Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

Mr. Smith thus describes his reception at a mandarin's table:—

tered into conversation. They formed a motley | aries, cormorants are regularly trained to catch group of sallow, sunken cheeks, and glassy, wa- fish and bring them to their masters. tery eyes, as with idiotic look, and vacant laugh, they readily volunteered information, and described the process of their own degradation. There was to be seen the youth, who, just emerging from boyhood, had only commenced the practice a little time before, and was now hastening to a premature old age. There was the man of middle age, who, for half his life a victim of this pernicious indulgence, was bearing with him to an early grave the wreck of his worn-out constitution. There was again the more elderly man, whose iron strength of frame could better ward off the slow but certain advances of decrepitude, but whose bloated cheek and vacant stare, told of the struggle that was raging within. There was again the rarely seen spectacle of old age, and the man of sixty lived yet to tell of forty years consumed in the seduction of this vice. They all assented to the evils and sufferings of their course, and professed a desire to be freed from its power. They all complained of loss of appetite-of the agonizing cravings of the early morning-of prostration of strength, and of increasing feebleness, but said that they could not gain firmness of resolution to overcome the habit. They all stated its intoxicating effects to be worse than those of drunkenness, and described the extreme dizziness and vomiting which ensued so as to incapacitate them for exertion. I subsequently visited about thirty other opium shops in different parts of the city. The people say that there are nearly a thousand such establishments in Amoy."

"On Sept. 3d I went with some friends to visit the principal Mandarin in Ning-po, usually styled the taou-tai. Due notice had been given some hours previously, and there were circumstances attending our visit which insured a polite reception from his Excellency. We were borne in chairs along the streets to the ya-mun, or public office, in which the taou-tai was then residing. As we approached the large folding-doors, leading into the first of a number of spacious courts, a gong was struck, which was immediately answered by other gongs and a bell from within. At the same time a native piper commenced playing a noisy air, accompanied by a kind of cymbal, to do honour to us as we passed. As door opened within door, we saw signs of bustle and activity among the numerous attendants, till our sedan-chairs were set down on a pavement at the bottom of a little flight of steps leading into a vestibule. Here the great man, Ching-tajin, descended to welcome us; and after a good deal of bowing and other salutations, we were conducted to a reception-hall, where we were invited to take our seats. But preliminary matters of etiquette had to be settled, which occupied some time. The taou-tai would not occupy the highest seat on the left side, the place of honour; and the members of our little party affected like humility. One pressed the other, and tried to lead him into the uppermost seat, which gentle attempt the other as gently resisted. Under ordinary circumstances this would have been fatiguing; but in the excessive heat of the summer it was doubly irksome and matters were at last abruptly brought to a satisfactory adjustment by one of our party coolly occupying the highest seat, and thus terminating the debate. One of our friends was a fluent speaker of Chinese, and acted as our spokesman. The taoutai's cap of authority, which was ornamented with the usual knob or button of a light blue colour, indicating his rank as being of the third of the nine orders of Mandarins, was now taken from his head, and handed to an attendant, who

A confirmed opium smoker generally consumes daily about a mace of opium, which is equal to one drachm, of sixty grains, the price of which is about eight pence sterling, a large sum of money in China. In fact, many of the poorer classes consume from a third to a fourth of their whole earnings in this pernicious practice, notwithstanding they may have a wife and family depending on them for support. This is a melancholy account, and can only find a parallel in the gin and whiskey consumers of our own island. For one million pounds' worth of opium, however, which is thus used in the extensive empire of China, there are at least twenty mil-placed it in a conspicuous part of the room. Soon lions' worth of intoxicating liquors consumed in Great Britain.

after, another servant came at his bidding to assist in removing his upper garment of blue silk, and as, notwithstanding the heat, we had paid his Excellency the compliment of appearing in woollen coats, we gladly availed ourselves of his invitation to put off the incumbrance, and sat during the rest of our visit in our shirt-sleeves. The room did not afford the signs of any great wealth in the proprietor, the furniture being sim

So generally is the country under cultivation, and such has been the density of population for many ages, that wild animals, especially game, are very rare in China. To make up for this, however, domestic animals are reared in considerable quantities, such as bullocks, sheep, pigs, fowls, and even dogs, which are admitted into the category of culinary beasts among this people and substantial, rather than elegant. A ple. In Chusan, and probably in many other places throughout the country, young ducks are hatched in thousands by artificial heat, and then fed up for the table; and on the rivers and estu

number of servants were standing outside, and sometimes, in their eagerness to see and listen, pressed around the door. A wave of the hand from their master once or twice seemed to re

move them to a little distance on either side. | life agreeable; while the elements of education But when he subsequently sat so as to have his have been very generally diffused, and a mild and back towards them, they quietly returned, and peaceful philosophy, not devoid of the general their number was increased by the addition of precepts of morality, has been engrafted in the several others eager to satisfy their curiosity. minds of the people; yet nowhere is public and After we had taken tea, the signs of preparation private virtue at a lower ebb. This assertion is for a morning collation were apparent in the not made with regard to any particular locality, various dishes brought and set out on a table in or any one grade, but applies to the whole mass the centre of the room. On the announcement of society, from the highest official down to the being made that all was ready, the same cere- lowest member of the community. It shows mony and delay as to precedence took place. the effect of a utilitarian philosophy, and a moral The taou-tai took his seat at the lowest end of code of expediency, without the element of some the table. As our meal proceeded he reverted higher and nobler aim to guide and direct the to former topics, especially to our literary de- grovelling and ever-wavering mind. Thus, for grees. As I had been introduced as a literary instance, Confucius teaches, that speaking the teacher, he now inquired what literary degree in truth is a right and proper thing; but then he my own country I had attained. My friend allows that children, on some occasions, may very inconsiderately replied that I was the same tell a lie for the good of their parents. Once as a tsin-sze, i. e. the second of the four Chinese admit a qualification of this kind, and a parent literary degrees, to which Ching-ta-jin had him- may think it no great harm to tell a lie for his self attained. The taou-tai then commenced own benefit, and thus the tide of falsehood flows congratulating me on the felicity of my lot in abroad. No doubt, Confucius holds it a very getting literary promotion at so early an age. detrimental thing for society, that one person He proceeded to take a strict survey of my phy- should murder another; but then some zealous siognomy, and made some remarks on my per- advocate of the "greatest happiness principle' sonal appearance. At last, fortunately for our may discover, that by cutting off in the budpreservation of gravity, the conversation was that is, by simply murdering one-half of his led to the subject of literary examinations and babes, he will have a larger support for himself degrees in China, on which he was very length- and the survivors. In short, we have exempliened in his observations." fied here the result of all those delusive speculations which would teach men to live for their mere appetites and pleasures alone, instead of living for another and a higher state of existence.

"At length, after many unavailing attempts to rise from the table, which he as often prevented, we were enabled to make preparations for our departure. During our stay of more than an hour, he showed us the usual marks of politeness and courtesy. As his jurisdiction extended over three of the eleven departments into which the province of Che-keang is divided, he was an officer of some consequence, and ruled a territory as large as Scotland. He was apparently about fifty-six years of age, and his manners were commanding and graceful. In spite of our remonstrance, he insisted on accompanying us to our sedans, and we took our departure with the same ceremony, and amid the same noise of piping and gongs, as greeted us on our entrance.'

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Throughout this populous and toiling empire, there is no seventh-day's rest or Sabbath bell to call the minds of the multitude from their gross and worldly pursuits, and elevate them to Heaven. New-year's day is observed as a holiday, and they have frequent festivals in honour of their ancestors, and of their idols, when feasts are spread out either in temples or in the streets, or in groves and gardens. The abundant viands, after being laid out and offered to the manes of their kindred, are then feasted on by the assembled

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For Friends' Review.


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No testimony, scarcely, led the early members of the Society of Friends more' frequently into suffering and the cross, than the use of "the plain language." Scorn and personal abuse,

cruel mockings, bonds and imprisonment," were often the result of their faithfulness. Many readers will recollect the reply of Thomas Ellwood to his father, when the latter, after having cruelly beaten him over the head with a cane, said with great anger, "Sirrah, if you say thee and thou to me again, I'll knock your teeth down your throat!" But his hand fell as Thomas Ellwood solemnly replied, "What if God should serve thee so, when thou sayest thee and thou to him?" William Edmundson was threatened by a trooper, with a drawn sword, "that if he thou'd him again he would cleave his head," the instant execution of which was prevented by an officer. A remarkable conversation occurred between William Leddra, who was executed at Boston for his faithfulness to the principles of Friends and his duty, and the court which condemned him :-Being brought to the bar, he was told he was to die. He asked what evil he had done. He was told that he owned those Quakers who had been put to death, and had

said that they were innocent; and besides, he |
would not put off his hat in court, and said thee
and thou. 66
"Then," said he, "you will put me
to death for speaking English, and for not putting
off my clothes!" To this General Denison re-
turned, "A man may speak treason in English."
William Leddra inquired, "Is it then treason to
say thee and thou to a single person?" Friends in
those days were willing to suffer the loss of all
things, even of life itself, rather than risk their
everlasting happiness, by unfaithfulness to a re-
quirement which had been shown them. And
others, to whom this duty had been distinctly
shown, found that by flinching, even in what
might appear a small thing, that darkness and
terror were their portion, until they were willing
to yield.

I can't bear it!" The wound thus inflicted is sometimes of a very serious character. Plain and influential Friends, who thus remark, or who only perhaps discourage by the example of their own practice, sometimes cast a grievous stumbling block in the way of others younger and more timid than themselves. In such young persons, the fear of the profane world may not be half so strong. I do not make these statements at random; the case of a person well known to me has just come to my knowledge, who endured long and painful suffering for years, for want of full faithfulness in the CORRECT use of the plain language, while the fear of those older and perhaps plainer, who used the erroneous mode, operated as an almost incredible bar


Suffering for this testimony has not wholly I have reason to believe there are many such, ceased with those who now would be faithful. variously scattered. May all such, whether old Scorn and ridicule, are, to some, more severe or young, remember that the way to the crown than bodily torture-especially if from those still remains to be the way of the cross; and whom they regard as friends and superiors. But may all who have not been strictly faithful, enwill it be believed that a large portion of this deavor, before this subject is dismissed from reopposition, at the present time, has come from collection, to look for help to Him who is touched our own members? And that those who have with a feeling of our infirmities, and knows exfelt that Divine peace depended on the strict ful-actly how to succour those who are tempted; that filment of this duty, have trembled with fear in view of what others, older and considered more experienced than themselves, might regard their adherence to duty? Such has, at least in some cases, been the fact.

The modern practice of using what is called the plain language, though it may be stripped of the objection to that whose origin is in human adulation, wholly loses that other recommendation, correctness. Persons unaccustomed to this common but improper mode of address, are struck with the glaring absurdity of substituting the objective pronoun thee, for the nominative thou. If I ask my friend, "How does thee do?" I cannot claim superior accuracy should he answer, "Me is well." Nor would it be more incorrect "Us are in good health "—"Him is gone to Baltimore," &c. The strange effect produced by such phrases, is not greater than that on the minds of informed people not familiar with the language of Friends, produced by the substitution of thee for thou. A pious young Presbyterian of my acquaintance said, on first meeting with Friends, "How beautiful would be the correct use of Scripture and English-but how the Friends do murder the language!"

to say,

Singularity, if on a good foundation, will endure a rigid test, and be respected by all considerate persons; but singularity, unnecessarily so, cannot be respected. No wonder, then, that with strangers we are charged with needless oddity. And no wonder that some young people, favorably disposed, have faltered and excused themselves, when seeing this inconsistency. How often have we heard from our own members, in allusion to this correct mode of address, perhaps with a suppressed smile, "How stiff!

this apparently small, but really important testimony, which our early members were willing to seal with their blood, may be more faithfully upheld.

N. Y., 11th mo., 1847.


For Friends' Review.


The following Circular, we understand, has been sent to a number of our serious and liberal citizens, together with a copy of the "Peace Manual," with a hope that they will render pecuniary aid; and we are informed that Isaac Collins of this city is authorized to receive and transmit to the Treasurer of the American Peace Society any funds that may be given for the object.

"It would appear from the expression of public and private sentiment, that great numbers of our intelligent and influential citizens, throughout the United States, are heartily tired of the Mexican war, and the present is deemed a suitable time for the friends of Peace to circulate books and pamphlets on this important subject. To effect so good a purpose, it is proposed to endeavour to collect the sum of $1000, to enable the American Peace Society' to publish 10,000 copies of the Peace Manual,' and send a copy of it to the President of the United States, and his Secretaries; also to every member of the Federal and State Legislatures, and to the Governor and Executive Officers of every State in the Union;-also, copies to influential and distinguished individuals throughout this country."


For Friends' Review.

In the narrative of our Saviour's last supper with his disciples, as given by the Evangelist John, we have a circumstantial account of his washing the feet of his followers. From the character of the country, and the use of the sandal, washing the feet in the evening, was, no doubt, a common practice. When performed by others, it was evidently regarded as a very menial service. Thus, when the messengers of David presented to Abigail his proposals of marriage, she expressed her humble acquiescence by suggesting that she might be a servant to wash the feet of the servants of David;-and Peter was at first unwilling that his Master should perform this service for him.

From the solemn and deliberate manner in which this act was performed, and the minuteness with which it is recorded, we must conclude that some important instruction was intended by it. It was unquestionably a forcible example of humility, and one which he informed them they ought to follow. If I, then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet, ye also ought to wash one another's feet. For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you. Now I have no idea that this implies the necessity of following the example in the precise manner and form wherein it was given. The practice of the Christian world sufficiently proves that it is not so understood probably among any professors of Christianity. But if we could suppose that the institution of ceremonies of any kind was a part of our Lord's mission, we should find it no easy matter to assign a satisfactory reason why this should not be one of them. On that point, however, little need be said; it is the substance, not the form, on which I insist.

Without attempting to dive improperly into the spirituality of the injunction, we may fairly infer that it implies a scrupulous regard to the character of others. That direct charges or oblique insinuations derogatory to the reputation of our acquaintances, are irreconcileable with the spirit of this injunction, can scarcely be doubted. If we are sufficiently humble to wash each other's feet, we shall feel very little inclination to cast dust upon them. And if we are anxious that the steps of our friends shall be in clean pathsof which washing the feet is unquestionably symbolical-we shall feel ourselves constrained to be careful into what ways we lead them by word or example.

To wash the feet, may plainly signify to cleanse the ways, and when done for another, implies an act of the most Christian benevolence. But he that would wash another, should be careful first to see that his own hands are clean, for if they are not, he may possibly defile what he attempts to cleanse. The injunction of our Lord appears imperative; his example is to be

followed. It would therefore be well, before we speak of the faults or errors of others, seriously to reflect whether we are in that state of mind in which we could willingly wash their feet.

An old friend, long since gathered to his fathers, being asked by a person, who was a guest at his house, whether a controversy which he was known to have had with one of his neighbours, was settled, rose and brought out a couple of bottles filled with water and carefully corked. This enigmatical reply not satisfying his visitor, he explained it by stating that about a year prior to that time, while ruminating on this unhappy dissension, he thought he felt willing to wash his neighbour's feet. He accordingly filled those bottles with water, and taking one in each hand, and a towel on his arm, proceeded to the residence of the neighbour in question. Upon his arrival there, he stated the object of his visit; but the offer was rather unceremoniously rejected. The old Friend, however, kept the bottles filled with water as a memento; and observed, as he was then willing to wash his feet, he never intended to soil them any more.


Extract of a letter to a gentleman in Hartford.

PARKERSBURG, (Va.) Nov. 6, 1847. What would you give to see such a philosophical experiment as I lately witnessed? A flame of carburetted hydrogen gas, six feet wide, three feet thick, and one hundred yards in length, burning night and day for months, without a moment's cessation! I visited lately the Kanawha Salines, a great manufactory, or rather a town of manufactories of salt, in Kanawha county, near Charleston, Virginia. There are numerous salt wells. The water is about six hundred feet in depth, and is usually forced up by forcing-pumps worked by steam. Coal is abundant in the vicinity, and is used for working the pumps and evaporating the water. In a few instances they have bored to great depths, from one thousand to seventeen hundred feet, and perforated a stream of gas of astonishing volume. The last perforation was made in May last. When the gas was struck, the augurs, with over one thousand feet of rods attached, were blown out of the well into the air, followed by a jet of salt water and hydrogen gas, which shot out to a magnificent height. After much labour strong tubes have been attached to the well, by which the salt water and gas are separated, and the water conveyed to immense caldrons for evaporation, and (mirabile!) the gas is conveyed into the furnace below the water, where it is burned in a magnificent flame, by which the water is evaporated, and forty-five barrels of salt manufactured daily, not one-fourth of what the flame is capable of boiling if the evaporating basins were large or numerous enough. The diameter of the bore of the well is three inches. Oh, what would you give to see such a sight!— Hartford Courant.


The celebrated Wesley has given his views of such injustice among Christians, in the following characteristic manner:

"Are you persuaded you see more clearly than I? It is not unlikely that you may. Then, treat me as you would desire to be treated yourself upon a change of circumstances. Point me out a better way than I have yet known. Show me it so by plain proof of scripture. And if I linger in the path I have been accustomed to tread, and am therefore unwilling to leave it, labour with me a little, take me by the hand, and lead me as I am able to bear. But be not displeased if I entreat you not to beat me down, in order to quicken my pace. I can go but feebly and slowly at best; then, I should not be able to go at all. May I not request of you further, not to give me hard names, in order to bring me in the right way. Suppose I were ever so much in the wrong, I doubt this would not set me right. Rather it would make me run so much farther from and so get more and more out of the way. Nay, perhaps, if you are angry, so shall I be too; and then there will be small hopes of finding the truth. If once anger arise, this smoke will so dim the eyes of my soul, that I shall be able to see nothing clearly."


But perhaps we cannot find, in the whole circle of orthodox writers, a more faithful instructor on this subject than Dr. Watts. "The iniquity of uncharitableness," says this truly Christian divine, "has more springs than there are streams or branches belonging to the great river of Egypt, and it is more fruitful of serpents and monsters too." Many of these springs he has traced out, and exposed them to open view. Sometimes, this iniquity, he observes, proceeds "from a malicious constitution of nature, an acrimonious or choleric temper of blood." To suppress the angry motions of such a temper, "is a work of toil and difficulty, perpetual watchfulness and unceasing prayer.' Sometimes it springs from self-love, and pride, and a vain conceit of our own opinions. Hence a man, "who is almost always in the wrong," will be prompt "in pronouncing error and heresy" upon every notion and practice that differs from his own. He takes the freedom to choose a religion for himself, but he allows no man besides the same liberty. He is sure he has reason to dissent from others, but no man has reason to dissent from him.-Herald of the Prairies.

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Do nothing in a passion. Why wilt thou put to sea in the violence of a storm?-Ibid.

DIED,-in China, Maine, on 3d day, the 2d of last month, PATIENCE ALLEN, of Vassalboro, widow of Peter Allen. in the 70th year of her age. She was a member of our religious Society, and one of an honest heart.


Let sceptics doubt, philosophers deride
The Christian's privilege-" an inward Guide:"
Wisdom is of her children justified!

Let such as know not what that boon implies,
God's blessed book, above his Spirit prize-
No stream can higher than its Fountain rise!
Let them whose spirits types and shadows crave,
For Baptism, trust the elemental wave:
One Lord, one Faith, one Baptism, still must save!
Let them who, like the Jews, "require a sign,”
Partake, unblamed, of outward bread and wine:
Thou, Lord! within canst make the substance mine!
Believing in thy glorious Gospel-day,
Types, Emblems, Shadows-all must pass away;
In such I dare not place my trust, or stay!
Abba! on thee, with child-like trust, I call,
In self-abasement at thy footstool fall,-
Asking to know but Thee, I find thee all!


Oh! prize not the essence of Beauty alone,

And disdain not the weak and the mean in our way, For the world is an engine-the Architect's own, Where the wheels of least might, keep the larger in


We love the fair valley, with bloom in the shade,
We sing of green hills-of the grape and the grain;
But be sure the Creator did well when he made
The stark desert and marsh-for there's nothing in

We may question the locust that darkens the land,
But remember they come from the Infinite Hand,
And the snake, flinging arrows of death from its eye;

And shall Man, in his littleness, dare to ask why? Oh! let us not speak of the "useless" or "vile,”

They may seem so to us-but be slow to arraign: From the savage wolf's cry, to the happy child's smile, From the mite to the mammoth, there's nothing in


There's a mission, no doubt, for the worm in the dust,
As there is for the charger with nostrils of pride;
The sloth and the newt have their places of trust,
And the agents are needed, for God has supplied.

Oh! could we but trace the great meaning of ALL,

And what delicate links form the ponderous chain; From the dew-drops that rise, to the star-drops that fall, We should see but one purpose, and nothing in vain.

MARRIED,-On Sixth day, the 5th of last month, at Friends Meeting House, Yarmouth, Mass., DANIEL S. WING, to CHLOA C., daughter of Joshua Swift, deceased, also of Yarmouth.


The Committee to superintend the Boarding School at West Town, will meet in Philadelphia, on Sixth day, the 10th inst., at 3 o'clock, P. M.

The Committee on Instruction meet the same day at 10 o'clock, A. M.: and the Visiting Committee attend at the School on Seventh day morning, the 4th inst. THOMAS KIMBER, Clerk. Philada., 12th mo. 1st, 1847.

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