Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

not be lost upon us; may we learn that the evils which we feel, and the errors which we see among us, are to be encountered in no rash and lawless spirit; that whatever violates order, and tends to the sudden disruption of the bonds of society, has no just place among the means for the reformation of men, and that patience and forbearance are no less essential than zeal and firmness, to the promotion of truth. S.

mine, I only purchased the land, and not the treasures which were hidden in it; but still, he from whom I bought will not receive it back." The defendant answered, "I am as conscientious as my fellow-citizen. I sold the land and all that it contained, and therefore the treasure."

66 Yes."


The judge repeated their words that he might be certain he had understood the case, and after some reflection, he said, "You have a son, my friend, have you not?" "Yes." "And you a "Well, your son shall daughter?" marry his daughter, and the treasure shall be given to the pair for a marriage portion." Alexander appeared surprised. "Is my decision 66 Oh, no," unrighteous?" asked the ruler. 66 How replied Alexander, "but it surprises me." would the case have been settled in your country?" "To tell the truth," answered Alexander, "the two men would have been put under guard, and the treasure seized for the king." "For the king?" asked the ruler, in astonishment, "Does the sun shine in your country?" "Oh, yes." "Does it rain there?" "Certainly." Singular! Are there tame, grass-eating animals there?" "Of many kinds." "Then," said the ruler, "it must be on account of these

Man, in his present state, comes into the world, more helpless than any other creature, yet, as a proof of his high original, he retains a specific difference from them all, in his rational faculty, power of speech, and laughter; his capacity of pitying even those whom he has made wretched by his cruelty; and in the use of material fire. It is observable, with respect to the last, that the wild animals dare not approach it; and that the tame, though they learn to love its warmth, can neither be taught to kindle it, or maintain it by the addition of fuel; though the art of doing it is frequently practised in their sight. That man in this world is not at his original home, we may infer, as well from his capacity to receive such supernatural influence and intelligence, as raise his mind to the know-innocent animals that the all good Being allows


ledge, contemplation, and worship of the Deity, the sun to shine and the rain to fall. do not deserve it."

(which none of the other creatures appear to have,) as from the consideration, that the instinct of brutes and birds is evidently more acute, in matters that concern themselves, than our rational faculty exerted on like occasions. A bee shut up in a snuff box, or a pigeon tied up in a bag, taken twenty or thirty miles from home, and then released, wants no compass by which to steer its course homeward, but would either of them, probably, arrive there before its captors, who may miss their way, in their attempts to find it.-Dillwyn's Reflections,


On his way to conquer the world, Alexander the Macedonian reached a country in Africa, where the people, separated from the rest of the world, dwelt peaceably in huts, and knew nothing of wars or conquerors. Alexander was led into the presence of the ruler of this people, who received him hospitably. The ruler placed before him dates, figs and bread, but all of gold. "Do you eat gold here?" asked Alexander. "I put it before you," replied the ruler, "because you have nourishing food in your own country, and could not have come here to seek it." "Your gold did not entice me here," replied, Alexander, "but I would learn your customs." "Indeed,” replied the other, "then stay with us as long as you will."

While they were conversing, two citizens came to ask for judgment. The plaintiff said, "I bought a piece of land of this man, and in digging it, I have found a treasure. This is not


You men

Hon. J. M. Niles, in his late address before the New Haven County Agricultural Society, makes the following judicious remarks in relation to the influence of railroads :

"It has been supposed by many, that the system of railroads and canals, by bringing the products of the west into competition with those of the Atlantic States, would operate injuriously to the agricultural interests of the latter, and reduce the value of land. But on a full development of that system, the result will be otherwise. Were agriculture and commerce the only great interests of our country, this consequence might have followed. But manufactures, the other great interest, supply local markets for the farmer; and the railroad system is already exerting a powerful influence in establishing manufactures in the interior, at points remote from tide water; and thus creating local markets for those products of the farm which would not justify transportation to our commercial cities on the seaboard. Whilst railroads bring the great staples of the west into competition with those of the Atlantic States, they enable the latter to send to market, at a good profit, a great variety of products, which could not otherwise be done, and which will not bear transporting from the western states. And this system, by its influence in evolving the various resources of the country, and increasing its wealth, exerts a favourable influence on agriculture generally, and more es

pecially on sections contiguous to our commercial towns and manufacturing districts. Whilst it brings the flour and provisions of the west into the market on the seaboard, it enables the farmers in the Atlantic States to avail themselves of the markets, where local ones do not exist, for hay, milk, vegetables, fruit, and various articles, which, were it not for those facilities, would bear transportation a few miles only."

Our beloved friends Benjamin Seebohm and Robert Lindsey, whose arrival was noticed in our 24th number, having beeu engaged since that time mostly in the city and its vicinity, set set out on Seventh day, the 19th ult., for New York, going by the way of Bristol, Burlington, &c.



Jesus, refuge of my soul,
Let me to thy bosom fly,
While the raging billows roll,
While the tempest still is high;
Hide me, Oh my Saviour, hide,
'Till the storm of life is past,
Safe into the haven guide,
There receive my soul at last.

Other refuge have I none,
Hangs my helpless soul on Thee;
Leave, ah! leave me not alone,
Still support and comfort me :-
All my trust on Thee is staid,-
All my help from Thee I bring,→
Cover my defenceless head
With the shadow of thy wing.

Plenteous grace with Thee is found,
Grace to pardon all my sin;
Let the healing streams abound,
Make and keep me pure within :--
Thou of Life the fountain art,
Freely let me take of Thee;
Spring Thou up within my heart,
Rise to all eternity.

Brightest and best of the sons of the morning,
Dawn on our darkness, and lend us thine aid!
Star of the East, the horizon adorning,
Guide where our infant Redeemer is laid.

Cold on his cradle the dew-drops are shining;
Low lies his bed with the beasts of the stall;
Angels adore him in slumber reclining,—
Maker, and Monarch, and Saviour of all!
Say, shall we yield him, in costly devotion,
Odours of Eden, and offerings divine?

Gems of the mountain, and pearls of the ocean?
Myrrh from the forest, and gold from the mine?

Vainly we offer each ample oblation;
Vainly with gold would His favour secure :
Richer by far is the heart's adoration;
Dearer to God are the prayers of the poor.

Brightest and best of the sons of the morning,
Dawn on our darkness and lend us thine aid!.
Star of the East, the horizon adorning,
Guide where our infant Redeemer is laid.


EUROPE. The steamship America arrived at Jersey City (opposite New York) on the 29th ult., having sailed from Liverpool on the 15th. This arrival dispels for the present the apprehension of a revolution in England, which seemed threatening at the last accounts. The intention of the Chartists who called the meeting on Kennington Common on the 10th, was to march in procession to the Parliament House, and present an immense petition, praying for certain great reforms in the electoral franchise. The petition is an ably written document, setting forth in the clearest manner the rights of the people, and the inequality and injustice of the present system of representation, and praying for universal suffrage, vote by ballot, annual instead of septennial parliaments, abolition of the property qualification for a seat in that body, payment of the members, and the division of the country into equal electoral districts, each having one representative. These are substantially the points embraced in "the people's charter," for which the Chartists are contending. In the preliminary meetings, some very violent language was used, some of the speakers declaring that after the petition had been presented to parliament, the procession should next day reorganize and proceed to the House, to demand an answer, and that if opposed, they should force a passage. Hundreds of thousands were expected to be present at the meeting. The Government prohibited the procession, and made great military preparations to prevent it from entering the city. The meeting took place, and was attended by immerse numbers, but the procession was given up, and the day passed off without any disturbance. The petition was taken by a delegation to the House of Commons, and presented by Feargus O'Connor, who stated that upwards of five millions of names were appended to it. The committee appointed to examine it, however, reported the number at less than two millions, and declared that very many of these were evidently fictitious. No outbreak had as yet occurred in Ireland, though the peasantry continued to procure arms in great quantities, and some of the disaffected journals openly published articles giving instruction in the use of the weapons, and contemplating in the most undisguised manner, a rising against the Government. France remained tranquil. In Italy no decisive movement had yet taken place. The Austrian army was stationed near Mantua, and the King of Sardinia was advancing against them.


appears that Tuscany and Rome had sent troops to the assistance of the army under the Sardinian King, and that Naples was about to do the same. A bloody battle was shortly expected. The Duchies of Sleswick and Holstein, previously under the Government of Denmark, having revolted against that power, and, as is reported, decided upon joining the Germanic Confederation, it ap pears that the Danish troops had advanced into the territory of the insurgents and defeated them in a severe battle. Prussia was sending troops to assist the Duchies.

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of Grace Church Street Monthly Meeting,

London, concerning WILLIAM ALLEN.

"Write, blessed are the dead which die in the Lord, from henceforth: yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them."

It having pleased the great Head of the church to remove from amogst us, this, our beloved friend, we feel it incumbent upon us to give forth a testimony concerning him; not from any desire to eulogize the instrument, but to magnify that grace by which he was, through a long course of years, enabled to stand amongst us, as an upright pillar in the spiritual building.

He was the son of Job and Margaret Allen, of Spitalfields, London, and was born in the Eighth month, 1770. His pious parents early directed his mind to take heed to the convictions of the Spirit of Truth. Their instructions and tender restraint were especially blessed to him, and he often, through life, acknowledged with filial affection and gratitude, the benefit he had derived from the watchful care of his beloved mother, to whose comfort, in her declining years, he felt it a privilege to minister.

No. 34.

that he soon became an important assistant, and ultimately a principal in the concern.

In the year 1796, he was united in marriage to Mary Hamilton. The domestic happiness which he enjoyed in this connection was of short duration; for in less than eleven months she was removed by death, soon after the birth of a daughter. Whilst the tide of sorrow was ready to overwhelm him, the Lord was mercifully near to sustain, and he was enabled to mitted in love. In the depth of his distress, he believe that this afflictive dispensation was per

writes, "The billows were checked, and a portion of heavenly serenity spread itself over my mind."

As he advanced in life, he was much occupied with the executive part of an increasing business, and in the prosecution of various studies connected with it; yet, amidst his numerous avocations, he was a bright example in the diligent attendance of his own week-day meeting, and was careful also to set apart a portion of each day for private religious retirement, a practice from which he derived strength and comfort to the latest period of his life. The following memorandum, written about this time, evinces his watchful care lest temporal concerns should obstruct a full dedication of heart to the Lord. "Oh! saith my soul, may I never love anything more than Him, but be favoured to keep every thing in subordination, yea, under my feet. Oh! that I may be wholly devoted to Him and His cause, being careful for nothing, but how to fill up my duty from time to time."

Being occupied in the pursuit of many benevolent and scientific objects, he was brought Through yielding to the tendering influence into contact with persons who filled important of divine love, his heart became deeply im- and conspicuous positions in the world. He pressed with the truth and excellence of those was many years engaged as a public lecturer on principles in which he was educated. Although chemistry, &c., and he availed himself of the of a lively disposition, and subjected to many of opportunity thus afforded, to impress upon his the temptations incident to natural genius, he audience the great truths of revealed religion, was, in a remarkable manner, preserved in hu- and was careful to manifest, by an undeviating mility, and in a concern to seek, in preference adherence to the simplicity of his holy profession, to all other things, "the kingdom of God and that his chief concern was to prove himself a His righteousness." His inclination for scien- humble and self-denying disciple of the Lord tific pursuits led him to quit the business into Jesus. The following memorandums, made after which his father had introduced him, and to commencing a course of lectures in the First enter a chemical establishment at Plough Court, month, 1804, evince the exercise of his mind on Lombard street. Here his talents, united with this subject: "I hope I have been hitherto fahabits of active industry, rendered him so useful, I voured to act consistently in my public situation

5th mo. 5th, 1817. Of this week, I must

at the Royal Institution. May I be preserved, of his remarks about this time show the progress and never give up my principles for the applause of the work of preparation. of the world." At a later date, in allusion to this engagement, he says, "Some comfort in re-record with thankfulness, that however unflecting that I have endeavoured to behave consistently with the profession I am making; so continue to help, dear Lord, and graciously preserve me from bringing reproach on thy great cause.'

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After his marriage with Charlotte Hanbury, in 1806, he divided his time between Plough Court and Stoke Newington, the latter place eventually becoming his usual residence. He was appointed by our Monthly Meeting to the station of elder, in 1813, having for nine years acceptably filled the office of overseer. He was seriously impressed with a sense of the responsibility incurred in these important stations, and whilst watching over the flock, he was careful to enter into frequent and close self-examination; this is instructively shown by the following remarks, dated Ninth month, 1817: "For some days past, I have been humbled under a sense of my own weaknesses and imperfections. Wash me, and make me clean, has been my prayer. The religion of Jesus requires purity of heart; it is not enough that the outward conduct be irreproachable, or even applauded by men. The thoughts of our hearts ought continually to be acceptable to Him who sees in secret. Under date of the same month, he says, "How I long to experience more and more of the cleansing, sanctifying power of the dear Redeemer," and, in contemplating, at the same time, the infinite purity of the Divine Being, and the corruptions of his own heart, he deeply felt the absolute necessity of a Medi


In the year 1816, our dear friend and his wife accompanied two women Friends, who were liberated for religious service on the continent of Europe. After visiting the Friends of Pyrmont and Minden, they were proceeding to the South of France, when William Allen was brought into deep affliction by the loss of his wife, who died near Geneva, after an illness of about three weeks. In this proving season, the eternal God was his refuge, and underneath were the everlasting arms, and in the depth of his anguish, he uttered the language, "Thy will, O Lord, be done."

In the following year, by appointment of the Meeting for Sufferings, he accompanied two women Friends from America, on a visit to the South of France. In the review of this journey, he expresses his reverent thankfulness for the mercies vouchsafed, and adds, "I distinctly felt the reward of peace for this little act of faith and dedication."

His mind was often brought into deep exercise, under an apprehension that it would be required of him to bear a public testimony to the goodness of his gracious Master, and some

worthy of divine regard, it has been mercifully manifested. My faith has been greatly strengthened, and I have been enabled to offer up all that may be called for. It is only, however, in the day of the Lord's power, that his people are a willing people.

"5th mo, 17th. At the invitation of E. J. Fry, I saw the female prisoners at Newgate. The plan of this dear Friend seems, to me, to be sanctioned from above. I ventured to address them, at parting, and when I got back to Newington, had peace in it. What a favour!

"5th mo. 25th. The meeting for worship, on sixth-day, was uncommonly solemn and confirming. I thought I could have kneeled down, and given thanks at the conclusion; but was afraid that I was not sufficiently purified."

In the year 1818, under a solemn sense of the awfulness of the engagement, our dear friend, at length yielding to the constraining power of heavenly love, spoke as a minister, in our religious assemblies. In the course of the same year, and with the concurrence of his Monthly Meeting, he united with his beloved friend, Stephen Grellet, now of Burlington, North America, in extensive service on the continent of Europe. During this journey, which occupied about eighteen months, he was indefati gable in his exertions on behalf of the poor, the ignorant, and the oppressed; and in several instances, his labours were signally owned by the Divine blessing. They visited the little company professing with Friends in Norway, from thence, proceeding by Stockholm, and through Finland, to Petersburg. Much of their service in that city, and elsewhere, consisted in diffusing a knowledge of our Christian principles, amongst persons of piety and influence; and these opportunities were often eminently owned by Him who had put them forth; so that our dear friend observes, "We may, indeed, say, It is the Lord's doing, and marvellous in our eyes." When visiting some of the large military schools in Russia, he saw, with much concern, that the reading lessons were extracted from the works of infidel writers. Feeling the importance of remedying this evil, he forcibly pointed out to some of the leading pious characters in Petersburg, the excellent opportunity which these schools afforded, for disseminating a knowledge of Christian truth by the introduction of portions of Holy Scripture. His suggestions met with warm encouragement; he was solicited to pre pare a selection from the sacred volume, and, assisted by some of his friends, he compiled the Scripture Lessons which have ever since been in use in those schools, and have become extensively circulated in most of the countries of Europe, as well as in South Africa. At the close

of the day, on which this work was commenced, | common degree, guided him in his daily walk he remarks in his journal, "I think that I never through life. He cherished a lively interest in felt more peace, or divine support, in any plan, the comfort of all, whatever might be their or engagement, than I did this evening." After station, who were placed within the sphere of leaving Petersburg, they proceeded through some his immediate influence; and, with a self-sacriof the large towns of Russia to the German ficing kindness, he sought to promote their temcolonies near the banks of the Dneiper, thence poral and spiritual welfare. His ear was at all to Constantinople, Smyrna, Greece, and the times open to the call of human suffering; and Ionian Islands, finding, from place to place, a he was ever ready to use personal exertion, and field of service open before them. After a de- to distribute freely of his substance, for the relief tention at Zante, in consequence of a serious and of the necessitous. protracted illness, he returned home through Italy, Switzerland and France. On the review of this journey he thus writes: "My mind was calm and peaceful, though humbled in the feeling THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE MANA

(To be continued.)

} From the Non-Slaveholder.


of my weakness and numerous imperfections. I am abundantly convinced, that, in my own strength, as a rational creature, I can do nothing to promote the dear Master's work; but I have faith to believe that, through His Spirit strength-exhibited of the intimate connection between ening me, I can do all that he requires of me,"

Soon after his return, he says, "I seem to have repeated evidence that the Lord is calling me to public service, but I am often much afraid, and desire never to speak in His name but when he is graciously pleased to furnish the power." His communications being much to the comfort and edification of his friends, he was recorded as an approved minister in the Fifth month, 1820. He observes that this placed him in an awful situation, and adds, "May the great Preserver of men be near to sustain and support me under every trial, and to prevent me from doing anything which might tend to injure His great and good cause.'

In the year 1822, our dear friend again visited the continent of Europe. He went forth, as he remarks, in simple faith, not being able to see far before him, but as he was careful to follow the leadings of his Divine Master, the path of duty became clear, and he was made an instrument of great usefulness to his fellowcreatures. At Vienna and Verona he was the means of diffusing widely, amongst persons connected with the principal governments of Europe, a knowledge of the iniquities of the African Slave-trade; he also pleaded the cause of the oppressed Greeks, for whom he obtained some important privileges; and that of the persecuted Waldenses of Piedmont, who, in consequence of his exertions, gained increased liberty of conscience. After some religious service amongst this people, and also in Switzerland, Germany and France, he was favoured to return home in safety; and in a review of the mercies received, he says, "deeply humbled in thankfulness that my dear Master had preserved those who were dearest to me, and brought me back to them in the possession of his sweet peace.'

In the several relations of domestic and social life, his character shone with peculiar brightness, and was calculated to attract those around him to that blessed principle of truth, which, in no

In the report which the managers submitted to the Association last year, a general view was

slavery, in its various ramifications, and the market for its products, by which it is supported. Notice was taken of the renewed stimulus which the African slave-trade had received from the reduction of the duty on sugar, by which the products of Cuban and Brazilian slavery were brought into competition in the British market with the free grown produce of their own colonial possessions. And it is with poignant regret, that we have now to state, that the murderous traffic, by which that slavery is sustained, not only continues unabated, but has been greatly increased. Vessels built and equipped in the United States, and furnished with all the materials for the prosecution of this piratical trade, still navigate the ocean under protection of the American flag; and although, when slaves are taken on board, a foreign ensign is usually substituted, there can be little doubt that American citizens and American capital are frequently engaged in their transportation.

So active has this traffic been, that 3000 captured slaves were carried to Sierra Leone in two months. These were chiefly boys, from six to fifteen years of age, who seem to have been preferred to older slaves, because a greater number of them could be stowed in a given space. These, of course, must be considered as a small part of the number embarked on the African coast. It is almost needless to mention that the horrors of this blood-stained traffic, are greatly increased by the means adopted for its suppression; the vessels employed in its prosecution, being constructed for rapid sailing, and therefore allowing a smaller space for the living cargo. The illicitness of the traffic often drives those who engage in it, to the adoption of barbarous expedients, which would hardly be thought of in a legalized commerce. Reports are not wanting of whole cargoes of slaves being consigned to the deep, when no other method could be devised to conceal the employment of the slavers. But without taking much account of such cases, we

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