The North American Review, Τόμος 120Jared Sparks, James Russell Lowell, Edward Everett, Henry Cabot Lodge O. Everett, 1968 Vols. 227-230, no. 2 include: Stuff and nonsense, v. 5-6, no. 8, Jan. 1929-Aug. 1930. |
Αναζήτηση στο βιβλίο
Αποτελέσματα 1 - 3 από τα 38.
Σελίδα 258
... feeling with reason in the regulation of our actions , " and leads to the two Comtian formulas : Act from affection , and Think in order to act . But to determine more precisely the relative rank of these functions , we must remember ...
... feeling with reason in the regulation of our actions , " and leads to the two Comtian formulas : Act from affection , and Think in order to act . But to determine more precisely the relative rank of these functions , we must remember ...
Σελίδα 443
... feeling : " Thou sayst , ' Take up the cross , O Man , and follow me ' : The night is black , the feet are slack , Yet we would follow thee . " Dim tracts of time divide Those golden days from me ; - Thy voice comes strange o'er years ...
... feeling : " Thou sayst , ' Take up the cross , O Man , and follow me ' : The night is black , the feet are slack , Yet we would follow thee . " Dim tracts of time divide Those golden days from me ; - Thy voice comes strange o'er years ...
Σελίδα 465
... feelings , and displaces the disastrous feeling of " not worth while , " by which our loftier as- pirations are checked and kept down . Then the idealization of our standard of excellence , in the person of Christ , even when that Per ...
... feelings , and displaces the disastrous feeling of " not worth while , " by which our loftier as- pirations are checked and kept down . Then the idealization of our standard of excellence , in the person of Christ , even when that Per ...
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