breadth of an oblong field, one of whose sides is as much longer than the side of the square, as the other is shorter than it, and whose area contains 6,400 square yards. 2. A and B can do a piece of work in m days; A works n days alone, when B joins him, and both together finish the work in p days more: how long would either require to do it singly? MENSURATION. SECTION IX.-1. Find the area in acres, roods and poles, of a triangular field, whose perimeter is 30 chains 32 links, the triangle being right-angled and isosceles. 2. The floor of a rectangular space, one of whose sides is twice as long as the other, contains 3,200 square feet, and is surrounded by a wall 22 inches thick: find the space occupied by the base of the wall. ARITHMETIC. Three hours allowed for this paper. Candidates are not permitted to answer more than one question in each Section. The solution must in every instance be given at such length as to be intelligible to the Examiner, otherwise the answer will be considered of no value. SECTION 1.-1. Multiply £70,396 17s. 41d. by 378, and prove your result by division. 2. Divide 1,290 tons 12 cwt. 1 qr. 24 lb. 5 oz. by 73, and prove your result by multiplication. SECTION II.-What is the value of 2 tons 13 cwt. 3 qrs. 11 lb. of rice at 3åd. per lb. ? and what would be the difference if the price were reduced d. per lb ? SECTION III.-Make a bill of the following articles, and deduct 2d. in the shilling for ready money : 17 reams of paper at 94d. for 5 quires. 4 13 dozen copy books at 3d. each copy book. Or, 67 yards of long cloth at 54d. per yard, 29 yards of silk at 3s. 73d. per yard, and deduct 5 per cent. for ready money. SECTION IV.—1. Find by Practice the value of 9 acres 1 rood 16 perches of land, at £1 1s. 8d. per acre. 2. Find by Practice the value of 37 lb 4 oz. 16 dwts. of silver at £3 4s. 93d. per lb. SECTION V-1. If the railway fare for 113 miles be 18s. 1d., what ought the fare to be for 69 miles ? 2. A rate of 1d. in the £ is required to raise a sum of £525 12s. 6d. what is the rateable value of the town? SECTION VI.-If I give £1 10s. 114d. for 4 yards of velvet, what quantity could I purchase for £14 1s. 10d.? SECTION VII.-1. Explain what you understand by multiplication by a fraction, and multiply 7 tons 4 cwt 1 qr. 15 lb. by 23. 2. Add together,,, and 2, both as vulgar and decimal fractions, and show that the two results coincide. SECTION VIII.-1. What decimal is 3s. 7d. of 18s. 2 d. P Divide 299 by 13 and 3525 by 7110. 2. Find the value of 3275 of £10; multiply 3.275 by 12.8; and divide 0625 by 00005. SECTION IX.-1. A tradesman commenced business with a capital of £3,200; he increased his capital at the rate of 15 per cent. for 5 years, simple interest; what is its present amount ? 2. At what rate per cent., simple interest, will £2,700 amount to £3,219 15s. in 7 years ? SCHOLARSHIP QUESTIONS, 1881. SCHOOL MANAGEMENT. Three hours allowed for this Paper with that on Music Males and Females. Those who are or have been Pupil Teachers are not to answer more than one question in any Section. Candidates who have not been Pupil Teachers may answer any seven questions they think fit, except in Section I., from which only one subject may be selected for notes of a lesson. No Candidate is to answer more than seven questions. SECTION I.-Write full notes of a lesson on one of the following subjects: (1) Animals of the cat kind. (2) Cardinal Wolsey. (3) The river Mississippi. The manufacture of a cup, or a needle, or a boot. SECTION II.-1. Why should young teachers be restricted from the use of corporal punishment (a) for the sake of their scholars? (b) for their own sake? 2. What bad habits are produced by careless correction of exercises, and by want of attention to home lessons? 3. Point out some of the ways in which school discipline may be useful in producing habits of ready obedience, and name some characteristic features of good discipline. SECTION III.-1. Enumerate Froebel's seven gifts, and show the progressive nature of their lessons. 2. For what purposes are lessons on Form and Colour given to infants? Name the order in which the principal plane figures should be taught. 3. Write out some sentences containing five or six words which would present difficulties to each of the three lowest standards, and explain the progressive character of your method. SECTION IV.—1. Select from the following passage words of irregular notation, and point out the irregularities: When I met a man of pleasure, sacrificing every laudable improvement of mind, or of fortune, to mere sensual gratification; "Mistaken man!" said I, “you are providing pain for yourself, instead of pleasure ; you give too much for your whistle." If I see one fond of fine clothes, fine furniture, fine equipages, all above his fortune, and for which he contracts debts, and ends his career in prison; "Alas!" I say, "he has paid dear, very dear for his whistle." 2. Describe a ball frame for teaching arithmetic, and show how it can be employed in teaching Short Division with or without remainders. 3. Write at full length an example in Compound Practice which will prove your process in this instance to be shorter than the ordinary method of Compound Multiplication. SECTION V.-1. Show that a map differs from a picture, and explain how you would supply its deficiencies to a class beginning to learn Geography. 2. Explain how time may be economised in teaching Needlework by the use of the blackboard and other class apparatus. 3. Distinguish the uses of dictation and transcription lessons for children lately transferred from an infant school. SECTION VI.-1. Write out brief notes of a lesson on "Glass," and explain your purpose in teaching the names of its qualities. 2. Make out a list of lessons on "Common things," illustrative of the pressure of the atmosphere, and give brief heads of one of such lessons. 3. Select points in the character of Lady Jane Grey, or Robert Bruce, or Nelson, that would be especially attractive to children, and write out some anecdote by which you would illustrate each point. SECTION VII.-1. What directions would you give for the daily and weekly cleaning of a schoolroom? What additional cleaning is needed at longer intervals? 2. Show that, for some lessons, infant classes should be smaller in number than classes composed of older children, and that, for other lessons, one or more classes may be grouped. MUSIC. Three hours allowed for this and the School Management Paper. The Tonic Sol-fa questions are printed in Italics. Candidates must keep entirely to one set of questions or the other. They are not permitted to answer more than FOUR questions. 1. Write over each of the following notes its pitch name (A, B, Do, Ré, or other); under it, its duration name (Crotchet, Quaver, or other); and after it, its corresponding rest. 1. Write OVER each of the following notes its name with regard to its position in the scale (third, fifth, or other); and UNDER each the time names for notes and rests. 2. Complete the following as a scale of A or La. |