Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση
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191. Common business fractions. The following are commonly used that they should be remembered:


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21. At 61 ct. a gallon, how much will 16 gal. of oil cost?

22. At 62 ct. a pound, how much will 8 lb. of tea cost?

23. At 87 ct. a pair, how much must a dealer pay for


192. Nature of the rest of arithmetic. Having learned how to work with integers and fractions, this work is hereafter to be applied chiefly to problems of life.

193. Step work. In solving a problem, or working an example as we also say, we should not only have the work in neat form on paper, but we should also have a brief statement of each operation, in numbered steps.

194. Illustrative problem. What is the value of a rectangular piece of land 20 rd. wide and 32 rd. long at $75 an acre?

[blocks in formation]

of the school as to writing 4 x $75, or $75 × 4.

Oral Analysis

Since a strip of land 32 rd. long and 1 rd. wide contains 32 sq. rd., a strip 20 times as wide contains 20 times 32 sq. rd., or sq. rd.


Since 1 sq. rd. = ro A., 640 sq. rd. = 640 times


= 4 A. Since 1 A. is worth $75, 4 A. are worth 4 times $75 $300.

[ocr errors]

195. Teachers should not forget the value of each of these three phases of the work. To neglect the form of the actual computation is to place a premium upon slovenly work, always a temptation to inaccuracy; to neglect the step work is to tempt the pupil to looseness of thought as to the meaning of each operation; to neglect the analysis is to be uncertain as to the pupil's understanding of the work as a whole. The teacher's judgment must determine the emphasis to




1. This cotton field is 70 rd. long and 32 rd. wide. How many acres does it contain? What is it worth at $14.50

an acre?

2. Last year it yielded 245 lb. of cotton to the acre, net lint (without counting the seed). What was the total yield? How many bales at 490 lb. to the



3. What did

it cost to gin this cotton at

$1.25 a bale?

What to compress the bales for shipping, at 40 ct. a bale?

4. What did it cost to store it for 2 months in a warehouse, at 25 ct. a bale per month for storage and insurance? 5. The cotton was compressed in bales 5 ft. by 2 ft. by 1 ft. in size. How many cubic feet in each bale? How many cubic inches in each?

6. The 7 bales were sold by an agent. How much com

7. When cotton is worth 7 ct. a pound, what is the value of the crop produced on 14 acres averaging 245 lb. to the acre?

8. How long would it take a man to pick 3696 lb. of cotton if he averaged 154 lb. a day? It would take 4 men

how long, at the same rate?

9. If this country produced 10,701,453 bales of cotton. in a certain year, how many tons did it produce, estimating 500 lb. to a bale?

10. If Texas produced 2,438,555 bales in one year; Georgia, 1,345,699; Mississippi, 1,202,739; and Alabama, 1,005,313, what was the total for the four states?

11. If the Texas crop sold for $92,196,000, the Georgia crop for half as much, the Mississippi crop for as much, and the Alabama crop for as much, for how much did each sell?


12. If Texas pays $24,136,800 annually to have the cotton picked, and Georgia pays as much, and Alabama 0.9 as much as Georgia, how much does Alabama pay?

13. If there are 6,642,309 acres planted to cotton in Texas, in South Carolina as much as in Texas, and in Louisiana as much as in South Carolina, how many acres in each?

14. If our country raised $334,847,800 worth of cotton. in a certain year, and paid of this amount for the labor of harvesting and marketing the crop, how much is left for the growers?

15. If we sold in one year to Great Britain $90,240,000 worth of cotton, as much to Germany, as much to France as to Germany, and as much to Italy as to Great



1. If the 20 sheep on a certain farm are worth on an average $3.25 apiece, what is the value of a tenant's share who owns of them?


2. How much is the wool of these 20 sheep worth, each sheep yielding 74 lb., and the wool selling at 35 ct. a pound?

3. In a year when 40,267,818 sheep were reported in the United States, each yielding an average of 6 lb. of wool, what was the total weight of the wool?

4. If this country produced 259,972,815 lb. of wool in one year, and 3 of the weight was lost in scouring (thoroughly cleaning), how much did the scoured wool weigh?

5. In one year this country produced 302,502,000 lb. of wool, and more in the following year. How many pounds did it produce in the second year?

6. In the year when we produced the 302,502,000 lb., this was of the world's total production. How much did the world produce in that year?

7. In one year Montana, our greatest wool-growing state, produced 9,627,000 lb., Ohio 0.8 as much, and New Mexico and Wyoming each 0.9 as much as Ohio. How many

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