| John Sharp (abp. of York.) - 1722 - 466 σελίδες
...of ourjilves to help ourfelves ; Kjep us both outwardly in our Bodies, and inwardly in our Souls ; that we may be defended from all Adverfities which may happen to the Body, and from all EWL THOUGHTS, which may ajjault aud hurt the Soul, through Jefa Christ our Lord. SERSERMON XV,;. /... | |
 | William Chilcot - 1734 - 150 σελίδες
...no Power of myfelf ; keep me therefore, both outwardly in my Body, and inwardly in my Soul ; that I may be defended from all Adverfities, which may happen...all Evil Thoughts, which may aflault and hurt the Soul : And at laft bring me to that blefled State, where I fhall ferve, love, and worfhipthee, without... | |
 | Jeremiah Seed - 1745 - 472 σελίδες
...which will be laying clofe Siege, and preffing for Admittance. May God defend us from all Acfaerjities, which may happen to the Body ; and from all evil 'Thoughts, 'which may afjault and hurt the Swl! SERMON SERMON X. On the Reafonablenefs of Prayer in general, and of publick... | |
 | Jeremiah Seed - 1747 - 472 σελίδες
...thofe vicious Ideas, which will be laying clofe Siege, and preffing for Admittance.] May God defend us from all Adverfities, which may happen to the Body...all evil Thoughts, which may aflault and hurt the Soul! ' * * «. > .<< ' • ,0 i :• r SERMON X. On the Reafonablefs of Prayer in general, and of... | |
 | Seed J. - 1747 - 468 σελίδες
...thofe vicious Ideas, which will be laying clofe Siege, and preffing for Admittance.] May God defend us from all Adverfities, 'which may happen to the Body ; and from all evil Thoughts, which may affault and hurt the Soul I S 2 SERMON ' i. > On the Reafonablefs of Grayer in general, and of public... | |
 | William Whiston - 1753 - 380 σελίδες
...we have no power of ourfelves to help ourfelves; Keep us both outwardly in our bodies, and inwardly in our fouls ; that we may be defended from all adverfities...from all evil thoughts which may aflault and hurt the Soul, through Jefus Chrift our Lord. Amen. The Epiftle. We befeech you. i Thtf. 4 ver. i. to v. 9.... | |
 | Robert Nelson - 1757 - 686 σελίδες
...outwardly in my Body, and inSouls and r, . 0 . . ' T ' . •' ' .. . . Bodies, wardly m my Soul ; that I may be defended from all Adverfities which may happen...from all evil Thoughts which may aflault and hurt the Soul, through Jefus Cbrtjt our Lord. Amen. HI. Tliankf- TT is very meet, right, and my bounden Dugivmgforj^... | |
 | 1765 - 500 σελίδες
...have no power of ourfelvcs to help ourfelves; Keep : us -both outwardly in our bodies, and inwardly in our fouls, that we may be defended from all adverfities...to the body, and from all evil thoughts which may affault and hurt the -foul, through Jefus Chrift our ... TE befeech you, brethren, and exhort you by;~ithe... | |
 | 1765 - 410 σελίδες
...we have no power of our felves to help our felves; Keep us both outwardly in our bodies, andinwardly in our fouls, that we may be defended from all adverfities which may happen to the body, and from all 'T'HEN was Jefus led up of evil thoughts which mayaflault 1 the Spirit into the wilder- and hurt the... | |
 | 1765 - 512 σελίδες
...outwardly in our bodies, and inwardly in oiir fouts,. that "we may be defended from all adverftties which may happen to the body, and from all evil thoughts which may aflault and hurt the Joul, through Jefus Chrift our £prtU.^e^ \'-'^i'\, '..{'iC'A -.:. ^ H ' ! .;J''"l »..-• -.. i 7le:... | |
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