Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

ye may avoid the pollution which is theirs who | near missing a word, and for a moment I was join hands with this desolating evil. Let all be careful not to seek or accept profit by any concern in preparations for war; for how reproachfully inconsistent would it be, to refuse an active compliance with warlike measures, and at the same time not hesitate to enrich ourselves by the commerce and other circumstances dependent

on war.

This meeting fervently recommends to the deep attention of all our members, that they be religiously guarded against approving or shewing the least connivance at war, either by attending at or viewing military operations, or in any wise encouraging the unstable deceitful spirit of party, by joining with political devices or associations, however speciously disguised under the ensnaring subtleties commonly attendant thereon; but that they sincerely labour to experience a settlement on the alone sure foundation of the pure unchangeable truth, whereby, through the prevalence of unfeigned Christian love and good will to men, we may convincingly demonstrate that the kingdom we seek is not of this world: a kingdom and government whose subjects are free indeed; redeemed from those captivating lusts from whence come wars and fightings.

As we are called out of wars and fightings, so let them be as seldom as possible the subjects of our conversation; but let an holy care rest upon us, to abide in that power which gives dominion over the hopes and fears that arise from the concerns of an unstable world, which tend, as they are admitted into the mind, to lessen the trust on that rock which is immoveable.—Christian Ad




The next night, as James came into the room, his mother said to him, "I shall not inquire whether you have been happy to-day, my son, for it is evident that you have. But before I bid you good-night, I wish you to tell me some of the things which have made you so."

ready to hope that he would, but then I thought of what you said, and that perhaps if he should lose his place, he would feel as bad as I did yesterday, and I was glad when he succeeded in spelling the word. When I went out, I found that one of the boys had knocked my hat off the nail in the entry. I was beginning to feel very angry, but I thought how foolish and wicked it was to get angry for such a trifle. When I had time to think more about it, I was very glad I did not get angry with him, for I did not think he meant to knock it down. When I returned home at night, I found Lucy was very busy looking at the pictures in my new book. I wished to finish reading it, and was going to catch it from her; but she looked very unwilling to give it up just then, and I thought I would go out to do something else; so I said to her, 'Lucy, I shall want my book when I come in again, and you will make haste, and get through with it, won't you ??

"And Lucy said, 'Yes, James;' and when I came back again, she reached out her little hands to give me the book, and I felt very glad I had not snatched it from her."

When James had finished his story, his mother's kind look of approval, and her affectionate kiss, made his heart bound with joy. She went with him to his chamber, and knelt with him to pray that God would still help her little son to conquer all his wicked passions, that he might become a useful and happy man. I hope my young friends will learn, from the story of James, that neither pleasant weather nor kind friends, nor any other blessings, will make them happy, if they indulge in wicked and angry passions.-Christian Intelligencer.


A discovery has recently been made of Cannel coal, near St. Louis, Mo., possessing the qualities of the celebrated English Cannel coal; and from a geological survey which has been made, it is supposed to be the largest known body of "Cannel coal in the world. The beds have been shafted in one place to the depth of 46 feet in solid coal, without reaching the bottom of the vein; and in another place, 3 miles distant, to the depth of 24 feet. In England and Scotland this coal is found principally in veins of from one to three feet in thickness, and never exceeding seven feet.

"I will commence, then, with the morning,' said James. "I started up as soon as I heard my father's voice calling me, and it did not seem half so hard as when I lay and thought about it; so I had time for a fine run in the garden before breakfast. It was so pleasant; I thought the birds never sang so sweetly before. I did not know it was so pleasant early in the morning." His mother smiled and said, "The boys that lie in bed till after breakfast, are not the boys that make such discoveries."

"When the breakfast bell rang," said James, "I was right glad to hear it, for I had run till I was hungry."

"Did you regain your place at the head of your class?" said his mother.

No, mother; George Williams came very

The coal has been analyzed, and found to be of the purest quality, and suitable for any pur pose for which coal can be used; but it is admirably adapted for smelting iron, for raising steam, and for making gas, for which purposes it has been fully tested.

Contiguous to the coal beds, and upon the same lands, are found extensive beds of iron ore (red oxide) of the best quality, together with

limestone, sandstone, and fire-clay, required for | pendent labourer has a rank, and a high rank to the advantageous manufacture of iron. descend from.-Duppa.

A company has been organized, under a charter from the State of Missouri, called the Calloway Mining and Manufacturing Company, for the purpose of mining this coal, and of manufacturing iron.

The lands, including the coal and iron beds, have been purchased, and the Company are making arrangements to bring the coal to market in the coming spring, with every prospect of realizing a handsome profit on the investment. We shall then be no longer dependent on a foreign country for a supply of this valuable

article of fuel.

Specimens of the coal and iron ore are to be seen at the Merchants' Exchange, and they are worthy the attention of capitalists, and of all who take an interest in developing the vast mineral wealth of the once "Far West," which is


how he always kept himself from being inJ. Clark, of Frome, was asked by a friend volved in quarrels, to which he replied, "By letting the angry person have all the quarrel to himself." This afterwards became a proverb in the town. When a quarrel was rising, they would say, "Come, let us remember old Mr. Clarke, and leave the angry man to quarrel by himself." If the reader will always follow this rule, he will save himself a great deal of trouble, and perhaps many hard knocks. Remember, it always takes two to quarrel.


now brought so near us through the agency of On the death of a venerable member of the Society of steam and electricity.-St. Louis Mercury.


Friends in Philadelphia.

Fourscore and ten-a lengthen'd way,
With peaceful heart the Patriarch trod,
And calmly met life's closing day,

And at its evening walk'd with God.

He walked with God, where spirits just
Without a cloud His face behold;
Let filial tears bedew the dust

That slumbers in its casket cold.

For think not when the aged die,
And find their couch in mouldering clay,
That lightly parts the loosen'd tie,

Or scarcely mourned they pass away.
Speak, ye who by a father's side
So fondly watched, while years swept by,
Making his hoary locks your pride,

And learning how the righteous die:

Say, was the shaft of anguish slight,

And soon dispelled the sorrowing gloom,
When closed those eyes in rayless night,
On the cold pillow of the tomb?
Hence with the thought! It is not so;
Methinks a deeper wo should wait
The loss whose rooted virtues show
The ripeness of so long a date.

It is a singular circumstance that a certain class of politicians should at this time of day regard the multiplication of the products of labour -the aggregate riches and of a countrypower as the sole objects of their anxiety, while, whether the labourer be simply replacing an inanimate piece of mechanism, or taking a rank in the moral economy of the universe; or whether riches flow in such contracted channels that the few are princes and the many are beggers; or plenty is diffused through all the ranks of society, so that none need be destitute who are not depraved, are matters of utter indifference. We may count our possessions in the east, and in the west, in the north, and in the south; we may call the attention to our immense manufactories, the quantity and the superiority of their products; we may point out our merchants who are princes, and our nobility who are the honourable of the earth; who may say, Behold our flag in every port, and mistress of the ocean!—still, unless this immense wealth and power tend to make the mass of those who help to acquire it more happy, more moral, more affluent, than is the case in other countries that have it not, all this is but vain glory and boasting. All this show of wealth and power is but a false, unprofitable counterfeit, and a semblance of a joy and happiness that exist not-the fruit of the glowing hue, that crumbles into bitter ashes between" And he said "Let me go, for the day breaketh.""-Genesis the teeth, unless comfort be within the reach of the humblest peasant in the land, who strives to earn it by his industry, and the humblest peasant be habituated to an enlightened industry by a careful education. If a distinction of ranks be worth anything, it is worth most when it makes a line of demarcation between the hard-working labourer and the parish pauper. The inde


Then say not, when the aged die,

And fade from mortal life away,
That lightly parts affection's tie,
Or brief the tear that dews the clay.
Hartford, January 5, 1848.


xxxii. 26.

Let me go, the day is breaking-
Dear companions, let me go;
We have spent a night of waking
In the wilderness below!
Upward now I bend my way;
Part we here at break of day.
Let me go: I may not tarry,
Wrestling thus with doubts and fears;

Angels wait my soul to carry
Where my risen Lord appears;
Friends and kindred weep not so—
If ye love me, let me go.

We have travell❜d long together,
Hand in hand, and heart in heart,
Both through fair and stormy weather,
And 'tis hard, 'tis hard to part:
While I sigh, "Farewell!" to you,
Answer, one and all," Adieu!"

'Tis not darkness gathering round me
That withdraws me from your sight;
Walls of flesh no more can bound me,
But, translated into light,
Like the lark on mounting wing,
Though unseen, you hear me sing.

Heaven's broad day hath o'er me broken,
Far beyond earth's span or sky;
Am I dead? Nay, by this token,
Know that I have ceased to die :
Would you solve the mystery,
Come up hither,-come and see.

J. MONTGOMERY. The Mount, near Sheffield, June 26, 1837.


Virtue could see to do what virtue would,
By her own radiant light, though sun and moon
Were in the flat sea sunk: and wisdom's self
Oft seeks to sweet retired solitude,

Where, with her best nurse, contemplation,
She plumes her feathers, and lets grow her wings,
That in the various bustle of resort,
Were all too ruffled, and sometimes impair'd.
He that has light within his own clear breast,
May sit i' th' centre, and enjoy bright day,
But he that hides a dark soul, and foul thoughts,
Benighted walks under the mid-day sun;
Himself is his own dungeon.



CONGRESS. In the Senate, the debate on the Ten Regiment Bill has been continued by Senators Badger of North Carolina and Foote of Missisippi; the former opposing, and the latter advocating the war and the bill. Resolutions have been passed, calling on the President for the instructious under which Gen. Scott's order (mentioned in our last,) was issued, and also any opinions of Gen. Scott on file as to the military means necessary to carry

them into effect.

In the House, a bill has been reported, providing for a loan of $18,000,000. On the 17th, J. R. Giddings offered a preamble and resolution, setting forth that a coloured man, employed as a waiter in a boarding house in that city, who had made a contract for the purchase of his freedom for $300, and had paid that sum within about $60, had been violently carried away to the New Orleans slave market by persons engaged in the internal slave trade; that such outrages were common in the District, and were sanctioned by the laws of Congress, and concluding with a resolution that a committee of five members be appointed to inquire into and report upon the facts, and the propriety of repealing such acts of Congress as authorize the slave trade in the District. A scene of great confusion ensued, which was finally ended

by the motion of a Georgia member to lay the resolution on the table. This motion prevailed by a vote of 94 to 88, seventeen members from the free States voting in the affirmative.

According to the report of the Postmaster GeneJal the post routes in operation on the 30th of 6th month last, were 153,818 miles in extent; and the annual transportation of the mails over them was 30,887,899 miles, at a cost of $2,406,848.

PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE.-Bills have been introduced into both Houses, providing for a general registration of births, marriages, and deaths, throughout the State. A bill to repeal the usury laws, except as regards the banks, has been brought into the Senate. A bill to provide for the abolition of militia trainings has been introduced in the House. Francis R. Shunk, re-elected Governor of the State, was inaugurated on the 18th inst.

Correction. Our last week's report was erroneous as regards the vote of the House in relation to capital punishment. It appears the vote of 38 to 55 was not on the resolution itself, but merely on the question of considering it at that time. This was on the 17th. On the 18th the resolution was taken up, and an amendment, changing its character to one of "inquiring into the expediency" of the abolition, was adopted by a vote of 46 to 45. On the 19th the resolution as amended was passed -yeas 56, nays 40. For this information we are indebted to the report published in the "Harrisburg Telegraph."

EUROPE.-News from England to the 1st inst have been received. The money market continued to improve, and the Bank of England had reduced the rate of interest to five per cent. There had been a few more failures, and the general state of trade had not much improved, produce continuing much depressed in price, and very difficult of sale. The advices from the manufacturing districts were regarded as encouraging. The corn and cotton markets were firm, with but little change in prices. Ireland remained in a terrible condition, murder and lawless outrages being fearfully prevalent. In many places organized bands of armed ruffians were in the practice of sending letters to such landlords and others as incurred their displeasure, threatening them with death; and murdering such as afterwards remained in the country. These the suffering poor, but to idle and worthless perexcesses do not appear to be justly chargeable to sons, who take advantage of the prevailing destitution to organize secret confederacies. The new Irish Coercion Bill, preventing the carrying of arms without license, had been proclaimed in several of the Southern and Western counties, where crime was most prevalent.

The Archduchess Maria Louisa, widow of the Emperor Napoleon, died at Piacenza, on the 17th of the 12th month, in the 56th year of her age.

THE MARKET.-Flour $6 to $6.25 per barrel. Indian meal $3 to $3.124. Wheat $1 58 to $1.624. Rye 85 to 87 cents. Indian corn 63 cts. 46c. Hams 8 cts. Lard 73 cents.


A stated meeting of the Female Branch of the Auxiliary Bible Association of Friends of Philadel phia Quarterly Meeting will be held on Fourth day, the 2nd of Second of month, at 3 o'clock, P. M. in the committee room of the Bible Depository.






Published Weekly by Josiah Tatum, No. 50 North Fourth Street, corner of Appletree Alley,


Price two dollars per annum, payable in advance, or six copies for ten dollars.

This paper is subject to newspaper postage only.

For Friend's Review. LIFE OF WILLIAM ALLEN.

(Continued from page 276.)

It was mentioned in page 259, that W. Allen in 1822 visited the Waldenses, in the neighbourhood of Piedmont, and shortly afterwards wrote to the Emperor a particular account of the sufferings to which those people were exposed; which letter was sent to Verona by a special messenger. Near the end of 1832, a letter from S. Grellet, who was still travelling on the continent, contained the following anecdote respecting the reception and effect of this communication. When this letter was sent to the Emperor's residence, he was out, but returning late at night, he received and read it. Baron Wylie, going into his apartment at two o'clock in the morning, found Alexander sitting at the table in tears. Surprised and alarmed, he inquired the cause of his trouble, when the Emperor, pointing to the letter, answered-" Read that, and see whether I can help being afflicted for those dear Waldenses." He then made a donation for the establishment of a hospital at La Tour.

The care taken by W. Allen to render his acquaintance with persons in the higher walks of life subservient to the promotion of extensive plans of benevolence, has been repeatedly mentioned in this review. His late journeys upon the continent having enlarged his sphere of acquaintance, caused a correspondent increase of literary labour. The plans which he had long contemplated for improving the condition of the labouring classes, were adjusted to the circumstances of the different countries, and manuscript copies were sent to most of the rulers whom he had visited. From the kings of Bavaria and Wirtemburg, letters were received near this time, expressive of the utmost gratitude for the interest which he manifested in the improvement of their people, with an assurance of their disposition to employ their influence and power in furtherance

No. 20.

of his designs. And any one who carefully examines these memoirs, must perceive that his letters and visits to men in authority were prompted by a desire to enlist them in the great work to which he devoted so large a part of his life-the elevation and improvement of the lower classes of the community; and that a vain ambition to add importance to his own character by mingling with the wealthy and the powerful, had no place in his mind.

About the beginning of 1833, W. Allen apprehended himself religiously required to unite once more with his friend, Stephen Grellet, in a visit, in which he was then engaged, to some parts of the continent. He had, in 1827, married a third time, and the prospect of leaving his wife and his interesting engagements in his native land, to encounter the hardships and dangers of a journey to the continent, especially to Spain, through which he expected to pass, was painful to his feelings. But, he observes, "I must give up every thing to my Divine Master. He has been graciously with me all my life long, to the present hour." In this prospect he had the satisfaction to find that his wife freely resigned him to the service.

On the 3rd of 2nd month, W. Allen joined his friend Stephen Grellet, at Bayonne, where they were obliged to perform a quarantine of several days, on account of the cholera. But that time was not passed in idleness. There were great numbers of poor in the place, to whom assistance had been usually rendered with very little discrimination; and our friends had several conferences with the principal municipal authorities, to whom they imparted such information as their experience had rendered familiar to them, in relation to the proper modes of relieving the wants of the indigent. The plans for this purpose which W. Allen prepared, were translated into French, and delivered to a committee of citizens, who were selected to have charge of the business; and, from the interest which the subject excited, there was encouragement to hope that considerable good would be accomplished. The plans, proposed for adoption, included the providing of employment for the poor, the elevation of their morals, and the dif fusion of instruction. Opportunities of spreading religious information were also embraced, principally by the distribution of tracts. Infor

mation received after leaving Bayonne confirm- | dition of the poor, and the extension of aid to

ed the belief that their philanthropic labours there would not prove to have been in vain. On the 16th, their quarantine having expired, they commenced a toilsome and perilous journey among the Pyrenees, for Madrid, the capital of Spain, where they arrived on the 20th. Although they were strangers, and Protestants in a Roman Catholic country, they soon met with friends among different ranks in society. They were kindly received by C. P. Van Ness, the American Minister, at whose house they twice held religious meetings; and his son, Cornelius Van Ness, who was well versed in the Spanish language, kindly agreed to accompany them, in a visit which they were desirous of making to the various establishments for the suppression of crimes, or the relief of distress.

By the aid of the English Ambassador, they were introduced to Count de Ofalia, the minister of the interior, who had been in America, and had some knowledge of our society. He received them with kindness, and procured permission, from the king, for them to visit the prisons and charitable establishments in Madrid. As the British government was then preparing the measures, which were soon afterwards carried into effect, for the abolition of slavery in the West Indies, they endeavoured to convince this minister, that Spain ought to adopt a similar course. They also endeavoured to impress upon him the propriety of an efficient remedy for the prevailing mendicity, and the advantages of assigning allotments of land to the agricultural labourers. Whether these benevolent suggestions were productive of any permanent effect or not, they were respectfully heard.

The particulars of the visits which were subsequently paid to those institutions, though highly interesting, must be omitted in this review. But when these visits were completed, they thought it right to prepare, for the information and inspection of the government, a general report of the observations which they had made, and the improvements which their extensive acquaintance with such establishments in other countries, enabled them to suggest.

In this report, they first stated the object of their visit to be a desire, under an apprehension of duty, and the influence of the gospel, which teaches peace on earth and good will towards man, to promote the happiness of the human family, without respect to nations or religious profession. They then adverted to several particulars to which they desired to call the attention of the Spanish authorities.

The first of these was the prevalence of mendicity, upon which it was justly remarked that alms, indiscriminately given, tend to support an idle and profligate class, and to keep up a race of beggars, which operates to weaken and demoralize the community. Hence the necessity and importance of a proper inspection into the con

enable them to provide for their own support. They laid down the proposition, as established by the history of all nations, that ignorance is the parent of crime; that it produces idleness and sloth, and a tendency to indulgences connected with mere animal existence; while the desire for useful knowledge stimulates the intellect, and increases the capacity for usefulness. Hence they urged the importance of training the youth to the pursuit of sound useful knowledge, and the adoption of good moral and religious principles. Among the evils which appeared to demand the restraining authority of government, the spirit of gambling, particularly in lotteries, was specially noticed; and the injury to morals, frequently caused by the delusive hopes afforded by lotteries was pointed out.

In the second place, the condition of the peasantry was brought into view, many of whom were observed to be living in idleness and penury, while there were large tracts of good land lying half cultivated, upon which these peasants, with proper encouragement, might support themselves in comfort, and furnish a considerable revenue to the proprietors. The expediency of patronizing, by government, a system similar to the rural colonies in England, was suggested; and they expressed the pleasure with which they had observed the efforts of the king and queen to improve and encourage some of the benevolent institutions, modestly intimating the further meliorations of which they were susceptible.

One important defect in the prisons which came under their notice, was the want of classification, in consequence of which the novices in vice were associated with the most hardened and accomplished villains. This defect, and its necessary consequences, were forcibly urged, and the advantages accruing from the modes adopted in other countries, particularly in the United States, were explained. The practice which, it seems, they had witnessed, of compelling the criminals to work in chains, exposed to public view, was held up as calculated to prevent all hope of their reformation. The hardening and brutalizing effects of exposing criminals to the public gaze, must now be obvious enough to men of much less sensibility and discernment than S. Grellet and W. Allen; and yet, there was a time, not seventy years ago, when even in Philadelphia, convicts might be seen at work, under the eye of an overseer, in the public streets.

The slavery of the coloured race, though not connected with their visits to the institutions of Madrid, and, more particularly, the shelter and encouragement afforded by the Spanish colonies to the African slave-trade, constituted a part of this unflattering report. While they did not attempt to palliate or conceal the part taken by the people of England or the United States in the slavery of the negroes, they unflinchingly, yet

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