Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση


The report of the German Society, from Jan.

1 to Oct. 1, is published in the Schnellpost of this morning. During this time about 50,000 German immigrants have arrived in New York. The precise number cannot be ascertained, as many have come from unusual ports. Of those known to the Committee, 143 ships from Havre have brought about 18,500; 85 from Antwerp about 11,000; 90 from Bremen about 8411; 47 from London about 5000; 38 from Hamburg, 4245; 27 from Rotterdam, 1400; 25 from Liver pool, 700; 1 from Portsmouth, 504; 1 from Falmouth, 157; 1 from Plymouth, 240; 1 from Glasgow, 104; 1 from Stettin, 74. In general, the immigrants this year have been in better circumstances than those of former years, which is owing to the fact that the poorer classes have taken the cheaper route by Quebec. Most of them have gone west to engage in agriculture; among them have been fewer mechanics than usual, and most of these have gone west. Many of them have, however, caught the fever in the West and have returned to the City to be supported by the aid of the Society Through the agency of the Society there have found employment: day-labourers and labourers on railroads, 2,223; female domestics, 677; mechanics' ap


came to the school one morning with her son about twelve years of who had been sus



pended from every other school in that section
mother said to her, he is a very bad boy. His
of the city for truancy and bad conduct.'
father and I have whipped him, and whipped
him, but it does no good. You will be obliged
The young
to punish him, he is so very bad.'
school-room, said to the boy, in a very kind and
lady, immediately after the mother left the
manner, (she was a cheerful and
pleasant young lady,) Charles, I wish you to
go to Mr.
letter for me; and as it is a matter of importance
to me, I wish you to go and return as soon as
you can without injury to yourself, and bring


me an answer.'

's, in

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street, and take a

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raised his head, which, up to that time, had "The boy then,' said the young lady, been dropped down, and smiled. He took the letter, and judging from the time he was absent, and from his appearance when he returned, he must have run all the way there and back. I complimented him,' said the young lady, for his Promptness, expressed fears that he had injured thanked him for his kindness in going for me; himself in consequence of running so fast, and with all of which he seemed highly pleased. I then gave him a seat in the class; and occasionprentices, 73; farm labourers, 113; stone cutters, 66; bakers, 58; masons, 46: joiners, 39; rands for me; and,' she concluded by saying, ally, for several days, requested him to do erweavers, 32; tailors, 14; shoemakers, 14; locksmiths, 12; gardeners, 12; smiths, other mecha- that I never had a better boy in school than nics, 54-total, 3,436 persons; besides these, 423 he attended my school.' This boy had, most Charles was, during the eighteen months which immigrants have been placed in New Jersey-probably, never received any encouragement to

in all, 3,859.

The report adds that the Society has otherwise been of service to an unusual number of immigrants, and that its sphere of action is constantly extending.-N. Y. Tribune.


I remember having read in Franklin's biography, that while he was acting as clerk to the legislature, one of the members, who was considered a man of talents, manifested some opposition to him. Franklin wishing to gain his friendship, adopted the following expedient. Having learned that the member in question was in possession of a certain rare book, he addressed him a note, politely requesting the loan of it. The book was delivered to the bearer; and after Franklin had kept it about a week,— whether he read it does not appear-he returned it, with proper acknowledgment of the favour. From that time the man became his friend. similar principle seems to have been acted upon, and with equal success, in the following case, related by Cobb.


"A young lady of my acquaintance, who has charge of one of the departments in a boys' school, in a neighbouring city, states that a lady

do well before."-Christian Citizen.


In the memoirs of the London Chemical Society there is an interesting paper by Mr. Warrington, on the analysis of tea, in which he states that he has not only removed the whole of the colouring matter, or glazing, from green tea, but he has been able to analyze the matter removed, and prove it by chemical evidence, to consist of Prussian blue and gypsum principally. So that in fact the drinkers of green tea, as it comes to the English market, indulge in a beverage of Chinese paint, and might imitate the mixture by dissolving Prussian blue and plaster of Paris in hot water. drink this painted tea; they only sell it.-Gard

ner's Chronicle.

The Chinese do not


At one of Father Mathew's meetings in England, a friend who had travelled extensively both in Europe and America, expressing his adherence to the plan of total abstinence from intoxicating liquors, made the following impressive observations:

"I rejoice in the spread of temperance, because

I have witnessed in every part of the globe which I have visited, the dreadful effects of intemperance; I have witnessed these effects on both sides of the Atlantic; and I am sure we cannot in any way promote the welfare of mankind more effectually than by persuading men to abandon the use of those liquors which injure the mind as well as the body, and pervert the understanding as well as corrupt the affections, while they ruin both body and soul. When I say this, I am well aware, and I hope never to forget, that the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, in its simplicity and purity, is the one grand remedy for all the evils of the world. But in the temperance movement, I see nothing that is opposed to the gospel, but every thing in harmony with its Divine operations."


Who can behold it without revolving in his mind the lessons it seems designed to teach? “We all do fade as a leaf," whispers a voice in gentle, but impressive accents. However strong and beautiful the parent trees, when the season of decadency arrives, the separation must take place. It is a law of nature which no mortal power can repeal. “Leaves have their time to fall." Buds have their time to spring into that brief and beautiful existence allotted them by the Universal Creator. "To every thing there is a season.' They all have one life to live-one death to die. Nature is lovely in her forms of life, and lovely in death. The verdure which she spreads over creation in its season, is refreshing to the eye and the mind, but her dying colours, if I may so

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image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord." Death hath no power over that form of beauty. The grave cannot touch it. It is imperishable. Faith assures us that "as we have borne the image of the earthly, so shall we bear the image of the heavenly." Then let the falling leaf, which so softly sinks to the earth, after having fulfilled its mission, teach us how to die. Thus gently may we stoop to the dust, and sink to our last repose.-Mercury.


The United States brig Dolphin, commanded! by Lieutenant Bell, recently arrived at New York in 22 days from Porto Praya, Cape de Verde Islands.

Lieutenant Bell, during his cruise, overhauled an American brig (the J. W. Huntingdon) on the night of the 31st of August, owned in New York, from Rio Janeiro, with the usual assorted cargo on board, and lumber enough for a slave deck. He was informed also, that the Malaga had precisely such a cargo, except the lumber. The American brig "Senator," boarded


in March last, was out from Rio with such a

cargo, and similarly chartered. The master of the J. W. Huntingdon reports that she (the Senator) now lies scuttled in Rio. Having safely landed 500 slaves at Cape Frio, she pro

ceeded into Rio under Brazilian colours, where her owners were suffered to strip her of all her furniture, and then the government seized her as a no-document vessel-the American crew having left her at Loango, where the slaves were taken on board.

It will thus be seen that this horrid traffic is

still going on. It is to be hoped that the growth of the Republic of Liberia will have a favourable effect towards arresting this monstrous evil and disgrace to the present era of civilization.—N. American and U. S. Gazette.


call them, are of startling brightness. Go now into the fields and forests, and behold the gorge ous apparel with which she has invested herself, preparatory to her descent into the sepulchre of winter. No gloomy colour is seen adorning her wasted form. No frown distorts her matronly brow. Her joy is like that of one who has run well his triumphant course; fulfilled his entrusted commission, and is "ready to be offered up." Dr. Lathrop in one of his sermons says, "If it How affecting this annual sacrifice of a world of were true that there is no God, what evidence beauty and grandeur! The leaves fall, but not can the Atheist have, that he shall not exist and the tree that bore them. The rose fades, but the be miserable after death? How came he to stem on which it grew, is vital. It will "sprout exist at all? Whatever was the cause of his again." So is the life of the spiritual aspirant existence here, may be the cause of his existence after a holy immortality "hid with Christ in hereafter. Or, if there is no cause, he may exist God," and in that life mortality is to be "swal-without a cause in another state, as well as in lowed up." How mighty the power that can absorb all the miseries of humanity, as the earth absorbs the world of leaves that descends into its bosom!

But this "sere and yellow leaf-look at it. Behold the image of the parent tree so strikingly delineated upon it. It is there, even in death. Even so is it with the frail child of dust," who with tearful faith looks up to God as his father. "We all with open face, beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same

this. And if his corrupt heart and abominable works make him so unhappy here, that he had rather be annihilated, than run the hazard of a future existence, what hinders but he may be unhappy for ever? The man, then, is a fool, who wishes there was no God, hoping thus to be secure from future misery, for admitting there is no God, still he may exist hereafter as well as here; if he does exist, his corruptions and vices may render him miserable eternally, as well as for the present."—S. S. Journal.


almost said of the Shetland Islands, there are


The system of communication through their neither roads nor inns, our friends, in crossing dominion was still further improved by the Pe-on foot over the moss clad hills, and in threading their trackless way through the soft and boggy ruvian sovereigns, by the introduction of posts, in the same manner as was done by the Aztecs. ground, were often exposed to great personal The Peruvian posts, however, established on all fatigue, and to the want of suitable food, but the the great routes that conducted to the capital, best the poor cottagers had to set before them, were on a much more extended plan than those in was cheerfully given, and not unfrequently a Mexico. All along the routes small buildings blessing was pronounced on them and their They were also cheered from place to place by the affectionate inquiries which were made respecting a company of Friends, seven in number, who visited Shetland in 1835; the whole of whom, after a lapse of twelve years, were individually inquired after by name. one instance, a schoolmaster could tell the words which had been spoken by them, and in another, a sweet spirited woman, the wife of one of the landed proprietors, remarked in effect, "I have friends, in 1835, were sent from different parts often traced the hand of Providence, that your of England at the same time, and without any knowledge of each other's views, and that these visits should have immediately preceded a pressing time of scarcity and want, which they were instrumental in aiding to relieve."

were erected, at the distance of less than five miles asunder, in each of which a number of runners, or chasquis, as they were called, were stationed to carry forward the despatches of government. These despatches were either verbal, or conveyed by means of quipus, and sometimes accompanied by a thread of the crimson fringe worn round the temples of the Inca, which was regarded with the same implicit deference as the signet ring of the oriental despot. The chasquis were dressed in a peculiar livery, intimating their profession. They were all trained to the employment, and selected for their speed and fidelity. As the distance each courier had to perform was small, and as he had ample time to refresh himself at the stations, they ran over the ground with great swiftness, and messages were carried through the whole extent of the great routes, at the rate of 150 miles a day. The office of the chasquis was not limited to carrying despatches. They frequently brought various articles for the use of the court; and in this way, fish from the distant ocean, fruits, game, and different commodities from the hot regions on the coast, were taken to the capital in good condition, and served fresh at the royal table. It is remarkable that this important institution should have been known to


A period of scarcity is, however, no new thing in Shetland and the almost entire failure of the potato crop in 1846, together with their inability to grow sufficient corn for their own sustenance, brought them in 1847 to the verge of famine. I. S. and B. D. say they have reason to believe, from the investigation which they made, that in no one instance had death ensued from absolute starvation; yet want and hunger, with cold and partial nakedness, were severely felt by some, and the testimony was universal, that, "but for the meal sent from the Edinburgh Destitution correspondence with one another; and that it Fund, hundreds must have perished." In the should have been found among two barbarian relief thus extended, the sufferers clearly recognations of the New World long before it was in-nised the hand of a gracious Providence. Nottroduced among the civilized nations of Europe. Prescott's History of Peru.

both the Mexicans and Peruvians without



there were many cases of pressing destitution, withstanding, however, the timely aid afforded, such, for instance, as a poor woman and her seven children, subsisting for an entire week on the milk of her only cow, without any portion of solid food. The Government Inspector remarked, "In no instance have I met with so much of uncomplaining suffering as in Shetland."

At Darlington Monthly Meeting, held at North Shields, on the 19th ult., our friend ISAAC SHARP, returned the certificate granted him in the Third month last, having completed his religious visit to the Shetland Isles, accompanied by BARNARD The social condition of these poor islanders DICKENSON. For the present he feels himself stands greatly in need of advancement; their released from making a similar visit to the Ork-dwellings, with the fire on the floor, and the ney Isles, and some religious service in the north of Scotland. Our friends remained seven weeks in the Shetland Islands, during which period they travelled more than 600 miles, chiefly on foot and in open boats. They held 52 Public Meetings among the interesting and simple hearted islanders, and wherever they went they met with great openness. The companies which were assembled varied in number, from about fifteen to five or six hundred. As it may be

smoke issuing through the roof, are generally very poor, and greatly wanting in cleanliness. Peat is the almost universal fuel; for neither tree nor shrub is found in Shetland. The inhabitants are however very intelligent, and able almost invariably to read and write; and it is thought that the establishment of School Libraries would prove a great blessing to the rising generation, and to the islanders in general. The population of the island, is about 35,000.

At the end of seven weeks, (during which there been but little fair weather,) our friends felt the time had arrived for moving southward; and on leaving the islands, they carried with them a lively feeling of the goodness and guidance of the Great Head of the Church, of the merciful preservation which they had experienced by land and sea, and of the kindness extended to them during their sojourn. It is worthy of remark that, until the year 1835, it does not appear that any Friend ever visited the Shetland Isles with a certificate.-London Friend.


Oh! timely happy, timely wise,
Hearts that with rising morn arise!
Eyes that the beam celestial view,
Which evermore makes all things new!

New every morning is the love
Our waking and uprising prove,
Through sleep and darkness safely brought,
Restored to life, and power and thought.

New mercies each returning day,
Hover around us while we pray:-
New perils past, new sins forgiven,

New thoughts of God, new hopes of heaven.

If on our daily course our mind
Be set, to hallow all we find,
New treasures still, of countless price,
God will provide for sacrifice.

Old friends, old scenes, will lovelier be,
As more of heaven in each we see:
Some softening gleam of love and prayer
Shall dawn on every cross and care.

As for some dear familiar strain
Untired we ask, and ask again-
Ever in its melodious store,
Finding a spell unheard before.

Such is the bliss of souls serene
When they have vow'd and steadfast been,
Counting the cost, in all t' espy
Their God, in all, themselves deny.

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Published Weekly by Josiah Tatum,
No. 50 North Fourth Street, corner of Appletree Alley,


Price two dollars per annum, payable in advance, or six copies for ten dollars.

This paper is subject to newspaper postage only.


An Epistle from the Yearly Meeting of Friends in Ireland, held in Dublin, by adjournments, from the 26th of Fourth month to the 1st of Fifth month, inclusive, 1847.


No. 11.

only in their own immediate neighbourhoods, but in remote districts of the country. In this engagement, enlarged as it has been by the extensive trust committed to us, through the liberality of our Friends, and of the public at large, in many parts of Great Britain and America, there is especial need of a watchful care that our minds be not diverted, by the multiplicity and weight of these concerns, from a due attention to the other claims of religious and social duty. The circumstances around us should rather

prompt us to an increased fervency of spirit, and greater devotedness to the Lord's service. Let us also beware of any elevation of mind, arising from a consciousness of being made instrumental of good to others. This is a snare of the enemy, from which we shall find preservatiou in cherishing a deep sense of our own unworthiness, and that in every duty we are helped to perform, we are but unprofitable servants. The labours into which many of our members have been introduced on this occasion, have brought us much under public notice, and into intercourse with those of other religious professions, who are engaged in portions of the same work. Here also is need of close watchfulness, both as towards our own standing, and the influence of our example on others. Let us not swerve from an upright maintenance of our Christian principles, whether they be put to the test in greater or lesser matters. Our faithfulness herein will greatly tend to our own preservation; and it is surely incumbent on us, if brought into a conspicuous position, however unlooked for or undesired by ourselves, to be careful that the honour of our holy profession be not tarnished by a weak and inconsistent line of conduct. We would therefore earnestly press upon all our dear Friends, to whom this counsel is applicable, that they seek to be found in an humble and circumspect walking in the fear of the Lord.

Dear Friends.-We have been brought, in the course of this Yearly Meeting, into a deep feeling of our responsibility when thus assembled. The circumstances which now surround us, press weightily upon our minds, and it is under some sense of the responsibility which also devolves on our members individually, that we believe it right briefly to address you. The awful dispensation under which, in the inscrutable wisdom of Divine Providence, this land is now afflicted, has doubtless awakened many to serious thoughtfulness. In the prevalence of famine, and the spreading of disease and death, which all human aid has been so little instrumental in arresting, we behold the traces of an Almighty Hand, and are reminded in a lively and affecting manner, of our dependant condition. We are all concerned in the lessons of instruction which these events convey. May we be so humbled in spirit, as rightly to accept them, and thus witness a preparation of heart for the exercise described by the prophet, "In the way of thy judgments, O Lord, have we waited for thee. The desire of our soul is to thy name, and to the remembrance of thee. With my soul have I desired Amongst the trials of the present day, are thee, in the night; yea, with my spirit within those connected with the insecurity of property me, will I seek thee early; for when thy judg-in some places, from tumultuary movements of ments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness."

We rejoice that in this season of calamity and sore distress to such multitudes of our fellow country-people, the hearts of our dear friends have been open in no common measure to administer to the wants of the suffering poor, not

the populace, to possess themselves of food. In
order to repress these movements, and to guard
the premises where provisions are stored, mili-
tary force has been employed by the public
authorities, and armed escorts have been fur-
nished to protect such property in transit.
feel for our Friends, who are exposed to many


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