Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

court, and give them an asylum on board, in case
her misconduct towards her people should com-
pel her to fly.
If you go into the
Mediterranean and follow your ships there, there
is the same process going on. Why, the Medi-
terranean is covered with your ships; not to look
after your commerce; we have solved that ques-
tion; they cannot put up the pretence in future
of protecting our commerce; we have repudiated
protection. But you will find them leaving
Portsmouth, and sailing direct for Malta, the
great skulking-hole for your navy. I was at
Malta at the commencement of the winter, in the
month of November. There was a ship arrived
when I was in Malta, from Portsmouth; it had
come direct; it had a thousand hands on board
when it left Portsmouth; it came into Valetta
harbour with 999 men and boys, having lost one
on the passage; it went straight into Valetta
harbour. I went from Naples to Egypt and to
Greece, and when I came back, there was the
vessel lying there still; it had never gone out;
her officers had gone on shore to live in the
clubs; and the lieutenants and other officers,
finding the utmost difficulty in having even a pre-

the way best calculated to do that which these men profess themselves so anxious to do, if you will only give them more money,-to protect your shores. Where do you think all the great line-of-battle ships are gone to? I have picked up a few notes abroad, for I have travelled by water as well as land, and I venture to say that there is not more perfect idleness or more demoralization, the consequence of idleness, going on in the same space, upon the face of the earth, than in our ships of war, for want of having something to do. Where do you find these great line-of-battle ships which you pay for and equip, and keep ready for sailing, at your harbours, with such magnificent display of power and science? Do they go in those directions where you have most extensive commerce? Do they go in the direction of Hamburgh, which is the great port of Europe? You never see an English man-of-war there. Do they go to the Baltic, where you have so much trade? Rarely is it that a man-of-war goes there; you seldom see one there; there is rough weather, and there are not many attractions on shore there. Well, go then to America, to North America, and I suppose, ere long, we shall do one-fifth or one-tence for employing the crew, set them to hoistsixth of all our foreign trade with the United States-we shall come to that, I hope, very soon, -are there any of these great men-of-war on the coast of North America? Why it is the rarest thing if one is seen there. It is noticed in the American newspapers, if any English man-ofwar appears on their coasts; they never go there; they do not like the society; there are no idle people there, and, therefore, they do not go there; they are not wanted, and they would do harm rather than good, if they did go. Where, then, do these ships-of-war go to that you have to pay for? .. I moved for a return of the amount of our average naval force that has been in the Tagus and the waters of Portugal on the first of each month during the last twelve months, the names of the ships, the complement of guns, and the number of men. When it turns up, I should not be surprised, if you were to see that you have had a naval force in the Tagus and the Douro, and on the coast of Portugal, which, in number of guns, will not fall much short of the whole American navy. Lisbon is a pleasant place to be at, as I can vouch for, having seen it; the climate is delightful; geraniums in the open air in the month of January! I do not quarrel with the taste of the captains or admirals that go and spend a twelvemonth in the Tagus, if you will let them; but what are they doing, in return for the money they cost you? Are they forwarding in any, the remotest degree, English interests there? Nothing of the kind. Our fleet has been in the Tagus at the absolute disposal of the Queen of Portugal, and positively and literally for nothing else. Our papers have avowed it, that our fleet is wanted there to protect her majesty and

ing up their sails and letting them down again;
and scrubbing the decks till they almost scrubbed
the planks in pieces.
I speak for
myself as an independent member of the house
of commons, that not a shilling shall be added
to the estimates for our armaments but I will
force a division of the house upon it. I began
by identifying this question of our armaments
with the question of free-trade, and I tell you in
conclusion, that the question of free-trade is
deeply jeopardised all over Europe by the course
we are taking, or which it is proposed to take.
Why, I receive the papers from Paris. There
is a band of free-traders there, associated together,
who publish their weekly organ, as we publish
our Anti-corn-law Circular. They call it the
Libre Echange; it is edited by my talented,
able, and excellent friend, M. Bastiat. That
paper of last week is mourning in sack-cloth and
ashes over the conduct they think England is
going to adopt. What says the organ of the
protectionists, the Moniteur Industriel! Why,
they were deluging not only France but England
with their paper of last week, in which they
leap with exultation. We told you so; England
is not sincere in free-trade; she has no faith in
her principles; she sees that other nations will
not follow her example, and she is preparing
armaments to take that by force which she
thought she would take by fraud.' I exhort my
fellow-countrymen everywhere to resist this
attempt to throw odium upon our principles.
We begun our advocacy of free-trade, believing
it would bring in its train peace and harmony
amongst nations. The most enthusiastic amongst
us never said, as some papers now pretend to
say, that we expected the millennium immedi-

ately after we had got free-trade. We never expected it. We expected we should have to give time to other nations to adopt these principles, precisely on the same ground that we required time to adopt them ourselves. But what we did hope was this that the continent of Europe, with its eyes steadily fixed upon this country, in connection with this question, would, at all events, have seen that we were not the first to have doubts as to the tendency of our own principles, by arming ourselves against the world, when we were pretending to seek only friendship and amity. We promised to many a good and peaceful man who joined this agitation, that we would endeavour to make it the harbinger of that peace he so much cherished. We planted the olive tree; we never expected its fruit to come forth in a day, but we did and do expect if to yield fruit in due season.



attempt to fix which of them shall sit nearest to Christ, on his right hand or on his left; but let us consider them all with thankfulness and great joy, giving thanks for them earnestly to God, their Father and ours, that He has magnified His grace in them, and made them conquerors over sin and death; and praying that we may be added to their number, and that we too may be a subject for thankfulness and not for sorrow to the generations which shall come after us. Dr. Arnold.

A NIGHT FROM HOME. An incident of a rather interesting nature happened at Perth last week. Three boys, two the sons of Sergeant Campbell, and another whose name we have not learned, the oldest fifteen years, and the youngest eleven, took a fancy, on Thursday forenoon, being up the water-side on a ramble, to cross to the island opposite Scone Palace, and known by the name of "the woody island." They accordingly all waded across, the water being comparatively shallow; but after sojourning an hour or two upon it, their state of mind may be conceived, when, approaching the bank to return, they found the river so

It might be done, indeed, but it were a thankless labour, to look over the list of God's saintsof those, I mean, whose lives and minds are in any way known to us-and to notice the ble-swollen from a sudden flood, as to preclude the mishes in each; how some, according to their several constitutions of mind and circumstances, have omitted duly to cultivate one virtue, and others have omitted to cultivate another; how some have too much neglected some great truth, whilst others have raised to the level of truth, or even above it, some great error; how some have been very zealous for much that was evil, while others have been too cold toward much that was good. Above all, it would be possible but very painful to mark so often their alienation from each other; how they mistook each other for enemies and shunned each other's society, insomuch that, as in the sad story of the contention between Paul and Barnabas, they parted altogether from one another, and, instead of doing the Lord's work together, they were each obliged to do it alone. All these things might be noticed, and history must notice them. But with all this, there is another point no less true, which is equally matter of history, and which it is far more profitable for us to contemplatethat with all this difference, nay, with all the sense of discord which actually may have prevailed, there was in all, even where they themselves observed it not, a secret harmony; all were Christ's soldiers, and satan's enemies; all, in that great struggle between good and evil, which has gone on in the world since man's first sin, were, according to their measure, fighting on the side of good. Therefore now, when all have entered into their rest together, and they who were parted from one another here, find, to their exceeding joy, that they must needs be one for evermore, inasmuch as they each were one with Christ, let us not dwell upon the differences, nor

entire possibility of any attempt to recross. The poor little fellows wandered about on the bank the rest of the day, earnestly gazing on the opposite shore, and along it as far as their vision could stretch, or as far as an object could be seen, in the hope that some friendly form would appear and be the means of making known their situation and of bringing them relief. No one, however, although they occasionally saw some stroller in the distance, came within hearing of their cry. The result was the shades of evening descended, and with the darkness sunk their hopes of assistance for the night. They accordingly, and with wonderful fortitude, although cold, hungry, and weary, set about accommodating themselves to their circumstances as they best could. Occasionally, they ran about to keep themselves in warmth, and at other times huddled together under a tree or bush for the same purpose; and in this position they sometimes got a little sleep. At length the morning dawned, and they were again on the look-out on the bank, but several weary hours passed before they saw any one approach, It was eight o'clock when they saw a man, and their joy may be imagined when the Campbells found him to be their own father. We need not say on discovering his children, whom he had searched for the whole night, that he immediately stripped and waded across for them with all a father's anxiety and delight at finding them scathless and even wonderfully cheerful. But one thing remains to be told. He wanted to take his oldest son over first on his back, but the son refused, saying, “na, ye maun tak Willie, he's bare fitted, an' awful cauld;" and on asking him to go second, he re

plied, "na, tak

this time, for he's littler | down, viz.: The means of national security, the than me!" The little trio had had no food from administration of justice, and the maintenance of eight o'clock the previous morning. Perth the Christian religion. Courier.



The usual practice of nations was evidently based upon the supposition that their security from the aggressions of their neighbours depends upon their ability and readiness to defend themselves. Hence the generally admitted maxim, that to be prepared for war is the best preservative of peace. And though the fallacy of this doctrine has been proved by the history of all nations, and is easily demonstrated by argument, it still retains a place in the theory of trations of the safety arising from the pacific policy, governments. Notwithstanding some practical illuswhich had been exhibited long anterior to the Chris


tians of the two first centuries absolutely refused to era, and the unquestionable fact that the Chrisbear arms; though the history of the world was filled with the disasters and horrors of war; though the whole tenor and spirit of the Christian religion requires a confidence in the protection of an overinculcate peace and good will to man-it evidently

QUAKERISM. In a former number some remarks were introduced respecting the benefits that would accrue from the adoption and observance of the principles which the Society of Friends has always professed. Agreeably to the prospect intimated at the close, some additional remarks will now be submitted to our readers. There is in the human mind a propensity to view with indifference, if not with contempt, such opinions or motives of action, as differ widely from our own. And there is probably nothing in which this propensity is more strongly exemplified, than in the estimate we form of the religious opinions and experience of others. ruling and all powerful Providence, which nothing of the religious opinions and experience of others. less than conscientious conviction of duty can In these respects, we are apt to judge of our neigh-furnish, to enable nations to withdraw their dependbours by ourselves. It is therefore no subject of ance upon the arm of flesh and the policy of man, surprise, that when George Fox and his coadjutors and intrust their security to the Divine blessing, and proclaimed the doctrine of freedom, from sin, not only as attainable in the present life, but as a neces- tice in their intercourse with others. The standard to the necessary result of a strict adherence to jus sary part of the Christian character, and professed which christianity first offered to a jarring world, an experience similar to that described by the Apostle, when he declared that the law of the Spirit concerned to proclaim and uphold; and it was in was that which the Society of Friends were again of life in Christ Jesus had made him free from the the governments established in the western world law of sin and death, they were regarded by many under their administration, that the safety and of the professors as well as the profane, as visionary advantage of the pacific policy received their most enthusiasts. The doctrines which they preached and the standard which they held up to view, sylvania, which was erected in the midst of savage prominent illustration. The government of Penninculcating a degree of purity which the high pro- tribes, accustomed to war, and unacquainted with fessors of the day, the teachers and rulers of the peo- the humanizing doctrines of the gospel, was found ple, were conscious they had not experienced, the latter had no alternative but to reject the doctrine, long as the rulers continued to act upon the princicapable of maintaining the relations of peace, as or submit to the condemnation which it passed upon ples of the founder. This was an example such as them. We accordingly find, that those who made the the world had never witnessed before; and it furhighest profession of religion themselves, were gene-nished a triumphant refutation of all the arguments rally among the most strenuous opponents of the rising society. Like the first annunciation of our Lord's resurrection, their words seemed to them as idle tales, and they believed them not.

As many of the practices into which their religious principles necessarily led them, were widely different from those which generally prevailed, they were naturally regarded as enemies to the existing order of society.

Among the practical results of their religious principles, there were three in particular, all of unquestionable importance, which varied so widely from those usually adopted by their cotemporaries, that those who held them were naturally regarded, like the primitive Christians, as turning the world upside

that could be advanced in support of the necessity of military preparation against the aggressions of

hostile invaders.

This practical illustration of the results arising from the gospel plan, in opposition to the policy of the world, could not fail to operate upon the more considerate class, even of those who did not em brace the general principles of Friends, and to lead to a closer examination of the policy or necessity of referring the adjustment of national controversies to the uncertain arbitrament of the sword. The principles upon which the government of Pennsylvania was founded, were not only conducive to the maintenance of peace, in their external relations, but they pervaded the system in its internal operations. The re

Our reflections on the other points in question, must be deferred to a future number.

formation, rather than the punishment of offenders, will no doubt be generally admitted. This progress became a prominent object of penal law. The me may be regarded as the necessary result of advanliorations of the criminal code, by which the early cing civilization and refinement. But we ought to legislation of the province was marked, and the im- remember that the progress of society, civil and repetus thus given to the march of civilization andligious, is owing to the labours and influence of enhumanity, in the punishment of crimes, may be lightened individuals, and to the principles which clearly traced to the religious opinions of William they impress upon the public mind. Penn and his coadjutors. George Fox, at an early therefore, justly consider the promulgation of our period of his ministry, testified against the sangui- doctrines in relation to war, by the early professors nary laws of his native country, and urged the judi- of Quakerism, as among the most efficient means cial officers of the time to the exercise of a lenity of promoting the civilization of the world. which the statutes of the realm did not allow. The views of christianity, and the principles of action which this first preacher of our Society was labouring to inculcate and establish, were those which the founder of Pennsylvania and his fellow professors carried with them to the new world; and introduced to a considerable extent, into their system of legis. lation. To these principles we are unquestionably indebted for the prominent station which this State has occupied in the improvement of the penal law; and to what else can we attribute the fact, that she was several years in advance of any other in the Union, in giving a death blow to negro slavery by legislative enactment.

It is not now designed to inquire whether the standard which was held up by the early professors of the society, has been always supported by a consistent example; but we insist that the exaltation of the standard itself, in relation to war, was of great importance to the world. While the true principles of the gospel were proclaimed, even as a theory, this theory was a standing protest against an inconsistent practice. The standard of Quakerism being inscribed with peace on earth and good will to men, is a rebuke to its professors if they fall below it. Whatever the standard may be, the object and aim of the sincere in heart, will be to conform their practice to it. Consequently the more nearly the standard approximates to perfection, the more exalted will the practice probably be.

MARRIED,-At Friends' meeting house, New Garden, Columbiana county, Ohio, on Fifth-day the 10th ult., LAWRIE TATUM, of Iowa, to MARY ANN, daughter of James Hervey Dean."

DIED,-In Greenfield, Saratoga county, N. Y., on the morning of the 4th inst., LYDIA, wife of Elihu Anthony, in the 79th year of her age. She was a member of Greenfield Monthly Meeting, and for many years acceptably filled the station of Elder. Her last illness, which was protracted, and, near the close of it, attended with great bodily distress, she was enabled to bear with Christian patience, desiring that if there was anything in her way, she might be favoured to see it. She died, like one falling asleep, having expressed her belief that "all was clear." Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord, from henceforth: yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.

In Northeast, N. Y., on the 2d inst., AMY CARMAN, widow of Richard Carman, in the 88th year of her age. She was a member of Stanford Monthly Meeting, and for many years, filled with propriety and usefulness, the station of Elder. Though for some time too feeble to attend our religious meetings, yet her concern for the welfare of society was lively and undiminished; and her quiet and peaceful close leaves no doubt, that, through Redeeming mercy, she was prepared for a better state of existence, where the wicked cease from troubling, and the weary are at rest.

If now we advert to the consequence of a strict and invariable adherence to the principles of Quaker-MEMORIAL OF FRIENDS IN ENGLAND ON ism in relation to war, we readily perceive that the


2d month, 1848.

example must have a powerful effect upon those At a Meeting for Sufferings, held the 4th of who fall within the sphere of its influence. The system includes not only an abstinence from hostile aggression and military preparation, but the subjugation of the malevolent passions from which wars and fightings spring. Hence the consistent advocate of peace diffuses a moral atmosphere around him in which the spirit of war can scarcely breathe; an atmosphere in which the halo of military glory finds no place. And when the fires of heroism cease to be fanned by the breath of fame, they will probably soon expire.

That the principles for which Friends have always contended, have made very important progress in the world since the days of Fox and Penn,

This meeting has thought it right, in upholding our Christian testimony against all wars and fightings, to prepare, on behalf of the Society, a memorial on the subject of the military defences of the country, to Lord John Russell, as the head of the present administration. It was presented to him on the 1st inst., by a committee of the said meeting, who were received in a kind and friendly manner. This meeting is renewedly impressed with the value and importance of this our ancient testimony to the peaceable character of the Gospel, and feels engaged in brotherly love to commend to our members generally, the

[blocks in formation]

We have respectfully to solicit thy attention to a few considerations in reference to the subject of additional military defences for the country. In doing so, we are aware of the high standard which we have to uphold; but however sensible of our own imperfections, we feel that it is simply the standard of the New Testament, and that which we dare not lower, but which, through the help of the Holy Spirit, all are called to maintain.

In obedience to the plain precepts, and in conformity to the whole scope of the Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, we have, as a religious Society, ever maintained that all war, defensive as well as offensive, is unlawful to the Christian. Our Lord expressly enjoins it upon us to love our enemies, and when smitten on the one cheek to turn the other also. His commands are illustrated and enforced by His own perfect example-an example which we are told in Scripture, He hath left us that we should follow His steps, "who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth;" "when he was reviled he reviled not again; when he suffered he threatened not, but committed himself unto Him that judgeth righteously." Believing, as we do, that that which is a duty for man individually, is a duty for man collectively, and that what is contrary to the commands of Christ in one man, is contrary to His will in a people, we have uniformly maintained that all war and warlike operations are unchristian, and that the nation that would be found walking in the light of the Gospel must not lift up sword against nation, neither learn war any more. We are, more over, firmly persuaded that nothing would so surely promote both the safety and the true prosperity of kingdoms, as an entire conformity to the precepts and the example of Christ.

Although we painfully feel that even of later time our country has not been clear of the sin of war in its intercourse with distant nations, we regard it as a cause of reverent gratitude to Him who ruleth in the kingdoms of men, that through His good providence, peace has remained unbroken between us and the neighbouring countries of Europe, with so very little exception, for the last thirty years. Incalculable are the benefits, moral and religious, as well as political and commercial, which have resulted therefrom, both to them and to us; and the retrospect of the past, and especially of the repeated deliverance from threatening disputes and hostilities between this and other countries, in different parts of the globe, ought assuredly to lead us as a nation to put our trust rather in the protection and overruling hand of the Almighty, than in the defence of fleets and armies.

We had hailed the repeated settlements of disputes between nations by the safe and honourable method of arbitration, as well as numerous other instances of the adoption of a pacific policy in later times, as indicating some approach to those true principles of Christian government which we cannot but desire may, with all nations, wholly supersede the sin of war, whether offensive or defensive, with its complicated evils, moral and social.

We cannot but regard military preparations, even when undertaken by a nation on the ground of defence against apprehended or possible aggressions, as calculated to irritate the inhabitants of other countries; and as therefore practically tending to precipitate the very events against which they profess to guard. Nor can we shut our eyes to the fact, that all such preparations, whether by increase of the standing army; by impressment for the navy; by calling out the militia, or otherwise training men to the use of arms; or by the formation of forts and arsenals, inevitably diffuse a martial spirit among the people and kindle the angry passions of the multitude; whilst the low morals of a naval port and of a garrison town but too plainly show that one evil tendency of our nature is closely conHence it is with deep concern and sorrow of nected with others, and that war and its accom heart, not only as Christians, but as dutiful sub-paniments are among the most prolific sources jects of our beloved Queen, and as true friends of of vice. our country, that we have observed the discus- We are deeply sensible of the arduous and sions in Parliament and the agitation of the public mind in reference to increased military preparations against the possible aggressions of foreign powers. Whilst, therefore, we desire to abstain from intermeddling in mere political questions, we have believed it required of us, as a solemn and religious duty, respectfully to lay before thee and those who are associated with thee in the administration of the affairs of the empire, our earnest plea against any addition to the military operations of the country, however such addition may appear to be simply of a pro

tective character.

difficult duties which devolve upon our rulers, especially in times like the present, and we desire that you may be enabled, by a wise administration based on Christian principles, to show to surrounding nations that the true strength of the empire consists, under the blessing of God, in that moral power which results from fearlessly and trustfully doing what is right in His sight, and in performing the duties and cultivating the arts of peace.

May that wisdom which is from above, and which is peaceable as well as pure, be so earnestly sought and so faithfully followed, by those who

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