Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

excite great, alarm in the minds of the bystanders." Cold was applied to the head, brandy and water given, fresh air freely admitted, and, after a time, the cataleptic symptoms disappeared, and were succeeded by severe hysteria, with about the same degree of consciousness usual in that disease. When taken to the door he complained of cold-afterwards had severe cramp in the legs, and the difficult breathing still continuing. These alarming symptoms continued for more than an hour. At last, when he attempted to rise, he staggered about like a drunken man, and suffered from exhaustion and giddiness till he retired to bed, and although he slept well, he still complained of languor the next morning.

The limits of the Review would not permit an extended notice of the cases that have been reported, in which unpleasant effects were noticed—although these are, there is scarcely a doubt, vastly below the real number; for it requires much less moral courage to give to the public, results that are gratifying and fortunate, than to acknowledge, that, even with the best motives, we have been the means of producing distressing or possibly fatal results. It may not be amiss, however, to say, that a large proportion of the medical profession still have doubts of the propriety of using the ether, and with every wish to save their patients from pain, they feel it a duty to refrain from its use. Time will yet be required to place the remedy on its true basis, and, as has been justly remarked, "the real danger to which it is exposed, arises from the precipitate encomiums of its friends, and the reckless manner in which it appears to be made use of, without reference to, and by persons utterly incapable of judging of, the normal or diseased physical peculiarities of the pa


It seems to be pretty generally conceded that there is a large class of persons, in whom the use of ether would be improper if not dangerous. All who have organic disease of the heart or lungs or large vessels-or who are disposed to determinations of blood to the head-should carefully avoid it; and it is probable that those disposed to insanity or hysterical disease might be injured by it.

What may be the moral effects of its general employment as a means of preventing pain, or inducing a state of insensibility, the writer does not wish to discuss-but it may be worthy of


The foregoing remarks, it may be stated, in conclusion, are not intended to prevent a proper estimate being placed on this discovery-but to inculcate great caution in all, and to give in a very cursory manner, some of the views of those whose experience has led them to very different conclusions from those of the writer in the last number of the Review.

12th mo., 1847.


For Friends' Review.


"Leaves have their time to fall,

And flow'rs to wither in the north wind's breath, And stars to set ;-but all—

Thou hast all seasons for thine own, oh Death!"

We have rarely a more striking evidence of the truth of this sentiment, than in the death of J. McHenry Boyd, who died at the United States Hotel, in this city, on the afternoon of Fourth-day, the 8th inst. The papers of the day state that "he was a wealthy and accomplished gentleman of Baltimore," where, on the morning of the 4th, he was married to a young woman of highly respectable connections at Havre de Grace, Maryland.

Intending to proceed immediately to Europe, they arrived in Philadelphia the day on which their hands were united in marriage, fondly apprehending, no doubt, that a long period of mutual enjoyment was opening before them. On that same evening, as the young man was adjusting the articles in one of his trunks, among which were a couple of loaded pistols, one of them went off, and drove the ball through his body. The most efficient medical aid that this city and Baltimore could render, was unable to repair the deadly injury. He died in less than four days.

Comment is unnecessary. While we would sympathise with the stricken and bereaved, we desire to remember the solemn injunction, "be ye also ready." Z.


The Electric Telegraph Company are now making arrangements to communicate the true time, as observed daily at the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, to every station on the various lines of railway where the company has a telegraph station, and of course, to all large towns throughout the kingdom. It is now the daily practice at Greenwich, at 1 P. M., to indicate the true time by dropping a ball from the upper part of the Observatory, which, being telegraphed to the Admiralty, and signalled to the shipping on the Thames, enables ship chronometers to be adjusted. The Telegraph Company intend that the ball, immediately upon being detached at the top of its fall, should strike a spring, which, con

nected with the various lines of electric wires of

the company, will instantly strike a bell at every station. Thus, it is not only possible and practicable, but what in all probability will be a matter of daily experience ere very long, that before the ball at Greenwich Observatory shall have reached the ground in its fall, the electric bell at Manchester will have struck and been set ringing; so that we shall know it is, 1 P. M. at Greenwich, before the ball announcing the fact has finished falling a few feet.-Lond. Mec. Mag.

Selected for Friends' Review.


I saw an aged man upon his bier;

His hair was thin and white upon his brow;

A record of the cares of many a year

Cares that were ended and forgotten now; And there was sadness round, and faces bowed,

And women's tears fell fast, and children wailed aloud.

Then rose another hoary man, and said,

In faltering accents to that weeping train"Why mourn ye, that our ancient friend is dead?

Ye are not sad to see the gathered grain : Nor when the mellow fruit the orchards cast,

Nor when the yellow woods shake down the ripened


"Ye sigh not when the sun, his race fulfilled,

His glorious course rejoicing earth and sky, In the soft evening when the winds are still'd, Sinks where his islands of refreshment lie, And leaves the smiles of his departure spread,

O'er the warmed, coloured heaven, and ruddy mountain head.

"Why weep ye then for him, who having run
The bounds of man's appointed years, at last,
Life's blessings all enjoyed, life's labours done,
Serenely to his final rest has past?

Whilst the soft memory of his virtues yet
Lingers like twilight hues, when the bright sun is set.

"His youth was innocent; his riper age

Marked by some act of goodness every day,

And watched by eyes that loved him, calm and sage
Faded his late declining years away:
Cheerful he gave his being up, and went

To share the holy rest that waits a life well spent.

"That life was happy; every day he gave

Thanks for the fair existence that was his ;
For a sick fancy made him not her slave,

To rack him with her phantom miseries.
No chronic tortures racked his aged limb,
For luxury and sloth had nourished none for him.

"And I am glad that he has lived thus long,
And glad that he has gone to his reward,
Nor deem that kindly nature did him wrong-
Softly to disengage the vital chord,
When his weak hand grew palsied, and his eye
Dim with the mist of age-it was his time to die!"

"In this great temple built by Thee,
Whose altars are divine,-
Beneath yon lamp, that ceaselessly
Lights up thine own true shrine:
Oh take my latest sacrifice!

Look down and make this sod
Holy as that where long ago,
The Hebrew met his God?

"I have known thee in the whirlwind, I have known thee on the hill;

I have heard thee in the song of birds,
And the music of the rill.

I dreamed thee in the shadow,
I saw thee in the light,

I heard thee in the thunder peal,
And worshipped in the night.
All beauty, while it spake of Thee,
Still made my heart rejoice;
And my spirit bowed within myself
To hear thy still small voice.

"I have not dimmed the widow's eye, Nor caused the orphan's tears;

I have not mocked the mourner's cry,
Nor stained the virgin's years.
The songs of Zion in mine ear,
Have ever been most sweet,
And always, when I felt Thee near,
My shoes were off my feet!

"I have not felt myself a thing

Far from thy presence driven,
By flaming sword or waving wing,
Shut out from Thee and Heaven.
Must I the whirlwind reap, because
My fathers sowed the storm ?
Or shrink, because another sinned,
Beneath thy "red right arm ?"
"Oh! much of this we dimly scan,
And much is all unknown!

I will not take my curse from man!
I turn to Thee alone!

Bid Thou my fainting spirit live,
And what is dark, reveal,
And what is evil, oh! forgive,
And what is broken, heal!

And cleanse my nature from above,
In the deep Jordan of thy love!"

Selected for Friends' Review.


A Hebrew knelt in the dying light,

His eye was dim and old;

The hair on his head was silvery white,

And his blood was thin and cold.

He lifted his eye to his latest sun,

For he knew that his pilgrimage was done :
And as he saw God's shadow there,
His spirit poured itself in prayer.

"I come unto Death's second birth
Beneath a stranger air;

A pilgrim on a dull cold earth

As all my fathers were.

And men have marked me with a curse

I feel it is not Thine:

Thy mercy like yon sun was made
On me, as them to shine.
And therefore dare I lift mine eye,
Through that to thee before I die.

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(Continued from page 196.)

S. Grellet and W. Allen spent nearly three months at or near the Russian capital, before they found an opportunity to visit the Emperor. Yet during this time they were busily employed, allowing themselves but little space for relaxation or repose. They visited the mansions of the great, and the abodes of the poor; those, particularly, which were provided by charitable individuals for the support of the destitute. An object which they kept steadily in view, in their intercourse with the wealthy and powerful, was to inculcate the importance of extending the benefits of education to the poorer classes, and to encourage the efforts which they frequently witnessed, for the accomplishment of this object. And William Allen had the satisfaction to behold the beneficial results of his labour with the Emperor, at the time of his visit to London, between four and five years before,

No. 14.

tion. The interview which we are about to relate, was, however, prior to the completion of this work.

When our friends arrived at Petersburg, the Emperor was absent, and after his return, his attention was engrossed by various objects, including the decease of a beloved sister; so that an interview with him was not obtained until the 10th of 2d month (1819.) Of this visit we have the subsequent notice:

"Here was not the least pomp. The servants had no sword, nor any livery or uniform. The Emperor was in a small apartment; the whole very neat and plain. He received us very kindly, and we were soon sensible of the renewal of those feelings which we had experienced when with him before.* He conversed with us in the openness of friendship, inquired respecting what we had seen since our arrival, &c., and seemed to retain a lively impression of our interview in London, and of the meeting for worship, which he attended when Count Lieven took me off so unexpectedly to show them the way. We had a most satisfactory opportunity together, in which we were renewedly convinced that the Emperor was favoured with clear views respecting the only sure foundation, and that he was sensible of something of that divine fellowship which the sincere in heart are often permitted to experience. He loves vital religion. With regard to the works on which Daniel Wheeler is employed, he told us that it was not In his visits to the seminaries in the neigh-alone for the sake of having his land drained and bourhood of Petersburg, William Allen observed, cultivated that he formed that establishment, but with much solicitude, that some of the lessons in order to bring over some persons of our princithen in use, were extracted from the works of ples to settle there. We told him of our further infidel writers of the French school; and anxious prospects, and he said we should be pleased to advance the religious, as well as literary im- with some of the people in the South, but he provement of the rising generation, he formed expressed a tender concern and sympathy for us, the design of furnishing reading books, composed on hearing that we thought we might go to Conof selections from the Holy Scriptures. With stantinople. On dear Stephen telling him of the his characteristic energy, he soon began, in con- way in which he had been led in this journey, cert with his travelling companion, and a few and that although in other countries he had felt pious coadjutors, to make the proper extracts, it his duty to have public meetings, at some of beginning with the four Evangelists. By perse- which a large number of persons were present, vering industry, literally working at it night and yet now he felt that the service lay more in conday, in a little more than two weeks they com-versation and private religious intercourse with pleted their selections, which being presented to individuals, the Emperor beautifully remarked, the Emperor, he was so much pleased with it, that if we attended to the impulse of the Holy that he immediately ordered eight thousand rou

bles to be paid, to defray the expense of an edi

In 1814. See page 114.

Soon after this we took our leave, and he shook hands with us most affectionately. As we were retiring, he turned to me and particularly requested that, in the course of our journey, I would send him, freely, any remarks that might occur upon what we saw, which I promised to do. We were, in the whole, about two hours with him, and left him at eight o'clock. We heard, afterwards, that he drove off immediately to the Princess Mestchersky, we having told him that she had a copy of the Scripture Lessons, used in our schools in England.”

Spiri He would keep us out of every thing, mental retirement and inward prayer, and we which might be improper or hurtful in its conse- had a short but solemn time of silence. Dear quences, and would support us in the perform- Stephen, at length, kneeled down, and was ance of our duty, whatever that might be. We sweetly engaged in supplication; the Emperor mentioned the state of the poor, and the pleasure also knelt, and I thought divine goodness was we had felt in visiting the two schools for the near us. soldiers upon our plan, but we urged the necessity of an immediate attention to the reading lessons, forcibly stating the excellent opportunity which the school plan afforded for the introduction of lessons from the Holy Scriptures. At this he was quite animated, and said that was the very wish of his heart, and that he was taking steps to get the Scriptures read, instead of sermons and other things of mere human invention. We told him that we had already been at work upon a selection of gospel lessons for schools, to consist solely of extracts from the Holy Scriptures. With this he seemed much pleased, and wished to have them; but we begged leave to be permitted to transmit them to him through our friends, Papof and the Prince Alexander Galitzin, to which he assented, expressing the comfort and satisfaction he felt in having some persons about him who had vital religion at heart.

"He inquired of us about prisons, and we could but express our sentiments fully upon the present system here, and in our own country. I said that the general state of prisons was too much alike in all countries; that mankind had, for ages, been going on upon a system, which seemed to have vengeance for its object, rather than reform-they went upon the principle of retaliation. Society had suffered an injury from the criminal, and therefore it seemed to be thought right to make the criminal suffer, and that, by taking signal vengeance on him, others might be deterred. Now, as it was pretty generally acknowledged that this plan had universally failed, it was high time to try another, more consonant with the spirit of the Christian religion, more rational, and better adapted to human nature. We then described E. J. Fry's exertions at Newgate, and the success which appeared to have attended them; we adverted to what Walter Venning had been doing upon that subject here, but forebore to press any thing, as the Emperor already had the statement: the matter seemed to be near his heart. I expressed my firm conviction that what the Emperor did in his dominions, would react powerfully upon England, and facilitate that reform in our prisons, which the friends of humanity were so anxious to promote. We told him that we had visited all the prisons, schools, &c., in our way from Abo, and he was very desirous to have our remarks. I accordingly promised him extracts from my notes, which he said I might send immediately to him; but here, as before, we begged to be permitted to send them through Papof and the Prince.

"Afer some farther conversation, the Emperor desired that we might have a little pause for

About a month after this time, a second visit was paid to the Emperor, at which several important subjects were brought under discussion. The lessons already mentioned had by that time been completed and presented to the Emperor, who expressed his thankfulness that the Divine Spirit had sent them there at that critical time, to make this system of instruction the medium for imprinting the truths of revealed religion on the minds of millions. Upon the neglected condition of the poorest class of females being noticed, he informed them that he had been told by his mother, the remarks which they had made to her on that subject; that he would certainly attend to their case, and that he had, on the preceding day, given orders for the establishment of six schools for the education of girls. The subject of peace coming under discussion, they were given to understand, that the Emperor's reason for keeping so large an army was, that the peasants, who were slaves, after serving as soldiers and receiving their discharge, became free. He was discharging great numbers, and filling their places with new recruits; and was endeavouring to support schools among the soldiers, to prepare them for freedom.

In speaking upon religious subjects, he informed them that his mind had been visited, at an early age, with the touches of Divine love, though he did not then know from whence they came; but that these tender impressions had been much dissipated by the tutor to whom he was committed, whose principles were poisoned by the infidel philosophy of the French school. It was not till the year 1812,* that he read the Bible; but having read a little, he was eager to read more; for he found it bore witness to what he had previously felt of the operations of the Holy Spirit in his own mind. When they were about to depart, the Emperor expressed a desire that they might sit a while in silence, observing that the Great Master had promised to be with the two or three. After a season of solemn silence, Stephen made an acceptable and impres

He was then about thirty-five years of age.

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sive communication, subsequent to which William | founded and endowed by a single individual, Allen kneeled down, and poured out his petition Count Schérémetoff, one of the richest noblemen to the throne of grace, Alexander kneeling by in Russia, who gave two millions, five hundred his side. The separation which ensued, after a thousand roubles for this object, and the revenues solemn pause, was particularly pathetic. Thus arising for ever from eight thousand four hundred we find that in the palace of Catharine, and and fourty-four peasants,* who each pay a ceramidst the turmoil of her profligate court, the tain sum annually. The regulations and sancday spring from on high was visiting some of its tion bear date 1803; the Count died in 1809, inmates. and the house, which took some years in building, was opened in 1810. It is destined to lodge, board, and maintain entirely, one hundred indigent persons, of both sexes, of free condition, and good morals and character; one half of them to consist of persons of a very advanced age, who are destitute, and the other half, those who are maimed or afflicted with incurable diseases. The second part consists of a hospital, into which fifty poor persons, of both sexes and all conditions, with diseases not deemed incurable, are to be received and taken care of, gratis. The third part of the charity consists of an annual distribution of twenty thousand roubles to poor families out of the house, who may be judged worthy of it; and all this endowed in perpetuity by one individual. Every thing about the house is in a princely style, and it seems impossible that the neatness and cleanliness of the establishment throughout could be exceeded. The charity is not restricted to country or religion, for we saw natives of Sweden and other countries settled in this comfortable asylum. All are at free liberty to exercise their own religion, and though there is a large magnificent chapel for the Greek church in the house, none but the members of that church are required to attend. This liberality might put the high church of England to the blush."

When our friends were ready to leave the Russian capital, they were furnished by Prince Galitzin, with letters to all the governors of the provinces through which they expected to pass. Thus," observes William Allen, "our gracious Master is fulfilling his promise to us, when, in a degree of faith, we leaned upon his arm to enter upon an untrodden path; it is all his doing, for we feel that without him we have no strength." The time having arrived when our friends believed it right to leave Petersburg, they set out on a species of sledge used in that country; visiting a few places, and endeavouring to engage those persons of influence and wealth whom they found in their way, to unite in méliorating the condition of the poor, of whose suffering situation some affecting instances came into their view; and they arrived, near the end of Third month, at Moscow, the ancient capital of Russia. By the time they reached that city, they found the snow so far reduced, as to show that they had left Petersburg just at the right time, not having a day to spare.

From this place William Allen transmitted to the Princess Sophia Mestchersky, mentioned in our last number, a plan for improving the condition and morals of the poor at Tver, a town through which they had passed, and where she was then residing. In this he gave such advice as his extensive acquaintance with benevolent engagements in his own country, and in those through which he had travelled, qualified him to impart. The education of poor girls, finding employment for destitute females, and visiting the prisons in which women were the inmates, appear to have constituted the leading features of the plan.

A prominent portion of their service, while at Moscow, was to visit the prisons. Of these there were no less than twenty of the inferior sort. The principal prison owed some of its improvements to the benevolent John Howard. In the hospital attached to this prison, our friends had the satisfaction to find a number of copies of the New Testament, and several tracts which the Princess Mestchersky had translated. These copies of the New Testament were probably the production of the Imperial presses which they saw at Petersburg; and the tracts appear to have been furnished to the Princess by William Allen.

Of a magnificent establishment at Moscow, the subjoined account is given. "Its name signifies a house for the poor and strangers; it was

Of a hospital at Moscow for the reception of children, we have the following account.

"There were one thousand one hundred and forty-six children in the house; and seven thousand seven hundred and forty-nine were taken care of out of the house. After the age of infancy, they are divided into six classes, and they appear to receive their education here. Great cleanliness and order prevailed, and the children generally appeared healthy. The excellent arrangements of this institution are a striking evidence of what may be effected, when talent and good feeling, united with the influence of exalted rank, are devoted to the best interests of humanity. The director stated, that during four years, corporeal punishment had never been inflicted but twice; when anything is wrong in the conduct of the children, he said, he uniformly succeeded by remonstrance and advice. One

*Many of the peasants in Russia are in a condition nearly similar to those formerly styled villeins regardant, in England, who were slaves attached to the soil. But other peasants occupy and cultivate the land, paying to the owner a fixed sum, and retaining the rest of the produce themselves. The peasants alluded to in the text, were probably of the latter description.

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