Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

Immunity of national securities from taxation,
see "Taxation," § 1.
Indians, see "Indians."

Intent as element of crime in violating eight-
hour law in public work, see "Criminal Law,"
§ 1.
Jurisdiction of federal court of action on bond
of contractor for public work, see "Courts,"
$ 5.

Laws relating to hours of labor on government
work, see "Master and Servant," § 1.
Liquidated damages under contracts with, see
"Damages," § 1.

Public lands, see "Public Lands," § 1.
Release of claims against, see "Release," § 1.

§ 1. Government and officers.

Reclamation of arid lands not the property of the United States nor within a territory held not granted to Congress by Const. U. S. art. 4, § 3.-State of Kansas v. State of Colorado, 655.

State laws as to reclamation of arid lands cannot be overriden by Congress in the exercise of its power under Const. U. S. art. 4. § 3.-State of Kansas v. State of Colorado, 655.


Appellate jurisdiction of supreme court of issues Of criminal prosecutions, see "Criminal Law," relating to change of venue, see "Courts," § 14. § 3.


Review on appeal or writ of error, see "Appeal and Error," § 6.


Priority of claim for against bankrupt estate, see "Bankruptcy," § 5.


of objection to pleading, see "Pleading," § 2. Effect of appearance, see "Appearance."



§ 2. Claims against United States.
Provision of Indian Appropriation Act March See "Army and Navy."
3, 1903, c. 994, § 13, 32 Stat. 1010, 1011, for
presentation to Court of Claims of claim by
register of land office for commissions for sell-
ing lands ceded by Osage Indians, under treaty
of September 29, 1865 (14 Stat. 687), does not
imply that there is anything due claimant.-
Stewart v. United States, 631.

§ 3. Actions.

*The United States cannot without its consent be sued by a state.-State of Kansas v. United States, 388.

Effect of proceedings in bankruptcy on lien of
pledgee of warehouse receipts, see "Bankrupt-
cy," $ 3.

Warehouses for imported goods, see "Customs
Duties," § 3.

No such change of possession results by issuance of warehouse receipts on goods on premises occupied by the pledgor so as to render valid a pledge of such receipts.-Security Ware

UNITED STATES COMMISSIONERS. housing Co. v. Hand, 720.

Commissioner of federal Circuit Court held not entitled to compensation in connection with complainants in civil rights cases, under Rev. St. U. S. § 1986 [U. S. Comp. St. 1901, p. 1265].-Allen v. United States, 324.

Fees cannot be allowed commissioner of fed

eral Circuit Court for certifying complainants in civil rights cases, required by Rev. St. U.

S. § 2027.-Allen v. United States, 324.


See "Colleges and Universities."


See "Judgment," § 2.

WATERS AND WATER COURSES. See "Canals"; "Levees."

As boundaries of states, see "States," § 1. Conclusiveness of decree restraining city from constructing waterworks, see "Judgment," § 6. Contract with city for water supply, see "MuImpairing obligation of contract to supply city nicipal Corporations," § 1.

with water as ground of jurisdiction of United States court, see "Courts," § 4. Laws impairing obilgation of contract fixing water rates, see "Constitutional Law," § 4. Original jurisdiction of United States Supreme Court of actions relating to water rights as between different states or citizens thereof, see "Courts," 9.

Rights to water as between states, see "States," § 2.

Of mortgage foreclosure sale, see "Mortgages," § 1. Subterranean and percolating wa

§ 1.


Limits of jurisdiction, see "Courts," § 6.


See "Sales."


Determination of rights of Kansas and Colorado to the waters of the Arkansas river held not affected by theory that, because sometimes the entire bed of the channel is dry, there are two rivers; one terminating near the state line, and another commencing near where the former ends.-State of Kansas v. State of Colorado, 655.

Presence of water beneath bed of Arkansas river as it passes through Kansas held not to Sales in proceedings to enforce levee tax, see show existence of independent subsurface river. "Levees." -State of Kansas v. State of Colorado, 655.

*Point annotated. See syllabus.

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