8. That no Student be admitted to the B.A. Degree by reason of his passing this Examination, unless it be certified to the Council that he has attended a course of lectures given by one of the following Professors; viz. Professor of Moral Philosophy, Professor of Modern History, Professor of Chemistry, Professor of Geology, Professor of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy, and have satisfied the Examiners, in one of the papers given at some one of the special Examinations in Moral or Natural Science. And that every such Student may present himself to be examined whenever the Special Examinations are held, upon his name being sent in to the Examiner by the Prælector of his College one fortnight previously. 9. That the Examiners shall arrange the names of those who pass in two classes, the names in the first being arranged in the order of merit, and those in the second alphabetically. 10. That the Class List shall be published in the Senate-house at the latest at 10 A.M. on the Thursday before the general B.A. admission in the Easter Term, at which general admission all persons whose names are contained in the Class List, subject to the conditions in clause 8, may be admitted to the title of Bachelor Designate of Arts. 11. That the Examination shall be conducted by three Examiners nominated by the Council, and appointed by the Senate at the second Congregation in the preceding Lent Term, and that each Examiner shall receive Ten Pounds from the University Chest. 12. That there shall be a second Examination in every year at the time of the Examination for the Law Tripos conducted by the same Examiners in a manner similar to that held in the Easter Term. 13. That one of the Proctors and one at least of the Examiners shall be present during every part of the Examination both in the Easter and in the Michaelmas Term. 14. That two of the Proctors' or Pro-Proctors' men shall be in attendance during every part of the Examination both in the Easter and in the Michaelmas Term. ADDITIONAL REGULATIONS (confirmed by Grace of the Senate, Feb. 13, 1868) to meet the case of those Students in Theology who are required to satisfy the Examiners in one of the papers in Natural or Moral Science : 1. a. That in the Special Examination in MORAL PHILOSOPHY for the Ordinary Degree of B.A. one of the three papers to be set be restricted to Stewart's Outlines of Moral Philosophy. b. That in the Special Examination in HISTORY for the Ordinary Degree of B.A. one of the three papers to be set be restricted to The Outlines of English History from the Norman Conquest to the Accession of George IV. c. That in the Special Examination in POLITICAL ECONOMY for the Ordinary Degree of B.A. one of the three papers to be set be restricted to Fawcett's Manual of Political Economy, Bk. 1., Bk. 11. c. 1–7 inclusive; Bk. 111. c. 1-6 inclusive. 2. That in the Special Examinations in Natural Science the papers to be set shall be restricted as follows: a. In Chemistry, each of the Parts I. II. III. mentioned in the public Schedule shall be the subject of a separate Paper. EXAMINATION IN MORAL SCIENCE. 1. That the Examination shall begin on the Monday next but one before the general admission to the B.A. Degree in the Easter Term, in the following branches of knowledge, in each of which branches three papers shall be set, viz. MORAL PHILOSOPHY. Subjects: Stewart's Outlines of Moral Philosophy. Butler's Three Sermons on Human Nature. Whe HISTORY. well's Edition. Whewell's Lectures on the History of Moral Philosophy, 1-15. Cicero de Officiis, Books 1 and 2. Subjects: Outlines of English History, from the A Period of European History, to be selected by POLITICAL ECONOMY. Subjects: Smith's Wealth of Nations, McCulloch's edition. Fawcett's Manual of Political Economy. F. Bastiat, Harmonies of Political Economy. 2. That Students presenting themselves for this Examination shall be required to select one of these branches of study and to shew a competent knowledge of the branch thus selected, and that no Student be examined in more than one branch. 3. That the Examination shall be conducted entirely by printed papers. 4. That there shall be a meeting of the Examiners previous to the Examination, when the papers set by each Examiner shall be submitted to both the Examiners for their approval. 5. That the Prælectors of the several Colleges shall furnish the Examiners at least one fortnight before the Examination with lists of the Students of their Colleges who intend to present themselves for Examination in each of the above branches of study. 6. That every Student' before being admitted to the Examination shall deliver to the Registrary a certificate, signed by the Professor of the branch of Study he has selected, stating that he has attended one course of his Lectures, and that no certificate of approval shall be valid for obtaining the B.A. Degree unless it shall appear that this regulation has been cou plied with, or dispensation from attendance granted under Regulation 7. 7. In case any Student by reason of sickness, absence from the Univer. sity, or other urgent cause, shall have been prevented from attending the requisite course of Lectures, the Vice-Chancellor and Proctors shall be empowered to grant a dispensation from attendance and a written permission for such Student to present himself at the Examination specified therein. 8. That the Examiners shall draw up a plan of Examination to be approved by the Vice Chancellor, notifying the days and hours of Examination in the different subjects, and shall send a copy of such plan to the Prælector of each College before the commencement of the Examination. b. In Geology, one of the Papers shall be limited to the subjects in Part 11. of the published Schedule, omitting Paragraph 2. c. In Botany, one of the Papers shall be limited to "The description of living plants." 1 This does not apply to Theological Students, who are only examined in one paper; they must, however, bring to the R-gistrary their certificates of attendance at Professor's lectures, before they can be admitted to their degree. d. In Zoology, one of the Papers shall be limited to Part 11., sections 1,4,5, of the published Schedule, and shall be restricted to "Vertebrates." 9. That the Examiners shall publish separate lists of those who pass in each of the above branches, arranging the names in two classes, the names in the first class being placed in order of merit, and those in the second alphabetically. 10. That the Class List shall be published in the Senate House at the latest at 10 A.M. on the Thursday before the general B.A. admission in the Easter Term, at which general admission all persons whose names are contained in the Class List may be admitted to the title of Bachelor designate of Arts. 11. That the Examination shall be conducted by two Examiners nominated by the Council, and appointed by the Senate at the Second Congregation in the preceding Lent Term, and that each Examiner shall receive ten pounds from the University Chest. 12. That there shall be a second Examination in every year at the time of that for the Moral Sciences Tripos, which Examination shall be conducted by the same Examiners in a manner similar to that held in the Easter Term. 13. That one of the Pro-Proctors and one at least of the Examiners shall be present during every part of the Examination both in the Easter and in the Michaelmas Term. 14. That one of the Proctors' or Pro-Proctors' men shall be in attendance during every part of the Examination both in the Easter and in the Michaelmas Term. EXAMINATION IN LAW. 1. That the Examination shall begin on the Monday next but one before the general admission to the B.A. Degree, in the Easter Term, in the following branches of Law, viz.: (1) Justinian's Insitutes in the original Latin. (2) Lord Mackenzie on Roman Law, or the Elements of Hindu and Mohammedan Law. (3) Malcolm Kerr's abbreviated edition of Blackstone. 2. That the Examination shall be conducted entirely by printed papers. 3. That there shall be a meeting of the Examiners previous to the Examination, when the papers set by each Examiner shall be submitted to both the Examiners for their approval. 4. That the paper in Justinian's Institutes shall consist of passages for translation and questions upon the subject. 5. That the Prælectors of the several Colleges shall furnish the Examiners at least one fortnight before the Examination with a list of the Students of their Colleges who intend to present themselves for Examination, specifying those who wish to be examined in Hindu and Mohammedan Law. 6. That every Student before being admitted to the Examination, shall deliver to the Registrary a certificate from the Regius Professor of Laws, from the Downing Professor of the Laws of England or from the Whewell Professor of International Law, stating that he has attended one course of Lectures; and that no certificate of approval be valid for obtaining the Degree of B.A. or B.L. unless it shall appear that this regulation has been complied with, or dispensation from attendance granted under Regulation 7. 7. In case any Student by reason of sickness, absence from the University, or other urgent cause, shall have been prevented from attending the requisite course of Lectures, the Vice-Chancellor and Proctors shall be empowered to grant a dispensation from attendance and a written permission for such Student to present himself at the Examination specified therein. 8. That the Examiners shall draw up a plan of Examination to be approved by the Vice-Chancellor, notifying the days and hours of Examination in the different subjects, and shall send a copy of such plan to the Prælector of each College before the commencement of the Examination. 9. That the Examiners shall publish a list of those who pass, arranging the names in two classes, the names in the first class being placed in order of merit, and those in the second alphabetically. 10. That the Class List shall be published in the Senate-house at the latest at 10 A.M. on the Thursday before the general B.A. admission in the Easter Term, at which general admission all persons whose names are contained in the Class List may be admitted to the title of Bachelor designate of Arts. 11. That the Examination shall be conducted by two Examiners nominated by the Council and appointed by the Senate at the second Congregation in the preceding Lent Term, and that each Examiner shall receive ten pounds from the University Chest. 12. That there shall be a second Examination in every year at the time of that for the Law Tripos, which Examination shall be conducted by the same Examiners in a manner similar to that held in the Easter Term. 13. That one of the Pro-Proctors and one at least of the Examiners shall be present during every part of the Examination, both in the Easter Term and at the time of the Law Tripos Examination. 14. That one of the Proctors' or Pro-Proctors' men shall be in attendance during every part of the Examination, both in the Easter Term and at the time of the Law Tripos Examination." EXAMINATION IN NATURAL SCIENCE. 1. That the Examination shall begin on the Monday next but one before the general admission to the B.A. degree in the Easter Term, in the following branches of Natural Science, viz. (1) Chemistry; (2) Geology; (3) Botany; (4) Zoology, including Anatomy and Physiology; as defined in extent by the Schedule, in each of which branches three papers at least shall be set. 2. That Students presenting themselves for this Examination shall be required to select one of these branches of study, and to shew a competent knowledge of the branch thus selected, and that no Student be examined in more than one branch. 3. That the Examination shall be conducted entirely by printed papers. 4. That there shall be a meeting of the Examiners previous to the Examination, when the papers set by each Examiner shall be submitted to both the Examiners for their approval. 5. That the Prælectors of the several Colleges shall furnish the Examiners, at least one fortnight before the Examination, with lists of the Students of their Colleges who intend to present themselves for Examination in the above branches of study. 6. That every Student' before being admitted to the Examination shall deliver to the Registrary a certificate, signed by the Professor of the branch of Science he has selected, or by a Professor of any subject included in that branch, stating that he has attended one course of his Lectures; and that no certificate of approval shall be valid for obtaining the B. A. Degree unless it shall appear that this regulation has been complied with, or dispensation from attendance granted under Regulation 7. 7. That in case any Student by reason of sickness, absence from the University, or other urgent cause, shall have been prevented from attending the requisite course of lectures; the Vice-Chancellor and Proctors 1 See the note on p. 14. shall be empowered to grant a dispensation from attendance and a written permission for such student to present himself at the Examination specified therein. 8. That the Examiners shall draw up a plan of Examination to be approved by the Vice-Chancellor notifying the days and hours of Examination in the different subjects, and shall send a copy of such plan to the Prælector of each College before the commencement of the Examination. 9. That the Examiners shall publish separate lists of those who pass in each of the above branches, arranging the names in two classes, the names in the first class being placed in order of merit, and those in the second alphabetically. 10. That the Class List shall be published in the Senate-house at the latest at 10 A.M. on the Thursday before the general B. A. admission in the Easter Term, at which general admission all persons whose names are contained in the Class List may be admitted to the title of Bachelor designate of Arts. 11. That the Examination shall be conducted by two Examiners nominated by the Council and appointed by the Senate at the second Congregation in the preceding Lent Term, and that each Examiner shall receive ten pounds from the University Chest. 12. That there shall be a second Examination in every year at the time of that for the Natural Sciences Tripos, which Examination shall be conducted by the same Examiners in a manner similar to that held in the Easter Term. 13. That one of the Pro-Proctors and two at least of the Examiners shall be present during every part of the Examination both in the Easter and in the Michaelmas Term. 14. That one of the Proctors' or Pro-Proctors' men shall be in attendance during every part of the Examination both in the Easter and in the Michaelmas Term. SCHEDULE defining the range of the subjects in the Special Examination in Natural Science for Ordinary Degrees. CHEMISTRY. PART L. HEAT. The questions may embrace The different sources of heat. The general effects of heat in producing expansion, liquefaction, and vaporization. Definition of temperature, measure of temperature. Construction of a common thermometer, and comparison of thermometric scales. Coefficient of expansion. Expansion of water. Tension of aqueous vapour at different temperatures. Difference between saturated and unsaturated vapour. Dalton's laws. Disappearance of heat during liquefaction, evaporation, and expansion of gases. Measure of quantity of heat. Communication of heat by conduction, convection and radiation. Relative conducting powers of common substances. Comparative absorption of radiant heat from different sources in passing through air, glass, and rock-salt. Reflection or absorption of heat at the surface of bodies. Newton's law of cooling. Simple calculations or questions depending directly upon the facts or laws above specified. PART II. CHEMISTRY. The questions may embrace The definition of an element. The conditions of occurrence in nature, and the leading characters of the following elements: Oxygen, Hydrogen, |