Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

3. Explain by a paraphrase, or otherwise, the passage from "Near them" down to "that fed."

4. Examine and illustrate the etymology of any five of the following words from the above sonnet :-Traveller, visage, passions, survive, despair, level, boundless, lone, decay, colossal, desert, lip, pedestal.

5. Show by definition and examples what is meant by (a) substantive, (b) intransitive, (c) passive, (d) defective, strong (irregular) and (ƒ) weak (regular) verbs. To which of the two last-named classes would you refer the verbs to lead, to spread, to show, to sweep, to spend and why?

6. Give your definition of an adverb, a preposition, and a conjunction, and show by examples the difference between each of them and the other two. Can you mention any words belonging to these three classes which cannot be parsed without knowing their position in a sentence?

7. Give a short historical sketch, with dates, of the origin and growth of the English language.



(Three hours allowed for this paper.)

Candidates are not permitted to answer more than twelve questions.

The solution must in every instance be given at such length as to be intelligible to the Examiner, otherwise the answer will be considered of no value.

1. Find the average of the following collections by dividing the total sum by the number of the collections. Multiply that average by one thousand and eleven, and give the answer in words, as well as in figures.

£ 8. d.

81 19 73 107 18 4

75 10 23
188 1 112

19 21
11 3

50 0 92

2. Thirteen persons have equal allotments of a piece of ground: the portion belonging to seven of them amounts to 3 acres 2 roods 21 perches. What is the extent of the whole piece of ground? and what quantity is allotted to each individual?

3. Explain, as you would to children, the process of subtracting 308 from 1407. Find the difference between the product of 510 tons 19 cwt. multiplied by 28, and the quotient of 100,000 tons divided by 7.

4. What must be the cost per 1000 of producing oysters, if a dozen can be sold for 9 d., at a profit of 3d.

5. A clerk's salary is £191 12s. 6d. for 365 days. In how many days will he have saved ten guineas, if he puts by of his income? By what different methods might this sum be worked? Which method do you prefer, and why?

6. Make out the following bill, showing how the working may, in any case, be abbreviated :

8 lb. of tea at 3s. 6d. per lb.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Pay the above (the grocer allowing d. in the shilling for cash) out of £5, and state what change you would bring home.

7. The expenses of the poor in a parish amount to £110 78. 8d. A rate of 4s. 43d. in the £ is raised, and proves insufficient by 11d. What does the whole rental of the parish amount to? Work by the Rule of Three, and prove by Practice.

8. Divide a legacy of £345 10s. among three persons, so that their respective shares shall be as the numbers 7, 6, 5.

9. The wages of 27 men amount to £60 15s. in 18 days: how many days must 76 boys work to earn £253 6s. 8d., the daily wages of the latter being the daily wages of the former?

State and explain the rule for working sums in compound proportion.

10. What is a fraction? Describe and name its several parts, and explain why they are so called. Show that 13%, %, 1%, and of 1 are all equal in value.

11. By what different methods may the following sum be worked? Give your reasons for preferring the method you adopt. Estimate the cost of constructing a telegraph for a distance of 84-4125 miles at the rate of £4 16s. 74d. per chain.

12. Give the rule for converting the recurring decimal into a vulgar fraction. Why is such a process necessary? Compare the values of 83 of 3s. 74d., 97 of 3s. 1d., and •012 of £13 2s. 6d.

13. What is meant by profit and loss per cent.? A grocer bought 1 cwt. of hams for £2 12s. 6d. and sold them at the rate of 7d. per lb. ; and bought 1 cwt. of soap for £2 68. 8d. and sold it at the rate of 64d. per lb. Compare the profit per cwt. of the two transactions, and state the percentage of gain in each case.


14. Explain what is meant by "premium" and “discount" in speaking of stock. If I purchase £1000 of 3 per cent. stock at a discount of 3 per cent., and selling out again after the stock has fallen to 823, invest the proceeds in 33 per cents. at par, what do I lose in capital by the whole transaction? And what do I gain in income by the change of investment?


(Three hours allowed for this paper.)

Candidates are not permitted to answer more than one question in each section.

SECTION I. (Needlework.)-1. Give directions for cutting out a baby's frock. State what stitches should be used in making it, and what button-holes you would use in the back.

2. Explain, as to a second standard, how to purl; and, as to a sixth standard, how to whip and set on a frill.

SECTION II. (Savings and Investments.)-1. Show how an artisan's wife with a family of four children may contrive to save money by careful economy in small details.

2. Explain briefly the nature of benefit clubs, building societies, insurance, annuities, investment in Government stocks; stating what special advantages, and what risks or drawbacks (if any), are connected with each of them.

SECTION III. (Food-its ingredients.)-1. Give examples of foods (a) in which water, (b) in which carbon, is a principal ingredient, stating the proportion of water or carbon in each case, and the use of each of these elements in the support of the body.

2. State as precisely as you can the composition and nutritive value of (a) an egg, (b) lean beef, (c) beer, (d) cheese.

SECTION IV. (Food-its preparation.)-1. Give a simple recipe for making (a) mutton broth, (b) pea soup, (c) rice pudding, (d) oatmeal porridge, (e) bread.

2. Make a careful comparison between fish and other kinds of foods in respect of cost and nutritive value. State how some of the cheaper sorts of fish should be prepared for the table.

SECTION V. (Rules for Health.)-1. What diseases may be caused by (a) want of cleanliness, (b) insufficient exercise, (c) mental worry. Give brief heads of advice on each of these points.

2. What should be done, before the arrival of a doctor, in case of (a) convulsions in an infant, (b) a sprained ankle, (c) a deep cut, (d) burns and scalds, (e) choking?

SECTION VI. (Clothing and Washing.)—1. What articles of clothing (a) should not be starched, (b) should not be mangled, (c) should not be long in drying, (d) should not be washed with soda?

2. Give an exact statement of all the materials required, with the amount and cost of each, for the complete winter outfit of a girl of the artisan class, aged 10. Add up the total cost.


(For the Examiner.)

The passages A, B are to be given alternately if the number of candidates is large and there is danger of copying. If one is enough, give the first (A).

The passage should be read once distinctly, and then dictated once, in portions as marked.

If the room is large, and there is danger of your not being heard at its extremity, you may permit one of the officers of the College to stand half-way down the room, and repeat the words after you, exactly as you give them


It is essential that there be no complaint on the part of the candidates that they could not hear or understand: you can only prevent this by clearness, accuracy, and audibility.


As for the barbarian hordes | of early ages, we hear

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