SCHOLARSHIP QUESTIONS, 1873. NOTE.-Except where different directions are printed, the time allowed for each Paper in the following series was three hours, and Candidates were restricted to one question in each section. GRAMMAR. THREE HOURS allowed for this paper. Candidates are not permitted to answer more than one question in any section, except in that headed "Latin." Candidates must not, however, confine themselves to the questions on Latin Grammar; they must answer at least four questions in the other part of the paper, and not more than three questions in the Latin Section. SECTION I. Parse the words printed in italic in the following passage: "Still where rosy pleasure leads, See a kindred grief pursue; The hues of bliss more brightly glow, SECTION II. Paraphrase the same passage: 66 Still, where rosy pleasure leads, The hues of bliss more brightly glow, SECTION III. What kind of sentence is the following? Analyse it fully. "The studies of Philosophy and Eloquence are congenial to a popular state, which encourages the freedom of inquiry, and submits only to the force of persuasion." SECTION IV. 1. Name the different kinds of verbs, and state what is meant by the terms voice, mood, tense, number, and person, when applied to verbs. Enumerate our principal auxiliary verbs. 2. What must verbs agree with in number and person, and what verbs govern the objective case? Show how each of these rules is exemplified in the passage given in Section II. SECTION V. 1. What is a preposition, and what case do English prepositions govern? Write down all the prepositions in the passage given in Section II., and put after each the word which it governs. 2. Give the meanings of the following Latin prepositions, and exemplify them by English compound words in which they occur, viz.:-ad, de, pro, præter, sub, supra, ante, post, inter, extra. SECTION VI. Write a brief account of the sources and growth of the English language. LATIN. 1. Decline in all cases Deus, cœlum, domus, nullus homo. 2. Give an example or two of adjectives which have their superlative degrees ending in limus. 3. Give the comparative and superlative degrees of acer, prope, and superus. 4. The cardinal numbers from 10 to 30. 5. The prepositions that govern the ablative. 6. The second persons plural, indicative and subjunctive, of the verbs nolo, possum, and eo, in all the tenses. 7. Translate into Latin-My father and mother were very pious, I will follow their good example. Young men hope that they shall live long. 8. Translate into English-Amplius opinione: subeunt muros vir bonus beneficiorum recordabitur: malo cum Pompeio vinci, quam cum illis vincere. GEOGRAPHY AND HISTORY. Candidates are not permitted to answer more than one question in each section. GEOGRAPHY. SECTION I. Draw a map of (a) Some county in which you have lived, inserting the rivers, hills, towns, and bounding counties. Or, (b) One of the countries on the continent of Europe, with rivers, mountains, and lines of latitude and longitude. Or, (c) Australia, India, or the Canadian Dominion, with the like additions. SECTION II. Describe in words (a) A voyage from London to Bristol, naming in order as many as you can of the headlands, bays, islands, and towns which you would pass on either hand. Or, (b) The principal rivers of Scotland, with their courses, and the towns on their banks. Or, (c) The great plain of Europe, the countries situated in it, their capitals and population. Give a more minute description of Holland. SECTION III. 1. Enumerate the British possessions in the Western Hemisphere, and give an account of one of them. 2. What possessions has the United Kingdom in Africa, and in what respect are any of them valuable? Describe Cape Colony, and Natal. 3. Describe the natural features of Australia, and name its divisions, the chief products and ports of each division, and the mode in which it is governed. In what does the value of Australia to the mother country chiefly consist? SECTION IV. 1. Name the great oceans on the earth's surface, and give their relative positions. State what Which of them has the most islands ? you know about the depth of the ocean, and its saltness. 2. Name the various countries of Asia, with the capital of each. Describe the Japan Islands. 3. Describe the territory covered by the United States of America, and name as many of those States as you can. In what State and on what water (if any), are Boston, Philadelphia, Portland, Washington, Chicago, New Orleans, San Francisco, Richmond, Buffalo, respectively? HISTORY. SECTION I. 1. Give the dates of the reigns of all the kings of England that have borne the name of Henry, and state to what dynasty each belonged. Describe the reign of Henry the First. 2. Do the same with respect to the kings of Scotland named James, and relate in detail the story of James the First. SECTION II. 1. Give some account of the life and death of William Rufus. What historical edifice, still in existence, did he commence ? 2. Relate the story of Macbeth and Malcolm Canmore. 3. The granting of the great Charter by King John, and the chief provisions of that Charter. SECTION III. 1. Relate the circumstances under which John Baliol became for a time king of Scotland. How did he lose his kingdom? 2. What was the origin of the Wars of the Roses? Describe the career of Warwick the king-maker. 3. Who was sovereign of England at the close of the 16th century, and what was the condition of the country as to power, government, laws, religion, and manners ? SECTION IV. 1. Give an account of the reign of James the Second, and the Revolution of 1688. 2. Describe the latter years of Queen Anne's reign, and the circumstances under which George the First was seated on the throne. 3. Write a short account of three of the following persons, viz. :-Boadicea, The Venerable Bede, Canute the Great, Simon de Montfort, Roger Bacon, the Good Lord James Douglas, The Regent Murray, John Knox, Sir Philip Sidney, Sir Thomas More. |