Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση


Our readers are, perhaps, generally aware, that in 1792, the ruling party in France declared the regal power abolished, and a republic established; that in the beginning of the following year, Louis Sixteenth was beheaded, and such of his relatives as escaped with their lives, sought an asylum in other countries. After a series of disorders, Napoleon Bonaparte established his authority upon the ruins of the republic. In 1814, Napoleon was expelled from France, and Louis Eighteenth, brother to the former king, was placed upon the throne. In the year 1815, the dreadful battle of Waterloo decided the fate of Napoleon, and consigned him to St. Helena, a barren rock of the ocean, where he died in 1821. In 1830, the reigning monarch, Charles Tenth, successor to Louis Eighteenth, and his ministry, promulgated some ordinances placing greater restrictions on the freedom of the people than their spirit would quietly bear. Under the guidance of La Fayette, a revolution was effected; Charles was expelled, and Louis Philippe, of the family of Orleans, was placed on the throne, with the character of a citizen king. This was termed the revolution of three days, and it is said to have cost the lives of about 1000 men.

Westcott, Douglass and others, in its favour, was finally passed on the 17th inst., by a vote of yeas 29, nays 19.

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES.-On the 13th, a resolution was offered by Tuck of New Hampshire, instructing the committee on the Judiciary to report a bill to prohibit the sale of slaves, on execution for the payment of debts due the United States; which was laid over. J. Crowell, of Ohio, gave notice of his intention to introduce a bill to repeal all acts of Congress relating to slavery or the slave trade in the District of Columbia. A resolution offered by W. T. Lawrence of New York, was adopted, instructing the Committee on Foreign Affairs, to inquire into the expediency of requesting the President to open negotiations with other powers, with a view of procuring the general exemption of private vessels from capture during war.

passed on the 20th, by yeas 19, nays 11.

the coast of Africa for slaves.

PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE.-SENATE.-The bill to abolish militia trainings, and give further encouragement to volunteer companies, was passed on the 18th. The bill lays a tax of twenty-five cents upon each individual liable to militia duty; the fund thus produced to be divided among the several volunteer corps. The bill to secure to married women the use and enjoyment of their own It appears that the citizen king, notwithstanding property, and to exempt the same from levy or sale his acknowledged abilities, his extensive acquire-on execution for the debts of the husband, was ments, and the ample experience of his early life, did not fully appreciate the growing spirit of freeA vessel was recently captured near Rio de dom, and the force of public opinion among his Janeiro, by an American national vessel, and sent countrymen. By the last arrival from Europe, we into New York, on suspicion of being engaged in learn that a revolution, in some measure similar to the slave trade. She had on board, twenty-four that of 1830, was effected near the end of last thousand dollars in specie, and fifty-four thousand month. The immediate cause of this popular erup-gallons of water, and was believed to be bound for tion is said to have been an attempt of the government to suppress, by force, the Reform Banquets, which was regarded as an effort to restrain free discussion, and to gag the mouths of the people. The city of Paris and its vicinity were occupied by a military force amounting to nearly 100,000 men; and upon this the minister seems to have relied for the support of his measures. But in this case, as frequently happens in revolutionary times, the soldiers appeared quite as favourable to the cause of the people as to the wishes of their rulers. The city of Paris was for some days in great confusion; the lives of nearly five hundred people are said to have been destroyed. The minister, Guizot, resigned his office, and Louis Philippe with his family made a hasty retreat from the capital. The abdication of the king in favour of his grandson, was announced in the Chamber of Deputies, but was declared to be too late. From the latest information, it appears that the people of Paris have manifested a determination in favour of a Republic. The result of these measures remains to be seen; but we may fairly consider this revolution as an evidence, not to be mistaken, of a growing deter-liorations in Italy. mination among the people of Europe to enjoy a larger share of their natural and inherent rights than has been usually allowed them.

SUMMARY OF NEWS. CONGRESS.-In the Senate, the nominations of Senator Sevier and Attorney General Clifford, as Commissioners to Mexico, to procure the ratification of the Treaty, have been confirmed. The Ten Regiment bill was again taken up, and after being discussed by Calhoun, Berrien, Webster, Clayton and others, in opposition to the bill, and by Cass,

EUROPE. By the arrival of the Cambria, ad vices to the 26th ult. have been received. The French revolution had produced a very depressed state of the English money market. Trade generally was also much depressed. Destitution in Ire land had reached a fearful height in many localities. The king of Naples has proclaimed the constitution demanded by his people. The king of Sardinia, and the Grand Duke of Tuscany, have also given constitutions to their subjects. The people of Rome were loudly demanding a constitution of the Pope. The Pope seemed to consider it to be his duty to transmit his sovereignty unimpaired to his successor. He had, however, invited several theologians to give their opinion as to his right to grant a constitution to his subjects, and these coun sellors had "declared unanimously that if such were his pleasure, it was feasible, without preju dicing the inalienable rights of the Pontificate." Lord Palmerston had announced in the British Parliament, that the Austrian government had promised not to interfere with the political ame


The Committee to superintend the Boarding School at West Town will meet there, on Sixth day, the 7th of next month, at 10 o'clock, A. M. The Committee on Instruction to meet at the school on the preceding evening at half past 7 o'clock.

The Visiting Committee attend the semi-annual examination of the students, commencing on Third day morning the 4th prox.

THOMAS KIMBER, Clerk. Philadelphia, 3d month 25th, 1848.







Published Weekly by Josiah Tatum,
No. 50 North Fourth Street,

Price two dollars per annum, payable in advance, or six copies for ten dollars.

This paper is subject to newspaper postage only.


(Continued from page 419.)

No. 28.

bytery, or wound his conscience by pronouncing excommunication against his own daughter, whom he knew to be a virtuous and religious woman. But alas! both his conscience and natural affection gave place to the love of money; so that he was determined to read the excommunication, and had uttered some kind of prayers previous thereto, when he was suddenly struck by death, at the very time he had purposed to deliver that sentence. A melancholy and remarkable exit, wherein nature was observed to sink under the weight and oppression of a conflict between conscience and self-interest.

guard, several of this people from Inverury, where they had been previously imprisoned; the magistrates of Aberdeen, to whom they were delivered, after keeping them in confinement some time, caused them to be conducted through the streets, with great contempt and reproach, to the Bow-bridge, where a guard was provided to conduct them southward to Edinburgh, from shire to shire, as the worst of malefactors. When they had proceeded a little way out of the town, one of the prisoners, William Gellie, a man of very weakly and infirm habit, sat down; and the rest of the Friends followed his example, refusing to go further, unless horses were provided. At this, one of the magistrates, named

It happened about the year 1666, that James Urquhart, for his conscientious separation from Sir John Keith, who in those days, and the national church of the day, fell under the afterward, was very violent against Friends, censure of the Presbytery, and was excom-having, in the year 1667, brought away, under a municated. The excommunication was sent to one William Forbes, a minister of the place where Urquhart lived, with the injunction of the Presbytery to publish it from the pulpit. The minister, conscious in behalf of the honesty and integrity of the person, against whom he was enjoined to read the sentence, fell under strong convictions, and great reluctancy of mind against the performance of what he was commanded. But, when he considered, that the consequence of his disobeying the Presbytery would, in all probability, issue in the loss of his stipend, covetousness overcame his convictions; and he publicly pronounced the sentence against James Urquhart, in direct opposition to the dictates of his own conscience. This, afterward, gave him much uneasiness, and his mind became so discomposed, that he could not, for some time, proceed in performing the usual offices of his function; until, at length, he publicly and ingenuously came to confess, that his discomposure was a just judgment of God upon him, for cursing with his tongue a person, whom he believed in his own conscience to be a very honest man. Yet, notwithstanding his convictions were so clear and overpowering, he again fell into the like error, and in a way more nearly affecting him. His own daughter, Jane Forbes, was convinced of the Truth, and joined the people called Quakers. Church proceedings were carried on against her to an excommunication, which her father was required by the Presbytery to pronounce. The poor man's case, under so difficult a dilemma, was really to be pitied. Hard was his choice, either to lose his living by disobeying the Pres

Alexander, who attended in order to see them set out, was much enraged, commanding William Gellie to rise and go forward on foot; and because of his refusal he struck him piteously. Friends, however, continued to sit still; upon which, the magistrate with all his train, not being able to prevail in their purpose, returned to Aberdeen, and the Friends to their respective dwelling places. But, the first object that presented itself to this persecutor on reaching his own house, was his son, who, had by a fall broken his arm, and at the very same time that the father had been using his arm to strike the harmless servant of the Lord; which circumstance, thus coinciding, so awakened the conscience of this person, that he said, (and afterward told it to some Friends,) he should never strike a Quaker again.

We return to Alexander Jaffray, who at this period laboured under much affliction with a

She happened to be taken ill, and kept her chamber, in an apartment, under the same room where Barbara Forbes dwelt. At her house, the Friends were accustomed occasionally to meet, so near to the apartment of Lilias Skene, that she could distinctly hear what passed. Attentively listening on one occasion, she plainly heard two English women exercised both in preaching and prayer, whose lively testimonies she observed to be full of Scripture expressions, and their petitions put up in the name of Christ, as well as accompanied by his life and power. Thenceforward, she was effectually reached by the Truth, and brought under subjection to it; being also thoroughly convinced of the falsehood of those slanderous accusations, with which the preachers whom she formerly admired, had been accustomed to calumniate the Friends.

quinsy; for some time he could not speak, nor | pediment was removed in the following manner. scarcely eat or drink, insomuch as to be given over for death by all that beheld him. Yet, while in that state, he signified by writing, the steadfastness of his faith in God; and also his belief, that he should yet be preserved for further service to the Lord and his Truth; which prediction the sequel fully verified. It is said, that, at that juncture, a certain female, a noted professor, was much impressed, observing the calmness, resignation, and faith evinced by this devoted Christian, in an hour which was judged to be his last, and his unshaken firmness in the testimony which he had received to bear; hereupon, she went to one of the ministers of the city, and asked, whether they durst deny that Jaffray had once been a truly gracious man. They said, they would not deny it. "Then," said she, "either Quakerism must be a right way, or else your doctrine false, who say, there is no total nor final fall from true grace; for he is dying, confirming that way."

This valuable woman had not long entertained and adopted such a change in religious views, when her husband, Alexander Skene, from a zealous opposer of this people, became a sincere convert to their Christian principles; as did also Thomas. Mercer, "late dean of guild," about the same time. The civil stations occupied by these individuals in Aberdeen, and the general repute in which they stood, appeared only to add to the alarm and indignation evinced by the ministers, on occasion of such persons withdrawing from their communion.

Shortly after, on the 11th of the 9th month, 1668, he was taken from his own house at Kingswells, in a sickly, debilitated condition, and carried by three messengers to Banff prison, at the instigation of the Bishop of Aberdeen, under the pretence of a fine of six hundred merks, formerly imposed upon him by the High Commission Court, for suffering religious meetings at his house, contrary to their order. Thus, the Bishop and those termed clergy discovered the Immediately upon the convincement of the malignity of their disposition, in imprisoning two individuals above mentioned, Alexander this faithful man thirty miles distant from his Skene and Thomas Mercer, at the joint solicitahabitation; which, to him in a delicate and en- tion of the four ministers of Aberdeen, a subfeebled state, proved no less than three days' synod, or, perhaps, more correctly speaking, a journey. He was there detained prisoner nine Synod was convened by the Bishop; which met months and sixteen days, to his great expense soon after, and drawing up an address to the and detriment, some of his family being mostly King's Council at Edinburgh, sent two of their with him, as well as to the endangering of his number to present it; in which they petitioned life; for he might have died there, had not the the Council, to take some effectual course to curb civil power relieved him from ecclesiastical and rid the land of the Quakers, who were increas tyranny; the King's Privy Council giving order ing among them. The deputies from the Synod for his release, without his paying anything expected to obtain some fresh order from the whatever for the fine, or for fees or charges, Council against the "Quakers," but met with neither of which he could conscientiously have fresh disappointment; the Council only referring defrayed. them to a precedent Act of Parliament, which or About this time, Lilias Skene, wife of Alex-dained, that all who withdraw "from their parish ander Skene, one of the magistrates of Aberdeen, church, be admonished by the preachers before a woman held in high estimation there for her two sufficient witnesses," and then, after an ab religious attainments, and especially by George sence of three successive weeks, "they be fined Meldrum the minister before mentioned, was one eighth of their valued rents." Returning to brought under a great concern of mind to join Aberdeen, these deputies reported to the town herself in society with the despised "Quakers." Council, the issue of their application; upon A material circumstance attending her convince- hearing which, the provost or mayor made this ment merits observation. While her mind was remark, "What signifies all this? we had this deeply exercised in a serious inquiry after the before: take you care to do your own work, way of Truth, she found her progress impeded and we shall do ours." Two of them, George by notions and prepossessions against that peo- Meldrum and David Lyall, thereupon, immeple, industriously instilled by the preachers into diately set about doing their part towards bring her mind, and into the minds of others of their ing the Act into force against this people; and hearers; as, that they denied the Scriptures, and were busily engaged in performing their monitory did not pray in the name of Jesus. This im-office from house to house, when, that same

night, the King's Declaration of Indulgence to all Nonconformists, in 1672, reached Aberdeen, and put a stop to their proceedings at that time. This was accepted as a providential deliverance by the persons whose ruin they sought. The Declaration of Indulgence came very seasonably to prevent the execution of an Act of Council, which the preachers had prevailed upon the magistrates of Aberdeen to pass; by which they had resolved, "that no Quaker should be made a burgess or freeman of that city," and that whosoever received a Quaker into his house, without leave of the magistrate, should be fined five shillings. And that if any person should let a house for Quakers, either to meet or dwell in, he should be fined five hundred merks Scots money, or £28. 2s. 6d. sterling.

HENRY GURNEY AGGS. This dear youth evinced a retiring and thoughtful demeanour, with a marked ingenuousness of character; and his noble and affectionate disposition endeared him to all who knew him. He appeared to be visited, at a very tender age, with those precious influences of Divine love, by which even a child is constrained to inquire whether his way is right. With a mind sensible of the reproofs of instruction, he manifested a love for retirement; and some of his early efforts in writing, were expressive of his sense of the shortness of time, and his desire that he mighti be more obedient to his heavenly Father every day." Various passages in his diary for the last year, record his solicitude that the events of his life may be under the guidance of Best Wisdom.

About the same time, the people called QuaOn the 12th of 11th month, 1846, on account kers in this kingdom received relief, in a case of of indisposition, he went home from London' conscience, in which they, in common with their with his mother. His complaint was considered brethren in other parts, were greatly exposed to a feverish cold, that, with attention, would soon suffering. It was the custom and legal practice pass off. He appeared to be going on favourably, of Scotland, in suing for a debt, when proof until Fourth-day evening, the 25th of 11th failed, to put the defendant to clear himself upon month, when there was an increase of fever, and oath this exposed the Friends, who could not on the following day he was decidedly worse. swear at all, to be made a prey, by ill-designing On retiring to rest that evening, he spoke to his persons prosecuting them frequently for unjust mother with deep and affectionate feeling, es claims. The judges, perceiving the advantage pecially mentioning a book which he wished to this conscientious scruple gave their antagonists be destroyed, if he should not recover. "I have. in such suits, and regarding the case with that never read it through, it is an improper book; I equity which became their station, humanely de- have laid it aside; it was given to me by termined, that in such cases a simple declaration but I wish no one to read it. Do thou burn it, of the truth should be accepted from that people: dear mother." The exercise of his mind, under a favour they had not then obtained in England. a sense of the pernicious effects of such reading, But, as they did not fail to admire that provi-its being displeasing in the Divine sight, and the dential Goodness, through whose hand every perusal of such works an unprofitable employblessing flows towards his children; so could ment of time, was deeply instructive. they do no less, than notice the remarkable interposition of the same overruling power in another direction; either by unexpectedly baffling the designs of the persecutors, or by weakening their hands in various respects: sometimes, even constraining them to penitence, at other times, in an awful manner cutting short the lives of those, that still proceeded in their wickedness.

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Although much occasion remains for us all, in humility and fear, to look well to our own standing, rather than improperly to dive into the counsels of unsearchable Wisdom respecting others; yet surely, in regard to cases like these, we are bound with reverence to acknowledge the hand behind the scene, even that eternal Justice and Truth which has declared, "He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them, shall have mercy. Happy is the man that feareth always: but he that hardeneth his heart shall fall into mischief." "He that is perverse in his ways shall fall at once." "He that being often reproved, hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy." Prov. xxviii. and xxix.

(To be continued.)

During great part of that night he was engaged in fervent supplication, that his many, many sins might be blotted out through redeeming mercy; acknowledging he had been a great sinner, but that Jesus was all-sufficient to make those whose sins might appear as scarlet, white as snow. He said his heavenly Father had cast him very low, but that he believed He would, in His matchless mercy, again raise him--he desired it might be only to His glory. In his petitions he particularly supplicated for his dear father and brother, that the pleasure of the world might be stained in their view, and that, looking unto Jesus, they might find in Him a Saviour, a Counsellor, a Friend, and sure Refuge in time of need. About six o'clock in the morning, he asked to have his mother called, adding that he had said, he thought he might recover, now he believed he should not; but he was happy, perfectly happy; that he had prayed fervently, and felt "peace, sweet peace, and such a calm." He expressed how differently he should wish to spend his time, if he were permitted to be restored to health; it was an important talent committed to our trust, for which we were very accountable. This illness had been dispensed in

great mercy, for it had brought him more entirely to seek his dear Redeemer.


On Sixth-day, on seeing his mother, he said, "Dearest mother, the enemy has been buffeting and distressing me, but now all is sweet peace.' A few hours afterwards, calling her to him, "Dearest mother, come very near me, now be still, very still;" and after a solemn pause, he supplicated that all his sins might be blotted out by the precious blood of the Lamb, making use of the words, "I do implore this from the very bottom of my heart; also that if it were his heavenly Father's will he should recover, he might be enabled to live to his glory, and shew unto others what the Lord had done for his soul; if otherwise, that his gracious Saviour would be with him to the end, for his blood could cleanse him from all his sins. After a little time, he added, "Dear mamma, do thou remind me of my covenant, if I should recover."

He requested his mother would read to him some passages from John, relative to the Saviour; observing that John was the beloved disciple of Jesus; and, after a pause, mentioned the chapter on the resurrection, to parts of which he listened with much interest, and also to some of the promises of Scripture, and remarked at the close of the chapter, "Beautiful-very beautiful!" repeating the words, "I ascend unto my Father, and to your Father, and to my God and your God." He afterward spoke of Peter walking on the sea; saying, that as soon as his faith wavered, and doubts arose, he sank; exclaiming, "Oh! how necessary to our well-being, to have the eye of faith steadily fixed on Jesus." Then addressing his sister, "Be careful, dearest, of thy associates; we have ever been guarded in that respect. Do thou choose serious and fixed characters for thy friends; we are so imperceptibly influenced by those with whom we pass

much time."

The disease had assumed the form of typhus, and life seemed to be fast drawing towards a close. During its alternations, though he thought it right, in reference to additional medical advice, to use all the means within our power, he believed he should not recover, on one occasion saying, "I look to the Great Physician of souls." He frequently expressed how graciously his heavenly Father had dealt with him. His throat being much parched, and suffering from thirst, allusion was made to the water of eternal life, and never thirsting again, he replied, "Delightful! streams of living water." On referring to the passage, "In all their afflictions he was afflicted, and the angel of his presence saved. them;" and to how much his Saviour had endured for his sake, and that of the whole world, he exclaimed with emotion, "Whose sweat was as great drops of blood, falling to the ground!' What love! what matchless love! Oh, how unlike what I have to bear! "

On the 7th of 12th month, internal hemor

rhage produced great exhaustion, yet his sweet spirit seemed all love, and fixed in patient and dependent waiting on Him who had condescended "to make all his bed in sickness." It being necessary to keep him very quiet, conversation was discouraged, but at intervals he emphatically said, "sweet quiet!" "Oh! what is life, but to prepare for eternity! never, neverending eternity! to think of that! it is everlasting." "All fear of death is taken from me." "I am in the hands of Jesus!" These, and similar expressions, shewed that his hope was staid on the Lord, and that he experienced the fulfilment of that promise, "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is staid on thee, because he trusteth in thee."

At different times throughout his illness, he had spoken of his earnest desire to be given up in true dedication, unmindful of the reproach of the world; also of the principles of Friends, and his belief, that if life were spared, he should be required steadfastly to uphold them. He again dwelt on the importance of a careful selection of our associates, and of reading. Speaking of his last attendance at Newington Meeting, and of the impression made on his inind by the ministry of a Friend, he regretted that his thoughts had too frequently wandered during these solemn religious opportunities; acknowledging our great responsibility for the right use of these privileges.

On First-day morning, the 13th, seeing the light breaking through the curtains, he turned to his father who was watching by his side, and said sweetly, "the dawning of the sabbath." His mother afterwards reminding him it was First-day-the day on which our Saviour arose he quickly answered,-"Yes, dearest mother, perhaps on this day I may also ascend." He inquired what was the opinion of the medical men, and learning there was a slight improve ment, said, "I should like-no-I have no desire to be raised again; all my sins are blotted out by the precious blood of Christ; He died to save the greatest of sinners, and he can save even at the eleventh hour." Then turning with a look of tender affection to his mother, "Dearest mother, do not grieve, the Lord will support thee." He affectionately addressed his sister, and soon afterwards, in giving directions for the disposal of some of his things, he again alluded to the book mentioned in the former part of his illness, and requested it might be destroyed; as also his music; not that there was anything objectionable in the words, but feeling at that time it did not yield satisfaction, he was desirous it should not be a temptation to others.

He spoke of one or two of his school-fellows with interest, and desired the value of time might be considered by those he loved. He mentioned being at Tottenham, and feared that, whilst there, he had not made the best use of the opportunities within his power, earnestly request ing forgiveness of his parents for any errors he

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