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Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση


No. of Survey

20th 1890.


tions to Lot 3 in Sec 26 And running thence S 78° 30' West 42.00 chaines to the opposite Meander bank of Missouri River in Missouri as designated by B. F. Rummerfield County Date May 13th to Surveyor of Atchison County Missouri. Then correcting back at 21.00 ch. set stake 3 inches sqr. for Division line and at the SW. cor. of Accretions to Lot 3 in Sec 26. The Stake Witnessed by a Cottonwood tree 9 inches in diameter beares N 49° 30′ W 24

Survey for D. P. Holley and J. C. Roberts.
At request of D. P. Holley and J. C. Roberts.
Chainmen sworn Marton Lamb and W. Bar-

Point established Lots 1, 2 & 3 &c. in Sec. Iks distant and by a Cottonwood 11 inches 26, Twp. 7, Rng. 15 E, 6th P. M.

in in diameter beares N 19° E 32 lks. distant. Then commencing at the stake for the West line of Lot 3 in Sec 26, for the old River bank Running thence S 84° W 24.49 chaines to the opposite bank of the old Missouri River in Missouri as designated by B.

Co. Mo. Then at 12.24 chaines set stake for division line on the West line of Lot 3 Sec 26, T 7 R 15 E between Mo. & Neb.

Commencing at the SE. cor. of Sec. 26 T 7 R 15 E in Nemaha Co. Neb. and running thence North, at 20.00 chaines set a stake for East line of Lot 2 in Sec. 26, at 40.00 chaines found quartersection corner post at SE. cor. Lot 1 & NE cor of Lot 2 set by the Govern-F Rummerfield County Surveyor of Atchison ment, at 60.00 chaines set stake for East line of Lot 1 and at 73.90 chaines set stake for NE. cor. of Lot 1 and at bank of Missouri River in Nebraska. And from this line as a base we run lines West to find the old Missouri River bank on the Nebraska side, By First Commencing at the stake set at the 60.00 chaines North of SE. cor. of Sec. 26, Running thence West 16.50 chaines for bank of river setting a stake 3 inches square. Then commencing at the quarter section cor-1 and NW. cor. of Accretions to Lot 2 in Sec ner on the East line of Sec 26. and running thence West 21.45 chaines setting stake 3 inches square for SW. cor. of Lot 1 in Sec 26 and NW cor to Lot 2 in Sec 26, which contains by Government Survey 52.70 Acres.

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Then commencing at the stake 20.00 chaines North of the SE. cor. of Sec. 26. and on the East line of Lot 2 in Sec 26, and running thence West at 7.24 chaines, came to East bank of the River Shute the West line of Lot 2, Sec. 26, then at 11.34 chaines came to the West bank of the River Shute the East line of Lot 3 in See 26. Thence at 26.84 chaines set a stake for River bank and for the West line of Lot 3 in Sec 26.

Then commencing at the SE. corner of Sec 26 T 7 R 15 E in Nebraska, Running thence West and at 6.12 ch. came to the East bank of the River Shute and the SW. cor. of Lot 2 in Sec. 26, Lot 2 contains 42.00 Acres and at 9.22 chaines came to West bank of the River Shute and the SE corner of Lot 3 in Sec. 26, and at 17.22 chaines set a stone 6x8x10 in. sqr. for SW. cor. of Lot 3 on Old River line in Sec. 26, T 7 R 15 E. Lot 3 contains 30.80 Acres per Government survey. Survey of Accretions in Sec. 26 T 4 R 15 E in old River bed dividing the Accretions between Lots 1, 2 and 3 in Sec 26, T 7 R 15 E and Dividing between Nebraska and Missouri, and between the parties above named. Then commencing at a stone 6x8x10 inches square set for meander line and at SE cor. of Accre

Then commencing at stake 3 inches square set for NW. cor. of Lot 2 and SW cor. of Lot 1 in Sec 26, and running thence N 87° W. 27.70 chaines to opposite Meander line of the Missouri River, in Missouri. Then at 13.85 chaines half way set a stone 6x6x12 inches square for SW. cor. Accretions to Lot

26, T. 7, R 15 E in Nebraska

Then commencing at a stake 3 inches square set for the meander line of the old Missouri River on the West line of lot 1 in Sec 26. T 7. R 15 E. in Nebraska. Running thence N 81° W 28.34 chaines to the meander line on the Missouri side of the old Missouri River bead. Then setting a stake at 14.17 chaines for half way dividing line between Nebraska and Missouri.

Then commencing at a stake at the NE. corner of Lot 1 in Sec 26 T 7 R 15 E and at the intersection of the East line of Sec. 26 with the Missouri River in Nemaha County Nebraska. And running thence N 40° W 80.30 chaines to the meander line on the Atchison county Missouri side of the old Missouri River.

Then correcting and setting at 40.15 chaines the half way dividing point between Missouri and Nebraska a Limestone 3x12x18 inches square, for the NW. cor. of the Accretions in Missouri River belong g to Lot 1 in Sec 26 Nemaha Co. Neb. Witnessed by a cottonwood tree 5 inches in diameter beares East 6 lks. distant. And by a White Willow tree 5 inches in diameter beares West 5° S 9 links distant

This survey made in connection with B. F. Rummerfield County Surveyor of Atchison county Missouri

Magnetic V 9° 30' east.

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No. of Survey 20th 1890


25, running thence N 20° W 89.43 chaines to meander line on opposite bank of the Missouri River in Atchison County Mo. as designated by the County Surveyor of AtchiDate May 16th to son County Missouri B. F. Rummerfield. Then correcting back and setting a limestone 8x9x14 inches square at 44.71 ch for the NW. cor. of Acreations to Lot No. 3 in Sec. 25. T 7. R 15 East in Nebraska and on the dividing line between Nebraska and Missouri

Survey for D. P. Holley and J. Henderson At request of D. P. Holley and J. Henderson Chainmen sworn Marton Lamb and W. Barrenger

Point established Accretions to Lots 3 & 4 Said stone is Witnessed by a Willow tree 9 Sec. 25, Twp. 7, Rng. 15 E, 6th P. M.

Commenced the survey of the Accreations to Lots 3 and 4 of Sec 25 Town 7 North of Range 15 East, by Commencing at the Meander corner, at intersection of the half section line, running North and South threw section Twenty-five Town seven Range Fifteen East, with the Missouri River and at the Northeast corner of Lot No 3, marked by a Bur Oak stake 4x4x36 inches square and by a peace of an iron bar drove in by the side of the stake.

Running thence North 102.88 chaines to the meander line on the opposite bank of the Missouri River as designated by B. F. Rummerfield County Surveyor of Atchison County Mo.

Then correcting back making corner on dividing line between Nebraska and Missouri at 51.44 chains at a stone set by the Atchison County Missouri Surveyor and Chainmen. And at 12.70 chaines north of the meander corner at the Northeast corner of Lot No 3 in Sec 25 set a stone for the NE. cor. of Twenty-eight acres off of the South end of the Acretians to Lot No. 3. of Sec 25. Then commencing at the NW. cor. of Lot 3, Sec.

inches in diameter bears N 63° 30' W 54 lks distant. And setting a stone 12.70 ch. North of NW. cor. Lot 3, S 25, for NW. cor. of 28.00 acres off of South end of Acreations in Missouri River to Lot No. 3, Sec. 25, T 7 R 15 E.

Then commencing at the intersection of the West line of Section 25 Town 7 North of Range 15 E, with the Missouri River. in Nebraska, at the meander corner at the North West corner of Lot No 4 in Sec 25, running thence N 40° W 80.30 chaines to the meander line of the opposite bank of the Missouri River in Missouri as designated by the County Surveyor of Atchison County Missouri B. F. Rummerfield. Then correcting back and at 40.15 chaines, the half way point, set a Limestone 3x12x18 inches square. Witnesses by a Cottonwood tree 5 inches in diameter, Beares East 6 links distent. And also by a White Willow tree 5 inches in diameter Beares W 5° South 9 links distent. This stone marks the North West corner of the Acretion in the Missouri River to Lot Number Four 4 in Section 25 Town 7 North of Range 15 East, in Nebraska, Nemaha County.

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No. of Survey

to 23d 1891.


inches in diameter Beares N 63° W 16 Iks distant, And by a Sycamore tree 9 inches in diameter, Beares N 61° 30′ E. 53 lks distent. And at the NE. Meander cor. of Lot 2 & NW. Date December 8th cor of Lot 1 we set a Blue Limestone 3x15x 18 inches sqr. Witnessed by a cluster of Willows Beares S 57° 30' W. 33 lks. distant. Then commencing at the NW. cor. of Lot 2 in Sec. 25.7-15 E. and run thence North at Chainmen sworn Henry C. Taylor and Robert 52.00 ch. set a random stake for half way Taylor point across the old Missouri river bead, at

Survey for The Lombard Investment Co. At request of J. H. Stewart 512 Exchange B'ld'g. Kansas City Mo.

Point established Accretions to Lots 1 & 2 104.55 chains came to the North bank of Sec. 25, Twp. 7, Rng. 15 E. 6th P. M.

Began the survey by commencing at the quartersection corner on the East line of section 25 Town 7 Range 15 East where we found the old government stake standing and for the purpose of preserving the corner we set a Limestone 4x9x16 inches square marked , in the ground by the side of the old stake -Running from thence North to find the Meander corner at the NE. cor of Lot No 1 in Sec. 25 and at 20.00 chains found a stone heretofore set at the SE. cor. of Lot 1, and at 32.00 chaines set a random stake for the Meander corner on the Bank of the old Missouri River at the NE. cor. of Not No 1

Then commencing at a stone set for the center of Sec. 25, T 7 R 15 E, and at 20.00 cha. found a stake heretofore set and at 40.00 chaines found an iron bar heretofore set the NW. cor. of 40. acres off of the South end of Lot 2, in Sec. 25, and set a limestone 6x12x15 inches square in by the side of the Iron bar, and at 43.40 chaines found an oak post heretofore set for the meander Corner at the NE. cor. of Lot 3 in Sec 25-7-15 and by the side of the oak post we set a limestone 3x9x18 inches square for the NW. Meander cor. of Lot 2 in Sec. 25-7-15 E.-Witnessed by a Sycamore tree 12 inches in diameter beares S. 75° 30′ W. 44 links distant. And by a Sycamore tree ten inches in diameter. Bears S 35° E. 53 lks. distant. And also Witnessed by a Cottonwood tree 20 inches in diameter Beares N 31° 30′ W. 69 lks distant Then commencing at a stone heretofore set for the NE. cor, of 40 acres off of the South end of Lot 2 in S 25, and run thence North 7.50 chains and set a random stake for the NE. Meander cor. to lots 1 & 2 in Sec 25. Then after testing the Meander random stake set at the NE. corners of Lots 1 & 2 of Sec. 25.-7-15 E. At the NE. Meander cor of Lot 1 we set a Blue Limestone 12x12x12 inches square-Witnesses by a cottonwood tree 13

the old Missouri river bed 2.57 ch. West of a Meander stake at the intersection of a Sec. line with the river, set by Rummerfield, making a jog of 2.57 ch. between Sec & Sec lines in the diferent states, Then correcting back and at 27 lks. North of the random stake set at 52.00 chains. Setting a Limestone 5x11x20 inches square for the NW. cor. of the accretions in the old Missouri river bed to Lot 2 in Sec 25 T 7 R 15 E.

Then commencing at the NE. cor of Lot 2 & the NW. cor. of Lot 1 in Sec 25, running thence N 10° 30' E. at 50.00 chaines set a random stake forway and at 98.62 chains came to a stone at Meander corner on the North bank of the Mo. River set by Rummerfield for North bank of river Then correcting back at 49.31 chains the half way point from NE. cor. of Lot 2 in Sec. 25-7-15 E. on the South bank of old Missouri river, to the meander corner on the opposite bank of the old Missouri river to a stone by Rummerfield for Meander corner on old Mo. river bank in the state of Mo. Setting a limestone 7x10x12 inches sqr. at the NE. corner of accretion to Lot 2 in Sec. 25.-7-15 in Nebraska. And NW. cor. of Lot 1 in Sec. 25.

Then commencing at the NE. cor. of Lot 1 in Sec. 25-7-15 E. Neb running thence N 23° 47′ E. at 40.00 chaines set a random stake and at 78.56 chaines came to meander corner set by Rummerfield for north bank of old Missouri river. Then correcting back and correcting random stake set at 40.00 chaines by setting a limestone 3x9x13 inches square at 39.28 chaines the half way point. Being the NE. cor. of the accretion to Lot 1 in Sec 25 T 7 R 15 E. on the State line. The stone Witnessed by a cottonwood tree 6 inches in diameter. Beares N. 37° E 70 links distant

This survey made in connection with B. F. Rummerfield County Surveyor of Atchison county Missouri

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