Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

1. Translate


Un soir (evening) nous nous étions retirés dans sa chambre pour causer (to converse) comme nous en avions l'habitude (habit). Il advint (to happen) que je citai (to quote) par à propos je ne sais quel passage de je ne sais quel auteur. Le roi écoutait (to listen) attentivement de ses deux oreilles (ears), et meditait curieusement le sens (meaning) du témoignage (testimony) que j'avais invoqué (to adduce). Tout à coup (at once) il me montra (to show) un livre qu'il portait (to carry) sur lui et me pria (to beg) d'y écrire (to write) tout de suite (immediately) les paroles (word) dont je venais de faire mention. Mais toutes les pages du livre étaient pleines (full), tant (so much) il les avait déjà (already) chargées de remarques diverses (different) en d'autres occasions. Et comme il me priait de me hâter (to hasten) d'écrire, veux-tu, (to wish) lui disje, (to say) que je note ce passage à part (separately) sur quelque feuille (page) blanche (clear)? Peut-être (perhaps) trouverons-nous (to find) de temps (time) en temps d'autres morceaux (pieces) que te plairont (to please) et que tu voudras aussi conserver (to preserve) exactement.

2. Parse the words italicised in the text.

3. (a) Conjugate in the present tense je me suis retiré. (b) Write out the participles of avoir, savoir, venir, and faire.

(c) Select and classify the pronouns in the passage given above.

(d) Select and classify the adverbs in that passage. (e) Give the feminine of quel, mon, ce, sien, and leur. 4. Translate into French :

(a) The king and I had retired into his room. (b) Which author did you quote?

(c) Write in the book the passage you have quoted. (d) I could not find a page which was not already covered.

(e) We found other passages which pleased the king. (f) Reflect upon the meaning of the books which you read.

(g) Does he wish you to note the passage?

(h) Show me the book you carry with you.

[Most of the words required will be found in the passage given above for translation.]

I. Translate


Von Venedig ist schon viel erzählt und gedruckt, daß ich mit Beschreibung nicht umständlich sein will; ich sage nur, wie es mir entgegenkommt. Was sich mir aber vor allem andern aufdringt, ist abermals das Volk, eine große Masse, ein nothwendiges unwillkürliches Daseyn. Dieses geschlecht hat sich nicht zum Spaß auf diese Inseln geflüchtet; es war keine Willkür, welche die Folgenden trieb, sich mit ihnen zu vereinigen die Noth lehrte sie ihre Sicherheit in der unvortheilhaftesten Lage suchen, die ihnen nachher so vortheilhaft ward und sie klug machte, als noch die ganze nördliche Welt im Düstern gefangen lag; ihre Vermehrung, ihr Reichthum war nothwendige Folge.

umständlich = circumstantial, unwillkürlich = involuntary, Düstern gloom, Vermehrung increase.



Parse aufdringt, Folgenden, lehrte, trieb, ward, gefangen.

II. (a) Decline ich, dieser, sie.

(b) Decline eine große Masse, die ganze Welt.

(c) Select the pronouns from the passage given above and classify them.

(d) Select the prepositions from the passage given above and state the cases that they govern.

III. Translate into German :

(a) People have written a great deal on Venice.

(b) Tell me how it presents itself to you.

(c) They were taught by necessity to unite.

(d) Do you believe that they took refuge on these islands in sport?

(e) What made the people so prudent?

(f) Why did they seek for safety in so unfavourable a situation ?

[Most of the words required will be found in the passage given above for translation.]


Three hours allowed for this paper.

Candidates are not permitted to answer more than one question in each Section.

SECTION I. (Needlework)-1. "The principal stitches required for making articles of clothing are (1) hemming, (2) sewing, (3) felling, (4) running, (5) gathering, (6) whipping, (7) stitching, (8) back-stitching, and (9) herringboning." Distinguish between these different stitches; and explain simply but clearly Nos. 3, 6, and 8.

2. State (1) the amount of material required for a plain cotton frock with short sleeves for a child of four years old; (2) the length of the body and skirt of the frock; (3) the size of the arm-hole and the size round the arm; (4) also the length of the waist-band.

SECTION II. (Investment.)-1. What are the chief points to be considered before investing in building societies ? What are the benefits offered by such societies, and the results to be obtained when such investment is found to be secure?

2. Why is it essential for young school-teachers to lay by for future years? Mention any special obligations which occur to you for such foresight; and show that such care is not only a duty, but that in very many cases it may be done without much difficulty.

SECTION III. (Food.)-1. Explain the terms fibrin, albumen, gelatine; and describe the distinctive value of each as a property of animal food.

2. Name the principal cereals and pulses in common use as food in this country.

Distinguish between the two tribes of plants, and show their distinctive value as food.

SECTION IV. (Food.)-Distinguish between the different methods of cooking meat-i.e., roasting, boiling, stewing, broiling, and frying. Explain the advantage and disadvantage of each.

SECTION V. (Rules for Health,)—1. "It is true that baths may not be within the reach of all, but a wash-tub, soap, fresh water, and a hard towel are not expensive

luxuries." Explain clearly why the frequent use of water is essential to health.

2. Many ailments in children are infectious. What rules should be laid down to prevent infection ? and, after any infectious disease, to disinfect the house, or part of the house, in which such illness has existed?

3. What course should be pursued to restore animation which has been suspended by drowning? and for what length of time should it be continued ?

SECTION VI. (Clothing and Washing.)-1. Name the different articles required by a laundress for washing, and specify the uses of each article. When should clothes be put into cold water and afterwards boiled? and when should they at once be placed in boiling water?

2. What would be the cost of providing clothing for a girl of fourteen years of age for her first entrance into service? Give a list of such clothing, and the cost of the different articles.


Three hours allowed for this and the School Management Paper.

The Tonic Sol-fa questions are printed in italics. Candidates must keep entirely to one set of questions or the other. They are not permitted to answer more than FOUR questions.

1. Write over each of the following notes its pitch name (A, B, Do, Ré, or other); under it, its duration name (Crotchet Quaver, or other); and after it, its corresponding rest.

1. Write OVER each of the following notes its name with regard to its position in the scale (third, fifth, or other); and UNDER each the time names for notes and rests.


{|d1:—│m3:—|1: [r1,: |m,:—|s,:—|d,,: |f1,:—||

2. Complete the following as a scale of D or Ré.

2. Give an example of transition of two flat removes.

3. Write under each of the following pairs of notes its name (second, third, or other), and quality (major, perfect, or other).





3. Write under each of the following pairs of notes its name (second, third, or other) and quality (major, perfect, or other).

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

4. Write in a the

signature of G (Sol); in b that of A (La); in c that of B (Se); in d that of C (Do); and in e that of D (Ré).






4. Write the names of the respective Dohs when La is E, F sharp, B, G, and A, and the names of the Lahs in keys G, A, D, B flat, and C.

5. Place time signature before each of the following passages.




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