Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

the plain, and the yet remaining tokens of the divine fire, he remarks that there are still to be seen ashes reproduced in the fruits; which, indeed, resemble edible fruits in colour, but on being plucked with the hands are dissolved into smoke and ashes.". In this account, after a due allowance for the marvellous in all popular reports, I find nothing which does not apply almost literally to the fruit of the Osher, as we saw it. It must be plucked and handled with great care, in order to preserve it from bursting. We attempted to carry some of the boughs and fruit with us to Jerusalem, but without success.Hasselquist finds the apples of Sodom in the fruit of the Solanum melongena, (night shade, mad apple,) which we saw in great abundance at Ani Jidy, and in the plain of Jericho. These apples are much smaller than those of the Osher, and when ripe, are full of small black grains. There is, however, nothing like explosion-nothing like smoke and ashes;' except, occasionally, as the same naturalist remarks, "when the fruit is punctured by an insect (Tenthredo) which converts the whole of the inside into dust, leaving nothing but the rind entire, without any loss of colour." We saw the Solonum and the Osher growing side by side; the former presenting nothing remarkable in its appearance, and being found in other parts of the country; while the latter immediately arrested our attention by its singular accordance with the ancient story, and is moreover peculiar in Palestine to the shores of the Dead Sea.-Robinson and Smith's Travels in Palestine.



In the present number we have the life of Wm. Allen brought down to the period in his active and eventful career, when he took his place among the acknowledged ministers of the religious society to which he belonged. His travels in the service of the gospel had hitherto been performed as a companion to others who were engaged to visit the churches, but in his new situation, the order of society presented no obstruction to his engaging in such services, with the approbation of his friends, on his own responsibility.

In our estimate of his labours during the portion of his life which has passed under review, we may be liable, upon observing the readiness and energy with which he engaged in almost every plan which presented for relieving the distress or increasing the comforts of our race, to consider him as a man constitutionally sensitive to the sufferings of others; acting upon the impulse of a benevolent feeling, rather than from apprehension of religious duty.

| That he possessed, in the structure of his mind, a sensibility highly favourable to the development of philanthropic feelings, and an energy of purpose which no ordinary difficulties could paralyze, may be readily admitted. But a careful inspection of his diary can hardly fail to impress the conviction that his active exertions in his various works of benevolence were stimulated and supported by religious considerations.

Whether he was labouring to feed the starving population of Spitalfields, to arrest the career of the African slave-trade, to shield the victims of negligence and poverty from the punishments awarded by the Draconic laws of his country, to enlighten the understandings of the students at erful in his own and in foreign countries, to extend Guy's Hospital, to encourage the wealthy and powthe benefits of a Christian education to the children of the poor, or to diffuse among his varied acquaintances a knowledge of the doctrines and principles in which he most certainly believed, we still ǹnd him humbly seeking to the exhaustless Fountain of life and love, for wisdom and strength. The New Testament appears to have been his daily companion; and in the midst of his multifarious engagements he found and embraced frequent opportunities for silent retirement, and waiting upon God for the renewal of spiritual strength.

So far, indeed, were his philanthropic labours from absorbing his attention to the exclusion of secret and silent introversion of mind, that they were evidently invigorated and refined by the deep felt solicitude for the present and everlasting welfare of the whole human race, which an experimental acquaintance with the overshadowing of the Father's love alone can produce. If, indeed, we examine the characters of those who, in any age or situation in life, have been conspicuous for their labours to improve the physical, moral, and religious condition of mankind, we shall find, probably, without a solitary exception, that a deep feeling of religious responsibility was the great master-spring that impelled them all.

The attention paid, at an advanced period of his day, to the languages of the continent, may be fairly attributed to his desire to facilitate the intercourse which his religious and philanthropic labours required to be maintained. Long before his day the Yearly Meeting of London had endeavoured to promote the study of those languages among its members, as appears by the following extract from an epistle issued in 1737:

"It has been the concern of this meeting, from the relation given of truth's spreading in foreign the prosperity of truth at heart, would, in the educountries, that Friends who are of ability, and have cation of their children, take care, as suitable opportunities and occasions may offer, to let them

be instructed in some modern tongues, as French, | beginning of the sidereal day at that place, the High and Low Dutch, Danish, &c., that so when passage of the same star over the meridian of any they are grown up, they may reap the benefit other place will be the beginning of the sidereal thereof; and as it shall please the Lord to dispose and incline them, may be of service to the church." day at the latter. From this it evidently follows that when it is 12 o'clock sidereal time, under a given meridian, it is 11, under the meridian 15 degrees to the west, and 1, under that which is 15 to the east.

MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH.-By recent accounts it appears that this new species of communication has been extended to St. Louis. There is therefore a line from Boston to the banks of the Mississippi, through which intelligence can be transmitted with the velocity of lightning. One of the interesting results of this brilliant discovery, is a facility hitherto unknown, with which the relative longitude of places connected by telegraph may be determined.

The discovery of an easy, practical and accurate method of determining the longitude at sea has long been an object of pursuit with men of science. Large rewards have been offered by the British government for the best method of accomplishing this object. The means generally used are lunar observations and accurate chronometers.

To determine the longitude of a place either on the ocean or the land by chronometers, requires that the instrument used should be transported from the place with which the comparison is to be made, to that whose longitude is required. The accuracy of the result will depend upon the correctness of the time-keeper, during the transportation. The method by lunar observation requires considerable care and skill in the application of instruments, as well as no inconsiderable labour in making calculations.

Whatever method may be used, the real difficulty to be surmounted is to determine the exact time of day, at the same instant, under the meridians whose longitudes are to be compared. This is more conveniently done in the case before us, by using sidereal time. As the earth revolves on its axis with uniform velocity, the interval between two successive passages of a fixed star over any given meridian of the earth is always the same This interval is termed a sidereal day; and is nearly equal to 23 hours, 56 minutes, 4 seconds of solar time. Dividing the sidereal day into hours, minutes and seconds, in the same manner as the solar day is divided, it is clear that the globe will perform one-twenty-fourth part of its diurnal rotation in a sidereal hour. Hence two meridians of the earth which intercept an arc of 15 degrees on the equator, must pass the same fixed star at the interval of one sidereal hour; the western meridian passing it last, because the rotation is from

west to east.

If, then, we take the passage of a given fixed star over the meridian of a place on the earth as the

Suppose now a clock at Boston and another at St. Louis to be accurately adjusted to sidereal time; and that by some means an observer should be enabled to examine them at the same instant of time, the difference of the hours which they indicate reduced into degrees, at the rate of 15 to an hour, or 1 degree to 4 minutes of time, would represent the difference of longitude. This is in effect what the telegraph accomplishes. Conceive an observer, B, at Boston, and another, L, at St. Louis, ready to answer the signals of each other. When B observes that his clock indicates 12, he gives the signal, which is immediately transmitted by the telegraph to L, who notes the time at St. Louis, which we suppose to be 10 hours, 45 minutes, 48 seconds. The difference, 1 hour, 14 minutes, 12 seconds, reduced into degrees, as. above, would show that St. Louis was 18° 33 minutes westward from Boston. Some small corrections would no doubt be required in practice, but by reversing the order of the observations, and repeating the trials a sufficient number of times, the errors could be very nearly compensated. This method cannot be applied to navigation, in the present state of our knowledge, but it promises to furnish a means of introducing greater accuracy than has been hitherto attained, in fixing the relative position of places on land.

DIED,-At Weare, New Hampshire, on the 12th of 11th month last, ENOCH BREED, in the 82d year of his age, a faithful elder in the church, having, through a long life, sustained the character of a consistent Friend and an honest man.

month last, LYDIA BREED, wife of the above-named at the same place, on the 23d of 4th Enoch Breed, in the 72d year of her age. In the decease of this dear Friend, the Church and the community at large, have sustained a heavy loss. She possessed a clear and discriminating mind; and having, in early life, yielded to the sanctifying influences of the Holy Spirit, she became instrumental for good to many. It pleased the Head of the Church to dispense to her a gift in the ministry, which she sweetly and faithfully occupied. Her public communications of this nature were generally concise, but full of instruction, and uttered in demonstration of the spirit and of power. She was deeply concerned for the support of right order and wholesome discipline; and with her discriminating mind, under the influence of divine grace, she was able to detect and expose error. But while she stood with unflinching firmness for the truth, she

ever remembered the frailties to which all are subject, and was always ready to exercise that charity which hopeth all things. For many years, with her husband, she occupied the place of Superintendent in the Yearly Meeting Boarding School at Providence, which responsible station they filled acceptably to Friends. Her health, for several years previous to her decease, was feeble, but she was very diligent in the attendance of meetings, and in the discharge of many and varied duties and appointments, under much bodily debility and suffering. When in the progress of her disease, she was finally prevented from leaving her house, her friends continued to seek her counsel, which she was still enabled to impart to their great comfort and edification. To a friend, from a distance, who visited her near her close, she expressed with much clearness her prospect and the ground of her hope. She recapitulated briefly her course of life, and recounted some of the preservations which she had witnessed from her Heavenly Father; and while she could look back with a consciousness of having been in good degree engaged to discharge the duties that had devolved upon her, she felt that she was altogether an unprofitable servant, and that her acceptance wholly depended upon the mercy of God in Christ Jesus, fully realizing the Gospel truth, which she had often been concerned to proclaim to others, that not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy, he saveth us, by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost. Her

end was peace.

at Springfield, Delaware county, Pa., on the 24th of last month, SIDNEY, the wife of George Allen, in the 49th year of her age.

——, in Detroit, Maine, on Sixth day evening, the 19th of 11th month last, SARAH JENKINS, wife of Moses Jenkins, in the 49th year of her age.

-, in Winslow, Maine, on First day morning, the 19th ult., at the residence of her father, SARAH C. HOBBEY, daughter of John and Phebe Hobbey, in the 25th year of her age.

These were Friends of reputable character, and their end, we trust, was peaceful and happy.


The accurate measurement of a portion of the earth's surface involves so many points of high scientific and commercial interest, that the labours undertaken to effect the object may be regarded as among the greatest triumphs of philosophy. Such measurements were made at an early period by the Greeks, and have been repeated subsequently, as the necessity for greater accuracy became apparent. An almost incredible amount of labour and difficulty has been encountered in performing the operations, arising from various causes. From the confines of the polar circle to the equator, nearly every nation has contributed its share to this important work, of which the ordnance survey now carried on in England may be looked upon as a necessary consequence; there are few governments which have not had a desire to know the precise position and configuration of the country over which they ruled.

It will be seen that the ignorance and jealousies of mankind often cause as much annoyance to peaceful philosophers as to real enemies. On the cessation of hostilities between France and England, in 1783, a proposition was made, through the French ambassador, to the government of the latter country, for a joint survey to determine the exact distance between the observatories of Greenwich and Paris; the proposition was favourably received, and the measurement of the portion of the line between Greenwich and Dover intrusted to General Roy, who had already been employed in similar labours. In a survey of this nature, the distance is measured by a continuous series of triangles, commencing from one base line, which must be determined with the greatest possible precision. General Roy's base line, more than 27,000 feet in length, was measured on Hounslow Heath, near London; its correctness was insured by the employment of three several kinds of measures a steel chain, and wooden and glass rods, all constructed by the celebrated Ramsden: this preliminary operation occupied from line thus laid down, the measurement was carApril to August of the year 1784; and from the ried on to Dover, when three members of the French Academy were sent over to confer with the English savans, and to decide on the points of land on which the signal-lights should be fixed, by which the measurement was continued across the Channel. The large folio in which all these proceedings are detailed, attests the diligence and zeal with which they were conducted.

In 1790, the French Academy, in consequence of a request from the National Assembly, appointed a commission to report on a new standard of weights and measures. On referring to the standards already in existence, they were found to be so imperfect, that it was recommended to measure anew an arc of the meridian, as the only means of obtaining a true standard. The extreme points chosen on this occasion were Dunkirk and Barcelona, both on the sea level; the necessary operations were commenced in 1792, but with great impediments in the turbulence of the Revolution. Mechain, to whom the southern end of the line had been assigned, was arrested while making his observations at the base of the Pyrenees, as a traitor conveying signals to the enemy; and was afterwards imprisoned for nearly a year in Spain, as it was feared that the local knowledge he had obtained might be employed in favour of the French arms. Delambert, his coadjutor, who surveyed in the interior of France, was exposed to still greater risks; he was beset by mobs, his observatories and signal-posts were thrown down and destroyed, and, together with his assistants, he was frequently imprisoned. On one occasion, at St. Denis, they were only saved from the popular fury by the presence of mind of the mayor. Sometimes passports were refused them, and at

others they were compelled to leave their ob- |
servations, and give an account of themselves at
one of the numerous clubs which then existed
in every part of France. The depreciation in
value of the assignats with which they had been
supplied to pay for what they wanted, was also
a cause of great inconvenience. Besides these,
there were natural obstacles to be encountered
and overcome: in placing the signals, it was
often necessary to climb to the top of precipitous
and almost inaccessible heights, and to sleep
there without any protection from the weather.
Such, however, is the energy inspired by a
genuine love of science, that the work was at
last successfully completed by the eminent indi-
viduals engaged.

Some time afterwards, on extending this line from Spain to the Balearic Islands, the persons employed underwent severer privations. Biot and a brother philosopher were shut up for two or three months in a temporary cabin on the top of a rock in the little island of Formentera, while waiting for an opportunity to observe the signals on the heights of Ivica. Arago, who watched during a similar period from a dreary spot called the desert of Las Palmas, was afterwards taken for a spy at Majorca, and on attempting to escape disguised as a peasant, was captured, and imprisoned several months in the citadel. On regaining his liberty, the ship in which he embarked was wrecked on the coast of Africa; he then sailed for Marseilles in an Algerine vessel, which was made prize of by a Spanish corsair at the entrance of the port. The Algerine was, however, reclaimed; and sailing a second time for France, narrowly escaped destruction on the shores of Sardinia, and was ultimately driven back, with several feet water in her hold, to Algiers. In this city M. Arago lived for six months, in the garb of a Mussulman, until an opportunity offered of sailing once more for France. The convoy was met and captured by an English squadron; but in this instance fortune favoured the astronomer; the vessel in which he had embarked was the only one that escaped and arrived safely at Marseilles. When to this account we add the labours of the Swedish philosophers while measuring an arc in the dreary and frozen regions of the north, we have striking examples of what may be accomplished by perseverance; to this apparently humble virtue the greatest philosopher, as well as the humblest artisan, is indebted for success.-Chambers's Edinburgh Journal.



"There is a low vaulted chamber built over the mouth of the well, the lower part of which may have been originally the ledge that surrounded it, on which, or on a similar one of an older date, our Lord may have sat to rest when


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weary with his journey. I cannot express the
feeling of vivid reality which the sight of this
well gave to the history and the scene connected
with it. Jesus left Judea, and departed again
into Galilee: And he must needs go through
Samaria,' which lay directly between Judea
and Galilee, unless he had taken a very cir-
cuitous road, crossing and recrossing the Jordan.
As he sat on the well, faint and weary, there
cometh a woman of Samaria to draw water.'
All travellers express surprise why she should
come a mile and a half to draw water, when
there are fountains close to the town of Sychar.
I think there is every reason to suppose she did
so as a religious ceremony, similar to that prac-
tised by the Jews in Jerusalem on the great day
"When our
of the Feast of Tabernacles."
Lord had told this woman all things that ever
she did,' she perceived He was a prophet, and
immediately sought instruction from Him on the
disputed point between Jews and Samaritans as
to which was the holy place, where men ought
to worship. How striking is the reply of our
Lord, when considered in the very place where
the fulfilment of its prediction is now so mani-
fest, Woman, believe me the hour cometh
when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet
at Jerusalem, worship the Father.' He next
plainly told her with which of the contending
parties the truth then lay. Ye worship ye
know not what; we know what we worship,
for salvation is of the Jews.' To one of His
brethren according to the flesh, these words,
We know what we worship,' are peculiarly
affecting, our Lord so plainly identifying him-
self with the Jews. But how important to all
His true disciples of every nation under heaven
is the declaration that follows,- But the time
cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers
shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth;
for the Father seeketh such to worship Him;
God is a spirit, and they that worship Him
must worship Him in spirit and in truth.' As
if he said,At present "salvation is of the
Jews;" there is with them, and their institu-
tions, an arbitrary and official sanctity, appointed
by God Himself; and all who would worship
aright must be joined with them; but the hour
is at hand when this state of things shall pass
away. Now there are ordinances of divine
service, and a worldly sanctuary,' because the
way into the holiest of all is not yet made mani-
fest;' now there are priests that offer gifts ac-
cording to the law, who serve unto the example
and shadow of heavenly things;' but when the
'one sacrifice' has been offered, when the great
reality has come, all these shadows shall vanish,
shall cease,
official sanctity of place and person
and nothing shall henceforward be accounted as
worship, save the homage of the heart,—the
worship of God in spirit and in truth.' More
than eighteen centuries have elapsed since this
declaration, [John iv. 21-24,] and yet we find

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in the Christian church, instead of a universal | day, men should be disposed to say, when testimony that it is the Spirit alone that quickeneth, the flesh profiteth nothing, a cleaving to outward rites and ceremonies, as if these were still the appointed channels through which the Spirit is conveyed! A large portion of the professing Church of Christ seem still in the condition of the Samaritan woman, obliged to go to the well of Jacob to draw water, instead of possessing in themselves a well of water springing up unto everlasting life.' If I am still to be dependent on a priest, either for the commencement or sustenance of spiritual life, I see little to distinguish the Christian from the Jewish dispensation; if, instead of hereditary priests of a sacred family, chosen by God Himself, I am directed to regard as officially holy, priests made by the will of man, in many cases from mere worldly motives; if I am to have priests without Urim and Thummim, and a temple without a Shechinah; instead of giving me a substance in lieu of a shadow, I am only presented with an empty mockery of a glory that has departed. The Church of Christ may still be edified by real gifts, and real sanctity; but the ritual and official are mere beggarly elements,' passed away for ever."

"Jesus went forth with his disciples over the brook Cedron, where was a garden. And Judas knew the place, for Jesus oftimes resorted thither with his disciples.' The brook Cedron, or Kidron, is now only a dry channel, through which no stream flows, except during the heavy rains of winter; but on crossing it, near the northeast corner of the city, you come to a plat of ground, enclosed with a stone wall, which has long been pointed out as the Garden of Gethsemane; and as the situation corresponds to the place described in the Gospel narrative, being near the Mount of Olives, there is little reason to doubt that in or near this spot the mysterious agony of our blessed Lord, when he offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto Him that was able to save him from death,' took place. In this enclosure are eight very old olive trees. I felt this a solemn spot; it was impossible to visit it, for the first time at least, without a lively recollection of Him who poured out his soul unto death.' I felt how natural to the human mind is the worship of the visible,-the love of relics. I could not resist pulling many twigs of those It is easy to understand how, from the time of Peter unto the present

ancient olive trees.

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deeply impressed in a particular spot, let us build a tabernacle' here; but even if experience had not shown the futility of such attempts to perpetuate the impression, I believe the principle is in itself wrong, as tending to encourage a low estimate of the degree in which God's presence may be now enjoyed. If we really believe that where two or three are gathered together in Christ's name, He is there in the midst of them, actually, though invisibly, present, we ought to feel that to us the place where He is now present in spirit is more holy than the place where he was in person many hundred years ago; and thus the upper room, the open field, or our own private chamber, where God condescends to meet with us, should be to us none other than the house of God and the gate of heaven.' I firmly believe, that if we seek to affect the mind by the aid of architecture, painting, or music, the impression produced by these adjuncts is just so much subtracted from the worship of the unseen Jehovah. If the outward eye is taken up with material splendour, or forms of external beauty, the mind's eye sees but little of Him who is invisible;' the ear that is entranced with the melody of sweet sounds, listens not to the still small voice' by which the Lord makes his presence known."

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A scene of unusual excitement was exhibited on the 22d ult., at the Menagerie of Waring & Co., in this city, in consequence of the elephant Columbus becoming enraged and ungovernable. The facts of this stirring incident, attended as it was with serious consequences to one of the parties engaged in the affair, appear to have been as follows:

The keeper, Wm. Kelly, of New York, whose acquaintance with Columbus was only short, was employed after one o'clock, in paring his feet and otherwise preparing him for exhibition in the afternoon, when the animal becoming restive, Kelly left him and procured a fork with with which to chastise him; but the sagacious animal seeing him returning with the weapon, screeched, and instantly seized him with his extended trunk and threw him twice into the air, and then left him, foaming with rage. He instantly knocked down the cages in which were a hyæna and a wolf, both of which escaped therefrom, and ran several times round the ring before they were captured and secured, which was done without any injury to the persons who performed that daring and dangerous act-the animals being dreadfully alarmed at the screeches of Columbus and his ungovernable fury. It the King of the Forest down to the most insig was truly a fearful time; for all the animals, from nificant reptiles, were struck with consternation

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