226 66
42, 640, 353 09
389, 173, 562 29

852, 170 47
2, 327, 948 37
14, 160, 020 86
109, 287, 461 27

6, 294, 605 97
1,241, 325 03
63, 261, 235 31
603, 314, 411 82
1,078, 513 36
3, 152, 032 70
15, 662, 451 37
205,811, 335 69

7,999, 683 50
1,239, 893 66
85,704, 963 74
690, 391, 048 66
4,985, 473 90
2, 629, 975 97
18, 332, 639 71
484, 257, 435 72

10, 584, 604 17
1,251, 120 10
122, 617, 434 07

$50 00

104, 546 10
30, 249 34
214 73

9,911 97
50, 130 04
4, 015, 810 99

2,075, 706 35

5,840 73
91,678 17
176, 909 40
374,900 00

49, 657 95

52, 394 22

483 69

34, 216 60

5, 194, 845 07 27,412 76

2,061, 681 08

28, 329 03 400, 794 31

249, 340 70 9,697 98




Civil list.

Foreign intercourse.

Navy Department

War Department.




Public debt, principal and interest.

109, 287, 246 54


Civil list.

6, 350, 618 78

Foreign intercourse.

Navy Department

War Department




Public debt, principal and interest.


Civil list.

Foreign intercourse.

Navy Department

War Department




Public debt, principal and interest

1865 Civil list.

Foreign intercourse.

Navy Department

9,438 87 5, 145 99

4, 019, 280 60


59,493 73
50,798 26

109, 912 97


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Exhibits of differences between Finance Reports of 1869 and 1871 in the Register's tabulated statements, &c.-Continued.

NOTE.-No differences occur after 1866.

No. 9-C.

[Prepared by the Senate Committee on Treasury Accounts.]

Treasurer's and Secretary's statements of purchases of bonds for sinking and special finds to

June 30, 1870.

FINANCE REPORT 1870, p. 193.-The Treasurer says: "There were held on the 30th June, 1870, by the Treasurer, as custodian of the special fund and the sinking fund, coupon and registered bonds purchased for those funds amounting to $123,429,100.

Treasurer's “statement of five-twenty bonds purchased for special and sinking funds from May 11, 1869, to July 1, 1870." (Finance Report 1870, p. 194.)

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FINANCE REPORT 1870, p. xlv.-Note to detailed statement of the public debt. The Secretary says: "The bonds which have been purchased for the sinking and special funds, amounting to $121,429,100, were treated as outstanding on the first of July last (1870). Since that date, the act of July 14, 1870, directed their cancellation and destruction, and they have therefore been deducted from the amount outstanding in this statement.

Secretary's monthly debt statement, July 1, 1870. Bonds purchased by Treasury.

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No. 10 C

[Prepared by Senate Committee on Treasury Accounts.]

Exhibit showing the EXPENDITURES OF THE DEPARTMEMT OF STATE, from statements of finance reports of the Register of the Treasury and from statement furnished the committee by the Secretary of State, for the fiscal years 1860 to 1877, inclusive.

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NOTE. In the statements furnished the committee by the Treasury Department the expenditures of the Department of State are included in miscellaneous.

No. 11 C.

[Prepared by Senate Committee on Treasury Accounts.]

Exhibit showing the EXPENDITURES OF THE WAR DEBARTMENT, from state, ments furnished the committee by the Secretary of the Treasury and the Secretary of Warfor the fiscal years 1860 to 1877, inclusive.

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