Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

He was born at Meiningen, March 11, 1821, and was educated at the Universities of Leipsic and Tübingen, at the latter of which he was a pupil of Ewald, under whom he studied the Semitic languages, as well as the Sanscrit and the Persic. After spending two years with Ewald, he went to Bonn, where he devoted himself wholly to philology, going through a regular course of study in both the classical and the Oriental languages, under the most distinguished professors. Subsequently he occupied professional chairs in the Universities of Prague and Jena. He repeatedly declined the most honorable appointments in Russia, but, at the request and at the expense of the Imperial Academy of St. Petersburg, wrote a series of works for the promotion of the study of Slavonic philology.

Dec. 9.-DENOYER, LOUIS, a French journalist and novelist, died in Paris. He was one of the founders of the Charivari and the Siècle.

Dec. 27.-BEERSKI, Count JOHN DE, a Russian nobleman and officer in the Russian Army, died in Rochester, N. Y., aged about 70 years. He was of noble birth, and inherited a large and valuable estate near Moscow, together with 250 serfs; but at an early age entered the army, and was in the campaign against the Turks in 1825. He distinguished himself in the army, and was promoted to the rank of lieutenant-colonel. On his return to St. Petersburg, filled with ideas of liberty which he could not suppress, he emancipated his serfs. In 1826, when Nicholas succeeded to the throne, the count compromised himself in the insurrection of that year, and was obliged to leave his native country and all his possessions, and seek in other countries that liberty of thought and action denied him in his own. He reached Hamburg in safety, and soon began to realize the embarrassment of his situation. Accustomed to wealth and luxury, he now found it necessary to do something to procure the means of subsistence. He was a proficient in eight or ten languages, and thought of offering himself as a teacher, but very soon abandoned the idea. He had cultivated somewhat a taste for drawing, and one day, while examining an ivory miniature, the thought occurred to him to make an effort to paint miniatures. His first attempt was the production of a marvellously correct likeness of a young English lady, without any sitting. Thus he began, and in a short time his works attracted the attention of prominent officers in the Danish Army, by whom he was introduced to the court of the King of Denmark, and recommended to the King of Prussia. Subsequently Count de Beerski removed to Paris, where he continued to attract great notice as an artist. His paintings, which were exhibited at the Crystal Palace, at the World's Fair, in London, 1851, won the first premium. He was afterward employed to paint the royal family of Great Britain. In 1859 he came to the United States, whose free

institutions he greatly admired, and thenceforth made this country his home.

Dec. 27.-MAYNE, Sir RICHARD, K. C. B., Commissioner of London Police, died in that city, aged 72 years. He was a native of Ireland, and was educated at Trinity College, Dublin, and at Trinity College, Cambridge, where he graduated in 1821. The following year he was admitted to the bar at Lincoln's Inn. In 1829, upon the organization of the present London police force, he was appointed one of the commissioners, and his executive ability and untiring energy did much toward rendering that organization so effective. He was a man of marked eccentricity and some times was severe in his ideas of discipline, and the riot of Hyde Park was mainly the result of his attempt to suppress the Sunday meetings of workingmen. With all his eccentricities, however, he was an excellent officer.

Dec.-DELAVIGNE, GERMAIN, a dramatic writer, brother of Casimir Delavigne, died at Montmorency, France, aged 79 years. In 181 and 1813 he produced the "Dervis," the "Au berge," and "Thibault." He was the friend and colaborer of Scribe, with whom he brought out the "Maçon" in 1823, the “Mette" in 1828, the "Somnambule" in 1829, the "Mystéries d'Udolphe" in 1852, and the "Nonne Sanglante" in 1854. In conjunction with his brother Casimir, he was the author o "Charles the Sixth," played for the first time in 1843.

Dec. MALLEFILLE, FÉLICIEN, 8 we known French dramatist, died in Paris, aged 56 years. He was born in the Isle of France His first dramatic composition was "Glenar von," represented in 1835 at the Ambigu Comique. From that time forward he wrote co stantly for the stage. Among the best-known of his works are "Psyche," played at the Valdeville in 1845; "Forta Spada," produced s the Gaîté in 1849; "Le Coeur et la Dot" and "Les Deux Veuves," both brought out at the Théâtre Français, the former in 1858, and the latter in 1860; and "Les Mères Repenties" produced at the Porte St. Martin and repro duced at the Vaudeville. His "Susceptiques," written last year for the Théâtre Français, but played at the Théâtre Cluny, was also a grea success. At the time of his death M. Mallefille was engaged upon the composition of s piece for M. Harmant of the Vaudeville, ertitled "Le Gentilhomme Bourgeois,” which remains unfinished.

OHIO. The Legislature of this State met on the first Monday in January, and continued in session until the 18th of May, when it ad journed to meet again on the 23d of November. Rutherford B. Hayes, elected in the preceding fall by the Republican voters for Governor of the State, was inaugurated soon after the opening of the session. The Legislature itself had a small Democratic majority in both branches.

One of the propositions introduced at this


session was embodied in a joint resolution rescinding the action of the Legislature of 1867, by which the fourteenth amendment to the Constitution of the United States was ratified. This subject was brought forward before the inauguration of Governor Hayes, and in his inaugural address that official alluded to the subject, deprecating any action of the kind 66 that contemplated. "I submit," said he, nothing has occurred which warrants the opinion that the ratification, by the last General Assembly, of the fourteenth amendment to the Constitution of the United States was not in accordance with the deliberate and settled convictions of the people. That amendment was, after the amplest discussion, upon an issue distinctly presented, sanctioned by a large majority of the people. If any fact exists which justifies the belief that they now wish that the resolution should be repealed, by which the assent of Ohio was given to that important amendment, it has not been brought to the attention of the public." But the majority in the General Assembly appear to have entertained a different opinion from that of the chief executive of the State, and the following resolutions were passed and forwarded to Washington, where, on the 31st of January, they were submitted to the Senate and by that body laid upon the table.

Whereas, on the 11th day of January, A. D. 1867, the following joint resolution was adopted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, to wit:

Whereas, the General Assembly has received official notification of the passage by both Houses of the Thirty-ninth Congress of the United States, at its first session, of the following proposition to amend the Constitution of the United States, by a constitutional majority of two-thirds thereof, in the words gfollowing, to wit:

[The words of the fourteenth constitutional amendment are recited at length.]

Whereas, three-fourths of the Legislatures of the States comprising the United States are required to give assent to the said proposed amendment to the Constitution of the United States before it becomes a part thereof: Therefore,

Resolved, by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That we hereby ratify, on behalf of the State of Ohio, the above recited proposed amendment to the Constitution of the United States.

Resolved, That certified copies of the foregoing preamble and resolution be forwarded by the Governor of Ohio to the President of the United States, o the Presiding Officer of the United States Senate, and the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives.

And whereas no amendment to the Constitution of he United States is valid until duly ratified by threeourths of all the States composing the United States, ind, until such ratification is completed, any State has right to withdraw her assent to any proposed


And whereas several distinct propositions are comined in the same proposed amendment, several of Thich are already fully provided for in the Constituion of the United States, and to which no person or arty objects: Therefore,

Be it resolved, by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That the above recited resolution be, and the same is hereby, rescinded, and the ratification, on behalf of the State of Ohio, of the above-recited pro


posed amendment to the Constitution of the United
States, is hereby withdrawn and refused.
Resolved, That copies of the foregoing preamble
and resolution, certified to by the Speaker of the
House of Representatives and the President of the
Senate, be forwarded to the President of the United
States, to each of our Senators and Representatives
in Congress, and to each of the Governors of the re-
spective States.

Resolved, That the President of the United States be respectfully requested to cause to be forwarded to the Governor of Ohio any and all papers on file in the executive department at Washington, certifying the ratification by the General Assembly of Ohio of said proposed constitutional amendment, and that the Presiding Officer of the United States Senate and the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives be requested to return to the same officer any certificate that may have been filed with them, or either of them, on the subject of said ratification. JOHN F. FOLLETT,

Speaker of the House of Representatives,
J. C. LEE, President of the Senate.
January 15, A. D. 1868.

Several Republican members of the Legislature entered protests against this action, and it was moved that these protests be forwarded to Washington also; but this proposition was rejected by a strict party vote.

At a later period in the session, another resolution of the General Assembly of Ohio was presented to the Senate of the United States by Mr. Sherman, one of the Senators from that State, who asked that it be read, and then allowed to lie on the table. It was, he said, rather an extraordinary resolution, but he felt it to be his duty to present it. This was a "Joint Resolution protesting against the reconstruction acts of Congress, and against the passage of certain bills" then pending before that body, and instructing the Senators and requesting the Representatives from Ohio "to vote for the repeal of the former, and against the passage of the latter;" and was in these words:

Whereas, the Congress of the United States has enacted laws and is now considering measures which, if enacted into laws, are, in the opinion of this General Assembly, in direct conflict with the plainest provisions of the Constitution: Therefore,

Be it resolved, 1. That this General Assembly does protest against the acts of Congress commonly called the reconstruction acts, because the same are subversive of the rights of the States, the liberty and prosperity of the people, and the constitutional powers of the executive and judicial departments of the Federal Government, and our Senators in Congress are hereby instructed, and our Representatives in Congress requested, to vote for the repeal of all said acts.

2. That this General Assembly does protest against the passage of the bill now pending in Congress requiring the concurrence of two-thirds of the judges of the Supreme Court of the United States to pronounce an act of Congress unconstitutional, because said proposition is plainly unconstitutional, and is an attempt to destroy the judicial department of the Government.

8. And this General Assembly does also protest against the passage of the bill now pending in Congress, to take from the Supreme Court and other courts of the United States jurisdiction in cases arising under said reconstruction acts, because said bill proposes to deny to the people any redress for wrongs and injuries they may suffer, to destroy the just and necessary powers of the judicial tribunals,

and to subject the country to an uncontrolled and uncontrollable military despotism; and our Senators in Congress are hereby instructed, and our Representatives in Congress requested, to oppose and vote against the passage of said bills.

4. That the Governor is hereby requested to forward a copy of these resolutions to each of our Senators and Representatives in Congress, and to each of the judges of the Supreme Court of the United JOHN F. FOLLETT,

: States.

Speaker of the House of Representatives. J. C. LEE, President of the Senate. Adopted April 13, 1868.

These resolutions were adopted in the Legislature after a protracted discussion, by a strict party vote.

When the bill for readmitting the State of Alabama to the Union was before the United States Senate, the following was sent to that body by the Legislature of Ohio:

Resolved, That the bill introduced in the Senate of the United States by the Hon. John Sherman, one of the Senators from this State, declaring the pretended constitution of the State of Alabama ratified, after it has been rejected by a majority of the votes of said State, under the provisions of the law under which it was submitted, is another proof of the utter want of good faith on the part of the friends of the so-called Congressional system of reconstruction, and is an additional evidence of their intention to overthrow, by force or fraud, the Constitution of the United States, and establish in its stead the government of an irresponsible Congressional Directory, backed by the bayonets of a military chieftain.

Resolved, That this General Assembly does protest against thus forcing on a sister State a constitution made by disfranchising any one who refused to take a test oath in favor of negro suffrage, and that we will never recognize as legitimate any State Government, so_established by Congressional usurpation, and our Senators in Congress are directed, and our Representatives requested, to vote against said bill.


A large portion of the time of the legislators was given to the consideration of the question of what constituted a "white" nan. The Constitution of 1851 gave the suffrage only to white male citizens, and it has since been several times decided by the courts of the State, that any person otherwise qualified could exercise the privilege of voting if he had a preponderance of "white blood." subject was brought up in the last Legislature by a case of contested election. Mr. H. C. Jones was elected to the Senate from the Eighth Senatorial District by a majority of the votes actually cast, but Mr. H. M. Onderdonk appeared to contest his right to a seat in that body on the ground that a part of the persons voting for him had an admixture of African blood, and were therefore disqualified from voting by the provision of the Constitution which gives the suffrage to "white" citizens only. The subject was referred to a committee, who reported in favor of ousting Mr. Jones and giving the seat to Mr. Onderdonk, alleging that a "visible admixture" of African blood was sufficient to disqualify a person from voting. Their report was adopted by a vote of 18 to 16. This action was afterward fortified by the passage of a law, known as the "visible admixture law," which made it the

duty of the election judges to challenge the ture of African blood, under a heavy penalty vote of every person who had a visible admirfor disregarding the requirements of the law. Any person so challenged was required to swear, from his own knowledge, that his parents were married and lived together as husband and wife, that neither of his parents had any visible admixture of African blood, that in the community in which he lived be was classed as a white man and associated with white people, and that his children tended the common schools organized for white children. He was further required to produce two credible witnesses, who coall swear that they were acquainted with hin and with his parents, and knew of their own knowledge that they had no visible admixture of African blood, and that they were married and lived together as man and wife. After al this had been accomplished, the judges were to tender to him the following oath or affirm ation: "You do solemnly swear (or affi that, to the best of your knowledge and belief. you are a white male citizen of the United States, and know the fact to be so from s knowledge of both your parents and your pedigree;" and if the judges shall then receive said vote, the words "challenged on the ground of visible admixture of African blood" shall be entered on the poll book opposite sid voter's name. A case under this law arose at a special election in Green County, and wa taken to the Supreme Court at its June ses sion, on a motion to file a petition in erne, and the law was pronounced unconstitutions! null, and void.

Other laws were passed affecting the subject or franchise, among them "an act to preserve the purity of elections," which contains the following provision with regard to students the various institutions of learning in the State

مجھے such township, city, or incorporated village to

A person shall not be considered or held to hast gained a residence in any township, city, or in porated village of this State who may now be ing tendance upon, or who shall hereafter come in tend, any school, seminary, academy, college, institution of learning located or established there as a pupil, scholar, or student, unless the pers lege, university, or other institution of learning. attendance in such school, seminary, academy, ensuch pupil, scholar, or student, was a legally qualif elector of the township, city, or incorporated vil in which the same is located or established, or us the pupil, scholar, or student, shall upon his ca that it is his intention to make such township, y declare that he has no other place of residence, or incorporated village, his place of pers residence, or unless the parent or parents of sa pupil, scholar, or student, had an actual rest therein in accordance with the foregoing provis intention of making the same such residence bhuti. of this section, or had removed thereto with the at the same time, or since, such attendance fr menced.

The inmates of the asylum for disabled soldiers were also disfranchised, and the following provision made regarding the ballots to be t at elections:


That all ballots voted at any election held in pursuance of law shall be written on plain white paper, or printed with black ink on plain white news printing paper, without any device or mark of any description to distinguish one ticket from another, or by which one ticket may be known from another by its appearance, except the words at the head of the ticket; and that it shall be unlawful for any person to print for distribution at the polls, or distribute to any elector, or vote, any ballot printed or written contrary to the provisions of this act; provided, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to prohibit the erasure, correction, or insertion, of any name by pencil mark or otherwise upon the face of the printed ballot.

Among the other acts of this Legislature is one making it an offence, punishable by imprisonment in the penitentiary for not less than one nor more than ten years, to be engaged as principal in any prize-fight. A bill to remove from office persons guilty of habitual intoxication failed of passage for want of a constitutional majority in the House.

The political conventions were held in the early part of the year. No governor was to be nominated, but several other State officers, together with delegates to the national Conventions and presidential electors, were to be named. The Democratic Convention assembled on the 8th of January, and nominated Thomas Hubbard for Secretary of State, and William E. Finck for Judge of the Supreme Court. The position of the party on the various political questions of the day was defined in a long series of resolutions. The general tenets of the party were set forth in the following: Resolved, That, unalterably opposed to the doctrines which lead to consolidation, we renew, with unflagging zeal and increased energy, our attachment to that political creed which has ever been so stanchly adhered to by our organization through days of trouble and disaster, as well as good fortune and prosperity; which was thus expressed by Thomas JefferEqual and exact justice to all men, of whatever state or persuasion-religious or politicalpeace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none; the support of the State Governments in all their rights, as the most competent administration of our domestic concerns and the surest bulwark against anti republican tendencies; the preservation of the General Government in its whole constitutional vigor, as the sheet-anchor of peace at home and safety abroad; a jealous care of the rights of elections by the people, and the supremacy of the civil over the military authority."


[blocks in formation]

Resolved, That we condemn the legislative usurpations of Congress, and particularly the several acts of reconstruction, so called, as violative of the constitutional compact between the States, and as utterly subversive of every principle of self-government that distinguishes a free people.

Resolved, That we are opposed to any measures which recognize that the integrity of the Union was ever broken-that any of its members were ever out and that we determinedly insist that the Southern States, no longer being in insurrection, or at war with the Federal Government, are entitled to the full representation in Congress, and the electoral college given to all the States, and that denial of either to them by Congress and its efforts to dictate by military

force, a Government for them are unconstitutional, revolutionary, and despotic.

Resolved, That we are opposed, both in principle and policy, to negro suffrage; that the State of Ohio having by the emphatic majority of 50,000 rejected it for herself-is sternly opposed to its forced imposition upon other States, and that we stigmatize such an imposition by the Federal Government as a most base usurpation.

Resolved, That the practical effect of the so-called reconstruction acts of Congress is, to deliver over ten States to the political and social control of negroes, and to place the lives, liberties, and fortunes of the whites residing therein in the hands of a barbarous people; and it would inevitably lead either to a war of races, or to the Africanization of the South.

On the subject of national finances, they expressed themselves as follows:

Resolved, That, notwithstanding the enormous and conceded frauds in the creation of the public debt, the faith of the country is pledged to its payment, principal and interest, according to the terms of the several acts of Congress, under which the bonds representing the debt were issued, but not otherwise, and we are opposed to any plan for extending the times of payment, thus increasing the amount of gold tion by Congress that the principal' is payable in gold, interest to more than the principal, or to any declarawhich would virtually add more than a thousand millions to the burden of the debt, and to the whole insane financial policy of which these measures are a part.

ancient faith that gold and silver coin form the curResolved, That, neither forgetting nor denying our rency of the Constitution, we declare that the fivetwenty bonds should be paid in the same currency received by the Government for their issue, and that, by the withdrawal of the monopoly granted to the National Banks, this result can be accomplished without an undue or dangerous increase of paper money, now the only circulating medium, thus relieving our people from the burden of a debt, the tendency of which is always to corrupt and enslave, and our Government from the reproach of paying a favored class in gold, while discharging its debts to all others, including pensions to widows and soldiers, in an inferior currency.

Resolved, That this plan violates no law, impairs no contracts, breaks no faith, and, instead of retarding a return to specie payment, is the shortest because the only safe way of reaching that end.

Resolved, That all the property of the country, including the Government bonds, which receives the equal protection of the Government, should bear an equal share in its burdens.

They then condemn the doctrine of perpetual allegiance, speak a word of encouragement for Andrew Johnson "in his struggle with Congressional usurpation," thank the soldiers of the late war for their "fortitude and gallantry," and close with the following:

Resolved, That the Democracy of the country have neither the purpose nor desire to reestablish slavery, nor to assume any portion of the debt of the States lately in rebellion.

The Republican State Convention met at Columbus, on the 4th of March, and organized by electing Lieutenant-Governor Jno. C. Lee for President, with a Vice-President from each Congressional District. Isaac R. Sherwood was nominated for Secretary of State; and William White for Judge of the Supreme Court.

The platform of the party in Ohio was set forth in the following resolutions:

Resolved, by the Union party of Ohio in convention assembled, That the National Republican Union party, having preserved the integrity of the country, having defeated the atrocious attempts lately made to inaugurate appeals to arms and civil war from the legitimate results of legal and constitutional elections, and having placed American nationality on the solid foundation of liberty and the rights of man, will elect to the Presidency of the United States, next November, a man under whose administration will be completed the great task of reconstruction on the basis of nationality, liberty, and true democracy, and who, with firmness, yet with moderation, with justice, yet with charity and liberality, with unswerving loyalty, yet with prudence and statesmanship, will heal the wounds of the war, reconcile the hostile elements, and, by his wisdom, economy, rectitude, and good faith, will restore those sections of the country, which rebellion has desolated, to prosperity and happiness, and, with the hearty cooperation of the people's representatives in Congress, will establish the relations of the several States to a regenerated Union, and to the blessings of everlasting domestic peace.

Resolved, That, at this juncture, the eyes of the country are directed to one man who is eminently qualified, by his character, position, antecedents, and the universal confidence which he enjoys, to secure a triumphant election next November, to terminate, when in office, the present state of transition and suspense, and to guide the nation to a new era of good feeling, and to restore confidence.

Resolved, That with Ulysses S. Grant as our candidate for the Presidency, and Benjamin F. Wade for the Vice-Presidency, and the history of the last seven years for our platform, we may confidently appeal to the loyalty, patriotism, and intelligence of the American people.

Resolved, That the chief obstruction to the pacification of the country has been the persistent opposition of Andrew Johnson to the reconstruction of civil government in the rebellious States under the authority of national legislation, by keeping alive the spirit of rebellion, and reviving the hopes of a restoration to political power of its great ally-the Democratic party.

Resolved, That we approve and applaud the action of the House of Representatives in the recent exercise of the high constitutional prerogative by the impeachment of Andrew Johnson for high crimes and misdemeanors in office; believing it to be the constitutional function of the Senate, sitting as a court of justice, to finally determine every question of law and fact arising in the course of the prosecution, we invoke from all parties a peaceable and law-abiding submission to its judgment in the case.

Resolved, That by the indecent haste and precipitation with which the Democratic Legislature of our State rescinded the resolutions ratifying the fourteenth amendment to the Constitution of the United States, and thus condemned the propositions contained in said amendment-propositions which the people of Ohio, after a full and exhausting discussion, had endorsed with over forty thousand majority-the Democratic party has again manifested that its restoration to power would put in jeopardy the results of our great struggle, undo what has been accomplished by the war, and again plunge the country into disorder, confusion, and the dangers of secession, disintegration, and perhaps a war of races, and that, to avoid the calamity of a Democratic victory, it becomes the duty of all true lovers of their country to unite, disregard ing for the time being all side issues or questions of minor importance, until the danger of a fatal reaction has passed, and the fruits of the war are permanently secured by the election of a loyal, reliable, and pa

triotic President.

Resolved, That we cordially approve the determination of Congress to retrench the expenses of the Government, and that we urge upon the national Legislature the necessity of the strictest economy

and the reduction of the army and navy, and the thorough revision and simplification of our system of Federal taxation, so as to equalize and lighten the burdens of taxation of the people.

Resolved, That the Republican party pledges itself to a faithful payment of the public debt, according to the laws under which the five-twenty bonds were is sued; that said bonds should be paid in the currency of the country which may be a legal tender when the Government shall be prepared to redeem such bonds,

Resolved, That we heartily approve the policy of Congress in arresting contraction, and believe that the issue of currency should be commensurate with the industrial and commercial interests of the prople.

Resolved, That justice and sound policy require that all property should bear its equal share of pu burdens, and that this principle ought to be applied to all United States bonds hereafter issued, by maiing them liable, by express provisions of law, to taxtion precisely as other property.

Resolved, That we urge upon the National auth ties the propriety of initiating negotiations to estab international rules of expatriation upon the basis of our naturalization laws, so that each nation shall reognize naturalization by the other as terminating the former allegiance and conferring all rights of citize ship; and we affirm the duty of the Federal Gove ment to extend adequate and equal protection to its citizens at home and abroad, native and natura ized, when in the legitimate and peaceable exercise of their legal or natural rights.

Resolved, That we reiterate, to the soldiers and s ors of the Republic, our expressions of heartfelt grati tude for their heroic sacrifices and services, wh will forever be held in affectionate remembrance by the American people, and that, while we call up them to sustain at the ballot-box the great catso which their valor and endurance have saved in te field, we pledge to the maimed who survive, and ta the widows and orphans of those who fell, the pa faith for the payment of all their pensions and bo


Resolved, That we remember with pride and satis faction the services of that noble patriot and stateman, and son of Ohio, Edwin M. Stanton, and t we hereby heartily indorse his recent official active in retaining his position as Secretary of War, trust that his great experience and ability will be continued at the head of the War Department.

At the State election on the second Tuesday in October, the Republican candidates were elected. The whole vote cast for Secretary of ceived 267,065, and Hubbard 249,682, the State was 516,747, of which Sherwood re giving the former a majority of 17,383.

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On the 19th of October, an address issued from the rooms of the Democratic State Exe utive Committee, to the "Democracy of Ohio," which, "without pretending to deny that the results of the recent elections were injurious to of local tickets and many patriotic Democrats the best interests of the country in the defes declared that there was nothing in these re sults to justify despondency or excuse any re laxation of the efforts of the Democracy in be half of the cause of justice and constitutional liberty." After showing that the Democracy had gained "ten or fifteen thousand votes o the State ticket," and in 1864 polled 18.04 October election, the address closed by implor votes more at the November election than st the ing the "gallant workers and voters of the Denocratic party to keep right on with the work

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