Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

WILLIAM SHAKSPERE,' gentleman, was buried April 25,2 1616.

Shakspere, fon of Thomas Quiney, gentleman, was baptized Nov. 23, 1616.

Shakspere, fon of Thomas Quiney, gentleman, was buried May 8, 1617.

Richard, fon of Thomas Quiney, was baptized Feb. 9, 1617. [1617-18.]

Thomas, fon of Thomas Quiney, was baptized Aug. 29, 1619.

Anthony Nash, Efq.3 was buried Nov. 18, 1622.
Mrs. Shakspere 4 was buried Aug. 8, 1623.

Mr. Thomas Nafh was married to Mrs. Elizabeth
Hall, April 22, 1626.

Thomas, fon of Thomas Hart, was baptized April 13, 1634.

Dr. John Hall," [" medicus peritiffimus,"] was buried Nov. 26, 1635.

1 He died, as appears from his monument, April 23d.

MALONE. 2 No one hath protracted the Life of Shakspeare beyond 1616, except Mr. Hume; who is pleafed to add a year to it, contrary to all manner of evidence. FARMER.

3 Father of Mr. Thomas Nash, the husband of Elizabeth Hall. MALONE.

• This lady, who was the poet's widow, and whose maiden name was Anne Hathaway, died, as appears from her tomb-ftone (fee p. 61, n. 9.) at the age of 67, and confequently was near eight years older than her husband. I have not been able to afcertain when or where they were married, but fufpect the ceremony was performed at Hampton-Lucy, or Billesley, in Auguft, 1582. The register of the latter parish is loft. MALONE.

5 It appears from Lady Barnard's will that this Thomas Hart was alive in 1669. The Register does not ascertain the time of his death, nor that of his father. MALONE.

• It has been supposed that the family of Miller of Hide-Hall,

George, fon of Thomas Hart, was baptized Sept. 18, 1636.

Thomas, fon of Thomas Quiney, was buried Jan. 28, 1638. [1638-9.]

in the county of Herts, were defcended from Dr. Hall's daughter Elizabeth; and to prove this fact, the following pedigree was transmitted fome years ago by Mr. Whalley to Mr. Steevens: John Hall Sufanna, daughter and co-heiress of William Shakspeare.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors]

But this pedigree is founded on a mistake, and there is undoubtedly no lineal defcendant of Shakspeare now living. The miftake was, the fuppofing that Sir Reginald Forfter married a daughter of Mr. Thomas Nash and Elizabeth Hall, who had no iffue, either by that gentleman or her second husband, Sir John Barnard. Sir Reginald Forfter married the daughter of Edward Nath, Efq. of Eaft Greenwich, in the county of Kent, coufingerman to Mr. Thomas Nash; and the pedigree ought to have been formed thus:

Richard, fon of Thomas Quiney, was buried Feb. 26, 1638. [1638-9.]

Anthony Nash=

George Nash=

Tho. Nash Elizabeth Hall Sir John Barnard.


Edward Nafh=

Thomas Nash. Jane Nash. Mary Nash=Reginald Forfter, Efq.

afterwards Sir Reginald Fortter, Bart.

Reginald Forfter. Mary Forfter. Franklyn Miller Jane Forfter.

of Hide-Hall,

Co. Hertford.


Will. Norcliffe, Efq.-Jane Miller. Nicholas Miller Mary-,

Nicholas Franklyn Miller.=

Mundy, Efq.=

- Miller.

Edward Miller Mundy, Efq. the prefent owner of Hide-Hall.

That I am right in this statement, appears from the will of Edward Nafh, (fee p. 96, n. 8.) and from the following infcription on a monument in the church of Stratford, erected fome time after the year 1733, by Jane Norcliffe, the wife of William Norcliffe, Efq. and only daughter of Franklyn Miller, by Jane Forster:

"P. M. S.

"Beneath lye interred the body's of Sir Reginald Forster, Baronet, and dame Mary his wife, daughter of Edward Nath of Eaft Greenwich, in the county of Kent," &c. For this infcrip

William Hart 7 was buried March 29, 1639.
Mary, daughter of Thomas Hart, was baptized
June 18, 1641.

Joan Hart, widow, was buried Nov. 4, 1646.
Thomas Nash, Efq. was buried April 5, 1647.
Mrs. Sufanna Hall, widow, was buried July 16,

Mr. Richard Queeny, gent. of London, was buried May 23, 1656.

George Hart, fon of Thomas Hart, was married by Francis Smyth, Juftice of peace, to Hefter Ludiate, daughter of Thomas Ludiate, Jan. 9, 1657. [1657-8.]

tion I am indebted to the kindness of the Rev. Mr. Davenport, Vicar of Stratford-upon-Avon.

Reginald Forster, Efq. who lived at Greenwich, was created a Baronet, May 4, 1661. His fon Reginald, who married Miss Nafh, fucceeded to the title on the death of his father, fome time after the year 1679. Their only fon, Reginald, was buried at Stratford, Aug. 10, 1685..

Mrs. Elizabeth Nath was married to her second husband, Sir John Barnard, at Billefley, about three miles from Stratford-uponAvon, June 5, 1649, and was buried at Abington in the county of Northampton, Feb. 17, 1669-70; and with her the family of our poet became extinct. MALONE.

7 The eldeft fon of Joan Hart, our poet's fifter. I have not found any entry in the Register of the deaths of his brothers Thomas and Michael Hart. The latter, I fufpect, fettled in London, and was perhaps the father of Charles Hart, the celebrated tragedian, who, I believe, was born about the year 1630. MALONE.

8 This gentleman was born in 1587, and was brother to Thomas Quiney, who married Shakspeare's youngest daughter. It does not appear when Thomas Quiney died. There is a defect in the Register during the years 1642, 1643, and 1644; and another lacuna from March 17, to Nov. 18, 1663. Our poet's fon-in-law probably died in the latter of those periods; for his wife, who died in Feb. 1661-2, in the Register of Burials for that year is described thus: "Judith, uxor Thomas Quiney." Had her husband been then dead, he would have been denomi nated vidua. MALONE.

Elizabeth, daughter of George Hart, was baptized Jan. 9, 1658. [1658-9.]

Jane, daughter of George Hart, was baptized Dec. 21, 1661.

Judith, wife of Thomas Quiney, gent. was buried Feb. 9, 1661. [1661-62.]

Sufanna, daughter of George Hart, was baptized March 18, 1663. [1663-4.]

Shakspeare, fon of George Hart, was baptized Nov. 18, 1666.

Mary, daughter of George Hart, was baptized March 31, 1671.

Thomas, fon of George Hart, was baptized March 3, 1673. [1673-4.]

George, fon of George Hart, was baptized Aug. 20, 1676.

Margaret Hart, widow, was buried Nov. 28, 1682. Daniel Smith and Sufanna Hart were married April 16, 1688.

Shakspeare Hart was married to Anne Prew, April 10, 1694.

William Shakspeare, son of Shakspeare Hart, was baptized Sept. 14, 1695.

Hefter, wife of George Hart, was buried April 29, 1696.

Anne, daughter of Shakspeare and Anne Hart, was baptized Aug. 9, 1700.

George, fon of George and Mary Hart, was baptized Nov. 29, 1700.

George Hart' was buried May 3, 1702.

Hefter, daughter of George Hart, was baptized Feb. 10, 1702. [1702-3.] :

Probably the wife of Thomas Hart, who must have been married in or before the year 1633. The marriage ceremony was not performed at Stratford, there being no entry of it in the Regifter. MALONE.

1 He was born in 1636. MALONE.

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