Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

they ignorantly worshipped; as likewise the site of Plato's academy; but there appears to have remained little of the philosophy of Plato, or the religion of Paul. The general condition of knowledge and of morals among the Greeks was found to be deplorably low. Their state of cruel subjection had induced habits of duplicity and falsehood to a lamentable degree. This, William Allen justly considered as an evidence of the necessity and importance of the work which they were labouring to promote; a system of general education, conducted on rational and Christian principles.

From Greece, William Allen proceeded, by way of Malta, anciently Melita, the island where Paul was shipwrecked, Rome, Florence, Milan, Geneva and Paris, and arrived safely at home near the end of 2d month, 1820, after an absence of eighteen months.

tention to foreign languages appears a singular engagement for a man of fifty, overloaded with other concerns. But we may readily conceive that the interest which he felt in the religious advancement of the people whom he had recently visited, may have suggested an apprehension that he might find it his duty to travel through those countries again; and the experience already attained could not fail to impress the importance of acquiring sufficient knowledge of their languages to dispense with the assistance of an interpreter.

(To be continued.)

For Friends' Review.


Permit me to offer a few remarks in reply to those of your correspondent T., and here, as far On meeting his brother and only child, who as I am concerned, the discussion ends. He came to Rochester to meet him, he remarks:- does not claim any experience, derived from per"Our hearts were filled with humble gratitude, sonal observation, in the question at issue; my and with the blessed Saviour's peace; my mind own, I grant, has been very limited, but, as far was bowed in thankfulness to the Father of as it goes, I will state it. I have seen the ether mercies, who had so signally supported and pre-administered on twenty different occasions, inserved me in this arduous engagement, and was restoring me to all that was dearest to me in life. I surrendered up all into His hands, and he has returned it to me again with interest."

Before returning to his own residence, he proceeded to Dalston, the dwelling of his aged mother, who was in a feeble state, but as well as could be expected. She was contrited in humble gratitude, and offered up thanks to the Almighty Preserver.

Though William Allen, during this long journey, was frequently engaged in the ministry, he remained under the appointment of elder; but soon after his return, he was released from that station, and regularly acknowledged as an approved minister. This appears to have brought a fresh concern upon him, that in this capacity he might be preserved from bringing reproach on the great cause which he was called to advocate. During the remainder of the year 1820, we find the subject of this review proceeding, with his accustomed assiduity, in the performance of his various duties, civil, philanthropic and religious. In company with his friend, Stephen Grellet, he attended the Half-Year's Meeting for Wales, the Yearly Meeting at Dublin, and a number of meetings in England. The subject of capital punishment and the education of the poor still occupied his attention. The acquaintances which he had formed in his late visit to the continent, and the Ionian isles, and the wide field which he saw opened there for the labours of philanthropists, necessarily engaged him in an extensive and interesting correspondence.Yet he found time to resume the lectures at Guy's Hospital, to take lessons in the Russian language, and to devote an hour and a half before breakfast to German and French. This at

cluding four times in which I inhaled it myself; and yet no symptom has occurred that would for a moment deter me from taking it again, or administering it to others, with ordinary precautions. The symptoms, in all these cases, were varied according to the duration of the process. In most instances sleep was induced, which lasted from five minutes to half an hour, (seldom so long as the latter period,) from which the patient awoke without further discomfort than slight nausea, or headache, or both, but mostly without either. There was no distortion of the face, no expression of distress, no appearance that would not have resulted from a sound sleep, with or without an anodyne. In several instances (my own among the rest) perfect consciousness remained, and yet the relief from pain was most surprising. When sleep eventually followed, it differed in no perceptible respect from the ordinary conditions of that state. One fact is particularly curious in a physiological point of view. I was present when Dr. John McClellan was performing a protracted operation, which, under ordinary circumstances, would have been acutely painful. The patient, who was a refined and educated person, though entirely insensible to pain, repeatedly requested that a fly that lit upon his skin should be brushed off, as it gave him much annoyance.

T. quotes from the Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal, a dramatic and almost tragical account of the effects of etherization in an individual of that city. It is to be remembered, however, that the prejudices of some Edinburgh surgeons were early enlisted against the ether; but further experience, with a more complete apparatus for inhalation, has caused some of them, at least, to change their minds; for Pro

fessors Syme and Simpson and Dr. Duncan are | ration he was rapidly recovering, without a sinnow employing the ether with great success.- gle unpleasant symptom. Dr. Ranking, in his last Half Yearly Abstract, (the first six months of the present year,) states that he has noted "upwards of one hundred cases in which the inhalation had been followed by the most perfect success; and these cases occurred in London and Edinburgh."

"Dr. Ranking also quotes a table of M. Bourguieres, a French writer, of two hundred and eleven operations performed in the French Hospitals, in which ether had been administered; and, according to this author, the comparative mortality of the different classes of operations, with and without ether, shows a gain in favour of those where the ether has been used."+

These results are strictly statistical, and published by authority, with all the necessary details.

The same surgeon, at nearly the same time and place, removed a large tumour of the mammary gland, while the patient was under the effects of ether, and the results have in all respects proved as satisfactory as in the preceding instances. We have been permitted to refer to these cases, in advance of their publication in a medical journal, because they embody strong additional evidence in favour of the ether.

Now, as respects the unfavourable results of ether in isolated cases, let us ask what active medicine could sustain itself, if judged by its exceptions? Where, for example, would opium have been at this time? I have seen persons killed by opium; others deranged and demoralised by its use. I have seen a child die from the effects of laudanum applied over the stomach The first employment of ether in Vienna oc- by a nurse to allay pain; I have seen persons casioned apprehensions of its safety, and Dr. to whom, in the smallest doses, it was a poison; Schuh, one of the first surgeons of that city, af- and one instance in which the mere application ter several trials, abandoned it. His mode of of it to the temples produced speedy nausea and administration, however, was probably faulty; vomiting. Nay, more, have we not known opium for the subsequent experience of the other sur- to demoralise a nation of people, and involve geons of that city has been altogether favourable that nation in a sanguinary war with a Euto the ether; several hundred cases have been ropean power? Witness the recent conflict beoperated on, and Dr. Schuh has himself resumed tween China and Great Britain-the opium war. its use. Again, Dr. Gibson, the distinguished If the moral of the question is to be discussed, Professor of Surgery in the University of Penn- let it be done, in respect to ether, with candour sylvania, has recently returned from a profes- and justice; and I think the letheon will be as sional visit to Europe, and stated, in my hearing, likely to retain its place in public and professionthat he had seen several hundred operations on al estimation, as any agent of its class in the etherized patients, and that they were uniform-materia medica. ly successful.

As to the success of the practice in this country, it is only necessary to turn to the pages of any unbiassed medical journal, or to inquire of any surgeon, or physician, or dentist, who has given practical attention to it, to obtain ample evidence in its favour. The experience of Drs. Gibson, Horner, Mütter and Pancoast, is already before the public; and to these names we may add that of Dr. John M'Clellan, who has employed the ether on many occasions with the most gratifying results. He was lately called to visit, in Luzerne county, in this state, a boy of nine years of age, who, for seven years of his life, had been a martyr to calculus. Dr. M. provided himself with one of Ropers' inhalers, and a bottle of rectified ether; he performed the operation of lithotomy, by what surgeons call the lateral method; and although the operation, (owing to the enormous size of the calculus, which nearly filled the containing organ, and had to be removed in fragments,) lasted thirty minutes, the patient neither felt nor expressed any sensations of pain at the time, nor has he since suffered any constitutional shock. Eighteen days after the ope

I quote these and some other statements from an able Report made by Dr. Isaac Parrish, of this city, to the Philadelphia College of Physicians, November 2, † Ibid. + Ibid.



From the Spirit and Manners of the Age.


On the evening of one thirty-first of December, I had been cherishing the humiliating and solemn reflections which are peculiarly suitable to the close of the year, and endeavouring to bring my mind to that view of the past, best calculated to influence the future. I had attempted to recall the prominent incidents of the twelve months which had elapsed; and in this endeavour I was led frequently to regret how little my memory could retain even of that which was most important to be remembered. I could not avoid, at such a period, looking forwards as well as backwards, and anticipating that fearful tribunal at which no occurrence shall be forgotten;whilst my imagination penetrated into the distant destinies which shall be dependant on its decisions. At my usual hour I retired to rest, but the train of meditation I had pursued was so important and appropriate, that imagination continued it after sense had slumbered. "In thoughts from the visions of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon man," I was mentally concerned in the following scene of interest.

I imagined myself still adding, link after link, to the chain of reflection, the progress of which the time for repose had interrupted; and whilst

thus engaged I was aware that there remained | me." I was conscience stricken. In another but a few moments to complete the day. I part of the record, I read the title "Duties Perheard the clock as it tolled the knell of another year, and as it rung slowly the appointed number, each note was followed by a sting of conscience, bitterly reproaching me for my neglect of precious time. The last stroke was ringing in my ears-painful as the groan announcing the departure of a valuable friend-when, notwithstanding the meditative posture in which I was sitting, I perceived that the dimness of the apartment suddenly became brighter; and on lifting my eyes to discover the cause, I was terrified at discovering that another being was with me in my seclusion. I saw one before me whose form indeed was human; but the dazzling splendor that beamed forth from every part of his beautifully proportioned form, convinced me at a glance, that it was no mortal being that I saw. Under one arm he bore two volumes; in his hand he held a pen. I instantly knew the recording angel. With a trembling which convulsed my frame, I heard his voice. "Mortal," he said, "thou wast longing to recall the events of the past year-thou art permitted to gaze upon the record of this book. Peruse and be wise." As he spoke thus, he opened before me one of the volumes which he had brought.

In fearful apprehension, I read in it my own name, and recognized the history of my own life during the past year, with all its minutest particulars. Burning words were those which that volume contained: all the actions and circumstances of my life were registered in that dreadful book, each under its respective head. I was first struck with the title of " Mercies received." Some were there, the remembrance of which I had retained-more which were recalled, after having been forgotten-but the far greater number had never been noticed at all. Oh! what a detail of preservations, and deliverances, and invitations and warnings, and privileges, and bestowments! In observing the recapitulation, I could not but be struck with one circumstance-it was, that many dispensations which I had considered as calamities, were enumerated here as blessings. Many a wo which had riven the heart-many a cup whose bitterness seemed to designate it as poison, was there verifying the language of the poet:

"E'en crosses from his sovereign hand, are blessings in disguise."

Another catalogue was there-it was the enumeration of "Transgressions." My hand trembles as I remember them! What an immense variety of classes! My supernatural visitant here addressed me-"Dost thou observe how small a proportion thy sins of commission bear to those of omission?' As he spoke he pointed me to instances in the page like the following: "I was hungry and thou gavest me no meat"-"I was thirsty and thou gavest me no drink"-"I was sick and thou didst not visit

formed." Alas! how small was their number!
Humble as I had been accustomed to think the
estimate of my good works, I was greatly disap-
pointed to perceive that many performances on
which I had looked with pride, were omitted,
" because," my visitor informed me, "the mo-
tive was impure." It was, however, with feel-
ings of the most affecting gratification, I read be-
neath this record, small as it was, the following
passage: "Whosoever shall give a cup of cold
water only in the name of a disciple, he shall in
no wise lose his reward." Whilst I gazed on
many other similar records, such was the intense
feeling which seemed to be awakened within me,
that my brain grew dizzy, and my eye became
dim. I was awakened from this state by the
touch of my supernatural instructor, who pointed
me to the volume in which I had read my own
terrible history, now closed, and bearing a seal,
on which I read the inscription: "Reserved un-
til the day of judgment." "And now," said
the angel, "my commission is completed."-
Thou hast been permitted what was never grant-
ed to man before. What thinkest thou of the
record? Dost thou not justly tremble? How
many a line is here, which, 'dying, thou couldst
wish to blot?' I see thee already shuddering
at the thought of the disclosure of this volume
at the day of judgment, when an assembled world
shall listen to its contents. But if such be the
record of one year, what must be the guilt of thy
whole life? Seek, then, an interest in the blood
of Christ, justified by which, thou shalt indeed
hear, but not to condemnation. Pray, that when
the other books are opened, thy name may be
found in the book of life. And see, the volume
prepared for the history of another year: yet
its page is unsullied. Time is before thee-seek
to improve it; privileges are before thee-may
they prove the gate of heaven! Judgment is
before thee-prepare to meet thy God." He
turned to depart, and as I seemed to hear the
rustling which announced his flight, I awoke.
Was it all a dream?

"Whatever passes as a cloud between
The mental eye of faith and things unseen,
Causing that brighter world to disappear,
Or seem less lovely, or its hope less dear;
This is our world, our idol, though it bear
Affection's impress, or devotion's air."

EMBALMING THE DEAD.-The practice of embalming the bodies of the dead, so prevalent among the ancient Egyptians, arose more from necessity than choice, and, like many other customs of the land, may have been identified by the priests with the national religion, in order to ensure its continuance. The rites of sepulture in Egypt, grew out of circumstances, according to Champollion, peculiar to that country. The scarcity of fuel precluded the use of the funeral

pile; and the sands of the desert afforded no pro- | the churches in America, but thy husband has tection from outrage by wild beasts-while the regular inundations of the valley forbade it to be used as a charnel house, under penalty of pestilence to the living. Hence grew the use of antiseptic substances, in which the nation became so skilled as to render the bodies of their dead inaccessible to the ordinary process of decay.Frost's Pictorial History of the World.


In the year 1694, Peter Gardner, a Friend who lived in Essex, had a concern to visit Friends in Scotland; but being in low circumstances, and having a wife and several children, was under discouragement about it. The Lord in mercy condescended to remove his doubts, by letting him know he would be with him; and though he had no horse to ride, and was but a weakly man, yet he would give him strength to perform the journey, and sustain him so that he should not want what was sufficient. Having faith, with innocent weight he laid his concern before the Monthly Meeting to which he belonged: they highly esteemed his gift, and had full unity with his concern; and proposed procuring him a horse for his journey. But he said, "Nay: my Master has promised to give me hind's feet." He accordingly went on his journey along the east side of the nation, through Norfolk, Lincolnshire, and Yorkshire; and coming to a week-day meeting at Bridlington, where John Richardson then dwelt, he lodged at his house. In the evening, the doors being shut, he said to John, pointing his finger in a particular direction, "Is there any Friend lives that way?" John told him he pointed towards the sea which was not far from thence. He said he believed he must go and see somebody that way in the morning. John asked him if he should go with him; he said he believed it would not be best; and so went to bed. In the morning, after John had walked over his grounds, and done his usual business, he came in, and inquired after Peter. His wife said she had not seen him, and believed he was not risen. John went up into his chamber, and finding him not there, came down, and in a pleasant way said to his wife, "there is the nest, but the bird is flown." Soon after, came in Peter. He had risen before the sun, and went to the village, by no other direction than that internal intelligence he immediately received; and, at sun-rising, beheld a Friend leaning on a post at his own door, in a pensive and solitary mood. Peter went to him, and asked him after his welfare, and if he had any family; he said he had a wife, confined to her bed with a dangerous illness, and invited him to see her; to this he replied, "For that end am I come." He went up stairs, and sitting down retiredly by her side, in an awful and solemn manner, said "thou hast long had a concern on thy mind to visit

hindered thee;" and told her the will and resignation of her mind was accepted for the deed, and she was excused from the journey which was before her; and should die in peace with God and man. Then addressiug her husband, he said, "thy wife had a concern to visit the churches in another country beyond the sea, but thou wouldst not give her leave; so, she shall be taken from thee;" and, repeating part of what he had said to her, added, "thy wife will be happy: but the Lord will blast both thee and thine; for behold the Lord's hand is against thee, and thou shalt be reduced to want thy bread." This message was not received in that love in which it was delivered; but in heat and passion, he came after Peter; and calling in great haste, as he sat on horseback, at John Richardson's door, seemed very angry with John, and asked what man and message he had sent to him. "As to message," said John, "I know nothing of it; but as to the man, I may tell thee, he is a man of God, and whatever he has said to thee, be it upon thee. Therefore be still, and weigh the matter; for I knew not of his going to thy house, but thought he was in bed, and did not inform him about thee nor thy wife.” At which he went away in great haste.

So Peter pursued his journey towards Scotland, John Richardson and another Friend going with him to Scarborough on horseback-for he would not let them go on foot with him. He kept before them full as fast as they chose to ride: and when they had got about half way, he gained ground upon them. John was filled with admiration, for he seemed to go with more slight and ease, he thought, than ever he had seen any man before. And riding fast to overtake him, and going over a field for a nearer cut, he appeared to be surrounded by glory, and his feet seemed not to touch the ground. When he overtook him, John said, "thou dost travel very fast:" Peter replied, "my Master told me before I left home, that he would give me hind's feet; and he hath performed his promise to me." When they came in sight of Scarborough, he said, "do take me to some Friend's house-a Friend's indeed, for I am greatly distressed." "I will have thee to a house where I lodge, and have spent many hours with pleasure; and if thou art not easy there, I will go until we find a place, if it may be." And just as they entered the door, they heard some one go up stairs; and anon, the woman Friend coming down, with a neighbour of hers, invited them to sit down. In a little while, Peter appeared very uneasy; which John perceiving, asked how it was with him; he said, "I cannot stay in this house: here is light and darkness, good and bad." The woman, after she had got them some refreshment, came and asked John, "who hast thou brought here?" "A man of God," he replied. Whereupon they went away.

Having a meeting at Scarborough the next day, John Richardson stayed with him, and said he had good service. He also went with him to several Friends' houses there; and he frequently spoke his sense of the state of the families but as they were near entering one house, Peter stopped, and said, "my master is not there -I will not go in :" so they turned away. Being about to part, he queried with John if the small pox was in any town on his way. John replied, "why? Peter, what hast thou to do with that?” He answered, "I am satisfied I shall die of that distemper; and my Master told me to make speed in this visit, for I had but a short time to do it in ;" repeating his promise of giving him hind's feet. John felt himself much affected; and, considering his mean appearance, asked how he was prepared for money, telling him his journey was long, it being expensive travelling in Scotland, Friends being so thin. Peter answered, "I have enough: my master told me I should not want; and now a bit of bread, and some water from a brook, refresh me as much as a set meal at a table." But John insisted to see how much money he had: it was but two half-crowns. He felt an immediate impulse to tender him some money; and, putting his hand into his pocket, took out a number of small pieces, which Peter modestly refused, saying he doubted not his Master's provision. John forced him to take it; telling him it was as free to him as his own; for so the Lord had put it into his heart. Thus they parted.

about the seventh day. He was quite sensible to the last; and in a remarkable manner was given to know the inward states of those that came to see him. And further, the money which John Richardson had handed to him, actually lasted out so as to defray the expenses of his interment and other charges incurred there.— Diary of Alexander Jaffray.


One of the first objects which attracted our notice on arriving at Ani Jidy, was a tree with singular fruit; which, without knowing at the moment whether it had been observed by former travellers or not, instantly suggested to our minds the far-famed fruits "Which grew

Near that bituminous lake where Sodom stood." This was the Osher of the Arabs, the Asclepias gigantea vel procera of botanists, which is found in abundance in Upper Egypt and Nubia, and also in Arabia Felix; but seems to be confined in Palestine to the borders of the Dead Sea. We saw it only at Ani Jidy; Hasselquist found it in the desert between Jericho and the northern shore; and Irby and Mangles met with it of a large size at the south end of the sea, and on the isthmus of the peninsula. We saw here several trees of the kind, the trunks of which were six or eight inches in diameter; and the whole height from ten to fifteen feet. It has a grayish cork-like bark, with long oval leaves; and in its general appearance and character, it might be taken for a gigantic perennial species of the milk-weed or silk-weed, found in the northern parts of the American States. Its leaves and flowers are very similar to those of the latter plant; and when broken off, it in like manner discharges copiously a milky fluid. The fruit greatly resembles externally a large smooth apple or orange, hanging in clusters of three or four together, and when ripe is of a yellow colour. It was now fair and delicious to the eye, and soft to the touch; but, on being pressed or struck, it explodes with a puff-ball, leaving in the hand only the shreds of the thin rind and a few fibres. It is, indeed, filled chiefly with air, like a bladder, which gives it the round form; while in the centre a small slender pod runs through it John Richardson further related, that after from the stem, and is connected by thin filasome time, he heard that Peter Gardner had died ments with the rind. The pod contains a small in Cumberland, on his return from Scotland; quantity of fine silk with seeds: precisely like and being attached to him in near affection, the pod of the silk weed, though very much went to inquire how he ended. John Bowstead, smaller-being, indeed, scarcely the tenth part as a Friend near Carlisle, gave account that Peter large. The Arabs collect the silk and twist it had been through Scotland, and came to Carlisle; into matches for their guns, preferring it to the the small-pox being there, he took the infection common match because it requires no sulphur to very suddenly, and lay ill with it. So John render it combustible. The most definite acBowstead went just as the pock was coming out count we have of the apples of Sodom, so called, upon him, and took him to his own house; is in Josephus, who, as a native of the country, they did not come out kindly, but swelled him is a better authority than Tacitus or other foreign very much, so that he was blind, and died writers. After speaking of the conflagration of

In about two weeks after, the man's wife, before mentioned, died, as Peter had foretold. At that time, the same man had three ships at sea; his son was master of one, his second son was on board another; and, in their voyages, they were all wrecked or foundered, and their cargoes chiefly lost; his two sons and several of the hands being drowned. So that, from considerable affluence, he was soon after reduced so low as to be maintained by Friends, though he had been in good circumstances, if not very rich, before those unexpected losses, at sea and land, in houses and children had befallen him. The woman, at whose house Peter was so uneasy at Scarborough, had put her husband to bed in a state of intoxication; which John Richardson had not known him guilty of before.

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