Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

hundred and twenty of the boys are selected to be taught the higher branches of learning, in order to prepare them for physicians, surgeons, &c., and all the rest learn some useful mechanical art. A certain number of the girls are also selected to receive a superior education, that they may be qualified to go out as governesses in noblemen's families. In the summer, the Empress Mother sends every class of the children, for two weeks at a time each, into the country for change of air.

"We were much pleased with seeing the broad sheet printed in blanks, which is filled up and sent every day to the Empress Dowager, giving a detailed account of every part of this vast establishment. I have not heard of any woman in the whole world, who is so heartily, so incessantly, and so extensively engaged in works of benevolence, as the worthy mother of the good Alexander."

Besides the establishments already noticed for relieving the distress, and improving the condition of the poor, we are informed that an institution for educating the daughters of the nobility, which owed its existence to the Empress Dowager, had then been in operation about sixteen years. The pupils were not only instructed in the French and German languages, and those branches of learning which the children of wealthy parents are usually expected to acquire, but they were obliged to make their own garments, and to become minutely acquainted with domestic concerns. This was in accordance with the direction of the founder.

well revive the declaration that God is no respecter of persons, but in every nation he that feareth him and worketh righteousness is accepted with him.'

(To be continued")

For Friends' Review.


Truly was it said by Solomon, "The memory of the just is blessed." And whilst reverently bearing in mind that "none is good save One," it is admitted to be both allowable and beneficial, to commemorate his goodness by recording the examples of those who have been clothed upon with his righteousness, and made partakers with the saints in light. It is helpful to the pilgrim, to contemplate the steps of those who have walked with the Redeemer in the way cast up; not for a servile imitation of particular acts, but with a prayerful desire to be enabled to walk by the same spirit, to mind the same rule, and to adhere to the same principles of eternal truth which they illustrated and adorned. These remarks may apply to the dear departed friend whose name forms the caption of this article. It is quite to be regretted that, from some causes which cannot immediately be obviated, the arrangement of her manuscripts is at present delayed; at the same time it is believed that the following passages will be interesting to the readers of the Review, whilst their detached publication will not derogate from the interest of a future compilation.

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Previous to their departure from Moscow, a Having long felt an engagement to make a rereport was prepared, of which William Allen ap-ligious visit beyond the Atlantic, a certificate pears to have been the writer, presenting to the was granted her by Philadelphia Monthly MeetEmpress Dowager a general view of their ob- ing, for the Northern District, on the 27th of First servations, since entering the Russian dominions, month, 1784, addressed "To our friends and upon the various establishments of a literary and brethren in Great Britain, and elsewhere in philanthropic character, which had come under Europe." In this document her friends say, their notice. In this communication they made "we find our minds nearly united to her, in such suggestions as the cases seemed to demand, Christian fellowship and sympathy, she being of the points most particularly requiring attention. one whose life and conversation become our The girls of the poorest class seem to have at- Christian profession, and her ministry sound and tracted especial notice, as they were much neg- edifying. This certificate was signed by 112 lected in Russia, as in other countries; and the Friends. An endorsement from the Quarterly necessary consequence of permitting them to Meeting, held the 2d of Second month, expressed grow up in ignorance, was clearly pointed out. "a prevailing sense of near union and sympathy with our beloved sister in her religious exercise, under which she has laboured several years, which lately reviving with increasing weight, she hath now solidly communicated to us." The following certificate was granted by the Select Yearly Meeting held by adjournments, from the 27th of Third month, to the 30th of the same, inclusive.

Though the meetings for Divine worship, which they attended during their passage through Russia, were nearly all confined to very small companies, yet a religious concern was evidently maintained to embrace such opportunities as could be found to inculcate the doctrines of pure and vital Christianity. The great mass of the population were, unquestionably, in a state of deplorable ignorance and consequent corruption, yet they found many persons of genuine and enlightened piety, who were showing their faith by their works. With such as these, the conversation frequently took a deeply interesting turn; and the feelings which were excited might

«To our Brethren and Sisters in Great Britain,

Ireland, and elsewhere in Europe.

DEAR FRIENDS,We salute you in a thankful sense, of the continued love of Christ, through the efficacy whereof faithful servants are drawn

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forth to labour in his church; and commend unto | same before my dear friends, who in sympathy you Rebecca Jones, our much esteemed sister, and unity therewith, signified their concurrence, who has, with the approbation of the Monthly in the Monthly, Quarterly, and General Spring and Quarterly Meetings, as expressed in their cer- Meetings. And though I was favoured as it tificates, now spread before us an exercise that passed from stage to stage, so that my mind was has for some years attended her mind, religiously preserved entirely clear of doubting, yet it was t> visit you, which has brought a solemn weight my constant desire, (the which I each time told over this assembly, uniting us with her concern, my friends, feelingly,) that the Divine will only and giving us an evidence of duty to resign her might be done.' The before named friends, to the Lord's will and guidance in her procedure under the like exercise being all set at liberty, on this weighty undertaking; greatly desiring and the aforesaid ship offering, we felt quite easy that the protecting providence of the Almighty, to take our passage therein, in a humble dependmay preserve her by sea and land, and that by ing frame of mind, believing that, if it was the humbly continuing under his holy anointing, Lord's will, we might reach the next Yearly she may be daily qualified to perform the work Meeting at London." whereunto he appoints her, to the honour of truth, her own peace, and the comfort of the faithful among you, to whose tender sympathy and Christian fellowship we affectionately recommend her, and remain your loving friends." These testimonials, given forth by the church, are well calculated to introduce her to the confidence of those who cannot recall her memory. In the hearts of those who knew her a memorial is indelibly written. Relative to her em-visited the two ships to decide between them; barkation, we find the following note.

"Embarked at New Castle on board the ship COMMERCE, Captain Truxton, commander, the 25th of the Fourth month, 1784, in company with my valued friends Thomas Ross,* Samuel Emlen, and son Samuel, George and Sarah Dillwyn, and Mehetabel Jenkins, all intending for Great Britain." She also preserved the names of the cabin and steerage passengers, ship's hands, and common men, her interest extending to all ranks and conditions of men, desiring the welfare of all, and being more than willing to be made helpful to any. Succeeding this catalogue of names we note the following passage.

An incident connected with their embarkation is worthy of recital, as illustrative of the benefit which the true disciple may receive from an entire dependence upon the all-sufficient teacher. Two ships were in readiness to sail for London. One was a large merchant vessel, the other, a smaller one, had been built for a privateer, and was especially adapted for fast sailing. Rebecca, and her associates in the proposed voyage,

and went first on board the larger one, which had been preferred for them by many of their friends. They seated themselves in the cabin, and Samuel Emlen first broke the silence by saying, "Death and darkness!" A similar feeling of uneasiness in reference to this vessel, pervaded the minds of the others. On taking their seats in the smaller ship, a clear evidence was vouchsafed them, that it would be right for them to take their passages in her, which they did accordingly.

The next day, after they found themselves out at sea, Capt. Truxton (subsequently Commodore) opened a locker, and threw in a pack of cards, "Having for many years had a prospect of saying "Lie there-you'll see daylight no more, duty to pay a religious visit to friends in Great in compliment to these Friends."-And at the Britain, under which my heart was often bowed table he took up his glass of beer, saying, within me, secretly desiring that if it was indeed" Here's hoping that we Friends may reach the Lord's requiring, my will might be brought into a state of perfect resignation to his holy will; at length my mind was fully given up, trusting in a gracious promise which I was favoured with from the source of all true blessedness and comfort, with this charge, Look not out, and all things necessary shall be furnished.' In the regular precious order of Truth, I laid the

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London timely for the Yearly Meeting!"which, it will be remembered, had been their desire, though from the shortness of the time, it was not confidently expected for them.


One day Rebecca Jones, going upon deck, saw George Dillwyn seated in pensive mood He said to her, the chicken coop.* Rebecca, canst thou keep a secret?" To which she replied, that she was not in the habit The following incident respecting Thomas Ross, of prying into other people's secrets, but that she was mentioned in my hearing, long after his death, by could keep them when entrusted to her. "Well friend who was personally acquainted with him. While his mind was under exercise with the pros- then "-said he "I think we shall see land pect of a visit to Europe, but before he had given up next First-day." They were soon joined by all to the service, he was one day thrown from his horse, their companions except Thomas Ross, who was and his foot being fixed in the stirrup, he was dragged confined in the cabin by a hurt. Rebecca, resome distance, probably a very short one, in that perilous situation. His mind recurring to this en-membering the lonely situation of the latter, gagement, as one from which he was improperly went to sit with him. He accosted her in the shrinking, he breathed forth a petition: "Lord spare my life and I'll go;" when some of the fixtures giving way, he was instantly released.


The chicken coop is ordinarily fitted for a seat on ship board.

same words, querying if she could keep a secret, to which she repeated her former reply. He then expressed the same prospect, that they should see land the next First-day. On Firstday morning, (5th mo., 23d,) George rose very early, and, standing on the quarter deck with his arms folded behind him, he called out with a firm voice, "Land ahead!" The captain was still in his berth, and, being much alarmed, he hastened up and asked who it was that had called "land ahead." George calmly retained his position, and in a few minutes, repeated his call. The captain immediately ordered to the mast-head, a man who was noted for distant sight, to keep a look out. After he had been up for ten or fifteen minutes, he could see no sign of land. The captain then sharply rebuked George for his false alarm, which might, he said, have led to serious consequences. But George stood unmoved, and called in a firm tone, and louder than before, "Land ahead!" The captain ordered the lead thrown, but, before this could be done, the sentinel called out, "Ahoy, land ahead! The lead was thrown, and, in reference to it, we find this note in captain Truxton's sea journal.


Sunday, 23d May. At 6 o'clock sounded, got 42 fathoms water-shells and rotten brown stones at 7 made the land-take it for the start -Bearing E. N. E. 9 leagues distant. Latitude observed 49, 45, North."

Rebecca preserved some of the shells and sand taken at this place, a portion of which is still kept. They landed at Gravesend on Sixth-day, the 28th of Fifth month, after a passage of thirty days, and reached London about 4 o'clock, P. M., this being the day prior to the Select Yearly Meeting. Two weeks afterward, the ship to which their attention had first been turned, was towed in, on her beam ends, the keel being out of the water, the ballast having shifted in a storm so that they were unable to right her. They had taken a different course from the one pursued by the "Commerce," and experienced danger and distress, so that all hope of reaching their port, at one time vanished. A female passenger afterward told Rebecca Jones, that as she lay in her berth she could put her hand into the water in the cabin, and that, whilst her soul's concerns were uppermost, and her heart was engaged in fervent prayer, the only temporal desire she allowed herself to cherish, was, that she might not be permitted to struggle long in the water.

W. J. A.

Professor Schonbein, the inventor of guncotton, is said to have discovered a material almost equivalent to malleable glass. He renders papier maché transparent by a peculiar process, and manufactures it into window panes, vases, bottles, &c., perfectly impermeable to water, and which may be dropped on the ground without breaking.-Literary World.

For Friends' Review.


Soon after the arrival of our friend Thomas Wells in this city, the Editor addressed a number of questions to him respecting the condition of the native tribes among whom he has been labouring, to be answered as far as his leisure and freedom might admit. The following is the substance of his answer, chiefly in his own words:

I am informed that, about fifty years ago, Friends of Baltimore Yearly Meeting commenced their labours with this nation, who then resided in the north-west part of Ohio. They were living in wigwams, and depending for a liveli hood upon the chase; unacquainted with farming, beyond that of raising a little corn, which was the work of the women.

The first step was to furnish them with implements of husbandry, and employ a man to instruct them in the art of farming. The second was to build a grist and saw mills, to encourage them to enlarge their corn fields, and stimulate a desire to build comfortable dwellings; and this being accomplished, the third was to open a school for the education of their children. This was commenced with five children and increased to sixteen; but as this school was only in operation about three months in the winter of each year, their advancement in learning was very slow; yet several could read in the Testament, and write a plain hand, and acquired some knowledge of figures. At the time of their emigration west, they sold their improvements to the United States government for a considerable sum; and the number of horses, cows and hogs, exceeded the expectations of their best friends. This finished the labours of about thirty years. About ten years elapsed from the time of our closing our labours with this people in Ohio, before they were renewed in the Indian territory; and during this period they were reduced to a state of destitution. But an application being made to us, through their agent, considerable relief was afforded them in flour, meal and meat. In this way they were again brought under our notice, and about ten years ago a manual labour school was opened for the benefit of Indian youth of both sexes, whose number has gradually increased from sixteen up to sixty-four. The children are supplied with boarding and clothing without expense to their parents or friends, except as they choose to give them a garment, which we encourage them to do. The boys are instructed in all branches of farming, and the girls in housewifery, in addition to school learning. We find no particular difficulty in prevailing with them to work and comply with the other requisitions of the institution. Our farm is situated on the Shawnees' land, about five miles west of the Missouri line, and three south of the Kansas river, in a valley of prairie land,

with a grove of timber on the west and north; | live after the American style; whilst the nation may be considered about half-way, or but little behind the frontier settlers.

a delightful spot well supplied with springs, and we think a healthy location. Though we have more or less sickness every fall, no deaths have yet occurred on the farm. We have a farm of about 200 acres, 130 of which are under cultivation; the rest in pasture. The proceeds of the farm supply the demands of our table, with a surplus for sale. Our house is a three story building, 70 feet by 24, the basement of stone, the rest being frame. It is capable of accommodating fifty children comfortably; which is the greatest number we have ever had at one time; though in the course of the year upwards of sixty receive instruction, and other benefits from the institution. The school has been kept open, without vacation, for the last five years. There are eight Friends employed to carry on this work, and regular meetings for divine worship are held twice in each week, and not unfrequently some of our Indian neighbours sit with us. The Scriptures are read in the family at the breakfast table, daily, and the children seem attentive to the reading. In addition to other religious instruction, the memoirs of pious persons are frequently read to them, both by the teachers and superintendents, and I can say that some of the happiest hours of my life have been spent in the company of these poor children. Sometimes I have thought, surely this is a foretaste of the joys which are to be experienced in the company of purified spirits in the realms of bliss. They are taken into the school at six years old, and leave it at about sixteen, when as many as are disposed are sent out to Ohio and placed in private families; and I have had the satisfaction to hear their friends, who have them in their families, say that their ability and willingness to work, and their solid deportment, do credit to them and to the institution under the care of Friends. The expenses attending the institution are defrayed by the three Yearly Meetings which have it under their charge: these are Baltimore, Ohio and Indiana; and Friends believe, from what they have experienced, that they have cause for encouragement to persevere in the work, both of civilization and Christianization of these poor down trodden people.

The Methodists and Baptists have schools on the same plan, about three miles east of our establishment, and are also successful. The former educate about one hundred annually, principally children of the surrounding tribes, and the latter about sixteen. In addition to their school operations, they have formed societies amongst them, and have many church members, perhaps not less than seventy in both; and I feel satisfied that many of them are sincere in their profession, and endeavour to live exemplary lives. Both they and we stand up for our peculiar views; and yet the spirit of brotherhood exists amongst us; each keeping it in view that we all have one object, that is, the prosperity of the poor Indians, in things pertaining to this life and that which is to come. There are many vices existing in the Shawnee nation, which we labour harmoniously together to remove, and, I have no doubt, wish each other success in every good word and work. The Shawnees entertain a very vague idea of an Almighty Being, who presides over the universe; and the uneducated among them are in the practice of retaining their household gods. They have also many superstitious notions respecting witches and apparitions. Their prejudices in favour of their ancient customs are so strong, that the work of reformation must be slow; but I have never doubted of success where the work is carried on with that Christian energy which their situation requires.


The political state of Italy has lately engrossed so much attention, that little time has been found for its antiquities. Since the discovery of the 47 gold coins, and more than 250 silver coins, together with gemmed ear-rings, necklaces and collars, pearls and costly rings, a dwelling house has been excavated near della Fortuna, which surpasses in richness and elegance all that has been hitherto discovered. The open Vestibule is paved with mosaics, the This band of Shawnees, at the time of their walls decorated with tasteful paintings. The emigration, eighteen years ago, consisted of about Atrium opens into the Tablinum and the recep800 souls; but at present they are reckoned at tion room, and the latter leads into the dining 1000. Their dwellings are now principally room, which is painted with mythological subhewed logs, pretty comfortably finished and fur-jects, the size of life. Here were several trinished; and their style of living is very similar to that of the white settlers through that section of country. There is one good sized brick building, which was erected by the natives, in company with white mechanics, and it is finished in a workmanlike manner. Their farms may be estimated from 200 acres down to small lots, and every man is expected to earn his living by industry, and a failure is considered disreputable. The most respectable of the natives dress and

clinic couches, not unlike our modern sofas, richly ornamented with silver. The reception room looks into a garden with a beautiful fountain adorned with numerous mosaics and a small statue of Silenus; the basin is surrounded with the most exquisite sculptures in marble. Adjoining the dwelling is another four-wheeled carriage, with iron wheels and many bronze ornaments. In the kitchen also, are many ornaments and utensils of bronze, and the traces

may be, and actually is, an honest diversity of sentiment. More than fifty years have elapsed since this subject, in one of its aspects, was presented in a forcible and argumentative appeal to the British public. Abstinence from the use of West India sugar and rum, was urged as an effectual method of checking the importation of African slaves; and many of the inhabitants of the

of smoke are visible in many places, after the lapse of 18 centuries. The apartments of the dwelling house contained numerous elegant utensils of gold and silver, vases, candelabra, bronze coins, several cases of surgical instruments, &c. What is extremely rare is, that there is a second and even a third story, which are ascended by a wide flight of stairs. On a small painting near the staircase is the name and rank of the owner, in scarcely legible characters; from which it appears that he was one of the Decurii or Senators of Pompeii. All the walls and the rooms are ornamented with comic and tragic paintings, one of which represents a young girl with a mask and a flageolet. Hence the house has received the name of casa della Sonatrice, or casa dell' Ercole ubbriaco. This is the most recent excavation in Pompeii.victions, he is yet anxious to invite the readers of -Literary Gazette.



In the present number the reader will find some interesting notices of a voyage, accomplished more than sixty years ago, on a mission of love, by several valuable ministers of the gospel, most of whom are still vividly remembered by no inconsiderable number among us. This narrative furnishes an impressive admonition to those who are engaging in any important undertaking, more particularly of a religious nature, to regard with attention those gentle intimations of the Divine will which are often afforded to them. About thirty years have passed away since the Friend--an inhabitant of Philadelphia—whose name is placed at the head of the article in question, was removed from works to rewards; and we understand that a considerable amount of instructive and interesting matter is contained in her manuscripts. It is to be hoped that the reasons, whatever they may be, for withholding them from the public eye, may be removed at no distant day. From her well-known character for wisdom and religious experience, we should be led to expect a large share of instruction from the labours of her pen.

We give place to an address from an association on the other side of the Atlantic, in relation to a subject which appears to be attracting, more forcibly than at any former period, the attention of philanthropists there. In this association, it is well known that a number of valuable Friends have taken a conspicuous part. The abstinence from the produce of slave-labour which it advocates, presents a question on which we freely admit there

island were convinced of the correctness of the sentiments advanced, and reduced to practice the abstinence proposed.

Although the Editor is far from desiring to urge, with a dictatorial spirit, the sentiments which he has long entertained on this interesting question, but freely allows to others the right of judging and acting according to their own conscientious con

the Review to a careful and candid examination of the subject. There are probably none of those readers who are not decided opponents of the slave-trade and slavery; and perhaps none of them need be informed what is the basis on which the whole system rests. In illustration of the question the subsequent fact may be subjoined.

During the administration of the elder Adams, some difficulties with the French government led to an expectation of war, in consequence of which an increase of the navy was decided upon. A ship of war being built at Philadelphia, a Friend, a blacksmith by trade, was engaged to furnish the iron work; but he did nothing towards fitting up

the guns.
The case was brought before the
Monthly Meeting, and the man having a fair cha-
racter in other respects, Friends were rather un-
willing to proceed against him. Some of them
appeared disposed to extenuate, if not excuse, his
conduct, because he had done nothing about the
guns. But one Friend, a young disciplinarian, re-
marked that the whole must be regarded as an

aggregate thing; for the guns upon the ocean with

out the planks, would do no more harm than the planks without the guns.

We are permitted to quote the following passage from a letter recently received from a valued Friend in England, who is well and favourably known to many of our readers:

"Our crops, including potatoes, have been good, Our poor, consequently, have food at moderate prices, though Ireland seems to be still in a conof the Statesman and exertions of the Philanthrodition which almost equally overcomes the wisdom pist. Our country, which in some of its wide spread relations has generally been wielding the sword, is now, so far as I know, at peace with all the world. such an unspeakable blessing. It gives more opLong may we have thankfully to acknowledge portunity, I think, to look upon war at a distance in

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