Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

tune shall hereafter make Secretaries of State; shewing their Necessity of being conversant in the Secrets of both Sexes, most politickly handled, and written by Thomas Scott, Secretary.

13. Hey-te Tyte: or, To-morrow Morning, I found an Horseshoe; being an excellent Discourse concerning Government, with some sober and practical Expedients, modestly proposed, and written by James Harrington.

14. Defamatio Regum: or the History of Ingratitude, Il Burdachio experto; an Italian translation; every Thing, and No thing, or the compleat Complier: By the Lord Fines.

15. Apuleius in Laudem Asini: or, a Panegyrick, in commendation of his late Highness's singular Virtues, and Valour, by Pagan Fisher.

16. Well flown Buzzard: or, a holy Rapture of the CourtConfessor; wherein he made a new and incredible Discovery of his late Highness, since his deccase, at the Right-hand of God: by Peter Sterry.

17. Superstition demolished: or the old Dagon pulled down, and removed from Westminster, by the Committee of Safety.

18. A new Gag for an old Goose: or, a Reply to James Harrington's Oceana, by Mr. Wren.

19. Asinus ad Lyram: or, a new Way of Improving the Goldfinders Office, proposed to the Privy-Council, for the ease of the city, by a person of a good report, and one who petitions to be Duke of the Dunghil, because he has much insight into a business of this nature; the first letters of whose name, is Alderman Atkins.

20. The Rebels Catechism, translated out of the Scottish Di rectory, by Colonel Hewson.

21. Berecynthius Heros: Wherein it is demonstrated, that Mr. Rowe is the fittest Orator for his Auditors extended ears, his voice being as low as his rhetorick, and both as lean as his person.

22. An Owl in an Ivy-Bush: or Gilbert Millington in the Chair; together with the excellent Improvement of scandalous Ministers.

23. A Curry-Comb for a Cox-Comb: or invisible John discovered, by Colonel Overton.

These are the gift of Charles Lord Fleetwood, for the better encouragement of future benefactors.



From their present dangerous, distractive, destructive Confusion, and worse than Bedlam Madness;

Seriously recommended to all English Freemen, who desire Peace, Safety, Liberty, Settlement.

By WILLIAM PRYNNE, Esq. a Bencher of Lincoln's Inn.

Judges xix. 30.-Consider of it, take advice, and speak your minds.

Prov. xii. 19, 20.-Deceit is in the heart of them that imagine evil, but to the counsellors of peace is joy. There shall no evil happen to the just, but the wicked shall be filled with mischief.

Printed at London, and are to be sold by Edward Thomas, at the Adam and Eve, in Little Britain, 1659. Quarto, containing twelve pages.

THE ambition, treachery, turbulency, avarice, and late infused

jesuitical principles of some swaying officers in the parliament's army, aspiring after the supreme authority, government, and publick revenues of our three kingdoms, having so far corrupted their judgments, seared their consciences, depraved their wills, and hardened their hearts, as openly, frequently to violate all sacred oaths, vows, covenants obligations, trusts, commissions, engagements to the late king, his heirs and successors, the old parliament, kingdom, nation, for whose defence they were originally raised, and commissioned, and, to their own new-created anti-parliamentary junctos, conventions, protectors, and conventicles, which they have all successively subverted, engrossing the sovereign, royal, and parliamental power into their own hands, opposing and advancing themselves (by mere treachery, perjury, violence, and other desperate ways of unrighteousness) like that man of sin, and mystery of iniquity, above all that is worshiped and called God; making no less than three publick revolutions of our government, and forcibly dissolving two parliaments, as they deemed them, of their own modelling, convening, within six months space, last past; and thereby made our formerly renowned nations, the scorn, reproach, wonder, derision of all the world; themselves the monsters of men, the shame of christianity, chivalry; exposed our three nations to the uttermost extremity of danger by new unprecedented ataxies, divisions, incroachments upon their hereditary rights, liberties, properties; caused a total decay of all sorts of trade, justice, legal proceedings at home, and occasioned a speedy much feared invasion from our potent combined popish adversaries abroad, when thus miserably distracted, discontented, impoverished, and totally disabled to repulse them: It is high time for every publick-spirited Englishman in this strange, distracting con


fusion (which hath almost as much divided and discontented all conscientious officers, soldiers in the army, navy, as the people of all callings, conditions) to contribute their best advice, by all just, legal, hopeful, speedy ways, agreeable with the laws of God and the land, and those rights, liberties of the people (the defence whereof all officers, soldiers in the army, have so frequently and constantly avowed they were principally raised, and resolved to defend, though they have, hitherto, failed in their promises) to recover us ont of the labyrinth of our almost inextricable amazing confusions, settle our pernicious distractions, and prevent that visible, imminent, universal desolation else likely to fall upon our church, state, nation, religion, beyond all possibility of escape, through the army officers rash destructive counsels, and violations of their trusts, oaths. engagements, both as soldiers, christians, and members of the kingdom.

The only just, legal, probable means now left that I can prescribe both for our nation's, church's, army's, present and future safety too (if they will cordially and christianly submit thereto, as they ought in conscience, justice, prudence) is,

First, for all ancient nobility of the kingdom (the hereditary great council and counsellors of the nation in all actual interregnums, and publick confusions, as our historians, records, law books, and the commons themselves in the long parliament resolved, both by custom, law, right) to assemble themselves by common consent at Westminster, or so many of them at least, or their heirs, if dead, who constantly adhered to the long parliament, and there to issue out writs according to the statute of 16. Car. chap. 1. on the third Monday of November next, under twelve or more of their hands and seals, for a free and legal election of knights, citizens, burgesses, barons, in every city, county, borough, port, according to former usage, to appear at the parliament-house in Westminster, the third Monday in January next ensuing, at a parliament then and there to be held, in such a manner and form as this act prescribes; wherein such proposals and counsels may, by common consent, be pursued, as may, through God's blessing, soon restore our pristine peace, trade, honour, wealth, prosperity, felicity; settlement, and secure us from all future changes.

Secondly, for all freeholders in every county of the kingdom, at the next county court in November, to meet together, and make choice of the ablest, honestest, wisest, stoutest gentlemen for their sheriffs, to keep the peace of the county, command the militia, suppress all insurrections, elect, return knights, citizens, burgesses to serve in parliament, and execute the office of a sheriff; it being their ancient legal right and privilege, by special grants of our kings, both in and out of parliament, which none, in late or present power, ought to incroach upon, or deprive them of, and they are all now bound to exercise and maintain for their own preservation and safety. This their right I shall clearly evidence beyond contradiction:

First, by the people's ancient right in Edward the Confessor's time, or before, in their folkmote to chuse an heretoke, a baron,

or person of quality, in every county, in nature of a captain, who had the power of the county and militia in every shire,Sicut et vicecomites provinciarum et comitatuum eligi debent per singulos comitatus in pleno folkmoto': As sheriffs of provinces and counties ought to be chosen in every county; as you may read at large in Mr. Lambard's Archaion, f. 135, de Heretochiis in Sir Henry Spelman's Glossarium, Dux et Heretochius, p. 232, 318, 349: My Sovereign Power of Parliaments, part ii. p. 24, 25: Cooke's two Institutes, p. 174, 175,

Secondly, by Rot. Claus. anno 16 Johan. Reg. part. i. m. 2. dorso. Dominus rex concessit baronibus suis, militibus & libere ⚫ tenentibus de Cornubia, quod habeant vicecomitem de aliquo ip'sorum ad electionem eorum. Idem vero barones, milites, & li'bere tenentes concesserunt Willielmo Wise, quod habeat hun'dredum de Est weneleser ad feodi firmam, sibi & hæredibus suis 'imperpetuum, per dimidium marci argenti, ad festum sancti Mi'chaelis reddendum.'

Thirdly, by Rot. Pat. An. 5. H. III. memb. 6 H. Dei gratia, '&c. archiepiscopis, episcopis, comitibus, baronibus, militibus, 'libere tenentibus & aliis omnibus de Com, Cornub. salutem. Sci'atis quod concessimus vobis quod, liberam habeatis electionem eli'gendi vobis in vicecomitem nostrum unum de Com. Cornub. Et ' ideo vobis mandamus quod eligatis tres fideles & discretos de Com. 'Cornub. & illos. nobis præsentari fac. apud London in octab. 'clausi pasche, & nos unum ex illis tribus, prout nobis placuerit, ' vobis dabimus ad vicecomitem. Et interim commisimus comita'tum illum Cornub. cum omnibus illis quæ ad nos pertinent di"lecto & fideli nostro Reginaldo de Valletorta custodiend. vobisque 'mandamus quatenus eidem Reginaldo usq; ad prædictum termi'num sitis intendentes & respondentes in omnibus, tanquam vic. ' nostro & ballivo nostro. Et in hujus, &c. T. H. de Burgo, &c. 'apud Westm. xxviii. die Jan. an. regni nostro quinto.'

Fourthly, by Pat. 10. H. III. memb. 4. Rex archiepiscopis, 'episcopis, abbatibus, prioribus, comitibus, baronibus, militi 'bus, libere tenentibus, & omnibus aliis de communibus Somer'set & Dors. salutem. Sciatis quod electioni quam fecistis de Will. 'fil. Henr. ad Vic. nostrum faciend. de Comitat. Somerset & Dorset assensum nostrum præbuimus. Et ideo vobis mandamus quod ei tanquam Vic. nostro, quamdiu nobis placuerit, intendentes sitis & respondentes. In cujus, &c. Teste Rege apud Winton. 'xxvii. die Jan.'

Fifthly, by Mat. Paris, Mat. Westminster, Daniel, and others, who record, that, in the forty-fifth year of king Henry the Third, the king placed new sheriffs in every county, displacing the sheriffs the barons and people had made; whereupon the people, in every county, manfully resisted the sheriffs, and would not obey, nor regard nor answer them in any thing, whereat the king was much troubled. Much less then ought they now to obey any sheriffs obtruded on them by the army-officers, or any other illegal usurped power.

Sixthly, by the statute of Articuli super Chartas, An. 28. E. I.

chap. 8. the king hath granted to his people, that they shall have the election of sheriffs in every shire, where the shrivalty is not of fee, if they will. And, chap. 13. forasmuch as the king hath granted the election of sheriffs to the commons of the shire, the king willeth, that they shall chuse such sheriffs as shall not charge them, and that they shall not put in any officer for rewards or bribes: And that they shall not lodge too often in one place, nor with poor persons, nor with men of religion. By which statutes (being but confirmations of the people's former rights by custom, or kings grants, on which some of them incroached, which was the occasion of these acts) all counties used to elect their sheriff: And if they elected any mean or unfitting person, as they sometimes did, he then commanded them by his writs to chuse another, who was fit to discharge that office; witness this memorable récord ensuing:

Cl. 31 E. I. m. 13 dorso. 'Rex coronatoribus & toti commu'nitati Comitatuum Salop. & Stafford. salutem. Cum nuper pro • communi utilitate regni nostri inter alia concesserimus populo 6 ejusdem regni, quod habeat si voluerit electionem vic. in singulis comitatibus dicti regni cum opus fuerit vicecom. prædict. in eisdem, ubi videlicet vicecomes de feodo non existit. Ac Ricardus 'de Harlegh, per vos in vic. comitatuum prædictorum nuper electus, ad officium illud faciendum minus sufficiens est, sicut ex testimonio fide digno accepimus: Vobis mandamus quod aliquem qui melius sciat & possit officio vic. dictorum comitatuum intendere & utilior fuerit ad idem officium exequendum in vic. eorundem comitatuum pro vobis, si volueritis, cligatis, & ipsum sic electum per · aliquem legalem & circumspectum hominem ex parte vestra cum literis vestris patentibus sub sigillis sex de discretioribus & probioribus mil. eorundem comitatuum Thess. & baronib. 'nostris de Scaccario in crastino Sancti Michaelis prox. futuri sine dilatione præsentetis, ut ipse tunc ibidem præstito sicut moris est sacramento, extunc ea faciat & exerceat, quæ ad officium vicecomitis "pertinent in com. prædictis. Et habeatis ibi tunc hoc breve: Scituri, quod si talem per vos electum modo prædicto non præsentaveritis coram præfatis Thess. & baronibus nostris in crastino 'prædicto, prædicti Thess. & barones extunc nobis de alio Vicecomite vobis præficiendo in defectu vestri providebunt.' Teste Rege apud Sarum. 16. die April.

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Eighthly, by Claus. 12 E. III. pars 2. m. 15. Claus. 13 E. III. pars 3. dors. 16. Cl. 14 E. III. pars 2. m. 3. De Vicecomitibus Eligendis per totam Angliam ;' wherein are several writs issued, authorising and commanding the people, to elect their sheriffs, in every county, throughout England; with other records, to the like effect, over tedious to recite at large.

Ninthly, by Mr. Lambard's Archaion, f. 135. and Sir Edward Cook's two Institutes on Magna Charta, p. 174, 175, 558, 559, 566, who resolve: That sheriffs, in ancient times, were, and ought to be chosen by the freeholders of the county, in the county-court, as conservators of the peace, coroners, verderers, constables, petty constables, were then, and since elected likewise

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