Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

Clerk of Committees.

pocket edition of organization of government: see Organization of Government

Coakley, Michael D.

petition, compensation for personal injuries c 7

Coal, Weighers.

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M. J. Murphy, appointed c 5-confirmed c 10; Raymond J. Kennealy, appointed c 5-confirmed c 10; George P. Beckley, appointed c 5confirmed c 10; Edward A. Smith, appointed c 14-confirmed c 23; Harold H. Chapman, appointed c 14-confirmed c 23; Arthur Rock, appointed c 22-confirmed c 31; Alfred E. Nutter, appointed c 61-confirmed c 112; W. Cullen, Alexander M. Lyall, Edward A. Smith, C. R. Judkins, appointed c 109-confirmed c 117; John B. Keaney, appointed 115-confirmed c 155; Dennis Naviens, appointed c 115-confirmed c 155; B. W. Yuill, appointed c 115-confirmed c 155; John F. Mahoney et al., confirmed c 208; Michael J. Murphy, appointed c 175-confirmed c 191; James Carter, appointed c 175-confirmed c 191; Thomas F. Kelley et al., appointed for Boston & Maine Railroad, confirmed c 208; Raymond Bacon, Anna M. Lehmann, Matthew Farraher, G. W. Millen, appointed c 210-confirmed c 225; Ada S. Dicks, Hazel M. Prosser, appointed c 372-confirmed c 380; Anna Goldberg, appointed c 344; Isaac Saperia, appointed c 344; Arthur L. Fish, appointed c 253-confirmed c 274; E. J. Bacon, appointed c 348-confirmed c 364; Charles A. Crane and James R. Taylor, confirmed c 250; Donald J. Ferguson, William Coakley, appointed c 359-confirmed c 370; F. H. Harding, Jr., confirmed c 250; William P. Frost, confirmed c 250; Fred M. Churchill confirmed c 250; Fred B. Walker, appointed c 367-confirmed c 374; Edwin E. Houston, appointed c 291; Abraham H. Radlo, George A. Exley, Charles E. Jameson, Julius Stepat, appointed c 291-confirmed c 313; Norman Whittim, appointed c 262-confirmed c 274; Patrick H. Ryder, appointed c 231-confirmed c 250; John C. Bridgman, appointed c 231-confirmed c 250; R. B. Hidden, Charles T. Callahan, Herbert J. Day, appointed c 316-confirmed c 342; Richard S. Tewksbury, Raymond J. Kenneally, William J. O'Hearn, appointed c 269-confirmed c 284; R. S. Tewksbury et al., confirmed c 284; Arthur Kirby, appointed c 157

Cochituate Water Debt, Cancellation of. (See Sinking Funds.)

Cohen, Herman.

petition, compensation for damage by sewage c 110

Cohen, Louis.

petition, compensation for personal injuries c 7

Cole, James E.

appointed wire commissioner c 111-approved c 160

Coleman, George, Councilor.

appointed: committee on appropriations, executive (chairman), finance, ordinance, branch libraries, claims, inspection of prisons, Parkman Fund, public lands, unclaimed baggage с 5

orders offered: unfinished business, reference c 5
loan in anticipation of taxes c 20
sidewalks, Beacon and Mountfort sts. c 48
sidewalk orders c 57

examination of budget c 190

printing of Dr. Van Sickle's report c 193

money for planning board e 219

oration of Hon. Michael J. Murray с 283

protest concerning mail service c 352

street signs and house numberings c 379

disposition of money payable to city c 379 resolution of thanks to President Hagan, closing proceedings c 393

remarks: loan in anticipation of taxes c 20

street repairs e 151, 152

printing of school report by Dr. James H. Van Sickle c 194 appropriation for street construction c 217

improvement of Strandway c 219

next meeting e 235

question of privilege € 260

improvements, Engine House No. 19 c 275 one day in three for firemen c 306, 307

protest against city tax for corporations c 370

Charles Street Jail c 236

street signs and house numbering c 379

closing proceedings c 393, 394

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appointed: c5

Commonwealth Avenue.

appropriation: communication from the mayor with order to transfer $17,000 from the Reserve Fund, referred to executive committee c 240-report, accepted, order passed c 266

Comprehensive Street Widening Plan. (See Street Laying-Out Department.)

Conant, Chester.

petition, compensation for personal injuries c 43

Concrete Pavement.

26,500 square yards finished c 330

Connolly, Rev. Fr. Arthur T.

delivered prayer at inauguration exercises of City Council c 1 appointed library trustee c 154-notice from civil service of approval с 154-182

Connors, James F.

petition for retirement c 254-granted c 266

Connors, Thomas.

petition, compensation for personal injuries c 110

Consolidation of Sanitary and Paving Yards. (See Public Works Department.)

Consolo, Fillippo.

petition, compensation for money stolen from locker e 232


appearance: order that city clerk notify all appointees to the office of city constable to appear at the following meeting of city council in executive session, referred to executive committee c 23-report, accepted, order passed c 25

bonds: approved c 16, 47, 111, 115, 119, 153, 154, 176, 182; George Brofski et al., approved e 160; Frank G. Montague and Timothy Sullivan, approved e 174; Almerindo Sarno, approved c 259; Levi P. Fernald, approved c 249; George L. Gilbert, approved c 215; John A. Duggan, approved c 344; Joseph J. McWeeney, approved e 369; P. Berwin, John H. French, approved c 340

list of constables appointed since February 1: order that the mayor furnish a list of the persons appointed to positions in the various departments as constables since February 1, passed c 20

civil process: appointee c 50-confirmed with exception of names of Louis M. Bianco et al. c 106-confirmed c 114

connected with official positions: appointed c 50

removal: notice of removal of Allen Borofsky, M. Cangiano, A. Μ. Cresta, P. R. Dinsmore, B. S. Kenerson, G. I. Kenerson, William J. McCluskey, W. H. Monks, W. J. Hope, P. F. Powers c 180

with Animal Rescue League: appointed c 50

with Massachusetts S. P. C. T. A.: appointed c 50 list of:

BERWIN, PHILIP; appointed c 291-confirmed c 313

BUFFINGTON, ERNEST R.: appointed c 153-confirmed c 171; bond approved e 193

BYRNES, HARRY J.: appointed c 248

COUGHLAN, WILLIAM J.: appointed c 269-confirmed e 299
DAILY, JAMES L.: appointed c 367-confirmed c 375
DONAHOE, JOSEPH P.: appointed c 109-confirmed c 117
DUGGAN, JOHN A.: appointed c 316-confirmed c 342
DULEY, W. A.: appointed c 109-confirmed c 117
FAY, JOHN J.: appointed c 61-confirmed c 112

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FEE, THOMAS: appointed c 157-confirmed c 178
FERNALD, LEVI: appointed c 210-confirmed c 225-234
FRENCH, JOHN H.: appointed c 300-confirmed c 334
GALLAGHER, OWEN: taken up, indefinitely postponed c 155
GILBERT, GEORGE L., et al.: confirmed c 250

GOREN, REUBEN: appointed c 315-confiemed c 334

HARRINGTON, JOHN D.: appointed c 27-confirmed c 38
HOPE, WALTER J.: appointed c 5-laid over e 10-confirmed c 21; bond
approved c 22-notice of removal c 180

KEEN, WALTER F.: appointed c 14-confirmed c 24
KEENAN, LOUIS E.: appointed c 316-confirmed c 342

LE COURT, Louis: appointed c 277-granted c 299

MCCARTHY, WILLIAM: appointed c 61-confirmed c 112

MCCLUSKEY, WILLIAM J.: appointed c 14-confirmed c 24-notice of removal e 180

MONKS, WILLIAM H.: appointed c 34-confirmed c 49-notice of removal c 180

O'DONNELL, JOSEPH V.: appointed e 277-granted c 299

PARK, BERNARD: appointed c 109-confirmed c 117

PETERS, MATTHEW J.: appointed c 157-confirmed c 178

POSNER, MAX: appointed c 109-rejected c 118

POWERS, PATRICK F.: appointed c 5-laid over e 10-confirmed c 21notice of removal c 180

ROGAN, HENRY J.: appointed e 300-confirmed c 334

RUHL, JAMES C.: appointed constable c 115-confirmed c 155

SHINE, HENRY, et al.: appointed c 237

SMITH, G. KENDRICK, appointed e 291-confirmed e 313

SULLIVAN, JOHN J.: appointed c 5-laid over e 10-taken up, communication from the secretary of the civil service relative to, discussed c 24, 25-confirmation refused c 25

SUSAN, ABRAHAM: appointed c 14-confirmed c 24

TOWLE, ARTHUR R.: appointed c 61-confirmed c 112

TUCK, NORRIS: appointed c 109

TWOHIG, JAMES J.: appointed o 9-rejected c 21

WAUGH, JAMES: bond approved c 223

YOUNG, LLOYD N.: appointed e 367-laid on table c 375-application withdrawn c 383

rejected: Edward A. Hewitt, A. J. Norton, Samuel Simon, W. H. Travers, J. J. Vogel, rejected c 118

Consumptives' Hospital Department.

appropriation: amount allowed 1916-17 с 119

organization: c 154

trustees: John J. Barry approved by civil service c 9; Eugene V. R. Thayer, appointed c 116

cottage building: communication from the mayor and trustees, transmitting order for loan of $5,000, referred to committee on finance c 300-report, accepted, order given first reading and passage с 347taken up, passed c 364

land for out-patient department: order that the mayor be requested to submit a loan order covering the amount necessary for land for out-patient department, referred to committee on finance e 298-report, accepted, order passed c 312

new buildings: order for loan of $2,500 to be appropriated and expended for plans and specifications for new buildings, referred to committee on finance с 298

Contingent Expenses.

quarterly expense: c 223, Doc. 102, placed on file c 295; quarterly

с 372


awarding of: order that the finance commission be requested to submit as soon as possible its opinion upon the granting and approval of the mayor of contracts without advertising etc., passed c 299; communication from the mayor replying to finance commission, placed on file e 339; communication from the finance commission making report c 340, 341-placed on file e 341

nonadvertised contracts: order that the finance commission be requested to consider and report its conclusion as to award of contracts without advertising as printed in City Record November 4, November 11 and November 25, etc., passed c 342; communication from the finance commission relative to c 372-374-placed on file c 374




Contracts, Miscellaneous.

c 326

Contracts, Unknown.

e 322-332

Convenience Station.

order that the sum of $12,000 be appropriated to be expended by health commisssioner for purpose, referred to committee on finance c 313

Corbet Street.

sidewalk: report, no further action necessary c 386

Corbett, Margaret E.

petition, compensation for personal injuries c 43

Corliss, James J.

petition, compensation for damage to fence by city employee c 272

Corporations. Protest Against City Tax. (See Boston Elevated Street Railway Company.)

Convenience Stations. (See Health Department, also locations where same are to be placed.)

Converse, Evelyn L.

petition, to be reimbursed for expenses incurred by backing up of the sewage c 54

Correctional Institutions.

topics in mayor's address c2

Corsano, James.

petition to be refunded fee for building which cannot be erected c 22

Cotter, William.

petition for retirement c 110-granted c 113

Cottage Building, Consumptives' Hospital. (See Boston Consumptives' Hospital.)

Cotter, W. P.

petition, compensation for damages by break of sewer c 37

Coulthurst, John A., Councilor.

appointed: committee on appropriations, executive, finance (chairman), ordinances, county accounts, fire hazard, legislative matters, Parkman Fund, printing, soldiers' relief c 5

orders offered: sidewalk, Birch st. c 107

improvement, Pierce Field, Dorchester c 113 loan, fireproofing Faneul Hall e 163

cost of improving radial highways c 170

remarks: street repairs c 152, 153

resolution on death: c 209

County of Suffolk, County Accounts.

associate medical examiner: transfer of appropriations c 301 county accounts: appointed c 5

accommodations, East Boston Court: order that the justice of the district court be requested to report what additional accommodations are needed, and what could be done to obtain same, passed c 298; order that the justice of said court be requested to inform city council what additional accommodations are required at said court, etc., passed c 370

County of Suffolk, County Accounts, continued.

additional appropriation: communication from the mayor trans mitting two orders providing additional appropriation c 221, 222 referred to committee on appropriations c 222

appropriations: communication from the mayor and clerk of th Supreme Judicial Court with order for transfer of $2,500 from th Reserve Fund to appropriation for Supreme Judicial Court, referre to executive committee c 249-report, accepted, order passed c 251 communication from the mayor transmitting ordor to make transfers referred to executive committee c 279

additional probation officers: report on order, referred in 1915, fo appointment of, no further action necessary, accepted c 191

appropriation transfers: see Appropriations, Transfers

assistant medical examiner: communication from the mayor an assistant examiner with order for transfer of $166,000 from Reserv Fund, referred to executive committee c 335-report, accepted, orde passed c 342

appointment of probation officers and fixing salary: report o communication from justices (referred 1915), placed on file c 192 report with order, increasing salary, accepted, order passed c 192

bail: Catherine Marshall, petition for return of cash c 369-report referred to committee on claims c 383

bonding: bonds were received for register of deeds, assistant registe of deeds, treasurer, social law library, referred to committee on count, accounts c 370-report, accepted, bonds approved c 375

clerical assistance, Municipal Court: communication from justice of Municipal Court, requesting c 362-report, with order, accepted passed c 365

clerk hire, Registry of Deeds: May report, referred to committe on county accounts c 106-report, accepted, approved c 107; Augus c 246; statement from August 28-September 25, approved an ordered paid c 273; statement, September 25-October 23, approve and ordered paid c 295; statement, November, approved and ordere paid c 363; statement, December, referred to committee on count accounts c 341-report, accepted, approved c 341; January e 378

constable's salary: communication from the justice of Police Court Chelsea, relative to increase of salary of John F. Sullivan, referred t committee on county accounts c 9-report with order, increasin salary, accepted, order passed c 192

early court records: report, no action necessary on order to rescine orders for arrangements (1915), accepted c 386; report, no action necessary on order to discontinue work on files e 386

explosion at jail: communication from the sheriff, recommendin payment to Massachusetts General Hospital for damages caused by explosion c 15, 16-report with order, accepted, passed c 193

East Boston District Court: communication from the justice in creasing salary of probation officer Daniel J. Kelleher, referred t committee on county accounts c 344

increase in probation officer's salary: communication from justic of the juvenile court increasing salary of John B. O'Hare, referred te committee on county accounts -report, accepted, order passed c 342

interpreters, Municipal Court: order that chapter 109 of Acts 1916 an act authorizing appointment of interpreters be accepted, referred t executive committee c 57-report, no further action necessary c 386

leave of absence to perform military duty: communication from the mayor and corporation counsel relative to, with order authorizin payment, referred to executive committee c 226-report, accepted order passed c 229

matrons at House of Detention: see House of Detention

medical examiner: report, accepted, order passed c 251

medical examiner, Northern District: see Medical Examiner Northern District

medical service: report, accepted, order passed c 193

Municipal Court: order for transfers from appropriations e 301

Municipal Court, Charlestown: communication from the mayo transmitting communication from the justice of the Municipal Cour and order for transfer of $296.67 from the Reserve Fund to said court referred to executive committee, c 291-report, accepted, order passec

с 299

Municipal Court, South Boston: communication from the mayo transmitting order for transfer of appropriation, referred to executive committee c 270-report, accepted, order passed c 274

payment of premiums, court officers: order that chapter 39 0 General Acts of 1916, entitled "An Act Relative to Payment of Pre miums on the Bonds of Court Officers," be accepted, referred to execu tive committee c 38-report, accepted, order passed c 44

pension for court officer: order that chapter 322 of Special Acts o 1916, relative to pensioning court officer A. H. Abbott be accepted referred to committee on county accounts o 174-report, accepted order passed c 193

County of Suffolk, County Accounts, continued.

probation officer, Brighton: communication from the justice, fixing salary of Edward J. Drummond, referred to committee on county accounts с 374

probation officer, East Boston: communication relative to c 160; report on increase of salary, accepted, order passed c 192

probation officer, Juvenile Court: report, with order for appointment, с 58, 59-accepted, passed c 59; communication from Justice Cabot, appointing and confirming appointments, referred to committee on county accounts c 30

probation officers, Municipal Criminal Court: communication from chief justice, appointing William A. Maloney, William J. Joyce, Eleanor F. Holland, referred to committee on county accounts c 176report with order in new draft, accepted, passed c 192

probation officers, West Roxbury: communication from chief justice fixing salaries of Fred B. Skelton and Arthur R. Towle, referrred to committee on county accounts c 320

registry of deeds: statement of pay rolls, January and February, approved c 19; statement, March and April, referred to committee on county accounts e 43-report, accepted, approved c 44; May, referred to county accounts c 154-accepted, approved c 154; June, approved and ordered paid c 207; July, referred to county accounts c 228approved and ordered paid c 230

salaries, county jail: report, accepted, ordinance passed c 234

salaries of clerks and justice, Roxbury Court: orders accepting acts relative to, passed (2) c 342; communication from the mayor vetoing order, placed on file e 344

salaries of justice, etc., South Boston Court: order that chapter 261 of General Acts of 1916, relative to be accepted, passed c 342, 379; communication from the mayor vetoing order, placed on file c 344

salaries of Roxbury court officers: order that chapter 262 of General Acts of 1916, relative to, be accepted, referred to executive committee c 177

salaries of South Boston court officials: order that chapter 261 of Acts of 1916, be accepted, referred to executive committee c 178report, accepted, order passed c 230; communication from the mayor vetoing order c 238

salary of Roxbury justice: order that chapter 263, Acts of 1916, relative to salary of justice, be accepted, referred to executive committee c 178-report, accepted, order passed c 229, 379; communication from the mayor vetoing order c 238

Suffolk County Courthouse, general plant: communication from the mayor, sheriff and heating engineer, relative to plant, with order for transfer of $1,700 from the Reserve Fund, referred to executive committee c 272-report, accepted, order passed c 274

Superior Civil Court accounts: communication from the finance commission relative to, placed on file с 190

Superior Court, Criminal Session: communication from the mayor with order for transfer of appropriation, referred to executive com

mittee c 279

transfer of appropriation, Roxbury Municipal Court: communication from the mayor and clerk of court with order for transfer, referred to executive committee c 279-report, accepted, order passed

c 286

transfer to Charles Street Jail: communication from the mayor and sheriff, transmitting order for transfer of $50 from Reserve Fund to Charles Street Jail for apprehension and return to Charles Street Jail of R. L. Smith, referred to executive committee c 285

new wall at county jail: communication from the mayor transmitting order for loan of $10,000 amended, passed c 236; communication from the mayor transmitting communication from the sheriff relative to order to transfer $300 from the Reserve Fund to rebuilding wall of jail, referred to executive committee c 264-report, accepted, order passed c 266,

County of Suffolk Apportionment Commission. (See Suffolk County, Apportionment Commission of.)

с 231

County of Suffolk, Commission to Apportion into Representative Districts. (See Suffolk County, Representative Districts.)

Courthouse, Forest Hills. (See West Roxbury.)

Court Square.

police station: see Police Department

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Davis, Anna L.

petition, compensation for injuries caused by a defect e 272; petition, compensation for injuries caused by falling over catch-basin cover с 295

Davis, Frederick S.

notice of appointment as deputy commissioner of vital statistics c 362

Day, Clifton S.

petition, compensation for damage to motor truck by snow and ice falling from building c 254

Day Labor Force.

с 331, 332

Day Labor Work.

с 327-330

Day off for Policemen. (See Police Department.)

Day Street.

sidewalk: schedule of cost with orders to assess and collect, passed с 176

Dean, May L.

petition, compensation for damages by blasting c 264

De Bock, J., Estate.

petition, compensation to be paid for expense incurred on account of stoppage in main sewer c 372

Debt Incurring Power in 1916.

c 37

Debts Incurred in 1916.

c 37

De Camillio, Ernesto.

petition, compensation for injuries received c 372

Deer Island.

power plant: see Penal Institutions

Definition of Words Used in Minutes.

The following words and phrases as used in these minutes shall, unless a contrary intention clearly appears, have the following meanings, respectively:

The words "officer," "officers" and "administrative officers," when used without qualification or description, shall mean any person or persons in charge of any department, bureau or division of the city. The said words when used in contrast with a board or members of a board, or with bureau or division heads, shall mean any of the persons in sole charge of a department of the city.

The word "ordinance" shall mean a vote or order of the mayor and city council entitled "ordinance" and designed for the permanent regulation of any matter within the jurisdiction of the mayor and city council as laid down in the charter.

The term "registered voter" shall mean a voter qualified to vote for elective officers.

Delano, Raymond P.

petition to sell land, Columbia rd. c 361-taken up, referred to committee on finance с 352

Denning, John F.

petition, compensation for damages by change of grade c 7

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