Gleanings in Bee Culture, Τόμος 52A. I. Root Company, 1924 |
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Αποτελέσματα 1 - 5 από τα 99.
Σελίδα 1
... Honey ....... 699 by Local Association .. Honey in Local News- papers 576 ... Flow 107 labama .... 37 , 161 , 237 , 725 ALCOHOL FORMALIN SO- Do Not Sleep ... Honey Flow in California . 778 Quiescence of .. 460 Remove Flesh from ...
... Honey ....... 699 by Local Association .. Honey in Local News- papers 576 ... Flow 107 labama .... 37 , 161 , 237 , 725 ALCOHOL FORMALIN SO- Do Not Sleep ... Honey Flow in California . 778 Quiescence of .. 460 Remove Flesh from ...
Σελίδα 10
... honey flow is not simply for the purpose of giving the queen sufficient room . If this were the sole purpose , it would be better to do this by means of a larger brood chamber . The real pur- pose is largely that of swarm control ...
... honey flow is not simply for the purpose of giving the queen sufficient room . If this were the sole purpose , it would be better to do this by means of a larger brood chamber . The real pur- pose is largely that of swarm control ...
Σελίδα 11
... honey flow . By syste- matic requeening in plenty of time for the young queen of each colony to lay enough eggs to make a strong colony of young bees for winter , providing ample stores throughout late summer and fall to insure the ...
... honey flow . By syste- matic requeening in plenty of time for the young queen of each colony to lay enough eggs to make a strong colony of young bees for winter , providing ample stores throughout late summer and fall to insure the ...
Σελίδα 17
... honey . Large Yields Are Not Always Secured Every Year . While enormous ... flow . There was at this time a complete dearth of nectar . On tasting this ... Honey Flow . In an interesting paper published by deLayens , the well ...
... honey . Large Yields Are Not Always Secured Every Year . While enormous ... flow . There was at this time a complete dearth of nectar . On tasting this ... Honey Flow . In an interesting paper published by deLayens , the well ...
Σελίδα 18
... honey flow was well on , when no water was taken from the reservoir by the bees . In another series of ob- servations he correlates the collection of water with the weight of honey gath- ered by the bees and finds a definite and close ...
... honey flow was well on , when no water was taken from the reservoir by the bees . In another series of ob- servations he correlates the collection of water with the weight of honey gath- ered by the bees and finds a definite and close ...
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Συχνά εμφανιζόμενοι όροι και φράσεις
A. I. Root advertising alfalfa American foul brood amount apiary apiculture average Bee Culture beekeepers Beeswax better bloom brood-chamber brood-rearing buckwheat cage California cellar cells cent clover honey cold colo colonies colonies of bees comb honey County disease early extracted honey extractor Fair fall honey feeding filled food chamber formalin frames give Gleanings hive body honey crop honey flow Honey Producers inches Italian bees Italian queens keepers knife larvae Leslie Burr light amber locality lots ment method month nectar North nuclei Ohio package bees packing pails pollen pounds of honey queen-cells queen-rearing rearing reported requeening season sections sell sold solution spores spring strong colonies sugar syrup supers supply swarm sweet clover tank tion uncapping untested usually weather weeks white clover winter Wisconsin yard young queens
Δημοφιλή αποσπάσματα
Σελίδα 174 - The works of the LORD are great, sought out of all them that have pleasure therein.
Σελίδα 653 - The bridegroom may forget the bride Was made his wedded wife yestreen ; The monarch may forget the crown That on his head an hour has been ; The mother may forget the child That smiles sae sweetly on her knee; But I'll remember thee, Glencairn, And a' that thou hast done for me ! " LINES SENT TO STR JOHN WHITEFORD, OP WHITEFORD, BART.
Σελίδα 719 - Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings ; he shall not stand before mean men...
Σελίδα 511 - As for me, my bed is made : I am against bigness and greatness in all their forms, and with the invisible molecular moral forces that work from individual to individual, stealing in through the crannies of the world like so many soft rootlets, or like the capillary oozing of water, and yet rending the hardest monuments of man's price, if you give them time.
Σελίδα 286 - ... Brood treated in this jar by recharging with the gas resulted usually in complete disinfection after two days. Agar plates containing spores and cheese cloth on which cultures containing spores were spread and dried were disinfected after a short length of time by the application of formaldehyde gas. From the experiments made the conclusion can be drawn that formaldehyde gas is a good disinfectant for the surface but it penetrates very slowly, and that twenty-four hours...
Σελίδα 254 - THE BEE WORLD The Leading Bee Journal in Britain and the only International Bee Review in existence. It is read, re-read, and treasured. Will it not appeal to you? Specimen Copy Free from the Publishers — THE APIS CLUB, Benson, Oxon, England Send us a postcard to-day It is well worth your trouble.
Σελίδα 724 - Printed -with your Name and Address. Clear, white bond paper, with envelopes to match. Your name and address printed in beautiful rich blue ink, on both paper and envelopes, and sent you postpaid for only $1.00.
Σελίδα 789 - Clear, white bond paper, with envelopes to match. Your name and address printed in beautiful, rich blue ink, on both paper and envelopes, and sent to you postpaid, for only $1.00.
Σελίδα 50 - ... scene, When birds sang out their mellow lay, And winds were soft, and woods were green, And the song ceased not with the day. But still wild music is abroad, Pale, desert woods ! within your crowd, And gathering winds, in hoarse accord, Amid the vocal reeds pipe loud. Chill airs and wintry winds! my ear Has grown familiar with your song; I hear it in the opening year, — I listen and it cheers me long.
Σελίδα 734 - ... only foreshadowed in the early stages and becomes more evident in later development. Law of Differential Growth.— As proliferative growth progresses, certain areas are found to be more irregular than others, and correspond to various locations and rates of activity. According to a geometric law, the volume of a sphere increases as the cube of the diameter while the surface of a sphere increases as the square of the diameter. This law is universal and its significance can be easily observed...