SCHOLARSHIP QUESTIONS, 1878. NOTE. The time allowed for each Paper in the following series was three hours, if not otherwise mentioned. Candidates were restricted to one question in each section. SCHOOL MANAGEMENT. THREE HOURS allowed for this paper with that on Music. Those who are or have been Pupil Teachers are not to answer more than one question in any Section. Candidates who have not been Pupil Teachers may answer any seven questions they think fit, except in Section VII., from which only one subject should be selected for notes of a lesson. No Candidate is to answer more than seven questions. SECTION I. 1. What were the arrangements of your school, as to the position of windows, stoves, desks, and galleries? Why have these points to be considered in planning a school? For what lessons is a gallery specially adapted? Describe the construction of a gallery suitable for older children, or for infants. 2. Show the advantages of varying the classification of a school according to the subjects of instruction. What are the advantages and disadvantages of teaching boys and girls together in the same school? 3. What lessons were you in the habit of giving during your apprenticeship for which full notes were required? What method were you instructed to follow in drawing up notes for an introductory lesson on some new rule in arithmetic ? (For Females only.) 4. A girl can hem, seam, fell, and plait, and can also fix all the above; construct a scheme for the next two standards in needlework? Name some garment or garments suitable for both standards. SECTION II. 1. What should be the next steps in reading after a child has mastered the forms of the letters and powers of the vowels? Give examples of a few such lessons. 2. Explain how the reading of dialogue and recitation may be employed to remedy want of intelligence in reading. For what reasons should more than one set of reading books be employed in each class? 3. Which subjects of instruction can be best taught by reading books, and which by oral lessons? Give reasons in each case for your classification. SECTION III. 1. A class can multiply by numbers up to nine (inclusive): what intermediate steps of reasoning and practice are needed that they may be able to multiply intelligently by such a number as 67? Give more difficult examples of each step. 2. By what method would you teach Rule of Three sums? State clearly the two methods commonly employed, and compare their advantages. 3. By what illustrations on the blackboard would you prove to children that of } = 31, and } − 2 = }} ? SECTION IV. 1. What are the chief difficulties to be encountered by a child beginning small-hand copies ? How would you deal with them? 2. What general rules of composition would you give to a class which was required to write out from memory the substance of a short story ? 3. Name some common faults of letter-writing among children. From what causes do they proceed? How would you correct them? SECTION V. 1. State fully the purposes for which a blackboard may be used in reading, writing, and geography lessons. 2. A complaint is frequently made, that geography, as taught in schools, is confined to lists of capes, heights of mountains, etc.: how far are such lists useful, and for what purposes? Illustrate from your knowledge of British capes and mountains. 3. What order should be followed in teaching the parts of speech? Give your reasons. SECTION VI. 1. What rules were employed in your school to carry out the regulations of the code, that "reasonable care" should be taken to bring up children in habits (1) of good manners, (2) of cheerful obedience to duty, (3) of truthfulness ? 2. Show that copying, especially in arithmetic, may be the result of bad teaching, or of bad discipline. What precautions would you take to prevent the growth of such a habit ? 3. Show the advantages of steady work, as compared with cramming, in regard to (1) memory and (2) intelligent thought. SECTION VII. Write full notes of a lesson on one of the following subjects: (1) Islands. (2) Rain. (3) Healthy exercise. (4) Carnivorous animals. GEOGRAPHY AND HISTORY. GEOGRAPHY. SECTION I. 1. Draw a full map (a) of the West Coast of Europe, from Cape Finisterre to the mouth of the Elbe. Or, (b) Of Turkey in Europe. Or, (c) Of the Dominion of Canada. SECTION II. 1. Give definitions of the terms promontory, meridian, watershed, zone. Give examples of each from the continents of Africa or Asia, and state the illustrations by model or diagram that would be required for a first lesson on each to young children. 2. How could a globe be used to explain the varying length of day and night according to the seasons of the year, the different times of day at places in the same latitude, and the method employed in geography for determining the position of a place on the map? What decimal part of an inch would represent the height of a mountain 8,000 feet high on a globe 16 inches in diameter ? SECTION III. 1. Detail the great natural advantages for competition with other countries which Great Britain possesses in her mineral fields. Account for the rapid growth of Bradford, Glasgow, and Birmingham, and describe their chief articles of manufacture. 2. What local circumstances determined the selection of the position of the Roman Walls, of the battle-field of Bannockburn, and of the ports of Chatham, Belfast, Bristol, and Aberdeen ? SECTION IV. A traveller passes from Naples to Palermo, thence to Malta, to Alexandria, and to Athens. Or, From Bombay to Galle, thence to Singapore, Hongkong, and Yokohama. Or, From Halifax (N.S.) to Boston (U.S.), Washington, New Orleans, Havanna, and Mexico. Name the countries through, or near, which he passes, and the objects of interest to travellers at each place. (Only one route is to be taken.) SECTION V. Give a full account of the physical features of Ceylon, of the productions of Jamaica, of the climate of Queensland, and of the boundaries of Cape Colony. HISTORY. SECTION I. Arrange in chronological order and give the dates of as many as you can of the following:--the accession of the houses of Tudor and Hanover, the Constitutions of Clarendon, the signing of Magna Charta, the battles of Flodden, Waterloo, Bannockburn, and Trafalgar, the cession of Jamaica, the Independence of the United States, the discovery of America, the death of the Maid of Norway, the Spanish Armada, and the invention of printing. SECTION II. 1. The History of England, from the Norman Conquest, has been sometimes divided into periods of Feudal, Personal, and Constitutional Monarchy. Explain briefly these terms, with the dates of the commencement of each period, and give some account of the state of the peasantry during the first period. 2. What were the circumstances that led to the signing of Magna Charta P Show that the persons and property of all classes were protected by this Charter. What additional Charter was granted in the following reign? What were its provisions? 3. What were the relations between Scotland and England in the reign of Edward III. ? SECTION III. 1. Write a life of Cardinal Wolsey, detailing especially his administration of the government, and the causes which led to his fall. 2. What were the chief subjects of quarrel between Charles I. and his Parliament ? Before what court, and on what charges, was he tried? 3. What were the effects upon Scotland of the Union of the two Crowns under James I.? What was the immediate cause of the signing of the National Covenant? SECTION IV. 1. Trace the descent of George I. and of the Old Pretender from James I. Show which had the better claim to the throne by birth. Who was the last male heir of the Stuarts ? 2. Name the chief events of importance in the War of American Independence, and give a brief account of George Washington. 3. What was the immediate cause of the Peninsular War? Give some account of Wellington's campaigns in Spain. GRAMMAR. TWO HOURS AND A HALF allowed for this paper. No abbreviation of less than three letters to be used in parsing or analysis. SECTION I. Parse fully the words in italics in the following passages:-[Syntax should not be neglected in the parsing.] Yet mourn not, Land of Fame, Though ne'er the Leopards on thy shield Since Norman William came. Oft may thine annals justly boast Of battles stern by Scotland lost; Grudge not her victory. When for her freeborn right she strove, Rights dear to all who freedom love, To none so dear as thee. One evening, as the Emperor was returning to the |