Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

any more forth-all holy praises be given to the Lord, and to the Lamb forever and ever.

"Finally, dear Friends, and brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might, and the God of peace be with you all, stablish, strengthen, settle you upon the rock of ages, in full and perfect unity with God, and one with

another."-The Friend.



The narrative, of which a part is published in the present number, relative to the martyrdom of John Huss and Jerome of Prague, beginning rather abruptly, it may be proper to remind our readers that, at the time to which this narrative applies, the professors of Christianity in general, those of the Greek church excepted, acknowledged the claim of the Roman pontiff to the character of universal Bishop and Vicar of Christ upon the earth. But this claim had been considerably shaken by the simultaneous existence of three popes, one in Italy, another in France, and a third in Spain, whence each of them pronounced the ban of excommunication against his opponent and supporters. This schism and the glaring disorders which had been introduced into the professing church, occasioned the calling of the celebrated council of Constance in 1414. It is pronounced the most numerous and brilliant assemblage of the kind that was ever convened. There were present, one of the three popes, John 23d, who had convoked the council, the patriarchs of Contantinople, Grado and Antioch, twenty-two cardinals, twenty archbishops, ninety-two bishops, one hundred and twenty-four abbots, one thousand eight hundred of the inferior clergy, numerous doctors of science and masters of arts; as likewise the graduates of the universities of Paris, Cologne, Orleans, Vienna, and others; about one thousand six hundred princes, nobles, counts and knights with their retinues. Such was the council before which the Bohemian teacher was summoned, ostensibly to answer for his doctrines, but actually to be condemned without permission to defend himself or his opinions.

The twentieth annual report of the Philadelphia House of Refuge has been recently published, from which we learn that the average number of boys in the institution during the past year was 149, and that of girls 46; the ages of the boys when admitted averaged about 14 years-the girls

• See Kohlrausch's history of Germany.

about 143. Of those discharged, 72 boys and 24 girls were indentured-nearly half the boys to farmers, and the remainder to mechanical trades. There were 145 boys, and 39 girls remaining in the house on the first day of the present year. The ing the boys' clothes, &c., and the boys in bookgirls are employed in cooking, making and mendbinding, making razor-strops, &c. The reformation of the juvenile delinquent is the great object of the House of Refuge. The salutary influences which are constantly operating upon the inmates, bringing them under wholesome restraint, and accustoming them to habits of industry, are obviously producing much good, and will doubtless be the means of reclaiming many from the paths of ruin, into which their own waywardness or the bad example of parents had introduced them. The expenses of the institution were about $15,000, during the year 1847, and the value of the boys' labour something more than $5,200. A lot of about eleven acres, in the vicinity of Girard College, has been purchased, on which a Refuge for coloured children is about to be erected; and will no doubt soon be completed.

COLOURED ORPHANS' ASYLUM, NEW YORK.-The eleventh report of the managers of this institution has been recently received at this office. In the course of the past winter the asylum was visited by measles, which, acting upon children of scrofulous habits, eventually consigned an unusual number to the grave. The condition of the Asylum reduced the managers to the necessity of excluding all applicants for admission who were not of good constitution. To close the doors against these homeless and friendless sufferers, for the very reason that rendered their condition more worthy of commiseration, was exceedingly painful to the conductors. It was, therefore, concluded to undertake the erection of an additional building to furnish the means of separating the diseased from the healthy inmates. An appeal is made to the public for pecuniary assistance in the accomplishment of this beneficent work.

As coloured children are not allowed to partake of all the assistance furnished to those of our own colour, and from the situation in which many of them are obliged to live, the orphans among them are more frequently subject to scrofulous diseases than the children of the whites, it is particularly important that provision, adequate to their necessi ties, should be made for their reception and supFort.

Amidst the variety of wretchedness which exists in such a city as New York, there is probably none more deplorable than the condition of coloured orphans. Consigned to degradation and want,

those youthful afflicted outcasts are too often left to pine in sickness in some wretched tenement, or damp and unwholesome cellar, with few or none to pity or relieve them.

instruction, by no means creditable to that principality.

In Scotland considerable interest has been excited by the question, whether others than members of the established church shall be eligible

DIED, On the 15th inst.. at his residence, Lon- to professorships in their colleges. It is supdon Grove, Chester county, Pennsylvania, WILLIAM posed that the influence of the "Free Church" BAILEY, a valuable member and minister, belong-will be sufficient to remove the restriction. ing to New Garden Monthly Meeting-aged about 80 years.

No little excitement has been occasioned by a letter from a Roman Catholic archbishop in Ireland, in which he appears to justify the priests in denouncing in their places of worship certain obnoxious individuals by name; a course which in one instance at least is said to have been fol lowed by the assassination of the proscribed LITERARY AND RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE party. The practice is defended by the example of certain "early Christian Fathers" in deThe second volume of the Memoir of Eliza-nouncing the vengeance of Heaven against perbeth Fry has been issued from the London press. secuting pagans or heretics. Private letters speak of it as a most interesting volume.

In Philadelphia, on the 25th inst., SARAH, the widow of John Cooper, in the 68th year of her age, a member of the Northern District Monthly Meeting.


the North American Review. JOHN HUSS AND JEROME OF PRAGUE. The meeting of the Council of Constance drew nigh, and Huss was summoned to appear before it.

A Memoir of that eminent minister of our religious society, David Sands, is about to appear in England. It is understood that the papers in possession of his descendants in this country have been used in the composition of the work. Great excitement has been occasioned amongst Huss was confined to his bed by sickness the members of the Established Church by the when his summons to the Council was brought nomination of Dr. Hampden to a bishopric, to him. He started up at once, threw on his his appointment being opposed by a majority clothes, seized his papers, and seemed about to of the Episcopal Bench and many others on the prepare for the journey, as if he had forgotten ground of his holding rationalistic views. That that November was yet so far off. "Do you fearful German heresy which substitutes the not see, he cried to a bystander, "that this news weak and fallible conclusions of the human in- has made me well again?" But he found his tellect upon sacred things for a Divine revela- friends at Prague in a very different frame of tion, may well excite the alarm of all sober mind. They saw slight cause, indeed, for joy thinking men. Dr. Hampden, however, denies in the exposure of a beloved friend and revered the charge; and his friends allege that his offence instructor to almost certain death. That Huss consists in tracing the phraseology of all creeds himself began by degrees, as the fever of enthu to the Scholastic Divinity-refusing to condemn siasm abated, to comprehend the full extent of any for disliking metaphysical distinctions pro- the danger, is apparent from letters written to vided they believe in Scripture truth expressed in his friends just before his departure. In one of Scripture terms, and discrediting the "Fathers" these, addressed to the Bohemians, he speaks of as expressing themselves in the philosophical his enemies in the Council as being more nulanguage of their age. An important result merous than those of Christ had been, and prays of the controversy, which is conducted with that God will enable him to face them without much warmth, may perhaps be a more thorough fear, temptation, imprisonment, and the pains of a examination of the claims of Episcopacy to be cruel death. His enemies, too, had made their a scriptural institution. An accession to the calculations of chances, and were quite content ranks of the Dissenters, it is supposed, may to leave him, without further molestation at home, grow out of this difficulty. to the tender mercies of the council. Two of Another question connected with religious the bitterest among them, Stephen Paletz and topics is the proposed repeal of the acts which Michael Causius, were to go to Constance to prevent Jews from sitting as members of Parlia-press his condemnation. The time of his dement. It is contended that the repeal is incon-parture now approached. In October, 1414, he sistent with the doctrine that Christianity is part and parcel of the law of Great Britain; while the removal of the disability is urged on the plea that all classes of tax paying subjects are entitled to be represented.

A commission to investigate the condition of education in Wales has made a report exhibiting a condition of things, both as regards morals and

took his last leave of the Bethlehem Chapel, the home of his heart, which had indeed been to him "his joy and his throne." As he left the city, he was accompanied by several of his friends. "Dear master," were Jerome's last words, "be firm; should I learn that thou hast fallen into any peril, I will fly forthwith to thy assistance." An humble artisan took leave of

him with the words,-"Very dear master John, may God be with you; I can hardly hope that you will return safe and sound." The scene reminds us of the parting between Paul and the elders of the Ephesian church. Huss, too, had reason to fear that bonds and afflictions were abiding him. He, too, had not shunned to declare unto his flock all the counsel of God, and might now say,-"None of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself." His heart-broken friends, as they fell on his neck and kissed him, like the disciples of the Apostle, sorrowed most of all that they should see his face no more.

himself to the woman of Sarepta, that received Elijah. The next day the pope was informed of his arrival, and promised him his protection, though he could not be persuaded to give it in writing. For nearly a month Huss seems to have been almost unmolested. He passed his time in writing home, and conversing with those who came to his house to hear him, and in composing a treatise or two. He prepared two sermons, which have been preserved, and are said to be of great excellence, with the intention of preaching them in public. But it would never do to allow so dangerous a man to gain popularity, and to prove to the world that he was no more a heretic than many of the doctors at the council, who gloried in their untarnished orthodoxy. His enemies from Bohemia improved the interval, and made a compilation of certain articles which they pretended to have taken from his works, and shewed busily about to such of the clergy as they happened to meet. Huss, as it seems, was not allowed to preach his sermons, and on the twenty-sixth day after his arrival was summoned to appear before the pope and cardinals. He went, attended by his friend John de Chlum. The cardinals, having

He had received from Wenceslaus a safe-conduct through his dominions, and an escort of noblemen to accompany him to Constance. One of these, John de Chlum, deserves to be held in everlasting honour for the heroic and devoted faithfulness with which, in the midst of foes, and through all manner of ill-report, he clung to his persecuted and forsaken teacher. Other friends probably went with him; for his train, an imposing procession for a poor priest, consisted of thirty horses and several carriages. On his way he was met by a safe-conduct from Sigismund, in which all the subjects of the empire were en-examined him and retired to deliberate on his joined to allow him" to pass, stop, sojourn, and return without hindrance;" a notable document, which has condemned its author to eternal fame. The journey, which occupied twentythree days, was performed on horseback, and in the most public manner. Huss, of course, was not silent, but availed himself of every opportunity to deliver addresses, in Latin or German, in the towns through which he passed. He seems to have excited the greatest curiosity and interest everywhere, especially at Nuremberg, where his reception was of the most gratifying character. Writing from this place to his congregation, he tells them that he has not met thus far with an enemy, and has been well received wherever he stopped.

When he came in sight of the towers of Constance, if we may believe our German biographer, a sudden thrill of fear came over him, which he soon repressed with the trustful exclamation-"If God is for us, who can be against us? They may make me suffer, but the doctrine which I preach is beyond their power." A week before, Pope John, as he approached the city and looked down from a ridge of the Tyrol into the valley below, had uttered the prophetic words,-"Ah, I see how it is; yonder is the pit where they catch the foxes.' The fox was indeed caught, and the heretic was made to suffer; but the weed of heresy survived the fire, and a century later was strong enough to choke the choicest flower in the papal garden. Huss and his friends took lodgings in the great square of Constance, near the pope's hotel, at the house of a widow named Fida (Faith, as Fox the Martyrologist rejoices to call her,) who is compared by Huss

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case, yielded at last to the importunity of his accusers,* and delivered him into the custody of a guard of soldiers, who had been posted at a convenient distance, and by whom he was conveyed to the house of an official of the cathedral. Here he remained for a week in confinement. In the meantime his friend Chlum, full of indignation at this gross injustice, hurried to the pope for redress; and being repulsed there, informed the Emperor, who had not yet arrived at Constance, of the indignity which had been put upon him by this barefaced violation of his safe-conduct. Sigismund shook with rage when he heard it, and sent written orders to have Huss set at liberty on the instant. The orders, were never executed, but on the 5th of December Huss was removed to a damp and noisome vault in the prison of the Dominican monastery.

Sigismund did not make his entry into Constance until the morning of Christmas day. In the meantime, the town and its environs had been filling up with strangers from all parts of Europe, who had flocked thither for business or out of curiosity, to the number, according to one estimate, of a hundred thousand. Coronets, red hats, and mitres, which owe so much of their value to their rarity, and are therefore not given to gregarious habits, were to be seen there in most vulgar abundance. As if, too, to show how small was the sum of the wisdom of the scholars of Europe had gathered in mass.


the The

To one of the cardinals, who wished to leave Huss at liberty for the present, Paletz addressed the convincing argument," My lord cardinal, if Huss's doctrine prevails, you can hardly continue a cardinal.”

his disorder had assumed so alarming a form, that the pope, either out of pity or from reluctance to lose his victim by a natural death, sent his own physician to attend him.

hangers on of a council, like those of a camp-| found his accusers in public, he was removed to meeting, are a significant part of a great crowd, the Franciscan prison, where he remained till and we have statistical enumerations of cooks, the pope's escape from Constance. At one time, barbers, and other signs of civilization. The first measures of the council must have appeared to the pope very like the preparations for the fox-hunt he so much dreaded. It was resolved that the delegates should vote by nations; a proceeding which palsied the right arm of papal patronage. It was also voted that the secular dignitaries should have a voice as well as the clergy; another blow on pontifical influence. The arrival of Sigismund, instead of arresting the course of the pope's antagonists, only emboldened them the more. They were resolved on pushing John to an abdication. He endeavoured to elude the danger by fleeing from the city, hoping thus to break up the council. But the firmness of Sigismund, who had determined to sustain the council, prevented its dissolution; and the miserable pontiff was finally deposed. These transactions, however, occupied several months. We return to Huss.

By the scanty rays of light which found their way into his gloomy dungeon, he was able to write from time to time to his friends in Bohemia, and to draw up a few practical tracts for the use of his jailors, who had become much attached to their meek and patient prisoner. His health at last gave way; he suffered under the most horrible attacks of a disease to which he had never before been subject, and was reduced by a fever to great extremity. In this deplorable state he writes: "If you should see me, you would pity me. I have scarcely any rest from pain. It presses me together like a worm, and rolls me about on my miserable pallet. And yet pity me not, for I fear that I may be reserved for much greater sufferings, unless death first comes to my relief." In the mean time, he received a visit from three commissioners, sent by the pope to examine him on certain charges which his indefatigable accusers had preferred against him; an act of Christian charity, doubtless, for he was "sick and in prison," and did they not "visit" him? Nor was it a mere call of ceremony. They came to cheer his dull sense with fresh proofs of the malice of his foes, and when the lonely man, sick with hope deferred and crushed by disease, applied for the aid of a professional advocate, he was told, in language which showed that he had fallen into pious hands, that the canons of the church forbade every one to defend the cause of a heretic. "I besought the commissioners," he writes, "to allow me an advocate. They at first granted iny request, but afterwards refused. I therefore put my trust in the Saviour Jesus Christ. May he be my advocate and judge!" After a captivity of two months in this prison, where the pangs of disease were aggravated to a degree which to his nature must have been intolerable, by his inability to face and con

The news of his imprisonment was received at Prague with greater indignation than astonishment; for, as we learn from Huss himself, he had been warned by several persons in Bohemia not to rely on the safe-conduct. Nor could the letters which came from him, so full of sweet resignation, of abiding affection and heroic firmness, be read without tears of grief and rage by the multitude of friends he had left behind. Letters were despatched by the nobles of Bohemia to Sigismund, remonstrating in the strongest terms against his breach of princely faith. But that monarch, hemmed in by a fence of bristling crosiers, had imbibed, with the ready absorption of a bigot, the subtle poison of priestly sophistry, instilling into his ear the glozing suggestion that he need not keep faith with a heretic; that he had no right to grant the safe-conduct without the consent of the council; and that the council could absolve him from his promise. It was a rare case of special pleading, by which it ap pears, first, that the promise was invalid in its conception; secondly, that he had a right to break it; thirdly, that the council gave him leave to break it. This triple cord was too strong to be broken, and Huss's doom was sealed. The pope's officers, after their master's flight, which took place in the latter part of March, 1415, gave up the custody of Huss; and he was transferred to the castle of Gotleben on the banks of the Rhine, where he was chained with irons on his feet, and at night fixed to his bed by another chain which was riveted to the wall. Rather more than two months afterwards, the deposed pope was brought a prisoner to the same castle, for fear that the serpent's fangs had not been quite drawn. Huss probably never saw his fellow-captive; but he knew of his fate, and found in it a triumphant confirmation of his own doctrines; for he could now say, as matter of fact, that Christendom was without a head on earth, and possessed Jesus Christ alone as a chief to direct it.

The deposal of Pope John was voted at the twelfth session of the council; the eighth, which was held on the fifth of May, was occupied with the reading and condemnation of Wycliffe's works. This was a fit prelude to the trial of Huss, and almost a prejudging of his case, inasmuch as the most offensive doctrines of the Bohemian were to be found in the writings of his English forerunner. The emperor was present, a cardinal presided, and a patriarch celebrated mass. The passage from the Gospels beginning, "Beware of false prophets," was read by way of preparation for the day's work. A bishop

preached a sermon from the text, "The Spirit will guide you into all truth," in the course of which he spoke thus of the pope:-"Blessed be the soul of our lord the pope, but cursed be his flesh; for he is guilty of as great a lie, as if I should say, God is not one and three." Forty-five articles, purporting to be taken from Wycliffe's writings, which had been scotched, but not killed, by a pair of prior condemnations, were then read and condemned a third time. Two hundred and sixty more were put under the same ban, and finally all his books, good, bad, and indifferent, in general and particular, were cast after them. One act of magnanimity yet remained. Thirty years before, the archheretic had received Christian burial, and his bones still infested the consecrated resting-place of the true sons of the church. They must be unearthed. The council accordingly proceeded to condemn his memory, and ordered his bones to be dug up and thrown on a dunghill.*

As if to supply whatever might be wanting to precipitate Huss's condemnation, in the month of April Jerome had imprudently shown himself at Constance without a safe conduct. He soon took alarm, however, and set out for Bohemia. But he was apprehended on the way and brought back in chains to Constance. On May 23d, his examination before a general ecclesiastical congregation took place. He conducted himself with great intrepidity and self-possession, though assailed by the scholastic zeal of Gerson, and almost stunned by the outcries of infuriated enemies. The assembly at length broke up, and Jerome was consigned to a dungeon, where he was most cruelly treated. From this prison he was led, a year later, to the stake.

(To be continued.)

encouraged on every opportunity of observing or calling them forth; while the productions of corrupt nature, and the exuberances and excesses of that which may be comparatively innocent, should be suppressed, regulated, and controlled. The most religiously concerned parents, as well as those who desire to prove themselves such, may be often dismayed under a sense of their insufficiency for such good words and works, as the interesting object may require.

But while a principle of religious duty and true parental affection, animate their sincere, however feeble endeavours to be found faithful to the charge committed to them; let them also hnmbly confide, that He who gives seed to the sower and bread to the eater, though it be committed to instrumental cultivation, is able and graciously willing to nourish the seed sown, whether in an immediate or instrumental_manner; and to bless the springing thereof, and indeed where ability or human cultivation fails, to supply the want of it so far as shall be essential to the highest interests of an immortal spirit.

Yet if parents and guardians of youth neglect this proper trust in a vain confidence, that the work may be accomplished without their mediation, or without the exercise of living aspirations to the Giver of every good and perfect gift for His effectual blessing; they will assuredly fail of that peace which is sooner or later the enriching reward of every labour of love and work of faith; whereas, however they may fail of the apparent success of their best endeavours, it may surely be affirmed of only consciencious labourers in every department of the Lord's vineyard, that their "record is on high and their judgment with their God."



A tender and Christian love in checking every appearance of evil propensity in the disposition and conduct of children and youth, is the fundamental business of education, and though without it, religious instruction is much like sowing among thorns, yet the latter should keep its due place with the former: the spiritual understanding should be fed with food convenient for it, as well as the spiritual affections awakened and

This sentence lay dormant for several years. Fuller, in his Church History, has detailed the proceedings of the zealots who at length disturbed the bones of the Reformer. "They burnt them," he tells us, “to ashes, and cast them into Swift, a neighbour ing brook running hard by. Thus this brook hath conveyed his ashes into Avon, Avon into Severn, Severn into the narrow seas, then into the main ocean. thus the ashes of Wycliffe are the emblem of his doctrine, which is now dispersed all the world over." The best comment on this fanatical act is that of Fox, who says, it might have made Democritus weep, or Heraclitus laugh. Wordsworth, in one of his sonnets, has versified the passage above quoted from Fuller.



Friends are exhorted faithfully to adhere to our ancient testimony against wars and fightings, and in no way to unite with any in warlike measures, either offensive or defensive, that by the inoffensiveness of our conduct we may convincingly demonstrate ourselves to be real subjects of the Messiah's peaceful reign, and be instrumental in the promotion thereof towards its designed completion; when, according to ancient prophecy, the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea; and its inhabitants learn war no more.

We desire that all our members may beware of being induced, either inadvertently or for gain, in any manner to give countenance to the destroying practice of war.

Many are the ways by which the unwary and the covetous may be caught. But, brethren, look beyond the surface. Behold the depth of misery into which war plunges mankind. Then putting your trust in Him who gives understanding to the simple, and provides for the sparrows,

« ΠροηγούμενηΣυνέχεια »