Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

for a cottage Sunday dinner, and give your reasons for your opinion.

SECTION V. (Rules for Health.) 1. State fully the reasons for keeping a schoolroom well ventilated-the best modes of securing its ventilation, and the effect which lifferent methods of warming the room would have on the ventilation.

2. Describe fully the injuries done to health by neglect of personal cleanliness.

3. Describe the proper modes of nursing a patient suffering from some common disease, such as measles or chicken-pox.

SECTION VI. (Clothing and Washing.) 1. Give an account of the best mode of washing (a) a flannel waistcoat, (b) a linen shirt.

2. Give a list of the articles of clothing which you would require to take with you on your entry into a Training College, and say what you consider the proper material for, and probable cost of, each article.


Three hours allowed for this paper.

Candidates are not permitted to answer more than one Question in each Section.

The solution must in every instance be given at such length as to be intelligible to the Examiner, otherwise the answer will be considered of no value.

SECTION I.-1. The circumference of the earth is, in round numbers, 25,000 miles: how many feet does it contain?

2. Add together 4 tons 17 cwt. 3 qrs. 18 lb.; 2 tons 3 cwt. 3 qrs. 15 lb.; 13 tons 9 cwt. 2 qrs. 25 lb.; and 22 tons 18 cwt. 3 qrs. 19 lb.;—and divide the result by 133.

SECTION II.-1. Find the value of 733 articles at £2 188. 6d. each; and of 751 at £1 88. 11d. each; and subtract the less from the greater.

2. If sugar be bought at £1 19s. 6d. per cwt., and retailed at 6d. per lb., what is the profit on a cask containing 7 cwt. 1 qr. 14 lb?

SECTION III.-1. A householder paid the following bill with a five-pound note: what change did he receive? 3 cwt. of coals at 10d. per cwt. 13 lb. of cheese at 7 d. per lb. 23 lb. of tea at 3s. 3d. per lb. 17 lb. of sugar at 5d. per lb.

8 yards of flannel at 1s. 11d. per yard.
29 yards of calico at 103d. per yard.

2. A lady paid with three ten-pound notes for—
64 yards of sheeting at 144d. per yard.

4 pairs of blankets at 18s. 4d. per pair.
3 pairs of blankets at 12s. per pair.
18 yards of silk at 5s. 6d. per yard.
26 yards of huckaback at 103d. per yard.
9 damask table cloths, 4 of them at 19s. 6d. each,
and the remainder at £1 6s. 6d. each.

4 balls of string at 1s. 6d. for a dozen balls.

What change should she have received, the tradesman allowing a guinea and a half discount on the whole for cash?

SECTION IV.-1. Find by Practice the value of 3 qrs. 5 lb. 9 oz. at £2 14s. 6d. per lb.

2. Find by Practice the amount of a rate of 13s. 41d. in the £. on £1710 16s. 8d.

SECTION V.-1. If the poor rate on a house rated at 60 guineas be £2 88. 62d., what amount of poor rate ought to be paid on a farm rated at £1904?

2. A farmer sold five lots of rye, each containing 34 bushels 2 pecks, for £40 7s. 11d. How much ought 100 quarters of the same rye to fetch at that rate?

SECTION VI.-1. If 24 lb. of wool make 115 yards of cloth 1 yard wide, how much cloth 11⁄2 yard wide ought 12 oz. to make?

2. If the wages of 13 men for 7 days amount to £13 78. Od., how many men ought to work for 24 days for £173 8s. Od. ?

SECTION VII.-1. Which is the greater, and by how much, of the following quantities:-1 of 1 ton 11 lb. ; or 3 of 11 cwt. 6 lb.?

2. A lady having spent of her money in one shop, and of it in another, had left £3 17s. Od. What sum had she to start with, and what decimal of that sum is the amount which she had left?

SECTION VIII.-1. Find the value of 45 of £1 13s. Od., and convert into vulgar fractions 2.345, and 5220.

2. How many oranges at £084375 per dozen ought to be given in exchange for 378 eggs at '0625s. each?

SECTION IX.-1. In what time will £56 5s. Od. amount to £64 2s. 6d. at 3 per cent. per annum simple interest? 2. A confectioner gained 60 per cent. by selling sugar candy at 11d. per oz.: what per cent. would he have gained or lost by selling it at 8d. a lb. ?


Males and Females.

Twenty minutes allowed for these Exercises.

Candidates are not to paint their letters in the Copy-setting Exercise, but to take care that the copy is clean and without


Omissions and erasures in the Dictation Exercise will be counted as mistakes.

The words must not be divided between two lines; there is plenty of room for the passage to be written.

Write in large hand, as a specimen of Penmanship, the word Contemplation.

Write in small hand, as a specimen of Penmanship, the sentence

Still glides the gentle streamlet on.


Write the passage dictated to you by the Examiner, and punctuate it correctly.




Three hours allowed for this paper, with that on Music. All Candidates must answer Question 1, and may not answer more than eight other questions.

1. Write full notes of a lesson on one of the following subjects (1) Leather; (2) Mountains; (3) Joan of Arc; (4) A Railway.

2. Name, in progressive order of teaching, the apparatus required for lessons in geography, and show how you would give a conception of scale and proportion in map-drawing to young children.

3. State the chief points to be noticed in giving a lesson on a "River," with the order in which each point should be introduced to the class. Illustrate your answers by some English or Scotch river.

4. What plan would you follow in giving a description of some famous battle? Illustrate your answer by the Battle of Flodden or Waterloo.

5. Write out brief heads of a first lesson in " Simple Subtraction," with a series of progressive examples.

6. Write out two or three problems in mental arithmetic requiring the application of three at least of the compound rules.

7. Make and explain diagrams to illustrate the following:

1 (-4)=24


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8. Explain fully the principles of Mulhauser's method of teaching writing; and write the word "trustfulness" according to that method.

9. Detail some of the advantages and disadvantages of teaching reading by the Alphabetic method.

10. Define "a sentence" in grammar; and illustrate your definition by original examples of simple, complex, and compound sentences relating to events in English history.

11. Give short explanations suitable for children of the words italicized in the following passages :

"No thought was there of distant flight;
Linked in the serried phalanx tight;

Groom fought like noble, squire like knight."

As day declines, nature recovers from this languor and exhaustion; the insects again flutter across the open glades, and the larger animals saunter away from under cover in the direction of the ponds and pastures.

12. Give examples of Kindergarten exercises that may be used to stimulate invention and imitation in young children.

13. Point out some of the uses of object-lessons in infant schools, and illustrate your answers by short notes of a lesson on "the Whale" or on "Iron."

14. Show that by the aid of a blackboard or other apparatus plain darning may be taught simultaneously to a large class.


Three hours allowed for this and the School Management paper.

The Tonic Sol-fa questions are printed in italics. Candidates must keep entirely to one set of questions or the other. They are not permitted to answer more than FOUR questions.

1. Write over each of the following notes its pitch name (A, B, Do, Re, or other); under it, its duration name (Crotchet, Quaver, or other); and after it, its corresponding rest.

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