Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση







1. Translate an extract from Livy, Book XXVI.

2. Translate and comment on

(a) L. Cincio praetori ad obtinendam Siciliam Cannenses milites dati, duarum instar legionum.

(b) Iussi deinde inire suffragium ad unum omnes non centuriae modo, sed etiam homines P. Scipioni imperium esse in Hispania jusserunt.

(e) Postulatum a consulibus est, ut de permutandis provinciis senatum consulerent.

3. Translate an extract from Horace, Odes, Book I.

4. Translate, with brief comments—

(a) Cui dabit partes scelus expiandi

(b) Crescit occulto velut arbor aevo
Fama Marcelli.

(c) Premant Calena falce, quibus dedit
Fortuna vitem.

5. Translate

Hannibal uno loco se tenebat in castello, quod ei a rege datum erat muneri, idque sic aedificarat, ut in omnibus partibus aedificii exitus haberet, scilicet verens ne usu

* The time allowed for each paper is three hours, except where otherwise stated.

veniret, quod accidit. Huc quum legati Romanorum venissent ac multitudine domum eius circumdedissent, puer ab ianua prospiciens Hannibali dixit plures praeter consuetudinem armatos apparere. Qui imperavit ei, ut omnes fores aedificii circumiret, ac propere sibi nuntiaret, num eodem modo undique obsideretur. Puer quum celeriter, quid esset, renuntiasset, omnesque exitus occupatos ostendisset, sensit id non fortuito factum, sed se peti, neque sibi diutius vitam esse retinendam. Quam ne alieno arbitrio dimitteret, memor pristinarum virtutum, venenum, quod semper secum habere consueverat, sumpsit.

6. Translate into Latin

After the battles of Trasimene and Cannae, when there was a state of panic at Rome, we find the Senate intrepidly discussing measures of safety after taking steps to allay the panic. According to Livy, even when the news came that Hannibal was marching on Rome, the Senate refused to break up the siege of Capua, and sent word to the commanders there that one only was to come with such troops as could be spared without relaxing the blockade. Again, when Hannibal was within sight of the walls of Rome, a reinforcement ready to set out for Spain was neither diverted nor detained, but marched out to embark for its destination. In the later years of the war its members used their influence with the people to have those commanders reappointed who had shown themselves capable.


(The answers are to be put up in two separate bundles, and marked clearly A and B. Answers given up in the wrong bundle will receive no marks. Each sheet must be clearly marked with the letters A or B.)


1. Translate into English, extracts from Michaud, La Première


2. Translate into English extracts from Molière, Les Femmes



3. (a) What is the Gender and Derivation of the following— main, malheur, visage, vue, cuirasse, jeûnes?

(b) Pour lui faire rencontrer un homme. Explain why lui is in the Dative, although a direct object.

4. Translate into French

All this while the storm increased, and the sea went very high, though nothing like what I have seen many times since; no, nor what I saw a few days after; but it was enough to affect me then, who was but a young sailor, and had never known anything of the matter. I expected every wave would have swallowed us up, and that every time the ship fell down, as I thought it did, in the trough or hollow of the sea, we should never rise more. In this agony of mind, I made many vows and resolutions, that if it would please God to spare my life in this one voyage, if ever I set foot upon dry land again, I would go directly home to my father, and never enter a ship again as long as I lived, that I would take his advice, and never run myself into such miseries as these any more. Now I saw plainly the goodness of his observations about the middle station in life, how easy, how comfortable he had lived all his days, and never had been exposed to tempests at sea, or trouble on shore; and, in short, I resolved that I would, like a true repenting prodigal son, go home to my father.

5. Translate into English (at sight)


Et si vous voulez recevoir de la vieille ville une impression que la moderne ne saurait plus vous donner, montez, un matin de grande fête, au soleil levant de Pâques ou de la Pentecôte, montez sur quelque point élevé d'où vous dominiez la capitale entière; et assistez à l'éveil des carillons. Voyez, à un signal parti du ciel, car c'est le soleil qui le donne, ces mille églises tressaillir à la fois. Ce sont d'abord des tintements épars, allant d'une église à l'autre, comme lorsque des musiciens s'avertissent qu'on va commencer. Puis, tout à coup, voyez, car il semble qu'en certains instants l'oreille aussi a sa vue, voyez

s'élever au même moment de chaque clocher comme une colonne de bruit, comme une fumée d'harmonie. D'abord, la vibration de chaque cloche monte droite, pure, et pour ainsi dire isolée des autres, dans le ciel splendide du matin; puis, peu à peu, en grossissant, elles se fondent, elles se mêlent, elles s'effacent l'une dans l'autre, elles s'amalgament dans un magnifique concert. Ce n'est plus qu'une masse de vibrations sonores qui se dégage sans cesse des innombrables clochers, qui flotte, ondule, bondit, tourbillonne sur la ville, et prolonge bien au-delà de l'horizon le cercle assourdissant de ces oscillations. Cependant cette mer d'harmonie n'est point un chaos. Si grosse et si profonde qu'elle soit, elle n'a point perdu sa transparence: vous y voyez serpenter à part chaque groupe de notes qui s'échappe des sonneries.


1. Translate into English, extracts from Schiller, Lyrical Ballads.

2. Translate into English, extracts from Elster, Zwischen den Schlachter.

3. Translate

Unterhalb des Rheingaus, wo die Ufer des Stromes ihre lachende Miene verlieren, Berg und Felsen mit ihren abenteuerlichen Burgruinen sich trotziger gebärden, und eine wildere, ernstere Herrlichkeit emporsteigt, dort liegt, wie eine schaurige Sage der Vorzeit, die finstre, uralte Stadt Bacharach. Nicht immer waren so morsch und verfallen diese Mauern mit ihren zahnlosen Zinnen und blinden Warttürmchen, in deren Luken der Wind pfeift und die Spatzen nisten; in diesen armselig hässlichen Lehmgassen, die man durch das zerrissene Thor erblickt, herrschte nicht immer jene öde Stille, die nur dann und wann unterbrochen wird von schreienden Kindern, keifenden Weibern und brüllenden Kühen. Diese Mauern waren einst stolz und stark, und in diesen Gassen bewegte sich frisches, freies Leben, Macht und Pracht, Lust und Leid, viel Liebe und viel Hass. Bacharach gehörte einst zu jenen Municipien, welche von den Römern während

ihrer Herrschaft am Rhein gegründet worden, und die Einwohner, wussten nach dem Beispiel andrer rheinischen Städte ein ziemlich freies Gemeinwesen zu erhalten.

4. Translate into German

The hangman addressed himself to his office. But he had been disconcerted by what the duke had said, The first blow inflicted only a slight wound. The duke struggled, rose from the block, and looked reproachfully at the executioner. The head sank down once more. The stroke was repeated again and again; but still the neck was not severed, and the body continued to move. Yells of rage and horror rose from the crowd. Ketch flung down the axe with a curse. "I cannot do it," he said; 'my heart fails me." "Take up the axe, man," cried the sheriff. "Fling him over the rails," roared the mob. At length the axe was taken up. Two more blows extinguished the last remains of life, but a knife was used to separate the head from the shoulders. The crowd was wrought up to such an extasy of rage that the executioner was in danger of being torn to pieces, and was conveyed away under a strong guard.



1. Find the cost of 17 tons 11 cwt. 3 qrs. 13 lbs. at £27 11s. 6d. a ton.

2. Express and as recurring decimals.

3. Arrange in order of magnitude, and



4. If a shilling a gallon is 28 francs per litre, and a litre is 22 gallons, find the value of £1 in francs and centimes.

5. To what will £25 9s., paid annually in advance, amount at the end of four years, reckoning interest at four per cent. per annum ?

6. A man buys pound shares, paid up to eighteen shillings, at 16s. 1d. He afterwards receives a dividend at the rate of eight per cent. on the paid-up capital, and then sells out at 18s. 2d. What rate of profit has he made on the transaction?

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