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Pelicotetics or the Science of Quantity. An Elementary Treatise on Algebra and its Groundwork Arithmetic. By ARCHIBALD SANDEMAN, M.A. 8vo. 20s.

Arithmetic for the use of Schools and Colleges. By A. WRIGLEY, M.A., Professor of Mathematics in the late Royal Military College, Addiscombe. 3s. 6d.

Principles and Practice of Arithmetic. By the Rev.

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KEY, with Questions for Examination. Second Edition. 5s.

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Elements of Algebra. By the Rev. J. HIND. Sixth

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Trigonometry required for the Additional Subject

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Elementary Trigonometry.

M.A., Fellow of Trinity College. 3s. 6d.


Elements of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry.

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Mechanics required for the Additional Subjects

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Elementary Hydrostatics. By W. H. BESANT,

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Mechanical Euclid. Containing the Elements of
Mechanics and Hydrostatics. By the late W. WHEWELL, D.D.
Fifth Edition. 5s.

Elementary Statics. By H. GOODWIN, D.D. Bishop

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Elementary Dynamics. By H. GOODWIN, D.D.

Bishop of Carlisle. Fcp. 8vo, cloth, 3s.

A Treatise on Statics. By the Rev. S. EARNSHAW,

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Problems in illustration of the Principles of Theo

retical Mechanics. By W. WALTON, M.A. Second Edition. 8vo. 18s.

Treatise on the Motion of a Single Particle and

of two Particles acting on one another. By A. SANDEMAN. 8vo. 8s. 6d.

Of Motion. An Elementary Treatise. By the Rev.

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Chapter I. General principles of velocity and acceleration. Chapter II.
Of the motion of a point in general. Analytical expressions for velo-
cities and accelerations in certain directions. Chapter III. Of the
motion of a point affected by a constant acceleration, the direction
of which is always the same. Chapter IV. Of the motion of a point
affected by an acceleration, the direction of which always passes
through a fixed point. Chapter V. Of matter and force. Chapter VI.
Of the dynamical laws of force, commonly called the laws of motion.
Chapter VII. Of certain cases of free motion in nature. Chapter VIII.
Of constrained motion of particles. Chapter IX. Of impulses and
collision of particles. Appendix. Of the Cycloid.

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Problems in illustration of the Principles of Theo

retical Hydrostatics and Hydrodynamics. By W. WALTON, M.A. 8vo. 10s. 6d.

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Treatise on the Differential Calculus. By W. WALTON, M.A. 8vo. 10s. 6d.

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Calculation; and Applications of Mathematical Principles to Theories of the Physical Forces. By the Rev. J. CHALLIS, M.A., F.R.S., F.R.A.S., Plumian Professor of Astronomy and Experimental Philosophy in the University of Cambridge, and late Fellow of Trinity College. 8vo. 15s.

An Introduction to Plane Astronomy. For the

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Practical and Spherical Astronomy for the use chiefly of Students in the Universities. By the Rev. R. MAIN, MA, Radcliffe Observer, Oxford. 8vo. 14s.

Brünnow's Spherical Astronomy. Translated by

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M.A., Fellow of St John's. Second Edition, enlarged. Crown 8vo. 68.

Exercises on Euclid and in Modern Geometry,

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