Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

and with these words, he took the little girl in his arms, and placing his broad shoulders against the slight form of the latter, he pushed him through the crowd, down the steps, landing him, with somewhat more haste than dignity, in the street below.

4. The young gentleman picked himself up, but rather intimidated' by the stout fist of the stranger, and rather abashed' by the laughter of the crowd, concluded it was about time for him to go home. In polite society the former would be courted and admired, and the latter overlooked and despised. "Who was the gentleman ?"

5. On a raw and blustering day last winter, a young girl, with a basket on her arm, entered one of our stores. After making a few purchases she turned to leave. Two gentlemen stood in the doorway, whose appearance indicated' that they thought themselves something; whose soft sleck coats and delicate hands were apparently' of about the same quality as their brain.

6. As they made not the slightest movement as she approached, the young girl hesitated a moment, but seeing no other way, she politely requested them to stand aside. They lazily moved a few inches, allowing her barely room to pass, giving her, as she did so, a broad stare, that brought the color to her cheek, and the fire to her eye. In stepping upon the icy pavement her foot slipped, and in endeavoring to save herself, her basket fell, and the wind scattered its con'tents in every direction.

7. At this, the two gentlemen burst into a loud laugh, and seemed to consider it as vastly amusing. "Let me assist you," exclaimed a pleasant voice; and a lad about sixteen, whose hands showed that they were accustomed to labor, and whose coarse but well-patched coat indicated that he was the child of poverty, sprang forward, and, gathering up the articles, presented the basket with a bow and a smile that would have graced a drawing-room. "Who was the gentleman ?"

8. Boys, you are all ambitious to become gentlemen. It is all very natural, but remember, that neither your own nor your parents' position in life, your tailor, your boot-black, or your

'In tîm' i dåt ed, made afraid. A båshed', put to shame.- Båsk' et -In' di cát cd, showed.- Ap pår' ent ly, in appearance.


barber, can make you one. The true gentleman is the same everywhere; not only at the social' party or ball, but in the noisy mill, the busy shop, the crowded assembly, at home or in the strect; never oppressing the weak or ridiculing the unfor tunate; respectful and attentive to his superiors; pleasant and affable to his equals; careful and tender of the feelings of those whom he may consider beneath him.



THOSE who have read of the old Roman who left his plow, and ruled the nation, returning again to his humble farm, must be proud to think how many instances of the same kind our own history furnishes. Washington was a Cincinnatus, and here is an account of another.


2. At the session of the South Carolina Legislature, in 1814, the members were perplexed for a suitable man to elect governor. The difficulty did not arise from any scarcity of candidates, for then, as now, men were ambitious, but from a want of the right sort of man. The matter became worse as the time wore on, and the election of some objectionable candidate seemed inevitable."

3. One day, however, as several of them were conversing upon the matter, Judge O'Neall, then a young man, and present by invitation, said, "Gentlemen, why not elect General David R. Williams?" "David R. Williams! he's our man-he's the man!" they all exclaimed, as they began to scatter to tell the news. The day of election came on, and General Williams was elected by a large vote.

4. A messenger was at once dispatched' with a carefully prepared letter to inform the general of his election, requesting his acceptance, and hoping he would name the day on which he

Social (so'shal), made up of companions; relating to society.—a Su po'ri ors, those above us.-Af' fa ble, talking pleasantly; easy to converse with. Cin cin nà' tus, a celebrated Roman who was called from the plow to direct the affairs of his country and command her armies -Cân' di dâtes, persons who seek or are proposed for any office.—* In ev' it a ble, that can not be avoided. Dis påtched', sent.

would take the oath of office. After a long ride, the messenger stopped at the general's residence, in Marlboro' district, we believe, and inquired if he was in. He was told that Mr. Williams was over at his plantation. The gentleman said he would ride over, as he had a note to deliver to him as soon as possible. 5. When about half way, he met a fine-looking man, dressed in plain homespun, and driving a team of mules. "Am I on the road to the plantation of General Williams?" asked the raessenger. "Yes, sir; it is about a mile further on," was the reply. "Is the general at home?" "No, sir." "Where is he?" "I am General Williams."

"You General David R. Williams?" "I am the man." "Don't deceive me. I have an important letter for Gen. Williams. If that is your name," said the doubtirg messenger, "here it is," handing the letter to the general.

6. Mr. Williams opened the letter, and found, to his utter astonishment, that, without his knowledge or consent, he had been elected governor of South Carolina. He took the messenger home, and entertained him for the night, preparing a note in the mean time accepting the appointment, and naming a time on which he would be in Columbia. The messenger returned. On the appointed day, a few minutes before twelve, a man, dressed in homespun, and on horseback, rode into town; hitching his animal to a tree, he made his way to the Capitol,' where he found a brilliant concourse of people.

7. But few knew him personally; still there was something commanding about him. He took his seat in a vacant chair; and when the clock in front of the Speaker had struck the hour of twelve, the general rose, and delivered the most masterly speech that had ever been delivered there. The farmer-statesman entirely electrified the assembly. He made an excellent governor. This thing conveys a beautiful idea: here was a farmer elected; he accepted, and from the plow went to the governor's office to preside, in a stormy crisis, over the destiny' of a sovereign State. Long live his memory!

'Cap'i tol, the building where the legislature meet.- E lec' tri fied, suddenly excited; struck with great surprise.- Pre side', to govern: to sit above others.- Cri' sis, time when any thing is at its height, and ripe for a change.— Des' ti ny, fate; fortune - Sovereign (sův' er in), supreme; obeying no other authority.




EN of thought! be up, and stirring night and day :


Sow the seed-withdraw the curtain-CLEAR THE WAY!

Men of action, aid and cheer them, as ye may!

There's a fount about to stream,

There's a light about to beam,
There's a warmth about to glow,

There's a flower about to blow;

There's a midnight blackness changing into gray.
Men of thought and men of action, CLEAR THE WAY

2 Once the welcome light has broken, who shall say
What the unimagined glories of the day?
What the evil that shall perish in its ray?
Aid the dawning, tongue and pen;
Aid it, hopes of honest men;
Aid it, paper; aid it, type;

Aid it, for the hour is ripe,

And our earnest must not slacken into play.

Men of thought and men of action, CLEAR THE WAY!

8 Lo! a cloud's about to vanish from the day;
And a brazen wrong to crumble into clay.

Lo! the right's about to conquer: CLEAR THE WAY!
With the right shall
many more

Enter smiling at the door;

With the giant wrong shall fall

Many others, great and small,

That for ages long have held us for their prey.

Men of thought and men of action, CLEAR THE WAY!



EVER speak any thing for a truth which you know or believe to be false. Lying is a great sin against God, who gave us a tongue to speak the truth, and not falsehood. It is a great offense against humanity itself; for, where there is no

regard to truth, there can be no safe society between man and man. And it is an injury to the speaker; for, besides the disgrace which it brings upon him, it occasions so much baseness of mind, that he can scarcely tell truth, or avoid lying, even when he has no color of necessity for it; and, in time, he comes to such a pass, that as other people can not believe he speaks truth, so he himself scarcely knows when he tells a falsehood.

2. As you must be careful not to lie, so you must avoid coming near it. You must not equivocate,' nor speak any thing positively for which you have no authority but report, or con jecture, or opinion. Let your words be few, especially when your superiors or strangers are present, lest you betray your own weakness, and rob yourselves of the opportunity which you might otherwise have had, to gain knowledge, wisdom, and experience, by hearing those whom you silence by your impertinent talking.

3. Be not too earnest, loud, or violent in your conversation. Silence your oppō'nent3 with reason, not with noise. Be careful not to interrupt another when he is speaking; hear him out, and you will understand him the better, and be able to give him the better answer. Consider before you speak, especially when the business is of moment; weigh the sense of what you mean to utter, and the expressions you intend to use, that they may be significant, pertinent, and inoffensive. Inconsiderate persons do not think till they speak; or they speak, and then think.


4. Some men excel in husbandry, some in gardening, some in mathematics. In conversation, learn, as near as you can, where the skill or excellence of any person lies; put him upon talking on that subject, observe what he says, keep it in your memory, or commit it to writing. By this means, you will glean the worth and knowledge of everybody you converse with; and at an easy rate acquire what may be of use to you on many occasions.

'Equiv' o cåte, to use expressions or words which may be understood in two ways, so that a lie is actually told under the appearance of truth. Im per' ti nent, not relating to the subject; rude; intrusive; meddling with what does not belong to us.--3 --Op po' nent, one with whom we differ.- Sig nif' i cant, full of meaning.- Pêr' ti nent, appropriate to the case; fitted to the end.-- Hůs' band ry, the business of cultivating the earth, raising cattle, and the management of the dairy.

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