Euclide's Elements: The Whole Fifteen Books Compendiously Demonstrated. With Archimedes Theorems of the Sphere and Cylinder, Investigated by the Method of IndivisiblesW. Redmayne, 1714 - 520 σελίδες |
Άλλες εκδόσεις - Προβολή όλων
Συχνά εμφανιζόμενοι όροι και φράσεις
ABC is given ABCD alfo alſo given altitude angle ABC angle BAC baſe becauſe biſect circle compounded Cone Conftr conſequently Coroll cube Demonstr deſcribed diameter Dodecaedron drawn equal equilateral faid fame fide figure firſt folid Foraſmuch fore given by kind given by magnitude given by poſition given magnitude given reason greater hath inſcribed leſs likewiſe meaſure medial oppoſite parallel parallelepipedon parallelogram pentagone perpendicular plane priſms PROP proportion pyramides reaſon rectangle refidual right angles right line AB right line BC right line given ſaid ſame ſay Schol Scholium ſeeing ſegment ſhall ſide ſolid ſome ſpace space AC ſphere square ſquare number ſuperficies ſuppoſed theſe thoſe triangle ABC whence Wherefore whole whoſe
Δημοφιλή αποσπάσματα
Σελίδα 26 - If two triangles have one angle of the one equal to one angle of the other and the sides about these equal angles proportional, the triangles are similar.
Σελίδα 406 - ... which, when produced, the perpendicular falls, and the straight line intercepted, without the triangle, between the perpendicular and the obtuse angle. Let ABC be an obtuse-angled triangle, having the obtuse angle ACB, and from the point A let AD be drawn...
Σελίδα 269 - A fphere is a folid figure defcribed by the revolution of a i'emicircle about its diameter, which remains unmoved. XV. The axis of a fphere is the fixed ftraight line about which the femicircle revolves. XVI. The centre of a fphere is the fame with that of the femicircle. XVII. The diameter of a fphere is any ftraight line which pafles through the centre, and is terminated both ways by the fuperficies of the fphere.
Σελίδα 2 - The radius of a circle is a right line drawn from the centre to the circumference.
Σελίδα 1 - Bounds) of a Line, are Points. IV. A Right Line, is that which lietb evenly between its Points.
Σελίδα 269 - ... be less than the other side, an obtuse angled ; and if greater, an acute angled cone. XIX. The axis of a cone is the fixed straight line about which the triangle revolves. XX. The base of a cone is the circle described by that side containing the right angle which revolves. XXI. A cylinder is a solid figure described by the revolution of a right angled parallelogram about one of its sides which remains fixed.
Σελίδα 26 - ... the fum of the remaining angles of the one triangle equal to the fum of the remaining angles of the other. 3 . If one angle in a triangle be right, the other two are equal to a right-angle.
Σελίδα 76 - ... the angular points of the figure about which it is defcribed, each thro' each. III. A rectilineal figure is faid to be infcribed in a circle, when all the angles of the infcribed figure are upon the circumference of the circle.
Σελίδα 77 - ... touch the circumference of the circle. IV A right-lined figure is faid to be defcribed about a circle, when all the fides of the figure which is circumfcribed touch the periphery of the circle V.
Σελίδα 269 - Right Lines that touch one another, and are •not in the fame Superficies: Or, a folid Angle is that which is contained under more than two plane Angles which are not in the fame Superficies, but being all at one Point.