Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση
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flame, and some of the officers believed that they | and sentiments to which he was a perfect stranger, and was led thus to argue with himself:Surely, surely, if these things be true, I must be wrong.' He determined not to rest his faith on the hearsay of others, but to read for himself. A good man, who addressed the assembly, told them that all their reading and hearing would be in vain, unless the spirit of God accompanied the reading to make it effectual to the heart. That evening this individual went home, engaged in fervent prayer for the teaching of the Holy Spirit, whose work it was to lead him aright. I need not tell what was the result. He found himself a condemned sinner; he has been called to suffer much, and has experienced some of the severest trials to which flesh and blood are exposed; but amid all, he has en

saw streams of lava flowing down its side, until they disappeared beneath the drapery of snow, which, commencing a few hundred feet below the crater, descended towards the shore, and projected its perpendicular cliffs of ice into the sea. Another phenomenon, of a not less interesting, though of an opposite kind, now presented itself to the Expedition. On approaching the land they perceived a low white line stretching from the most eastern point of land at Cape Crozier, as far as the eye could discern to the eastward. It rose higher as they approached it, and proved to be a perpendicular cliff of ice between 150 and 200 feet high, perfectly flat on the top, and free from fissures or projections on its smooth face. This obstruction to their further progress was a source of great disappointment to the Ex-joyed tranquillity and peace, and now considers pedition, but it was fortunately of such a kind as to determine their future proceedings; for, as Sir James Ross observes, "they might with equal chance of success try to sail through the cliffs of Dover as penetrate such a mass." In following this cliff to the east, its height increased to be tween 200 and 300 feet, and Sir James Ross conjectures that it is more than 1000 feet in thickness. After sailing along it for upwards of 100 miles, they found it still stretching to an indefinite extent in an E.S.E. direction. It had been supposed that this great mass of ice was formed upon a ledge of rock, but the depth of water close to it (410 fathoms) seemed "to show that its outer edge, at any rate, could not be rest-ber 15th, says, "we have great pleasure in stating on the ground.'

(To be continued.)

Extract of a letter from a gentleman formerly of Philadelphia, now of London, and one of the Directors of the British and Foreign Bible Society, dated May, 1824.

The annual meeting of the British and Foreign Bible Society was held on the 5th inst., and a most impressive tone was given to it, in an early stage of the proceedings, by a speech of the Earl of Loder, an Irish nobleman of distinguished piety and exalted philanthropy, for some years past, and who formerly shone with great distinction at Court. He observed, amongst other points, that

"The Society has already, under the Divine blessing, effected much good, is continuing to do great good, and will still do more extensive good, I cannot for a moment doubt.

"I know an individual well, whose life was devoted to pursuits of pleasure, folly and vanity, who was immersed in scenes of fashionable amusement and pleasure, whose object was to gain the applause and admiration of the world. He entered the room where the Bible Society was held in Dublin, from motives of curiosity. Ashamed of being seen where he was, he sought the most retired corner; he there heard opinions

it his high privilege to stand before this Society and make this public avowal of his sense of obligation to it, to the praise and glory of God." The deep and earnest manner in which this affecting speech was delivered, could only be equalled by the solemn attention with which it was heard, and the melting effect it produced on the audience. I trust impressions were made which, under the blessing of God, will never be effaced.


The Plymouth, England, Herald of Novem

ing that, on Tuesday last, the first experimental train was run to Newton; and though it was but fair to anticipate that some difficulties might arise in the trial, from water which must have accumulated in the pipes, and from other causes incidental to a first attempt, yet the distance was accomplished in grand style, without the least difficulty or delay.


The carriage was started from Teignmouth at five minutes before 10, A. M., and at eight minutes after 10 it arrived at Newton, having stopped at Wear engine house four minutes. The train came back in twelve minutes, having stopped four minutes at Wear on returning. The distance is five miles.

"Our readers who take an interest in the progress of practical science, will also be glad to hear that the trains from Teignmouth to Exeter -four each way-propelled by atmospheric power, ran most admirably, keeping their time far more regularly than those driven by locomotives; and the most perfect confidence is felt as to the system finally superseding the now com mon mode of traction.

"The power is exceedingly great, and it is said that light trains could be propelled without difficulty at 60 miles an hour. The engineer, who ran for the first time to Newton, had the breaks on down and up. We trust to be enabled to announce in a short time that the locomotive

engines are to be dispensed with on the South | speed travelled during every mile. This paper Devon line as far as Newton.

"The engine houses on the line towards Totness, and at the stations, will soon be finished, and, as we stated a few weeks since, the tubing, of a large calibre, is being laid, and not the least doubt is entertained that the steep gradients on that part of the line will be run over at a swift pace, with much ease. If these expectations be realized, of which we see no doubt, the triumph of Mr. Brunel and Mr. Samuda will be complete, and another great fact' will be established in the scientific world-the triumph of air over steam."-Railroad Journal.

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The Liverpool Mercury says that "this gigantic effort of skill and labour, which is to run from Edgehill to the New North Docks, is likely to prove more expensive than was at first contemplated, and, at the same time, to be a great promoter of the sanitary condition of the town. From Byrom street to Crompton street, a distance of about a mile, the cuttings have been difficult and dangerous, the workmen having to cut through the clay the whole distance they have yet proceeded, and to support the sides with the utmost care and skill, as required by the treacherous state of the earth. In some portions of this distance it has been found necessary to raise buildings, and open the earth to the level of the intended tramroad. This has been done from Byrom street, once the head of the pool from the Mersey to Fontenoy street. The remaining portion of the tunnel to Great Howard street, has been attempted to be cut underground;

but such has been the ill success so far, that some of the houses, not only immediately over the cuttings, but at some distance from them, have given way, and have been rendered so dangerous that the inmates have been compelled to quit with short notice. Some of the dwellings have been so rent, that to live in them as they now are, would be extremely dangerous.-Ibid.

may be taken off at the end of each journey, marked with the number of engine and date of year and filed. It has a dial, the circumference of which is divided into the number of miles on the railway, and all the stations are correctly marked down at the proper distances from each terminus; while a finger, or indicator, points to the spot occupied by the engineer on the line. A smaller finger revolves once in two miles, by which the engineer can, ascertain his speed. Another small finger revolves once in sixty journeys, of 10,000 miles, if necessary to show the distance travelled by the engine during several weeks. Within the apparatus the speed and distance are registered, and this is effected by a separate wheel running on the rail, and not put out of working by breaks, or slipping, etc. The hand on the dial makes one revolution during a machinery is so arranged for any line, that the journey to the terminus and back.”—Ibid

tion on


Fellow traveller through Time to Eternity! soul. It is intended to promote serious reflecaccept this token of good will to thy immortal interested. Are we not each ready to say, with a subject in which we are highly "Let me die the death of the righteous, and let my last end be like his ?" one formerly, Well, then, let us seek the pardon of our sins for Christ's sake, who died for us, and, through Divine assistance, endeavour to live the life of the righteous; that is, in the fear of the Lord, laws; whether recorded in the Holy Scriptures, our great Creator, and in obedience to His or written in our hearts by His Spirit. Were tions, would be sweetly regulated, and great we so to live, all our thoughts, words and acwould be the peace of our minds, even in the midst of outward difficulties and troubles; beJesus, and look up to Him, in faith, as to a mercause we should feel the love of God in Christ ciful Father, and an eternal Friend!We should then be careful not to take the Lord's holy name in vain; for such He has declared He will not hold guiltless.-We should be far from all cursing and bitterness, all wrath and revenge!— We should bear in remembrance the Divine commands of the blessed Redeemer,-"Swear "This instrument is constructed for ascertain- not at all.” "Love your enemies.' "Whating the distance, and time any part of the distance soever ye would that men should do to you, do is travelled over by the locomotive engine; it is ye even so to them."-We should strive on all placed in a situation where the engineer can occasions, to keep in view his most perfect exreadily have his eye upon it, or on a carriage ample, and to learn of him who was "meek for the guidance of the guard. The driver can and lowly in heart:" so we should find Rest to thus at all times ascertain the speed of his engine, our Souls. And however various our allotments his distance to the next station, and his exact in this life, whatever trials may be permitted to position on the line. A chronometer is also attend our earthly pilgrimage, they will all, attached, showing railway time. It also regis- as they are rightly submitted to, be blessed unto ters on paper a description of the journey, the us; inasmuch as they contribute to promote the time occupied at each station, and the exact lessential work of inward purification; and as


A Mr. Fletcher has made an instrument for registering the distance travelled by the locomotive. The following description of it is from the Railway Chronicle.

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vine Mercy, into the mansions of Purity, and of Eternal peace! This has ever been the hope of the CHRISTIAN.-Anon.


the mind is brought into holy conformity to the Will of God, power will be afforded to over- John Quincy Adams died on the evening of the come every temptation. Thus shall we be 23d ult. The following particulars in relation to favoured to attain that which shall be found, at this mournful event have been compiled from aplast, of more value to us than the whole parently credible sources. A resolution of thanks world without it; even a well-grounded and to certain officers of the army in Mexico was beconsoling Hope of an Admission, through Di-fore the House. The "previous question" had been called for and sustained, and the Speaker had risen to put the main question, when he was interrupted by a sudden cry of " Mr. Adams is dying!" The venerable man was seen in the act of falling over the left arm of his chair, his right arm extended and grasping his desk for support. He was caught in the arms of the member sitting next him, and the House immediately adjourned in great confusion. J. Q. Adams was then carried into the Speaker's room, to which his wife and relatives were hastily summoned. It is reported, that while lying in this room, he partially revived, and said, in a low and faltering tone, "This is the end of earth--I am content." It was believed by his physicians to be impracticable to convey him to his residence, and he breathed his last beneath the dome of the Capitol.


Who is the alien from his father's home?
Who is the exile from his native shore ?
Who is the wanderer, self-condemned to roam,
And find the haven of his rest no more?

Is it the outcast from parental love?

The traitor banish'd by his country's doom?
The child of penury, whose footsteps rove
O'er weary paths, to find a nameless tomb?
No; for the outcast has a Friend on high,

And Mercy shields him with her angel wings;
The banish'd exile may return and die

A pardon'd suppliant to the King of kings.

The child of penury ne'er walks alone,
Nor unregarded, save by mortal ken;

His steps are number'd, and his path is known,
Where heavenly guardians watch the ways of men.

It is the exile from the promis'd land,

The alien heedless of his Father's call,
The wanderer who returns not, that demand
Tears of the deepest sympathy from all.

He, in his long, long travel, knows no rest:
No welcome woos him, and no smiles repay,
Self-exiled from the regions of the blest,
Alone he treads his dark and stormy way.



Give as God hath given thee,
With a bounty full and free;
If he hath, with liberal hand,
Given wealth to thy command,
For the fulness of thy store,
Give thy needy brother more.

If the lot His love doth give,
Is by earnest toil to live,
If with nerve and sinew strong,
Thou dost labour hard and long,
Then e'en from thy slender store,
Give! and God shall give thee more.
Hearts there are, with grief oppressed;
Forms, in tattered raiment dressed;
Homes, where want and wo abide;
Dens, where vice and misery hide;
With a bounty large and free,
Give as God hath given thee.

Wealth is thine, to aid and bless,
Strength, to succor and redress;
Bear thy weaker brother's part,
Strong of hand, and strong of heart;
Be thy portion large or small,
Give! for God doth give thee all.

CONGRESS. In consequence of the death of J. Q. Adams, scarcely any business has been done. It is understood that the Treaty with Mexico has been sent in to the Senate.

The following notice of the life of J. Q. Adams is extracted from the National Intelligencer of 25th ult: John Quincy Adams was born on the 11th of July, 1767, in Braintree, Massachusetts. In 1778, he accompanied his father to France-the latter being sent, in conjunction with Benjamin Franklin and Arthur Lee, as commissioners to the Court of Versailles. The elder Adams, afterwards remov. ing to Holland, the son received a part of his education at the public school at Amsterdam and the University at Leyden. In 1781, when about fourteen years of age, he went to Russia as private secretary to Francis Dana, who was appointed minister plenipotentiary to that court. Near the end of the following year he left Petersburg and returned to his father in Holland, whom he after. wards accompanied to Paris, and was with him at the time the treaty of peace (1783) was signed.

At the age of eighteen he returned to Massachusetts, and entered Harvard University, where he graduated in 1787 with distinguished reputation. He subsequently spent three years in the study of the law, under an eminent professor.

In 1794 he was appointed by President Washing ton resident minister to the United Netherlands. Near the close of Washington's administration he was appointed minister plenipotentiary to the court of Lisbon, but the destination was subsequently changed to Berlin, where he negotiated an important commercial treaty with the Prussian government. From 1803 to 1808 he occupied a seat in the Senate of the United States. In 1809 he was appointed minister plenipotentiary to Russia; and to his influence is attributed the offer of that government to mediate between Great Britain and the United States in the war of 1812. He was one of the commissioners who negotiated the treaty of Ghent in 1814. In 1825 he was elected by the House of Representatives president of the United States, which office he held till 1829. In 1833 he was elected to the station which he held till death closed his active career.






Published Weekly by Josiah Tatum,
No. 50 North Fourth Street,]

Price two dollars per annum, payable in advance, or six copies for ten dollars.

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(Confinued from page 371.)

The principal instrument made use of, in these parts, for the gathering of many from the barren mountains of an empty profession, to feed in the green pastures of life, under the leadings of the Shepherd of Israel, was Patrick LivingsHe was born near Montrose, and was convinced about the year 1659. Near three years after this, coming northward in the work of the ministry, when but twenty-eight years of age, the good Husbandman was pleased singularly to own and bless his faithful labour by evident fruits; so that he became the means of planting a flourishing meeting of Friends at Kinmuck, which afterward grew to be the largest in the nation, and is still upheld in the same place to the present day. The following is described as one out of the many remarkable opportunities, which it is said that he had with the tender and serious people thereabouts. While he was sitting waiting on the Lord, among the first handful that were gathered into the like profession in that part of the country, there being many other persons present, the Friends were much bowed down and low in their minds, in a sense of great straitness and hardness over the meeting." Patrick Livingston broke silence, by declaring, that, for a sign and token of the loving-kindness of the Lord, toward a seed or remnant raised and to be raised up in that country, He would reveal his glorious presence among them in a wonderful manner, before they parted. So little appearance of this was there, when he spoke, and for a while after, that some of the Friends present who were weak in the faith, fell under a great concern, lest this should not be by any means fulfilled. But the Lord, who never fails to be a very present help in time of need, unto all his patient, dependent little ones, was pleased at length to grant a plentiful outpouring of his


No. 25.

mighty power through his servant, “even as a rushing stream, to the overcoming of the hearts of his children, and to the amazement of the people; of which circumstance," says the account, "there are yet living several witnesses."

The public preachers of Aberdeen now began to be considerably alarmed, at finding that so many, both of the higher as well as lower classes, withdrew from their communion. By calumnies and reproaches poured from the pulpits, they endeavoured to incense the magistrates to suppress this people, and to raise among the ruder and less intelligent of their hearers, a spirit of indignation and of vindictive abuse. Hence it was, that whenever any of this persuasion appeared among them, they were received by the populace with stoning and beating in the streets, pulling by the hair, and other lawless abuses, which the magistrates, instead of reproving, too often countenanced. By their order, Richard Rae, before mentioned, a shoemaker of Edinburgh, was arrested and kept close prisoner in the Tolbooth or public prison of Aberdeen, for the space of six months. This seemed like the signal for the commencement of a determined course of persecution, embracing such a series of unrighteous proceedings, carried on against a harmless and unresisting people, as cannot fail to prove affectingly interesting to the mind of every considerate Christian. And why? Because he loves to mark the progress of "the true Light" of the gospel, in dispelling the various shades of apostasy and spiritual darkness ;—on this account, must he own and duly appreciate every stand that has been made or is making, in integrity, meekness, faith, and patience, against the delusions and encroachments of antichrist.

In the next year, 1664, George Keith, who had been convinced of the rectitude of the doctrines held by Friends, coming to visit his brethren at Aberdeen in the love of the gospel, was cast into gaol, and detained there ten months. Patrick Livingston also, for the same offence, became his fellow-prisoner during the space of seven months.

But by such rigorous proceedings, those termed the clergy did not attain their object; on the contrary, others from time to time fell off from their congregations, and joined the despised people called Quakers. This year, 1666, David Barclay of Ury, descended from "an ancient

and honourable family among men," and, about | be one Gordon of Sallach, who, it is said, wrote the close of the same year, his son Robert, an account of the Sutherland family, in which openly and thoroughly attached themselves to he relates many events, that he had himself this Society. witnessed.

With regard to "Colonel David Barclay," as he did not enlist under the pacific banner of the cross of Christ, till past the meridian of life, it is thought proper to travel somewhat out of the course of this history, by touching upon his career before he became a Friend. This digression, it is hoped, will not prove devoid of interest and instructive bearing. It is after having taken a view of the stations occupied by such individuals in the world, and their connection and influence with those in political power, that we are more fully prepared to realize the difficulties of the path they afterward had to walk in; at the same time that we are better qualified to appreciate the depth, and strength, and beauty of that spiritual work, which was effected in them. We can then more duly. estimate what it cost them, to refuse the glory of this world, with all the various opportunities that presented, of gratifying "the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life;" as well as to accept with cheerful resignation" the reproach of Christ," by becoming fools for his sake, that so they might be "to the praise of his glory."

David Barclay was born in the year 1610, at Kirktounhill, the seat and birthplace of his father, of the same name; who, living much at court, and being of an easy disposition, became embarrassed in his affairs, and was obliged in 1633 to sell the ancient estates, which had been held by the family for upwards of five hundred years. He, however, paid off his debts, and gave his son David, with the rest of his children, a liberal education. David went on his travels into Germany, and there enlisted as a volunteer in the army of Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden; but, after having been engaged in many battles, and quickly risen to the rank of major, on the breaking out of the civil wars in his native country, he returned home.


Colonel Barclay was sent with an army, in 1646, to quell an insurrection made by the Earl of Crawford, who, with a number of Irish as well as Scottish forces, had wasted the north parts of the kingdom, and burnt several towns. But, the Colonel coming up with him at Banf, entirely routed him."

The above writer states, that, in the same year "Major General (afterwards, the Earl of) Middleton, and the Colonel were sent with an army to relieve Inverness, then besieged by the Marquis of Montrose and the Earl of Seaforth. The Colonel, crossing the river with his regi ment of horse above the town, and falling upon Montrose's forces, routed both him and Seaforth, and made both flee to the mountains; having taken all their baggage and cannon. From thence they went to Chanrie of Ross, which they took after four days' siege, where they seized all Montrose's ammunition; after which, they restored the castle to the Lady Seaforth, whom they used very discreetly." "On their return to Edinburgh, the Marquis of Huntly attacked the town of Aberdeen, where Colonel Henry Barclay, Colonel David's relation, lay with two regiments; who, notwithstanding all the defence he could make, with the assistance of the inhabitants, became master of the place, Colonel Henry being taken prisoner, with about twenty officers, and a number were killed. Upon which the Parliament, in 1647, sent the General, and Colonel David to reduce Huntly, who, upon their approach, retired to the Highlands. And, that he might not return, they took all the castles and towns, in which were placed garrisons; Colonel David being appointed Governor of Strathboggie, then a strong place, and Middleton Governor of the Bog of Gicht, now Castle Gordon."

The spring following, according to the same author, David Barclay married "Catherine Gordon, eldest daughter of Sir Robert Gordon, of Gordonstoun, second son to the Earl of Sutherland. This Sir Robert, the first Knight Baronet of Scotland, was a man of great parts and honour, which, with his near relation to the Royal family, made him much esteemed at court; he being

Being a man of "great modesty," he seldom if ever adverted to his military actions; nor is it likely he would do so, after he became one with the Friends in sentiment, as to the origin of "wars and fightings,"-except it were to testify against them. Some of these circumstances of his life, however, alluded to in the histories of the times, may assist the reader in contem-second cousin to King James the 6th of Scot plating the strong contrast there is, between views of worldly and warlike policy, such as then influenced the conduct of these individuals, and that line of conscientious practice taken up by them in after life, which induced them to become comrades in the spiritual warfare.

The following narrative is taken, nearly verbatim, from the manuscript now before the Author, written by the grandson of Robert Barclay; his ultimate or chief authority, however, with regard to David's military career, seems to

land and 1st of Great Britain, to whom and his son King Charles the 1st, he was Gentleman of the Bedchamber, Vice Chancellor of Scotland, and Privy Counsellor."

"David Barclay continued a Colonel of horse, being appointed to command in the shires of Ross, Sutherland, and Caithness. The nation being at that time alarmed with the sad condition of King Charles the 1st, then in captivity in the Isle of Wight, came to the resolution to rescue him; and the parliament, for that purpose, having

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