Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση



Licenses, continued.

minors: granted c 10, 19, 23, 38, 44, 48, 55, 106, 112, 116, 163, 190, 210, 224, 228, 232, 246, 265, 297, 341, 363, 370, 374, 378

Lincoln, Llewellyn.

communication from the mayor transmitting communication from, relative to pension received for services at House of Correction, referred to executive committee c 301

Lincoln Monument.

removal: see Art Department

Liquor License Fee.

M. J. Murray, petition c 242-refused c 286; Kathinka Brinson, petition c 273-refused c 286

List of Streets to be Reconstructed.

e 159

Loan in Anticipation of Taxes. (See Loans.)


appropriation for sewerage works: see Public Works Department
bath house and gymnasium, Ward 5: see Park and Recreation De-

bath house, Broadway: see Public Buildings Department
completion of Strandway: see Strandway, South Boston

convenience station, Grove Hall: c 313

cottage building, Consumptives' Hospital: see Boston Consump-
tives' Hospital

heating improvements, Long Island: see Long Island
high pressure fire service: see Public Works Department
highway loans: see Street Laying-Out Department

cik Hyde Park ave.: see Hyde Park Avenue

loan for fire station, Hyde Park: see Fire Department

loan for remodeling fire houses: see Fire Department

loan in anticipation of taxes: order for loan of $9,000,000 in anticipation of taxes for current municipal year, discussed c 20, 21-referred to executive committee c 21-taken up, given first reading and passage e 21-taken up, given final reading and passage c 31

loan orders in force: communication from the city clerk relative to loans $500,000 and $300,000 for making highways; $165,000 high pressure service, $12,000 for Carolina Avenue Playground, being in force since June 17, 1916, placed on file c 182

loans authorized but not issued: communication from the mayor transmitting order rescinding loans that are not required, referred to executive committee c 14-report, accepted, order passed c 21

new buildings, Consumptives' Hospital: see Consumptives' Hospital new police station, Hyde Park plans: see Police Department

North End Park: see North End Park

Parker Hill Playground: see Parker Hill Playground
playground, Carolina ave.: see Playground, Carolina Avenue
playground, South End: see Playground, South End

renovation of Faneuil Hall: see Public Buildings Department
Savin Hill Playground and Beach: see Savin Hill Playground and

sewer construction, Charles River Basin: see Charles River Basin

Logrolling, Question of.

by Hon. Nathan Matthews c 183

Loitering in Streets. (See Ordinances.)

Lomasney, Joseph P.

appointed schoolhouse commissioner e 154-notice from civil service c 154-approved c 182; appointed superintendent of public buildings temporarily c 302

London, Hermine.

petition for a hearing on her claim for personal injuries c 54

Long Island.

coal pocket: see Boston Infirmary Department

fire protection and heating improvements: communication from the mayor transmitting order for loan of $108,000, referred to committee on finance c 300; notice from the city clerk that loan order is in force, not having been rejected or withdrawn within sixty days, placed on file c 369; communication from finance commission and the mayor, referred to committee on finance c 350, 351-report c 364, 365-accepted, given first reading and passage c 365

Lovett & Smith Company.

petition, compensation to be paid for lights of glass broken by stone dumped on the Ward 7 Playground c 115

Lucacio, Joe.

petition, compensation for damage to sled by city ash cart c 7

Lulligan, Thomas A.

notice of appointment as maritime sanitary inspector c 22

Lundstrom, John T.

petition to be paid expense of repairs on sewer c 54

Lynch, Delia.

petition, compensation for personal injuries o 110

Lynch, John P.

petition to be retired c 227-granted c 229

Lynch, Richard A.

notice of resignation as superintendent of public buildings e 301

Lynde, William.

petition for a hearing on his claim for damages sustained c 110

Lyon Street, Ward 18.

sidewalks: Timothy Gearin et al., petition c 320

Lyons, Alice R.

petition, compensation for personal injuries c 47

MacDonald, Belle.

petition, compensation for injuries caused by defect on Beacon st. c 22

Maher, Peter F.

petition, compensation for damages by flooding of water c 43

Mahoney, John J. and Ellen.

petition, compensation for damages by a City Hospital ambulance c 54

Mail Service.

protest against change, referred to executive committee c 352

Maliff, Frank G.

petition, compensation for horse blanket used by city employees because of accident in sewer c 249

Mallison, Amasa P.

petition, compensation for hearing on claims for personal injuries c 389

Maloney, James.

petition for retirement c 223-granted c 225

Manning, Elizabeth.

petition, compensation for damages and injuries by ice falling c 37

Manning, Joseph P.

appointed hospital trustee c 55-approval c 111

Mansion House Ice Cream Company.

petition, compensation for injury to truck by a team of the public works department c 15

Marathon Race.

order to rope off streets for, passed c 56

Marine Park.

convenience station: communication from the mayor transmitting communication from the park commissioners, placed on file e 61 convenience stations: order that the park commissioners be requested to submit an estimate of cost of erecting, etc., passed c 49

Market Department.

opening of markets, June 16: communication from the mayor with order allowing privilege of keeping open Faneuil Hall and Quincy markets, passed c 159

Marshall, Catherine.

petition for return of cash advanced for bail e 369-report, referred to committee on claims c 383

Martin, Edward J.

petition for retirement c 110-granted c 113

Martin, John B.

notification of appointment as election commissioner c 48-approved c 105; appointed superintendent of supplies c 340, 362

Martin, Margaret.

petition, compensation for damages by water c 9

Massa, Peter.

petition for retirement c 37-granted c 44

Massachusetts Volunteer Militia.

target practice: communication from the mayor transmitting order for appropriation, referred to executive committee c 181-report, no further action necessary e 386

Masters, Parker, Company.

petition, compensation to be paid for damage to goods by break in water pipe c 115

Matheson, John A.

petition, compensation for damage to schooner by ferryboat c 9


Engine House No. 19: see Fire Department

Matthews, Hon. Nathan.

communication from, relative to rights of city council c 182-184

order requesting opinion on street repairs. passed c 170, 171; communication from, relative to rights of city council c 182-184

Mayor, The.

address: c 1-4

appointment of constables to various positions: see Constables inauguration of city council: c 1

public celebration: order that expense attending home coming of Second Brigade, M. N. G., be charged to appropriation of public celebrations, referred to executive committee c 364-report, accepted, order passed c 365

remarks: appropriation for street construction c 212-219 appointments:

ATTEAUX, FREDERICK E.: appointed cemetery trustee c 154-notice from civil service commissioners e 154

BALCH, EMILY: appointed member of city planning board e 116 BARRY, JOHN J.: appointment as Consumptives' Hospital trustee c 9 BRENNAN, FRANCIS J.: appointed member of board of street commissioners c 362-378

BRIER, FRANK L.: notice of approval by civil service commission c 264; see, also, Brier, Frank L.

CASSIDY, JOHN J.: appointed sinking funds commissioner c 116
COLE, JAMES E.: appointed wire commissioner e 111-approved e 160
CONNOLLY, REV. ARTHUR T.: appointed library trustee c 154-notice
from civil service commissioners c 154-approved c 182

DILLON, JOHN: appointed park commissioner c 116

DOHERTY, D. FRANK: notice of acceptance of resignation as superintendent of supplies c 296

DONNARUMA, JAMES V.: appointed infirmary trustee c 302-notice of approval by civil service c 344

FOWLER, WILLIAM P.: appointed overseer of the poor c 154-notice from civil service commissioners c 154-approved c 182

GIBSON, CHARLES: notice of resignation as park commissioner c 48 GOOKIN, MARGARET J.: appointed overseer of the poor c 154-notice from civil service commissioners c 154

HICKEY, JOHN F.: appointed examiner in building department e 110 KEARNS, WILLIAM F.: notice of resignation as schoolhouse commis sioner c 9

KENNEY, WILLIAM F.: appointed library trustee c 111-notice o approval c 154

KNEELAND, FRED J.: appointed superintendent of public buildings c 296; communication from the civil service c 296-notice of con firmation e 321

LALLY, Thomas F.: appointed e 232-confirmed c 242-certified by civil service commissioners c 232

LOMASNEY, JOSEPH P.: appointed schoolhouse commissioner c 154 notice from civil service commissioners, e 154-approved e 182notice of appointment as superintendent of public buildings c 30: LYNCH, RICHARD A.: notice of resignation as superintendent o public buildings c 301

MANNING, JOSEPH P.: appointed hospital trustee c 55-approved c 11 MARTIN, JOHN B.: notice of appointment as election commissione c 48-approved c 105-appointed superintendent of supplies c 340


MCLEAN, LOGAN L.: appointed sinking funds commissioner c 116 MINTON, JOHN M.: notice of designation of John M. Minton as chair man c 48

O'CONNOR, T. D.: approved c 111

PEABODY, ROBERT S.: appointed park and recreation commissione c 273-approved by civil service commissioners c 296

ROWEN, HENRY S., DR.: appointed trustee of hospital departmen c 362-approved e 378; communication from the civil service com missioners asking for information e 370

SPROULES, THOMAS: appointed c 160-approved by civil service com missioners e 207

THAYER, EUGENE V. R.: appointed consumptives' hospital truste c 116

[blocks in formation]
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appointed: committee on appropriations, executive, finance, ordinances, branch libraries, claims, county accounts, legislative matters, printing (chairman), public lands, soldiers' relief, unclaimed baggage c 5; determination of boundary lines c 283

orders offered: sale of unclaimed baggage c 5

day in three for firemen c 20

use of streets, loitering c 20

retirement of veterans c 107

ice for drinking fountains e 116

transfer of land, Orient Heights c 191

expenses of mobilization c 21 sidewalks, Seymour st. c 239

branch library, Ward 23 c 234

pension for Henry Fox c 273

pension for Annie Doherty c 273

cost of remodeling Winthrop st. fire house c 283 pension to Annie Doherty c 283

boundary lines and marks c 283

payment of city employees before Christmas c 343 payment for welcome to second brigade 364

Morton st., sidewalk c 371

public hearing, high cost of living c 352

remarks: one day in three for firemen c 20

confirmation of appointment of John J. Sullivan c 24, 25 appropriation for street repairs e 149, 150, 152, 168, 169 money for street repairs e 173

printing of Dr. James H. Van Sickle's report e 194, 195 loan for street repairing c 196-198

appropriation for street improvements c 215, 216

next meeting c 235

one day in three for firemen c 305, 306, 308, 309 time off for firemen c 311

high cost of living c 352

question of privilege c 352, 353

alteration tracks, South Boston c 354

East Boston reservoir c 354, 355

wages of city laborers c 392

[blocks in formation]

McLean, Logan L.

appointed sinking funds commissioner c 116

McMurtry, A. J. & G. H.


petition for refund of portion of fee for permit paid to public works department c 115

McNamara, J. J.

petition for retirement c 153-granted c 155

Medical Examiner. (See County of Suffolk.)

Medical Examiner, Northern District.

additional appropriation e 221; communication from the mayor and medical examiner with order for transfer of $620 from the Reserve Fund to appropriation for, referred to executive committee c 319, 320report, accepted, order passed c 341

transfer: communication from the mayor with order for transfers, referred to executive committee с 241

Medical Service in Courts. (See County of Suffolk.)

Meeting House Hill.

branch library: see Library

Meeting House Hill District.

reading room: see Library Department

Melanson, Octavia M.

petition, compensation for damage to clothing by auto truck c 227

Melia, Martin F. J.

petition to retire c 378-granted c 380

Melledy, Mrs. G. A.

petition, compensation for injuries received from a fall c 264

Mendon Park.

changing name of street: see Centervale Park

Meridian Street.

lighting: order to illuminate from Sumner to Lexington sts., passed c 355-report, accepted, order passed c 391

Merrill, James F.

order that special act authorizing city to pay pension be accepted, re ferred to executive committee c 116-report, accepted, order passe c 155; order to allow and pay pension, referred to executive committe c 116-report, accepted, order passed c 155

Merrimac-Roman Company.

petition, compensation for damage to property by overflow of water c 23

Metcalf, George A.

release of land, Alford st.: see Alford Street

Metropolitan Coal Company.

petition, compensation for damage to lighter c 7

Metropolitan Park Commission.

land, Walnut st., Neponset: see Neponset

taking of land for apparatus, Neponset Bridge: see Neponse Bridge

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