Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

1. Decline (singular and plural);—

ἀγαθὸς ἀνήρ—πολλὴ ὁδός-οὗτος.

2. Parse, and conjugate:


3. Give the meaning of the following prepositions and state the cases which they govern :

ἀπό-πρόἀνάμετά-ἀμφί-πρός υπό

Translate into Greek :

The possession of virtue is more excellent than wealth, and more useful than noble birth.

Since thou hast obtained a mortal body, but an immortal soul, endeavour to leave an immortal memorial of the soul.


Il est dans le ciel une puissance divine, compagne assidue de la religion et de la vertu; elle nous aide à supporter la vie, s'embarque avec nous pour nous montrer le port dans les tempêtes, également douce et secourable aux voyageurs célèbres et aux passagers inconnus. Quoique ses yeux soient couverts d'un bandeau, ses regards pénètrent l'avenir; quelquefois elle tient des fleurs naissantes dans sa main, quelquefois une coupe pleine d'une liqueur enchanteresse; rien n'approche du charme de sa voix, de la grâce de son sourire; plus on avance vers le tombeau, plus elle se montre pure et brillante aux mortels consolés. La Foi et la Charité lui disent ma sœur, et elle se nomme L'Espérance.

1. Translate the foregoing passage into English.

2. Give the infinitive of est, soient, pénètrent, tient, consolés, disent.

3. Give the masculine form of compagne assidue.

4. Give the singular form, with the definite article prefixed, of the following substantives :-fleurs, charmes, yeux, sourires, mortels, tempêtes.

5. Conjugate s'embarquer in the present tense, indicative mood.

6. Parse Quoique ses yeux soient couverts d'un bandeau.

7. Translate the following sentences into French:
(a) She has lived in Paris many years.

(b) The messenger has started for America.
(c) The boy and the girl are studying geography.
(d) The children have been six years at school.
(e) It appears that the pupils make progress.
(f) It strikes two o'clock.


Translate into English the following passage:

Karl legte sich mit anhaltendem Fleiße auf die Landwirthschaft, daß ihn die Herrschaft, bei der er diente, bald wegen seiner Geschicklichkeit zu ihrem Verwalter annahm. Weil er nun bei diesem Dienste einen guten Lohn bekam, und von Jugend auf sparsam zu leben sich gewöhnt hatte, so brauchte er nicht den ganzen Lohn zu seinen wenigen Bedürfnissen, sondern erübrigte alle Jahre einen guten Theil davon. Da dachte er an seine alten, armen Eltern und schickte ihnen monatlich einen Gulden, und oft auch mehr an Gelde. Das ist die größte Freude für mich," sprach er oft, wenn ich daran denke, daß meine Eltern durch mich ein ruhiges und frohes Alter erleben, und daß ich es ihnen doch einigermaßen vergelten kann, was sie mir Gutes gethan haben!"


1. Give the plural of Sohn.


2. Give the infinitive of annahm, bekam, dachte, schickte, gethan, and kann.

3. What is the gender of Jugend and Theil?

4. What is the simple form of ganzen, alten, and armen? 5. What is the difference between das and daß ? 6. What cases do the following prepositions respectively govern auf, bei, wegen, zu, für, and durch?

7. Translate into German the following sentences:(a) The sun rises. The moon sets.

(b) A gentleman has come to us.

(c) We cannot all succeed in life.

(d) It is now sunshine, but it will soon be night.

(e) We have in London many bridges over the Thames. We shall go to-morrow by steamboat to Woolwich.



Every Candidate must perform the exercise in Composition. Candidates are recommended not to take more than half an hour for this exercise.

1. Write a short account of the life and writings of John Milton.

Or 2. The life and writings of Alexander Pope. *Or 3. Name the persons represented in the Mask of Comus, and give an account of its contents. Quote some of the passages you think most beautiful.

*Or 4. Write an essay upon the influence for good or evil exerted by works of fiction in the present day; and give a short account of any one such work which you have read.


Every Candidate must paraphrase one

passage, and do the parsing. Students must not answer more than one question in each section. Acting Teachers may, but need not, confine themselves to questions marked with an asterisk, and must not answer more than five in all.

Part of a question well answered will obtain marks.

SECTION I. *1. Furnish a classified list of the compound pronouns.

*2. Name the three auxiliaries of mood, and conjugate them.

3. Enumerate the points and marks used in written and printed language. What are the respective uses of the comma, the period, the apostrophe, and the hyphen ? Give examples.



Candidates are not permitted to answer more than one question in each section. Three hours is the time allowed for each paper unless otherwise specified.

The solution must in every instance be given at full length. A correct answer, if unaccompanied by the solution, or if not obtained by any intelligible method, will be considered of no value.


SECTION I. 1. Show by a simple example that multiplication is nothing more than a shortened mode of addition.

Express in figures:

(a) One hundred and thirty thousand and thirteen; (b) thirteen million one hundred and thirty-one thousand three hundred and thirteen. Find the quotient and the difference of these numbers.

SECTION II. 1. A manager's salary is at the rate of £2 1s. 3d. per day. What will be the total amount which he has received at the end of four years of 365 days each ? 2. A had 3640 fourpenny-pieces, B had 28,640 halfpence which had the most money, and by how much?

3. How much shall I have left out of £100, after buying 48 pairs of blankets at 12s. 6d. per pair; 3000 yards of calico, at 4s. 5d. per dozen yards; 936 reels of cotton, at 15s. per gross; and 15 yards of velvet, at 98. 11d. per yard?

SECTION III. 1. If 175 lbs. of standard gold be required to make 5616 medals, what is the weight of each?

2. Out of an income of 2555 guineas it is desired to lay by £511; what must be saved and spent daily ?

3. A lake which covers a space of one square mile in extent is drained and converted into farm‍land. After reserving 9 acres 1 rood for roads, the remainder is equally divided among 12 proprietors: how much does each receive?

SECTION IV. 1. Find the cost of 30,030 articles, at £15 18s. 8d. each.

2. What will be the value of sixty lbs. of sugar, at £28 9s. 4d. per ton?

3. A railway is constructed at a cost of £6480 per mile. Its length is 15 miles 3 fur. 4 poles. What is its total cost?

SECTION V. 1. Two fields are of equal area; one is 35 poles long and 25 poles broad, the other is 40 poles broad: : give its length in terms of feet and inches.

2. A rate of 2s. 9d. in the £ on the rental of a parish produces £352: what is the total rental ?

3. If the net income of an estate, after paying all taxes, be £534 15s., and the gross income be £570 8s., to how much in the £ do the taxes amount?

SECTION VI. 1. If I buy 3 tons of cheese at £71 5s. per ton, at what price per cwt. must I sell it so as to gain 20 per cent.?

2. On the first of January, 1870, a contractor borrows a sum of money at 5 per cent. simple interest. At the end of a year the rate of interest is reduced to 44 per cent. The total amount of interest paid up to the end of 1875 is £1760. What was the sum borrowed? 3. A sum of money has doubled itself in 16 years at simple interest. What is the rate per cent. ?

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2. A tradesman marks his goods with two prices, one for ready money, and the other for credit of six months: what fixed proportion ought the two prices to bear to each other, allowing 5 per cent. simple interest?

3. A and B together can do a piece of work in 30 days, B by himself can perform the same in 70 days: in what time could A finish it by himself, and how much more of the work does A do than B?

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